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Geocoinfucius Mystery Coin


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Well, well, well!!!! It has been a very nice day at the mailbox. A couple of ebay packages and a padded mailer. The mail lady knew that this little mailer was very precious and she hand delivered it for a treasure!! I am very happy that geocoinconfucious deemed me an honorable geocoin enthusiast!!


Again a mystery coin giver knew when a smile was needed. One of my son's labs had surgery for thyroid cancer last month and last night he told me that his other lab has two different types of cancer and will have surgery and then radiation next week. :cry: Dogs (and cats also) do leave their paw prints on your heart. Today was a very good day to receive this little coin as I need a happy feeling.


Thank you geocoinfucious from the bottom of my heart. :wub::D

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So... before class today I checked the mail to find..... a bubble mailer. I wasn't expecting anything at all.... but quickly noticed the "found it" sticker. I should have just went to class.... but alas I couldn't wait. I opened the baby up to find the coin in a gift wrapping. The coin is great.... neat saying on the back. I will have to look up the characters to see what they mean. As a coiner, cacher, and philosopher (lover of wisdom) I am humbled by this gift. Thank you so much geocoinfucius!

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WOW!!! We had a great weekend. We had so much fun at GW9 meeting and talking with old and new friends. And much to our surprise we received one of these Great coins at the event. Geocoinfucius is very wise, and have made such a wonderful coin to share.


I do have to say WOW!!! again as we got home we had another big surprise. A bubbler from the Wiseman himself. Geocoinfucius says very wise things and the postman said postage due.


Thank you Geocoinfucius!!! You are very generous and wise.

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While at GeoWoodstock I too was a recipient of this coin in a red envelope, I must admit I was shocked at receiving this but greatly appreciate the generosity of the mystery coin giver. :) Thank You!


But that’s not the whole story, when the poker tournament finished and the coins where spread across the table for us to choose our winnings, there laid another red envelope. Letting my opponents have first choice of the coins I picked up the red envelope and then knew what I was going to do with it :D .


In a few weeks I will disclose a way for one of the forum members to own this coin, so stay tuned to the Geocoin Discussions forum for how to win this lovely mystery coin.

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I just want to say thank you to the kind coiner who sent me one of these :) However it came with a sheet of paper that asked me to sell the extra to benefit the Japan earthquake tragedy but there wasn't another coin.


So in the spirit that the coin was given, I'll sell the one I was given to raise funds. I won't be able to do it this weekend but I can do it the weekend after. I will also list another tsun coin to go along with it. I have one of my Native Pegasus coins that was not available for sale (could only be received as a gift or used to raise funds), it's the Mother Earth Native Pegasus version (green). 1 of 11 made.


I'll post a link to the Japan earthquake thread when I have everything ready :)


Thank you for the kind gesture!



Edited by tsunrisebey
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I just want to say thank you to the kind coiner who sent me one of these :) However it came with a sheet of paper that asked me to sell the extra to benefit the Japan earthquake tragedy but there wasn't another coin.


So in the spirit that the coin was given, I'll sell the one I was given to raise funds. I won't be able to do it this weekend but I can do it the weekend after. I will also list another tsun coin to go along with it. I have one of my Native Pegasus coins that was not available for sale (could only be received as a gift or used to raise funds), it's the Mother Earth Native Pegasus version (green). 1 of 11 made.


I'll post a link to the Japan earthquake thread when I have everything ready :)


Thank you for the kind gesture!



So sorry...the notes I wrote became mixed up. You are truly an honorable cacher. Another coin will be sent to you.

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I have come home to find a mail box full of gifts. A long awaited car part, a package from ebay, and most honorable of all my very own Geocoinfucius Coin.


This is my first mystery coin and will hold a special place in my display case. I have been honored by your gift. Thank you Geocoinfucius!

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I came home from teaching a class to teachers (and yes, teachers really are the worst students....) and I check the pile of mail on the counter and I see a bubble mailer. I say out loud what in the world is this as I pick it up.


