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The Blew Out My Flip Flop Cointest


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Posted (edited)

2011 has not been good to me and I can’t wait for it to be over. I date all my misfortunes back to March when my camera gave up the ghost and I replaced it. Then calamity after calamity happened. I discovered that home ownership is expensive as well as owning an older car. Then the vet bills last week and to top it off one of my cockatiels died yesterday. You probably have seen my other thread where I am selling coins to pay the vet bills and am wondering “why is she having a cointest and giving one away when she is selling coins to pay those vet bills?” My coin sale thread


Very good question and here is my answer. Today I pulled out more coins so I could take pictures of them (with my new jinx camera LOL). I found the flip flop coin and decided that was a great coin to sell right now. I took it outside to my patio table and took a few pictures of it. When I was putting it back into the plastic flip one of the straps on the coin broke off! D@mn I blew out my flip flop! Of course right then one of my all time favorite songs “Margaritaville” started playing in my brain.

I was still a bit upset about the coin but instead of being grumpy about it I was smiling and humming. Jimmy Buffett is playing here again tomorrow night but sadly I don't have tickets. :(


So in order to win the “blew out flip flop coin” here is what you have to do. Post something to make me smile or laugh. It can be a story, a joke, a picture or what ever but I need smiles! There are only a couple of rules.


1 Keep it family friendly

2 You can post 4 times during a calendar day. The calendar day is determined by this forum date stamp.

3 Cointest ends on Tuesday July 27 at noon EDT. I hope to have the coin mailed out before I leave for the Midwest Geobash. Thank goodness the Bash is paid for!

4 Since I know that you guys will be good at this I will use a random number generator to pick the winner.


I could make up more rules as we go along but maybe those are enough.


Here is a picture of the coin before the calamity. This coin is trackable and has not been activated only blown out. I will take a picture of it after the calamity struck and post it tomorrow.



Edited by LadyBee4T

OMG... perfect funny story for "The Blew Out my Flip Flop Cointest"


So two 4th of July's ago I was riding my bike with my sisters and aunt down to... of course... check out the fireworks. I threw on my flip flops and got on my bike to see the spectacular show. We sat on a grassy hill and enjoyed the show for a good 45 minutes. As we are riding back, I turn to my sister next to me and challenge her to a race back down the hill. Of course you can't turn down a good sibling rivalry so we start peddling as fast as we can. We are going at least 30 down this hill and all of a sudden SNAP! Well I guess my flip flops couldn't keep up, and my strap totally snaps. <_< My foot falls to the pavement and drags on the floor a good 20 feet. After slowing down with out losing my balance, I realize that my toes look like they just got ran over by a lawnmower. My sisters and aunt are busting up all the way home, and of course when I get home, my whole family, who have had a few too many by then, started busting up as well. After getting cleaned up and a good icepack strapped to my foot, I enjoyed the rest of the night with my family.... And of course I bought new flip flops :laughing:B)

Posted (edited)

Come in to be that attracted to the slipper, I believe this is an interesting discussion43.gif

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Edited by koike

When I was at Wright State, I was walking home from a party wearing flip flops. I decided to take the short cut back to my dorm. I come to what I think is a ditch that is about 10 feet wide. I ruled at long jump in high school... so I thought that I would be capable of making it across. What I didn't take into account was *hmmmhmmmm* the party and wearing flip flops. I take a run at it.... JUMP. I land 1 foot from the bank and 2 feet in brownish-black stuff. Then I get a whiff of it. Definitely not just a creek :unsure: I step out of the septic water without one of my flip flops. It got stuck in the "mud". I then had to walk back to the dorms 1 mile with one flip flop and smelling like a toilet. Luckily when I got back to the hall it was 3AM and nobody was awake to make fun of me.




P.S. Sorry I don't have any pictures of the ordeal... that would have topped it off.


Well I'm not funny but I understand hardship and sadness. Here's something I have on my wall that makes me feel better. Hope things get better for you, and they will, because it is a cycle.


I like the flip flops too! It's suitable for a cache of mine in Florida!




Well I'm not funny but I understand hardship and sadness. Here's something I have on my wall that makes me feel better. Hope things get better for you, and they will, because it is a cycle.


I like the flip flops too! It's suitable for a cache of mine in Florida!




That reminds me of the quote (usually attributed to Arthur C Clarke but others have said similar):


"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."


MrsB :)

Posted (edited)

Well I'm not funny but I understand hardship and sadness. Here's something I have on my wall that makes me feel better. Hope things get better for you, and they will, because it is a cycle.


I like the flip flops too! It's suitable for a cache of mine in Florida!




That reminds me of the quote (usually attributed to Arthur C Clarke but others have said similar):


"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."


MrsB :)


Yes! Carl Sagan said something similar. He said both possibilities are equally amazing, and I agree. Although, that picture I have doesn't speak to me about gods or other life forms. I'm an atheist. To me, it's about our being alive with the stars, planets, animals, and all that.

Edited by SeekerOfTheWay
Posted (edited)

Wow I didn't realize there were so many funny flip flop stories!! LOL These are a great start!!

