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Religious Proselytising in Caches

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Had you grabbed that pamphlet and prayed to your god, you would have found the cache. Regards.

I did. But all he told me was "Seek and ye shall find." Some help that was. Couldn't I at least get a hint?




I have just started geocaching, but I did check the forums to see if there was a topic on this. If there was, and I missed it, I apologize. In one of the caches I found, somebody had put in a pamphlet advertising their religion. Doesn't matter which religion it was. I found this mildly offensive and removed it, leaving a pin. (Pretty darn good trade up for the cache, IMHO). I don't think geocaching is the right place for this. How does the rest of the community feel about this sort of thing? What do you do about it? Thanks.

On behalf of Humanity I apologize that your feelings were hurt. Now go have some :mmraspberry:


Most religious tract don't disturb me. But I really get upset when I find one proselytizing Pastafarianism. With all the hate the follower of this religion receive you'd think it would have died out by now, so why would I want to become a member of this church and get all this hate?


Most religious tract don't disturb me. But I really get upset when I find one proselytizing Pastafarianism. With all the hate the follower of this religion receive you'd think it would have died out by now, so why would I want to become a member of this church and get all this hate?


Mmmm.... Pasta....




There's a church I drive by on the way to work every day. Someone (the pastor?) keeps putting out messages on their sign. Sometimes, they're benign: "Be kind to your neighbors" kinda stuff. Sometimes the messages conflict from week to week: "Not expecting answer to prayer is wasting God's time" vs "Pray for a good harvest, but never stop hoeing." (Yes, those two really did follow each other.) Sometimes they're a little more damning: "Come on inside, or you'll face the heat!" I've seen other churches who put out "clever" messages on their signs, in fact I've seen books filled with pics of them, there's even web apps to simulate them.


For those who are apparently offended by finding a piece of paper in an ammo can, I hope you can keep your car between the lines when you pass one of these signs. Thankfully, these signs all mysteriously disappeared May 22. Who knew God would only rapture the billboards?


I don't remember Jesus saying "Blessed are the Billboards..."


I suppose I have really thick skin, as tracts don't bother me at all. However, I was wondering how the religious folk felt about tracts that belonged to other religions? As, the goal is to treat others as you would like to be treated...









The US Government spent a bunch of taxpayers money recently confiscating these tracts as counterfeit money, and the church had to sue to get them back. :rolleyes:





Secret service agents when to the Great News Network (GNN), a religious organization, to seize $1,000,000 bills that they used as a religious tract. The court finds that because the government does not issue any currency over $100, nobody would be misled, aside from the printing on the bill about going to heaven. The bill was fairly characterized as a religious tract. Its warrantless seizure from the GNN offices from a person they knew was powerless to consent was invalid, as was the consent because it was coerced. Rundus v. United States, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31748 (N.D. Tex. March 30, 2010).


Perhaps they were biased against them, or just stupid. Perhaps the bias is from religious groups who historically have projected guilt, shame, fear, and judgement on anyone who is not like them. I suspect that is what is causing the same reaction to cachers.


I noticed as I read all of these replies that twice there were tracts put on here. Oh how did some of you get past the responses with tracts on them and not go crazy mad? As a Christian I have seen nails, cigarettes, condoms, business cards, Bobby Pins, Bullets, religious tracts. I have also seen some crappy toys. If you have a child with you how do you talk them out of grabbing the stupid kids meal toy that is in there. For me as a rational adult and I believe you can be atheist, Christian, Buddhist or whatever, if you are rational you could open up a cache see paper in there and be able to not read it. That is not hard is it?


Oh and someone attacked the Christians basically putting them all in the same camp with the end of the world Reverend who predicted May 21st. If you will look at the facts only his church believed him. Most every Christian in the free world was calling him out on it. They were all saying how stupid he is. Many were actually calling him a false prophet.


Maybe some of you can put on your big boy pants or big girl pants and be able to not be offended paper that you don't have to read. I actually read one of these forums once, and a cacher actually said finding a religious tract ended up ruining her day. She had found about ten and everything was great till then. For me that would be like listening to a classic rock station and enjoying the day until they played We built this city. Then letting that ruin my time. (That is the worst song of all time)


I am not going to write in my humble opinion because i dont think I am being very humble. But I am being very honest!!!

For me that would be like listening to a classic rock station and enjoying the day until they played We built this city. Then letting that ruin my time. (That is the worst song of all time)




That might ruin it. It is a horrid song.