Wife replies "I don't know, I just get the mail"


I was found honorable and a small red envelope soon emerged from the mailer.



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I came home from teaching a class to teachers (and yes, teachers really are the worst students....) and I check the pile of mail on the counter and I see a bubble mailer. I say out loud what in the world is this as I pick it up.


Wife replies "I don't know, I just get the mail"


I was found honorable and a small red envelope soon emerged from the mailer.



Congrats Ashallond. I love the giving spirit of this forum. A beautiful coin for sure.

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"Consideration for others is the basis of a good life, a good society." — Confucius


What a great contribution of the mystery coiners in this basis! And what a great coin!!!


Confucius was so right in these words, and biggest congratulations to this very nice coin and the so far getters.


May his or her qi guide you! It seems the coin arrived just in perfect time.


I would be very pleased to see it in real on the 1.Geocoinfest2011 EU in Cologne

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Wonderful very cool coin!! I received TWO today with a note that said:


you have been found to be an honorable geocoin enthusiast.

therefore, please accept this gift. please use the second coin to

benefit river cacher's family.




Thank you so very very much!

Just wanted to let you know that we still have this to put up for sale on eBay to benefit River Cacher's family. Summer has a tendency to overwhelm with family commitments, but hopefully it will be put up for sale soon.

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A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to receive one of these wonderful Geocoinfucius coins in the mail. I've held off on posting until I had something interesting to post. But now this wise coin and I have had some fun, exciting, and foolish adventures and have even participated in a charity event together.


Over the last three weeks my Geocoinfucius coin and I have lept from an airplane flying at over 14,000 feet a total of eight times. If this coin came with any luck or wisdom stored in it I think I've used up a lot of it. We made three trips together to the Gold Coast Skydivers drop zone in Lumberton, Mississippi and managed to make at least a couple of skydives each time despite cloudy, stormy weather.


The first two visits to the drop zone were on July 23 and 24 when I took the coin with me to participate in the Wounded Warrior Project benefit boogie that was going on at the drop zone. A "boogie" is a special skydiving event where a lot of skydivers get together to basically have a big party in the sky. Skydivers attended from Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, and there was even one skydiver that came all the way from Ohio for the event. This boogie was held to raise funds to donate to the Wounded Warrior Project, a charity organization that gives support and aid to military servicemen and servicewomen who have been wounded while serving. This was the second year for the boogie and we raised more money this year than last.


On one of the skydives I deployed my parachute a little higher than normal and used the video camera mounted to my helmet to film the Geocoinfucius geocoin and another geocoin of mine while flying my canopy. This was a high-speed sit-flying jump with a couple of other jumpers. On this jump, we flew in a sitting position, which is more of a challenge than flying belly to earth. Since you present less surface area to the wind you fall much faster than when flyng belly-down. Speeds can reach 180 mph or more and it is much more difficult to stay stable, in control, and in position with other jumpers. Here's a link to the video on YouTube:


Geocoinfucius geocoin on my skydiving rig, about to jump:



Geocoinfucius coming out of my pocket to take a peek at around 2,500 feet:



Geocoinfucius checking out my little parachute / life preserver:



Blue skies!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

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The Geocoinfucius geocoin has been whispering a few words of wisdom for me:

  1. The sky is NOT the limit... the ground is.
  2. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving may not be for you.
  3. He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.
  4. Gravity: It's not just a good idea... It's the law!

On another jump I filmed Geocoinfucius and other geocoins and travel bugs right after landing. The footage of the geocoins is near the end in the video. On this jump I was filming (but not participating in) a four-way formation skydive. The dive started off bad with a tumbling exit from the plane. Three of the four jumpers linked up, but since the fourth jumper never made it into the formation I flew in at the end and made it a four-way round formation. We passed through some cloud layers during the dive and ended up deploying our parachutes inside a large cloud. We couldn't see a thing until we popped out of the bottom of the cloud around 1,500 feet. Fortunately, the pilot did a great job of putting us out of the plane at the right spot and we were very close to the landing area. We had no problem landing right on target at the drop zone. Here's the video link:


And if you liked watching those videos, here are the rest of the jumps (minus the one jump where my video camera malfunctioned):


Now this geocoin has tasted the thrill and beauty of flight and knows why the birds sing.


