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Residential Coinage... Housing Wanted


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Housing Wanted?... Yes please :)


Looking for 7 homes for 7 coins... Thats about it, who wants to be the caretaker? I am a middle-aged geocoin guy just lookin for somethin new. Need a home in a safe location for 7 beautiful shiny pieces of trackable inadimate objectory to sit pretty awaiting to be discovered in YOUR cache!


NOW...heres the deal: They wanna be "resident coins" (they will LIVE in YOUR cache to ONLY be discovered) they will be activated and sent to you by me to place in your cache with an accompanying card stating that they are a resident coin. They will still be owned by me [:)] but you get to put them in your cache, I need 1 of each of the following for residency.


1. rarely visited cache

2. Mystery Cache

3. 3.5 star or higher terrain

4. an Ammocan

5. a new cache (placed when you recieve coin)

6. 3 stage or higher multi

7. Your Favorite cache YOU OWN


RULES: Must be a safe location...thats about it! Higher the terrain the better, the less visited the better...the further out in the hills, sticks or mountains THE BETTER! ;)


I have had pretty good luck with my resident coins and would like to get a few in other places where others can enjoy them, yet they stay safe. The title of the coin will include the word "resident coin"... you can afix them in any way you want, but the card that will accompany them will state that they are "to be left in cache" so if you just wanna drop em in, thats fine. If any go missing or get moved, no worries at all, its part of the game. SO, drop me the GC# or link to the cache and which residential listing (1-7) you are trying to fulfill in this here topic and I will pick where my coins are gonna go. I will also then pick which coins will go according to the cache description.


Hope this works as planned...let me know, thanks again and Till Next Time~ CACHE HARD and CACHE ON! - now lets get em livin LARGE! [;)]

Posted (edited)

Nice idea! I'll definitely volunteer with one of my caches.


I'd like to enter http://coord.info/GC2KXNW for category 1 or 2. The cache is in Oslo, Norway, and has been favourited by many of those few who have found it. I guess the mystery requires a bit more time than most people normally put into finding a cache. That should keep most geocache-looters and newbies away.

Edited by mamoreb
Posted (edited)

D.--- I would like to add one of my caches as a permanent drop for one of your coins.

Have a look at GC2G9DC -- Opa's Sudoku Cache and let me know what you think.


I forgot , this is an over-sized AmmoBox.

Edited by OshnDoc
Posted (edited)

I am placing a new cache this fall with a 3.5 star or better. I am about 99% positive that the container will hold a coin, if not I can change the container to a cointainer LOL. If interested let me know.

Edited by Davequal

mnfishnutz and I have a cache in a cool spot. The cache page is GC2MEW8. We would like to enter It fits category 1, 3, and is up there for #7. The cache is in Plymouth Mn on top of a big hill in a big woods and is our second most favorited cache. And you have to be looking for it to find it. Really cool idea with the resident geocoins! It would be an honor to house one!


I would love to enter this... but as I will be leaving this area soon, I am no longer creating new caches. I have taken down several of my caches to make room for other local cachers. I had a container that was PERFECT for this... but alas I took it down also.


Great idea by the way. Eager to see where they go! Good Luck little coins!


I would like to add my cache GC2DPAQ as a home. Mine would qualify for 1,4 or 7 AND I am currently working on two caches right now that would qualify for 1,2,5 & 6

wasnt able to view this link :( but sure is neat to have some applicant options :) thanks again and BTW, I dont expect them to be dropped ASAP, but when you have a chance is fine. I know how it is gettin out to even do a maintenance check on ones own caches. Just lookin for some neat places for some of my stash :)


I would like to offer one of my caches for your consideration as a home for one of your coins: GC1HDTR -- Gee Whiz! Rated a D2/T4, it has had only 8 visitors since I placed it in 2008, despite its spectacular views. I offer it for categories 1, 3, 4, or 7. (Yes, it is an ammo box now. I'll change that when I'm back in good Internet range. Also, I'm not sure how to add a link from my phone. Sorry!)


I love your unique idea. :-)


I love your unique idea. :-)


I want to echo this sentiment. I don't have any caches of my own - I just don't feel "worthy" of cache placement as of yet. Perhaps after I reach 1000 finds?