Your posts don't have to include flip flips though just to clarify.


Here is something that never fails to make me smile and feel good. I tried to talk my son into something like this but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. You have probably seen it as it went viral and now has over 68 million hits. No one will ever forgot going to this wedding!




(Hey I actually figured out how to embed the video!!)




Keep the smiles coming!!

Edited by LadyBee4T

My aunt loves Greyhounds and is involved in a group that help rehabilitate and find good homes for retired greyhounds. She owns 2 of her own and often has 1 or 2 foster dogs around the house. One night while out in the yard they came across a stripped cat. It showed no fear and calmly walking across the lawn. So the dogs went to investigate this strange stripped cat. One of dog barked at it while the other wanted a closer look. While the one dog approached the stripped cat it gave a bit of a hit. This caused the dog to pause for a second but peaked the dogs curiosity even further. Not being deterred the dog crept closer to the stripped cat. At that point the stripped cat was out of patience with it's pursuer. So the stripped cat turned tail... Next thing you see it a grey streak flying across the yard yelping and whimpering. The stench of rotting eggs just covering the poor animal.


That day boy Greyhounds learned not to mess with stripped cats.

Posted (edited)

Oh my dear LB!!! I completelly understand you.....

my and my family are in the bad luck this period too! Actually...this summer is the worst summer ever... for us!!


anyway.... here we are to share some smiles.....


here is my first one.... It was sent to me and I laughed!


It is quite old and probably from a movie.... but it is funny!!!!




edit to say... click on the icon you see... to see the video!

Edited by GATOULIS
Posted (edited)

As promised here is a pic of the Blown Out Flip Flop that was the inspiration for this cointest and will also be the prize.



Hey... who chew my flip flops???? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

see the bright way LB! you have a yades now( I do not know how to write it... I am talking about the wishbone of a chicken...) too! :laughing:


hmm.... I am wondering if that is common or just a miss of the metal.... did you try superglue there?

Edited by GATOULIS

As promised here is a pic of the Blown Out Flip Flop that was the inspiration for this cointest and will also be the prize.


Tell the truth now. It didn't break while you where trying to put it away. The temptation was just too much and you had to try them on didn't you? :laughing:


I bit of solder and you'll be good to go. Even super glue would fix that.

Posted (edited)

As promised here is a pic of the Blown Out Flip Flop that was the inspiration for this cointest and will also be the prize.



Hey... who chew my flip flops???? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

see the bright way LB! you have a yades now( I do not know how to write it... I am talking about the wishbone of a chicken...) too! :laughing:


hmm.... I am wondering if that is common or just a miss of the metal.... did you try superglue there?


The way my luck has been the wishbone wouldn't break in my favor! :laughing::huh:


Yesterday I decided to finish sealing the seams on my tent beofre the Midwest Geobash next week. I had run out of the one brand I used and since that store was quite a distance away I went to the closest one and bought another bottle of a different brand. BAD MOVE!! I poured it into a styrofoam cup to brush it on as I had with the other brand. I was in the middle of the tent and the stuff literally melted out the bottom of the cup! I got a puddle in the tent, drips all over the floor as I tried to get out and it spilled all over my hands and then dried on my hands. Even today I can't get all of it off my hands. I took it back to the store and ended up going to 4 other stores to find something different since REI was out of the stuff I wanted. Soooo after all that I could just imagine super glue all over my fingers on top of that stuff. :blink: Nope I didn't even try super glue. :laughing:


Tell the truth now. It didn't break while you where trying to put it away. The temptation was just too much and you had to try them on didn't you? :laughing:


I bit of solder and you'll be good to go. Even super glue would fix that.


Ahhh you caught me!!! A cointest popped into my head before I even had a chance to think about solder or super glue. This should be a fun thread anyway! The winner can try those things and let us know if it works! I have no idea if this has happened to other flip flop coins. I have one more but am afraid to take it out of the plastic flip

Edited by LadyBee4T
Posted (edited)

Wow I didn't realize there were so many funny flip flop stories!! LOL These are a great start!!

Your posts don't have to include flip flips though just to clarify.


Here is something that never fails to make me smile and feel good. I tried to talk my son into something like this but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. You have probably seen it as it went viral and now has over 68 million hits. No one will ever forgot going to this wedding!




(Hey I actually figured out how to embed the video!!)




Keep the smiles coming!!


I first thought of including some Beatles references, but that might not be enough. Then, I thought of some dog pictures, but I think you need more. Then, I saw this video that you included, and I figured I would try to embed one as well. This is from my absolute FAVORITE tv show right now: The Office. A couple of seasons ago, the cast did their own version of the wedding dance, and included it in an episode. let's see if I can get this to work...

Edited by SgtMikal

ok... time for new videos.....


here is a lovely parrot... Einstein.... the smartest parrot on earth...

unfortunatelly the parrot passed the rainbow bridge last year... I think...


Posted (edited)

ok... here is a greek one..... the guy became famous by trolling....


believe ti or not... he is not crazy!!! he want to do this... he was in the last elections too... his political party got... only 51 votes, but...


the guy is from Rethymno in crete!


