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Great Times at the BAD Mega!


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Hi Everyone, I know there hasn't been much talk on this forum of WestCan 1, the first Western Canadian Mega Event held this last weekend in Three Hills, Alberta but I just gotta share....

What a BAD time we had :lol:!! There were many awesome satellite events planned for us including a geocaching canoe trip, Hutterite colony tour (ending with pie!), tours of the badlands and of course a Geocoin event hosted by TethysC and C-side girl.

Saturday for me was a HUGE day! It started out with Jeremy joining us at our breakfast table....and ending with a group night cache episode....BEYOND FUN! In between we watched the town parade, bought a new GPS at an amazing deal, did the new Canadian GPS maze, my first Wherigo, and collected 11 ICONS in one day. Definitely a record for me!


The geocoin event was really a highlite for me. I have never been to any GCF or anything but I think now I may have a taste of how hectic it may be. I maybe got a third of my coins onto two tables before I was bombarded with people asking all sorts of questions. It was crazy and fun at the same time! I met so many people and was in my element talking about my passion to others even if some of them thought I was nuts.


At the end of the night as I was packing up...there was a flashy new coin on my table that I hadn't put there at the beginning of the evening! A Wizard mystery coin! Thanks mystery person...this coin was definitely on my list of dream coins. I love cartooney type and bold colours of this design.

So...some pictures you say? YOU BET!!!


And I do have some BAD event coins and BAD Geocoin Event coins for trade :laughing:




Round coin with Dinosaur BoB is Event coin...reverse image coin on the right and Geocoin Event coin is the Alberta shaped coin with Bob on one side and tracks on the other. Gold/Black Nickel is the event version, Bronze/gold is the Landsharkz version.


009-1.jpg012-1-1.jpg SURPRISE MYSTERY COIN!


Other pics of the BAD times :anitongue:


002-2.jpg The welcome sign was right beside our hotel!


004.jpg Smile for a Virtual!


2011-07-16091643.jpgBrekkie with Jeremy Irish


2011-07-16104255.jpg Getting ready for the parade...

2011-07-16111819.jpg Yup, they are on ski doos or sleds as you Americans call them....

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