At any rate, kudos for coming up with a truly one-of-kind thread, and I think I'm a better cacher for having read it.


Here's my submission for #1, 2, and 7: Fill in the Blanks (GC114T1). It's only been found 19 times since 2/2007. Just checked on it, and it's waiting patiently for the next finder...


I would like to add my cache GC2DPAQ as a home. Mine would qualify for 1,4 or 7 AND I am currently working on two caches right now that would qualify for 1,2,5 & 6

wasnt able to view this link :(

Checked the GC.. LOL :laughing:


I love your unique idea. :-)


I want to echo this sentiment. I don't have any caches of my own - I just don't feel "worthy" of cache placement as of yet. Perhaps after I reach 1000 finds?


At any rate, kudos for coming up with a truly one-of-kind thread, and I think I'm a better cacher for having read it.

LOL... then your DEFINATLEY worthy! Ummm...have you found some of them caches out there??? :laughing: Im sure your caches with that kind of attitude would meet and exceed many out there these days. So grab up that container you got, place it in that place you been thinkin bout and come back and tell us all about it and of course which coin would be best fitting for your wonderful cache. I got one just for it! :anibad:


So cool... I will give it a day or 2 and see what we got for residency. My main concern would of course be security of the location, but man, after reviewing these caches it seems that a coin comes to mind for each of em! :lol: This will be harder than I thought, but then again...I got a lot of coins! :laughing::laughing::laughing: I may contact you privatly to ask a few questions, so thanks again for all the options. Im really lookin forward to gettin a few of em out there. :)


But please...if you have a cache of your own that you REALLY like in a securre location, Big enough for a coin...POST IT! we wanna see it! :anicute::anicute::anicute: Im totally down to ship my coin anywhere in the world B)


I'd like to put a bid in for #5 (new cache). For my birthday my husband gave me 4 different cache containers so we can work together to place our first caches. All 4 would hold a coin (one's a PVC tube with caps, there's a magnetic key box, an amo can, and a black metal tin)


Ill give it another day for others to take a look, but I'd like to thank everyone who gave me an option. I think its pretty neat knowing your coins are out there and safe in a cache. Just neat, ya know :) ill pick the new residences then the residents soon enough. That'll be some good coin fun I must say. :)


Hi I just saw your thread and I wonder if I could submit this cache for #7 http://coord.info/GC2Z950. Its my own cache that I place a few weeks ago. Its right outside my house so I meet most of the cachers that come by. Also we dont hear of coins going missing much here except in the high tourist areas and we are not near there :) Have a look and tell me what you think.


We could do a new cache (#5). We have been playing with the idea of placing a coin in a cache to discover only so that to get people to be more aware of geocoins and how to discover them. We cache a lot and are always disapointed to find caches with coins listed in the inventory only to find the cache empty, we find about 20% of the listed trackables are actually present. We want to help educate people on how to log coins as discovered or grabbed from...

Posted (edited)

Really cool idea 007BigD! I think we might start putting copies of some of my coins in our caches for discovery as well. I have some coins which I just couldn't let travel but it would be great to have discovered!

Edited by Troutonthebrain

Hi! I have a cache that I've been waiting to place right across the street from me. It is a fake pinecone around an empty avon container (yes I gooped them on individually and yes I love geocaching). It is big enough to fit small swag and geocoins (just not travel bugs with large toys). It is going to be a member's only cache, with the option to email me their info/user name for coordinates so I have a user name to go with the person that has my coordinates. As I don't have a coin of my own... I would take good care of it and would make sure people know the coin is just for visitation and NOT for travel. Also, it would be rarely visited because I am in the mountains. It will be a level 4 difficulty as well. This would fall under 5 or 7. Thank you for considering... Blessings to you!

