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Our first geocoin

nessie3d & Ynka

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My husband gave me our first geocoin as a birthdaygift. But he didn't just give me 1, no, he made 6 versions!!!


The design is by his own sister, she designed the little elf especially for me.


The name of the coin is 'Daoine Síth' (pronounced as deena shee).


In Irish mythology, the aos sí, older form aes sídhe are a supernatural race comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to live underground in the fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans. This world is described in "The Book of Invasions" (recorded in the Book of Leinster) as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living.

In the Irish language, aos sí means "people of the mounds" (the mounds are known in Irish as "the sídhe". In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also referred to as the daoine sídhe ("deena shee", and in Scottish Gaelic literature as the daoine sìth or daoine sìdh. They are said to be the ancestors, spirits of nature, or goddesses and gods.


The 6 versions are:








Collection front


Collection back








Black back






All versions are limited to 50 coins, no remint.

Has its own icon.


Interested in a Belgian coin? Just send me a PM

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Ooh My Gosh they are adorable, I hope to somehow be able to get a gold glitter one. They are so beautiful. Congratulation on such a beautiful surprise for your birthday. You have a awesome husband for sure.


Thank you all :) :)


Due to my husband I got the geocachingvirus and since 2 years we discovered the pleasure of finding geocoins, I started to collect them 1,5 years ago. A personal geocoin just adds more value to my collection! And yes, he's the best!!! Sorry girls, he's mine :anibad:

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Where on the geocoin are the words "trackable on geocaching.com" and the tracking number?

Probably around the edges. I have two geocoins like that. They aren't lieing about it being trackable either.


I suspect the point is that Eartha is seeking confirmation from the thread starter that the geocoin is indeed trackable as it's not been stated in the thread up until this point.

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I suspect the point is that Eartha is seeking confirmation from the thread starter that the geocoin is indeed trackable as it's not been stated in the thread up until this point.


And Coldgears provided a link to the page of one of the coins, where it's been "discovered" by a few people, in his reply.


The underlined text "being trackable" is the link to the coin's page:


Where on the geocoin are the words "trackable on geocaching.com" and the tracking number?

Probably around the edges. I have two geocoins like that. They aren't lieing about it being trackable either.

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Where on the geocoin are the words "trackable on geocaching.com" and the tracking number?

Probably around the edges. I have two geocoins like that. They aren't lieing about it being trackable either.


I suspect the point is that Eartha is seeking confirmation from the thread starter that the geocoin is indeed trackable as it's not been stated in the thread up until this point.


Thank you, keewee.

Yes, it was a moderator question. The icon was mentioned, but I do not see the text that must be on the geocoin, and there no photos of the rim. It's my job to ask.

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