That analogy may have just strengthened the OP's POV. :P


oops... 'Religious stuff' in caches isn't on the schedule this year.

True but 2012 is a leap year. Lets make sure this dead horse gets its do diligence on the 29th

Oh and someone attacked the Christians basically putting them all in the same camp with the end of the world Reverend who predicted May 21st. If you will look at the facts only his church believed him. Most every Christian in the free world was calling him out on it. They were all saying how stupid he is. Many were actually calling him a false prophet.
Yep. Anyone who wants to hand out pamphlets thinking that they are going to save someone from hell is misguided at best. All it does is turns people away from the church. In this way, it is exactly like the Church of the Disappearing Billboards.


You want to attract people? Think about what, according to Jesus, is the second most important commandment. You can read my thoughts on that in an earlier post.


Oh, and


If the tract interests you, trade for it. :D

If it doesn't interest you, ignore it. :D

Try not to be offended by things that are in a cache. Life's too short to worry about such things.

Honestly, the only thing I really trade for anyways are trackables, and since most caches that are supposed to have trackable don't, I usually just sign the log (another topic).

I do remove food items, mainly because animals will smell them and ransack the cache.

If I found something inappropriate for children (such as cigarettes, porn) I would remove it as well.

I have removed cigarette lighters from rural caches, mainly because I don't want the next cacher to light the forest on fire (google "Wallow Fire" if you wonder why: 4 of my caches are at risk because of it).

Bottom line: the official geocaching policy it is inappropriate to hide a cache that specifically endorses any religion, but there is no prohibition on placing a religious tract in one. However, I agree with a previous comment that it isn't a very effective way to reach people.


(This post has added subtitles in American for the English-impaired :P )


I can't see why anyone would be offended by a simple advert(USA: commerical) for a religion found in a cache -- though, to be honest, a couple of the Chick tracts /are/ rather offensive. Mostly, though, I would see them in the same way as I'd see a leaflet for the local used-car dealership: a bit irritating to find some rubbish (USA: trash) in a cache, but nothing to get your knickers in a twist over (I think USAians say 'panties in a bunch'?).


Most posters on here seem to have the right attitude about it all and don't take it all too seriously.


The only thing I'd get /offended/ over would be something that would upset or harm my kids. This is why I give the cache contents a quick visual before I let them at it.


I found a cache the other day that had burger king coupons. I can't stand burger king. How dare somebody push burger king on me. I took everyone of those coupons. I put them in a box. Locked the box. Ran over it with my car. Then threw it off a cliff. Then climbed down and burned the box. Of course this started a forest fire so I ended up getting arrested. But case solved no more burger king coupons.

Posted (edited)

I found a cache the other day that had burger king coupons. I can't stand burger king. How dare somebody push burger king on me. I took everyone of those coupons. I put them in a box. Locked the box. Ran over it with my car. Then threw it off a cliff. Then climbed down and burned the box. Of course this started a forest fire so I ended up getting arrested. But case solved no more burger king coupons.


yes, because a pamphlet telling someone they are destined to burn in hell for eternity unless they believe in your version of god is just like finding a burger king coupon.

Edited by Fusilli Jerry
yes, because a pamphlet telling someone they are destined to burn in hell for eternity unless they believe in your version of god is just like finding a burger king coupon.

Lack of sarcasm detector much?


Seriously, though... Some people find corporatism more offensive than religion, which is why the people hyperventilating over this are ridiculous. Just move on. Sign the log and enjoy the rest of your day. So what the religious kook said you're gonna burn in hell? So what the bad man said something mean? So frigging what? I tend to believe strongly in "ignore the nutjobs and they go away," or at the very least, if you ignore them they won't ruin your day.


yes, because a pamphlet telling someone they are destined to burn in hell for eternity unless they believe in your version of god is just like finding a burger king coupon.

Yeah, pretty much. At their core, they are scraps of paper with text on them. Some include pictures. They both advertise for an entity. The validity of both can be easily debated. They should both be taken with a grain of salt. They are both utterly harmless if ignored by whoever sees them laying in the bottom of an ammo can. Either could be harmful if read by a person dumb enough to believe every scrap of paper they find in the bottom of an ammo can.