Posted (edited)

So we got 11 residential options here and 6 potential new caches for residencey...:) Sure wish my link button worked, but you get the whole URL! lol Im posting them all here to keep it simple to browse. Some neat caches here too.


mamoreb- Snip, Snap, Snute- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2KXNW for 1 or 2


OshnDoc- Opas Soduko cache- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=ed0e5088-511f-454a-af38-5d605163fb76#


Troutonthebrain- Cache a falling star- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2MEW8 for 1,3,7


Farrtom- Bunch of patches- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2dpaq 1,4,7


CW88- Chamois Croft Cache- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=7ecd1702-4321-4103-846e-6707aaae9b40



Steel City Babes-The Pheasant rises from the ashes- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=0b38b105-00d2-46d3-99e7-cb624411a69d 1,4,6


Flute face-Gee Whiz- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC1hdtr&Submit6=Go 1,3,4,7


Mooncat&KDT-Kimis Secret tree- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=b0f34fac-ab6b-4a67-9f83-69030ad034c9 7


Kungfuhippie- SYF right off your head- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2cytk 1,2,7


Moozer- fill in the blanks- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC114t1 1,2,7


Jpbarr- its all Conkers- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2z950 7


and new caches from:








Please keep in mind that you are gonna have to place this coin in the cache... I gotta give myself a few days to review and round up some coins. Thanks everyone again... lookin forward to giving some of my coins some great homes. If coins could talk, im sure they'd thank you too! Nothin better than great caches, cept great caches with coins in em! ;) Hollar back soon atcha!

Edited by 007BigD
Posted (edited)

So we got 11 residential options here and 6 potential new caches for residencey...:) Sure wish my link button worked, but you get the whole URL! lol Im posting them all here to keep it simple to browse. Some neat caches here too.


mamoreb- Snip, Snap, Snute- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2KXNW for 1 or 2


OshnDoc- Opas Soduko cache- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=ed0e5088-511f-454a-af38-5d605163fb76#


Troutonthebrain- Cache a falling star- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2MEW8 for 1,3,7


Farrtom- Bunch of patches- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2dpaq 1,4,7


CW88- Chamois Croft Cache- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=7ecd1702-4321-4103-846e-6707aaae9b40



Steel City Babes-The Pheasant rises from the ashes- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=0b38b105-00d2-46d3-99e7-cb624411a69d 1,4,6


Flute face-Gee Whiz- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC1hdtr&Submit6=Go 1,3,4,7


Mooncat&KDT-Kimis Secret tree- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=b0f34fac-ab6b-4a67-9f83-69030ad034c9 7


Kungfuhippie- SYF right off your head- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2cytk 1,2,7


Moozer- fill in the blanks- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC114t1 1,2,7


Jpbarr- its all Conkers- http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2Z950 7


and new caches from:








Please keep in mind that you are gonna have to place this coin in the cache... I gotta give myself a few days to review and round up some coins. Thanks everyone again... lookin forward to giving some of my coins some great homes. If coins could talk, im sure they'd thank you too! Nothin better than great caches, cept great caches with coins in em! ;) Hollar back soon atcha!

Hi, I'm glad you are considering my cache for #7 but in your final listing here you have got the wrong cache link for "it's all conkers" It should be http://coord.info/GC2Z950. :)

Edited by jpbarr

Hi, I'm glad you are considering my cache for #7 but in your final listing here you have got the wrong cache link for "it's all conkers" It should be http://coord.info/GC2Z950. :)

lol ,all fixed... but its still wrong in the copied post, you can edit it if you want, or remove it. no matter


Thanks for the update!


I read the replies and thought - how about making some visit cards with info about what geocoins are and how to log them? If we made a PDF file with 8-16 cards, the coin hosts could print the cards and refill their caches upon opportunity. That could probably help educate people about geocoins and help people understand that the coin needs to remain in the cache.


According to Groundspeak policies, the cards should probably not include the tracking numbers - just general info about the discovery-only coins, a reminder to write down the tracking code, and how to log the coin as discovered on the website.


Dear GeoFriend,


Cache - GC2AJM5 - http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=209b1470-3e1d-4ae7-a97c-e9afe1e11d7f


I have a cache that I would love to be the recipient of a resident GeoCoin. The cache is very lonely, you see. It is both a mystery cache, a rarely visited cache (this is why it needs a coin to keep it company), and my favorite geocache that I own. And since the coins are looking for a nice place to settle down, might I add that the cache is hidden in Portland, Oregon's historic Ladd's Addition neighborhood; one of the oldest and most oddly shaped neighborhoods on the west coast. The cache is very safe and most of the people who visit it are veteran geocachers who would love to discover it. Thanks for your consideration!