Blue skies!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

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I was on my vacation in Missouri and trying to get a fairly high terrain difficulty cache when I nearly fell off a fairly steep slope. I ended up cracking the face plate for my phone and was a little bummed out. When I got home, I found that I was the honored recipient of one of these coins. Thanks every so much! It certainly brought my spirits up. :)

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The Geocoinfucius geocoin has been whispering a few words of wisdom for me:

  1. The sky is NOT the limit... the ground is.
  2. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving may not be for you.
  3. He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.
  4. Gravity: It's not just a good idea... It's the law!

On another jump I filmed Geocoinfucius and other geocoins and travel bugs right after landing. The footage of the geocoins is near the end in the video. On this jump I was filming (but not participating in) a four-way formation skydive. The dive started off bad with a tumbling exit from the plane. Three of the four jumpers linked up, but since the fourth jumper never made it into the formation I flew in at the end and made it a four-way round formation. We passed through some cloud layers during the dive and ended up deploying our parachutes inside a large cloud. We couldn't see a thing until we popped out of the bottom of the cloud around 1,500 feet. Fortunately, the pilot did a great job of putting us out of the plane at the right spot and we were very close to the landing area. We had no problem landing right on target at the drop zone. Here's the video link:


And if you liked watching those videos, here are the rest of the jumps (minus the one jump where my video camera malfunctioned):


Now this geocoin has tasted the thrill and beauty of flight and knows why the birds sing.


Blue skies!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline


That really is too cool and very inspirational for boring people like me. I don't think I could have handled going through that cloud like that as you're basically blind.

what a cool idea for a TB too!

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I read quite a few times that people who visited events came back and find mystery coins in their bag. To tell the truth I wasn't quite sure if these stories were truth or just a mystery story to blur from whom they got the coin. Now I know better!


When I got back to my family from this awesome Geocoinfest in Cologne I was so enthusiastic about the whole day, the great people, the Jedi Mickey Mystery coin that I got, our new personal coins, and all the traded and bought coins that I didn’t know where to start to tell my family about the day. I just wanted to empty my bag and show them like a hunter in the Stone Age: “Hey family, look what I brought home!”


I immediately saw a red envelope which I couldn’t remember how it got there: IT WAS A GEOCOINFUCIUS MYSTERY COIN!!!! Unbelievable, awesome! Somebody placed it there and I didn't recognized it! My second mystery coin I got at the event!


Thank you so much mystery coiner. What a great surprise that was! What an unforgettable day!!!!

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I read quite a few times that people who visited events came back and find mystery coins in their bag. To tell the truth I wasn't quite sure if these stories were truth or just a mystery story to blur from whom they got the coin. Now I know better!


Actually, I second that.


Today a friend told me, she was diagnosed with lyme desease, borreolosis.

I checked my traders box, if I had one of those coins left, which is supposed to be the borroelosis. After lifting both layers of traders out of my big box, I found a red envelope there, which surprised me.

Reading the sticker on it, I squealed and my daughter (16 and going 50, no understanding at all) looked at me like she needs to call the guys dressed in white for me. No, I'm not mad, I'm just excited!


That coin has such a true meaning and came as a total surprise.


Needless to say, I didn't have a borreolosis in my traders box anymore and my friend will now get one of my keepers.


Thank you very much, dear mystery coinfuzius, I really appreciate having one of your coins now in my collection. :anicute:

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Today I was cleaning up in my balloon studio. Also tried to my travelbag for the balloon stuff and found a red gift enveloppe. Quickly saw is was from geocoinfucius and realised it had been there for 2 months!!!! Wow a mystery coin in my bag.

End of august I went to the Geocoinfest Cologne in Germany and made a display of the Kolner Dom with balloons. I have been so busy that day with the balloons and trading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also found my 1000 th cache that weekend.


A late, but very warm thank you geocoinfucius.





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