Yeah, pretty much. At their core, they are scraps of paper with text on them. Some include pictures. They both advertise for an entity. The validity of both can be easily debated. They should both be taken with a grain of salt. They are both utterly harmless if ignored by whoever sees them laying in the bottom of an ammo can. Either could be harmful if read by a person dumb enough to believe every scrap of paper they find in the bottom of an ammo can.


I can't believe I'm saying this...




What he said!






Anyone who uses those tracts from Burger King should burn in hell for all eternity. Go to McDonald's, where the righteous burgers are.


I did that! They took my money, gave me an empty burger wrapper, and I went away, enlightened and pocket-lightened, to preach to the un-Big-Mac'ed masses about the evils of the so-called Jr. Whopper! (Oh, and there was this guy in there telling me how mean geoachers are.)


Would you like fries with that?

yes, because a pamphlet telling someone they are destined to burn in hell for eternity unless they believe in your version of god is just like finding a burger king coupon.

Lack of sarcasm detector much?


Seriously, though... Some people find corporatism more offensive than religion, which is why the people hyperventilating over this are ridiculous. Just move on. Sign the log and enjoy the rest of your day. So what the religious kook said you're gonna burn in hell? So what the bad man said something mean? So frigging what? I tend to believe strongly in "ignore the nutjobs and they go away," or at the very least, if you ignore them they won't ruin your day.

Exactly who here is "hyperventilating" again? The OP said they found it "mildly offensive."


It might be useful to take a moment and consider that not everyone who disagrees with you is a wounded flower begging for condescension.


You seem to agree that it's lousy swag and you even seem to feel that the people who place them are insane for some reason. Why does it bother you that some are displeasured by it?

It's an involuntary reaction. You may as well explain to me why I should quite being a whiner and start enjoying boiled cabbage.


I understand that it's convenient and kinda' fun to discredit people who don't agree with you by characterizing them as sissies or whatever, but the reality might be slightly different. I've seen people in this forum get pretty indignant about P&Gs, LPCs, golf balls and business cards. It doesn't seem any more/less unreasonable for people to be annoyed by someone else passing judgement on them or whatever.


You certainly find it interesting enough to post in the thread more than the OP and so do I. Perhaps it's better for discussion to actually talk about it instead of putting words and emotions in other people's mouths. Clearly few in this thread are able to "walk away and ignore it"


Maybe the original topic Religious Proselytising in Caches has been exhausted, but in case it has not, we can leave the topic open for a while. There have been a number of reports on this thread going off topic, so if you would like to keep it open please post appropriately.


Thank you.

Exactly who here is "hyperventilating" again? The OP said they found it "mildly offensive."


It might be useful to take a moment and consider that not everyone who disagrees with you is a wounded flower begging for condescension.


I don't believe I said anything of the sort, although you are coming off a bit condescending in saying that.


You seem to agree that it's lousy swag and you even seem to feel that the people who place them are insane for some reason. Why does it bother you that some are displeasured by it?


Yeah, wrong again. I don't think people who place it are insane (maybe a bit "off), I just don't get it. I equally don't get the "what do I do?" reaction. Ummm, how about nothing, sign the log and move on? What's wrong with that? I've only said the same thing about 30 times. Yes, I used the term hyperventilating. Sorry. Maybe I should've said "overreacting" (words I conflate, maybe that's my problem) but if something you find in a tupperware container in the woods can get you offended enough to post about it in the first place, maybe that's just a little bit strange, no?


People can be displeasured by it. Hell, I would be too, but my reaction wouldn't be "what do I do?" My reaction would be "where's the log so I can sign it and move on to the next find?"


Anyone who puts any of this stuff in caches is a bit off-kilter, if you ask me, but I don't have to react to them just because they're weird.


I'm such a revolutionary, aren't I?


Summary: If you find something you don't like in a cache, ignore it, sign the log and move on. Every second you spend thinking about it is a second that you aren't out looking for caches and that strikes me as a waste of time. Hopefully I've clarified my repeated position even further for those that might be offended by my words, and I apologize to anyone who took the term "hyperventilating" personally. It was not intended in that manner.


I have just started geocaching, but I did check the forums to see if there was a topic on this. If there was, and I missed it, I apologize. In one of the caches I found, somebody had put in a pamphlet advertising their religion. Doesn't matter which religion it was. I found this mildly offensive and removed it, leaving a pin. (Pretty darn good trade up for the cache, IMHO). I don't think geocaching is the right place for this. How does the rest of the community feel about this sort of thing? What do you do about it? Thanks.