Just wondering if a final decision had been made :)


LOL...YUP! and the descision is..................


perfection takes time..... and I need some more! :anitongue::laughing::anitongue:


Really tho, im just short on it and dont have too much more than a phone most of the time these days anyway. I still have to pick the coins!!! :shocked: and have one more thing to do before that even. :rolleyes:


But no worries!!!... Its a go!!!... I just wanted more than 7 out there is all, so its takin a little bit more to see exactly wheres a good place for what. AND I havent exactly brought all my coins down and able to dig through em yet either, SO... I guess bottom line is- :blink: I havent even started????? :blink: LOL... that sums it up really :ph34r:


SOON MY FRIEND!!!... soon! :smile:


All potential cache owners have been contacted! ;) ... I had to do it in a couple batches, as GC.com wont let you spam their members. sent some out last night and today. I still need to send a few to the folks that want to place a new one :) so ill get the ball rollin soon on gettin them picked, activated AND sent! :anibad:


OH... and did I mention we'll be having a new lil cacher ANY DAY NOW!!! :anicute: id like to do another cointest as I did for my first lil cacher... just not sure on that one yet, BUT SHE'LL BE HERE SOON!


Well as i havent received an email I guess my cache wasnt one of the lucky ones....Bummer :(

Anyway, enough of that :) Huge congrats for for the upcoming new arrival.


Well as i havent received an email I guess my cache wasnt one of the lucky ones....Bummer :(

Anyway, enough of that :) Huge congrats for for the upcoming new arrival.

...I did send you an email :) lemmee check and make double sure of that tho. I sent all messages through GC.com last night and this morn.

Posted (edited)

lemmee check and make double sure of that tho. I sent all messages through GC.com last night and this morn.

Yup...yer right! I missed ya! ;) no worries...its comin...and I wont even have to ask if your still interested! :lol:

Edited by 007BigD


OH... and did I mention we'll be having a new lil cacher ANY DAY NOW!!! :anicute: id like to do another cointest as I did for my first lil cacher... just not sure on that one yet, BUT SHE'LL BE HERE SOON!



Super excited! Thank you for contacting me! Had to lower my difficulty level - hope that doesn't change anything. Still a premium cache, though :) So happy for you and your newest little cacher! Blessings, HH


Did all your coins find a home? We are almost done with our next puzzle cache and it will have a hiding place as fun and exciting as some of our puzzles. Check out my profile page to see what your coin will be getting itself into :)






All coins going IN caches have been selected! :) Browsed the caches and went through coins, I think you all are gonna really like the coins I picked. :yikes:


Sent a few more emails to "new cache" placements, but basically have a small pile of coins that are gonna be going to new homes soon! 13 to be exact...and all specially selected for your cache :anicute::blink::anicute:


Now I gots a bunch of activating to do, :angry: which may not exactly happen tonight, but when im all done, ill post the coins and which ones are goin where!!!


Cant wait to get some of these out there as I am sure all cache owners will be happy with their new resident occupant! :) SO...for the books these are the cache owners that I got coins for right now.

















Still awaiting a reply from others I sent messages to tonight and other I still needed an addy from. It was a lot of fun going through the caches and locations and goin through my coins picking nice Residents. Thanks, I needed a good ol coin session! :anibad:


SO...keep em peeled, cuz ill be back soon with a list of the coins! :ph34r:



Thanks for the patience and sorry for the delay, all coins have been activated and appointed their Missions! All I am waiting on now is a few extra funds to ship em all off, LOL which shouldnt take too long. Just lots goin on these days and really took a few sessions of finding free time to get em all wrapped up.


Went from haulin around a 40 lb box of coins in the trunk, to hauling around a 2 lb box of coins, digging through another 40 lbs of coins,then a sheet of paper with all yer names and tracking numbers for activation to finalize a bag of 21 geocoins that will be sent out to new homes. :yikes:


Even ran into one that was already activated and owned all to find out that 2 identical tracking numbers were issued on the same coin! :huh: Hows that!


I think ill wait to post a list till they get sent off, id like it to be a nice surprize. So thanks again everyone and ill let you all know when they ship! :anicute:

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