For more info.... the interview is about the new measures andtaxes the goverment put... and the crisis... that made people go out and complain... the old man is trying to talk and explain why he is out too... when the old man with the hat is comming close.....




edit to say.... this is real!!! not a fake video!!! hahahahahahha

Edited by GATOULIS

When I was about 10, my family and I were spending the day at my Uncles house on the Ohio River. We had a Jet Ski there that we were taking turns on. My grandpa got on but didn't bother to ask for a lesson from my uncle. My grandpa was big into motorcycles, so I guess he figured he could handle it. Dad warned him not to go across the river because he was still learning. Well, he buzzed by us twice and then decided to go across the river. He ended up flipping it. This normally isn't a big deal.... you just get back on. Well, my grandpa was about 6 foot 4 inches and 260 pounds... and not a very graceful man. He spent about 15 minutes trying to get on.... then we spotted two barges heading on a collision course for him. IF there are two things never to play chicken with, it's trains and barges. When you have millions of tons being hauled it is very difficult to stop. So, my dad had to swim across the entire river before the barges destroyed my grandpa and the jet ski. Luckily, my dad was in pretty good shape at the time. He swam across... started the jet ski up... and dragged my grandpa across the river. It wasn't funny at the time.... but hilarious to think about now.


The End


My mom would kill me if she knew i was sharing this.......


This past weekend was my stag & doe and we all had orange shirts on with what we were on the back, (mine said BRIDE, KDT's said GROOM, then Best Man etc.)


We had to put the letters on ourselves, so i cut out the letters and my mom ironed them on. Here is our first attempt (wholeheartedly thought we were doing this perfectly right)




and then, a video of myself texting the picture to kyle and laughing more than i ever have laughed before!




Stag and Doe?


It's a wedding tradition around here, you hold a big party called a stag & doe, or sometimes a buck & doe, and people come to play games and buy tickets on raffle prizes. It is a way for close friends and family to help raise money for the bride and groom for their upcoming wedding. We used it as an excuse for a big party!

Posted (edited)

Wow I didn't realize there were so many funny flip flop stories!! LOL These are a great start!!

Your posts don't have to include flip flips though just to clarify.


Here is something that never fails to make me smile and feel good. I tried to talk my son into something like this but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. You have probably seen it as it went viral and now has over 68 million hits. No one will ever forgot going to this wedding!




(Hey I actually figured out how to embed the video!!)




Keep the smiles coming!!


I first thought of including some Beatles references, but that might not be enough. Then, I thought of some dog pictures, but I think you need more. Then, I saw this video that you included, and I figured I would try to embed one as well. This is from my absolute FAVORITE tv show right now: The Office. A couple of seasons ago, the cast did their own version of the wedding dance, and included it in an episode. let's see if I can get this to work...


I don't watch much tv because I can't afford cable so I have never seen that before. I got a big laugh when the guy kicked the woman in the face! Maybe that tells you the mood I've been in....



SgtMikel hit on the fact that I am also a big Beatles fan. Paul McCartney will be here Sunday and again no tickets for me. That's ok since I saw him once in his prime. :lol:

Edited by LadyBee4T

My mom would kill me if she knew i was sharing this.......


This past weekend was my stag & doe and we all had orange shirts on with what we were on the back, (mine said BRIDE, KDT's said GROOM, then Best Man etc.)


We had to put the letters on ourselves, so i cut out the letters and my mom ironed them on. Here is our first attempt (wholeheartedly thought we were doing this perfectly right)




and then, a video of myself texting the picture to kyle and laughing more than i ever have laughed before!




I hope that she wore it as is!!!! It has character :lol:


haha we made a new one for her but were sure to put this one up on display for everyone to enjoy! You can see it in the background of this photo




And, just to make this post an entry, here is one of my favorite cute photos: Koda's WONDERDOG pose :)




haha we made a new one for her but were sure to put this one up on display for everyone to enjoy! You can see it in the background of this photo




Sorry for cutting your dog photo... (I love the dog...) but something is strange and interesting in this photo....


Have you seen videos and photos trying to show ghosts... or energy from passed away people.... that look like light balls on the air.... I mean... spheres of something like a light or cloud..... a ball... that you can see from inside...

see here.... http://www.ghostcentral.ca/orbs.html


check again your photo..... see the right part... near the light....and the photosof the men on the wall.....


after that.... I am wondering..... what did you drop on the photo??? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:




Sorry for cutting your dog photo... (I love the dog...) but something is strange and interesting in this photo....


Have you seen videos and photos trying to show ghosts... or energy from passed away people.... that look like light balls on the air.... I mean... spheres of something like a light or cloud..... a ball... that you can see from inside...

see here.... http://www.ghostcentral.ca/orbs.html


check again your photo..... see the right part... near the light....and the photosof the men on the wall.....


after that.... I am wondering..... what did you drop on the photo??? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

hahaha we get them in all our photos- ive come to the conclusion they are my grandpa who passed of cancer 10 years ago. But the eyes on that picture are SCARRY!!!! lol :blink:

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