I think you'll find that most people feel the same way. And most people would do what you did - trade out the religious pamphlet. That's what I would do too.


Yup, I don't get offended, but I do trade up. I swap 'em for a wonderful Sweet Potato Tract. It's the official state vegetable, and they have some yummy recipes in them. I also carry one of those Get out of Hell free cards. I doubt I will end up there as I don't believe in it, but just in case.... :blink:

Posted (edited)
Exactly who here is "hyperventilating" again? The OP said they found it "mildly offensive."


It might be useful to take a moment and consider that not everyone who disagrees with you is a wounded flower begging for condescension.


I don't believe I said anything of the sort, although you are coming off a bit condescending in saying that.


You seem to agree that it's lousy swag and you even seem to feel that the people who place them are insane for some reason. Why does it bother you that some are displeasured by it?


Yeah, wrong again. I don't think people who place it are insane (maybe a bit "off), I just don't get it. I equally don't get the "what do I do?" reaction. Ummm, how about nothing, sign the log and move on? What's wrong with that? I've only said the same thing about 30 times. Yes, I used the term hyperventilating. Sorry. Maybe I should've said "overreacting" (words I conflate, maybe that's my problem) but if something you find in a tupperware container in the woods can get you offended enough to post about it in the first place, maybe that's just a little bit strange, no?


People can be displeasured by it. Hell, I would be too, but my reaction wouldn't be "what do I do?" My reaction would be "where's the log so I can sign it and move on to the next find?"


Anyone who puts any of this stuff in caches is a bit off-kilter, if you ask me, but I don't have to react to them just because they're weird.


I'm such a revolutionary, aren't I?


Summary: If you find something you don't like in a cache, ignore it, sign the log and move on. Every second you spend thinking about it is a second that you aren't out looking for caches and that strikes me as a waste of time. Hopefully I've clarified my repeated position even further for those that might be offended by my words, and I apologize to anyone who took the term "hyperventilating" personally. It was not intended in that manner.


I agree with most of what you say even though I come from the opposite side. I don't have a problem with any of these people who put this in if that is what they believe.BUt I think you are right on when you say if you don't like it Sign the log and move on. Why are people letting it upset them so much.


The tracts that people leave probably won't change your life but for some people they might point them in a direction of where to go.


I am a creationist. I believe in the world being created in six days. Now I don't bring that up for some to jump at me as being an idiot for thinking that, but I do bring it up because most times I complete an earth cache it will ask me to say how old something is according to the information that you can find. Well for me i don't believe certain rocks to be over 10 million years old, but I write it down because that is the info given. I don't let it offend me. I don't cry about it. Actually I am usually thankful that the person let me see the rock that it brought me too.


Here is another question to ask. What does it matter what anyone thinks about what is put in the cache? How are you going to stop it. Whether tracts or cigarettes. The only suggestion I would have is that any cache owner can list what is not permissable in his cache. Then he can periodically check it, or if another cacher finds it and finds something on the list he can trash it.

Edited by Ash McCloud

The whole cache contents thing is weird. It isn't just religious articles, etc. It's the junk in general. I don't go after caches for cool stuff; I go after them for the experience of finding a cache that's hidden, and signing a log, maybe even getting to enjoy a cool view in the general vicinity. What's in the container is secondary or tertiary to the act of finding it. I get no pleasure from the contents of a cache at all. Once I find it, sign it, and return it, my high is over. The one time I got excited about what was in the container it was a tiny Domo. Love him. That was like find #5 for me. Haven't been thrilled since lol


The whole cache contents thing is weird. It isn't just religious articles, etc. It's the junk in general. I don't go after caches for cool stuff; I go after them for the experience of finding a cache that's hidden, and signing a log, maybe even getting to enjoy a cool view in the general vicinity. What's in the container is secondary or tertiary to the act of finding it. I get no pleasure from the contents of a cache at all. Once I find it, sign it, and return it, my high is over. The one time I got excited about what was in the container it was a tiny Domo. Love him. That was like find #5 for me. Haven't been thrilled since lol


I agree with this. I think in all 1135 finds I have taken three things. Bouncy balls, happy meals toys get old.

Now i did get excited about the 5.00 gift card to walmart.

Now i did get excited about the 5.00 gift card to walmart.


I realized yesterday I have precisely 2 things from caches I've found. A plastic horse (my wife and I's first find together) and my little Domo. That's it.


Out of 41, that means I barely ever take anything. In fact, I have more hides than trades. Just doesn't interest me. For me the journey and search is the fun part.


I have just started geocaching, but I did check the forums to see if there was a topic on this. If there was, and I missed it, I apologize. In one of the caches I found, somebody had put in a pamphlet advertising their religion. Doesn't matter which religion it was. I found this mildly offensive and removed it, leaving a pin. (Pretty darn good trade up for the cache, IMHO). I don't think geocaching is the right place for this. How does the rest of the community feel about this sort of thing? What do you do about it? Thanks.


I think you'll find that most people feel the same way. And most people would do what you did - trade out the religious pamphlet. That's what I would do too.


Yup, I don't get offended, but I do trade up. I swap 'em for a wonderful Sweet Potato Tract. It's the official state vegetable, and they have some yummy recipes in them. I also carry one of those Get out of Hell free cards. I doubt I will end up there as I don't believe in it, but just in case.... :blink:


Mmmm, sweet potatoes. They're good for the body, very nutritious and I hear they're also soul food. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
Exactly who here is "hyperventilating" again? The OP said they found it "mildly offensive."


It might be useful to take a moment and consider that not everyone who disagrees with you is a wounded flower begging for condescension.


I don't believe I said anything of the sort, although you are coming off a bit condescending in saying that.

I'm not sure what to tell you. I quoted you saying that people are "hyperventilating" and that they should get over "the bad man saying mean things"

This is both condescending and pretending that the people you are addressing are more upset than they seem to be. Unless you talk to other grown, reasonable adults with language typically reserved for children (bad man said a mean thing) I think my interpretation is fair.


How is it condescending to read and interpret words the way they read on the page? I wouldn't tell anyone who I had an ounce of respect, "So what the bad man said something mean?"

I'd never talk to my dad that way. Not my boss. Not a police officer. Not a co-worker. Not a bagger at a grocery store. Its loaded language, typically reserved for spoiled children.

Especially if they don't give any evidence of being terribly upset.


If something you find in a tupperware container in the woods can get you offended enough to post about it in the first place, maybe that's just a little bit strange, no?


People can be displeasured by it. Hell, I would be too, but my reaction wouldn't be "what do I do?" My reaction would be "where's the log so I can sign it and move on to the next find?"

As opposed to what? The other 5 or 6 gripes this forum sees once a week? I'm not sure why you think a certain threshold of offense must have been reached for the OP to make a thread. It taks vey little effort. I suspect its just another excuse to talk about geocaching. I'm not sure I'd call the OP strange for asking a question with such varied and nuanced responses...

Again, I feel like people are overstating how upset any of us are who dislike the practice, and THAT IS a little upsetting :D



The whole cache contents thing is weird. It isn't just religious articles, etc. It's the junk in general. I don't go after caches for cool stuff; I go after them for the experience of finding a cache that's hidden, and signing a log, maybe even getting to enjoy a cool view in the general vicinity. What's in the container is secondary or tertiary to the act of finding it. I get no pleasure from the contents of a cache at all. Once I find it, sign it, and return it, my high is over. The one time I got excited about what was in the container it was a tiny Domo. Love him. That was like find #5 for me. Haven't been thrilled since lol


I'm in the same boat. I get a little confused when people get frustrated by micro caches and caches with bad swag, but I suppose some people cache with children... I never take anything. I do always leave a little kaleidoscope though. For me it's maybe 95% about locations. We agree on something! :D

Edited by d+n.s
For me it's maybe 95% about locations.

I lean toward a more holistic cache evaluation approach, though location is at the top of my list. Other considerations that come into play as I decide if a cache was great, good, OK or a stinker are a quality container, (size is irrelevent to me, so long as it's waterproof), the hide technique and the write up. Still, having said that, I'm one of those guys who just loves swag. I thoroughly enjoy digging through all the stuff that accumulates in a cache over the years, even stuff like shiny pebbles and bottle caps. To me, each item tells a story. I enjoy reading through the logbooks trying to discern these tales. A kwick poke around my profile will show that I almost never take anything, (the rare exceptions being when I find something my wife or kids might get a chuckle over), though I do leave stuff in every cache I visit, that is large enough to hold stuff.


If every other factor were equal, (location, container quality, technique and write up), I would enjoy a cache with swag more than I would a cache without swag. A quirk, I know. But it's my quirk! :lol:


Even if it's a religious pamphlet? :)

But gong back to the post : we live in a society. It's full of people with different interests, hobbies, quirks, moods, mental and physical states... etc. You can not expect them all to fit your own standards. Neither should you expect them to always do only what you like. And neither should they expect that from you in return. That being said, why can't you folks accept, that since someone did find it interesting/important enough to stick it in the cache, there isn't anyone else who'd like finding and reading that stuff? I'm sure there is more than one person who'd consider those things as (if not more) interesting as someone would find the rubber ball, or a Kids Meal toy or kaleidoscope or some other un-serious stuff like that that peopsle think deserves to be put in the cache and looked at by many other cachers who would come through there. If you think folks will like to look at for many years to come or even trade for your kaleidoscope - Great. Just also be prepared to simply accept that there are those to whom that kaleidoscope is less important than the rubber balls, and there are even those, to whome the pamphlets they'd find are more important.

We always looked at Geocaching as one of the ways to discover something nes - whether it's a new town, new park, new kind of container, new ideas... new doesn't necesserily mean it's not old. It's just new to us. So it's just interesting to see what some people put in caches - can tell you a whole lot about the caches in the area, and something about the area itself. If done with a right state of mind - most (if not all) of the stuff you can find while geocaching could help broaden your horizons. Just be a little more tolerant of others and their interests.

If, however, you (whoever might read this and this applies to) can't accept that peope might have different likes'dislikes than you and have hard time dealing with it (as in take upon yourself to trash the stuff from the geocache just casue you don;t like what otheres put there) Move somewhere where there are no people you'd have to deal with and don't do things that are done by a Community (- bunch of different people united by a common goal (assuming it's using multibillion dollar satellite equipment to find tupperware in the woods)). Maybe even create a (YourName)caching.com and leave it have 1 member - you. That way you can find only the caches you like that you placed, and that have the right kind of stuff in them that you stuck in there for your liking. Dunno about you but that kind of activity sounds a bit dull to me.


Very well said. I'm actually a bit disappointed that even the forums on geocaching.com have to be invaded by religious debate when we are really all here for the same thing.


This silliness just needs to stop.




(and as a side, "using multibillion dollar satellite equipment to find tupperware in the woods", is the most brilliant explanation of geocaching that I've seen, and makes me love it all the more.)


Thank you.


After reading a page or two of replies, I think people should consider the reasons for saying what they do here, or anywhere, regarding the topic or religion.


I won't discuss my religious beliefs, or the lack of them, whichever may be true.


What I will say is this, you'll do the world a favor if you don't fall into one of these categories:


-Religious fanatics that sincerely look down upon non-believers, and preach to them as if they were dirty, hell-bound scoundrels.

-dot-EDU guys/girls that are too intelligent for religion, are smug, and take every opportunity to rub religion, and how ignorant someone must be to subscribe to one, into the faces of those who do believe and practice it.


To the people who responded with tolerance, I applaud you. I personally wouldn't take someone's religious note or pamphlet out of their cache myself, especially for the purpose of throwing it away. It just doesn't bother me. If the owner had a religious article listed in the original contents of their cache, I would say that removing it for purposes other than using it would be, without question, wrong. Someone may visit this cache because of what was listed in the original contents.


In the end, we're all human beings, some alike, some different, but in the end, we love geocaching. Let's celebrate what we have in common instead of what we don't.


(my apologies for posting such a serious reply for someone that's only been part of this community for such a short time)


Let's see... The most rational responses come from people with 89, 6, and 2 posts, while a majority (not all) of the "more experienced" folks seem to just say "trash it."


There is hope, after all.


Kudos to the last three of you. You make me proud to be playing this game and a part of an actual community, not one that thinks throwing other people's beliefs in a bin is acceptable behavior.


Sometimes I leave money in caches that has "In God we trust" on it. :anibad: No complaints so far. :lol:


I hereby complain. Either cease and desist this practice immediately or alter the offending phrase on your money. I suggest the following replacement phrase: "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is His prophet." :ph34r:


It looks like the topic of "Religious Proselytising in Caches" has been exhausted and the discussion has moved on to the religious beliefs of individuals and critiques of individuals who place certain items into caches. I don't see the discussion returning to the posted topic, so I am closing it.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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