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Top 100 Favorited US Caches

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I love the Favorite feature even though I skip the highest rated caches, since they tend to be virtuals, earthcaches and tough hight D/T caches. I find the caches I most like have a D/T rating of less then or equal to 3.5, size small or larger, with at least a couple of favorite votes. I'm so looking forward to the day GS implements Favorite votes in the Pocket Queries so I can filter for the most favoured of the type I like.


Here with percentages, as requested by someone a while back.


The listings are arranged in a slightly crazy system of "leagues", one property of which is that both

  • the Nth best raw count and
  • the Nth best percentage

are guaranteed to be in at least the Nth highest league.


It's just an attempt to pander to both camps (raw vs. ratio). Or upset both - whatever.


    V1 V2      V4                         V5
1  687 31  GC1169 Mission 9: Tunnel of Light
4  376 38  GCE02C                 VIEW CARRE
6  245 45  GCW6EM                   DR. Who.
20 132 64 GC1MDCE          Jolly Green Giant

   V1 V2      V4                                V5
2  683 21  GCGV0P     Original Stash Tribute Plaque
5  329 29    GC30                             Mingo
15 150 55 GC2B034 Necropolis of Britannia Manor III
79  67 59 GC27N0W            The Sword In The Stone

   V1 V2      V4                                             V5
3  552 24  GCK25B                       Groundspeak Headquarters
12 178 31    GC28                                        Beverly
27 111 40    GC39                                       The Spot
59  74 52 GC17MX1               Bridges & Arches of Central Park

   V1 V2      V4                             V5
7  223 11  GCK12J Last stop for a weary traveler
13 174 27 GC2J17A                   001-Route 66
23 116 32  GCP9G9            Totally Tubular III
71  69 45 GC2D78C        Pinky In The Whitehouse

   V1 V2      V4                   V5
8  220 11  GC729A Welcome to Las Vegas
18 141 26 GC2K6TW         800-Route 66
47  83 35  GCZW2C            Excalibur
83  66 40  GCE0D5           Camp Nasty

   V1 V2      V4                           V5
9  191  6   GCEB2    The view of an Honest Man
10 187  8  GC10FB                Magic Kingdom
14 167 13  GCJZDR      Cloud Gate aka The Bean
16 146 16  GCQ596             A Special Memory
21 128 18   GC7ED St. Louis Arch Virtual Cache
42  88 27  GC3798                 Covert Cache
54  79 35  GC31DE                    The Depot
85  65 38 GC1375B             Full of Hot Air!

   V1 V2      V4                    V5
11 185  7    GC92     Un-Original Stash
22 118 16  GCG71X        Cadillac Ranch
30 102 21 GC15RQB          A Cool Cache
34  98 24  GCF7A2  Escape From Alcatraz
43  88 26    GC18              Tarryall
68  70 36 GC1R2JW               spicket
98  61 37  GC82B5 Manunka Chunk Tunnels

   V1 V2     V4                               V5
17 146  9   GC79                       Iron Horse
26 112 17 GC30CB                Sounds of the Bay
64  72 34 GCB6A8 Barney Smiths Toilet Seat Museum

   V1 V2     V4                        V5
19 138  8 GC3334            Animal Kingdom
28 107 16 GC64F7 Standin on the corner....
44  87 23 GCNYKE        Totally Tubular II
74  69 31   GC57                  Geocache

   V1 V2     V4                           V5
24 114  6 GC25E1     So We Will Remember Them
25 113 11 GC4D7F      The Empire Strikes Back
29 104 13 GCC859  The Stop and Go,Go,Go Cache
39  93 19   GC37 Missouris First - Watts Mill
81  66 27 GCTGF0                    Geo MoJo 

   V1 V2      V4                                               V5
31 102 10 GC10HZW Old Faithful Geyser at Yellowstone National Park
40  90 14  GCGFHX                       Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen
62  73 25 GC24H25                     Double Bubble Toil & Trouble
82  66 27  GCKGRZ                               Reiffs Gas Station

   V1 V2      V4                                       V5
32 100  3  GC4E95                               LAKE-VEGAS
33  99  5  GC2657                        I can see Lincoln
35  97  6  GC2C32                   USA, all the way South
45  86 12 GC10ACW                        Bridal Veil Falls
60  75 20  GCNDTN                         Totally Tubular!
78  68 25  GC2D54                            Sheldon Ruins
89  63 26 GC1KT61 Shelriks Happy Cache Inn (For TBs & GCs)

  V1 V2      V4             V5
36 96  5  GC3336          EPCOT
48 83 12  GCK08Z   Union Square
57 76 19 GC1G3TR Aloha TB Hotel
66 72 21    GC62      Tombstone
94 62 26    GC12 GC12 5/12/2000

   V1 V2      V4                                      V5
37  96  4   GCDE1                            Capitol View
52  80 14  GCH657                    Dont Drink the Water
58  74 17 GC253ZN                             Head Alien 
101 60 26  GCN16W Funks Grove Rest Area Travel Bug Resort

  V1 V2     V4                        V5
38 94  4 GC6D43  What in the World Cache?
46 86  8 GC4B24              WDs Original
50 82 10 GC7B09 Mall of America Cache III
93 62 25   GC70            Octopus Garden

   V1 V2     V4                    V5
41  90  5 GC2E52             Mile Zero
49  83  8 GC8FBF           Stone Faced
61  74 12 GCHH18 13 days in 30 seconds
103 60 25  GC4E8                 Dune 

  V1 V2     V4            V5
51 82  3 GC9D67  Eiffel Tower
53 81  9 GCBD0A Laughing Sals
92 63 19   GC1D  Beaver Cache

  V1 V2     V4                              V5
55 79  9  GCEC8                     Green Thumb
96 61 17 GC9165 I-90, Wild Stallions Ride Again

  V1 V2      V4                            V5
56 77  5 GC12F8M Snug as a Bug in Central Park
67 72  9  GC1901                Astoria Column
99 61 16    GC9E                           NH 

   V1 V2      V4                                              V5
63  73  6  GCJ067                             The 4 Corners Cache
72  69  9  GC3710                                The Grassy Knoll
86  65 12  GCQV5H Hawaii Volcanoes N.P. - Rain Forest & Lava Tube

   V1 V2     V4                                            V5
65  72  5 GC3338                             Hollywood Studios
87  65 10 GCHQMX Bryce Canyon National Park- Inspiration Point
102 60 15 GC2018                               Tristate Marker

  V1 V2     V4                      V5
69 70  5 GCD03B        The Summer House
73 69  6 GC11C2            FDR Memorial
91 63 11  GC128 The Fort Williams Cache

  V1 V2     V4                     V5
70 70  4 GC1B64 Everything is Relative
75 68  7 GC62C8   Kerry Viewpoint Park
90 63  9 GCB57D       Dawn of Aviation

  V1 V2     V4          V5
76 68  7 GC5165 ORD Layover

  V1 V2     V4            V5
77 68  2 GC4CE1    MM MM Good
97 61  7 GC908D Solar Sailing

  V1 V2     V4                            V5
80 67  3 GCB0EB                    Toga Party
95 61  4 GC9F98 Thats Some Water, Eh? - TDR3v

  V1 V2     V4                     V5
88 65  3 GCFF01 The Presidential Suite


Since the APE cache is archived. Time to refresh the list.


well, even if its archived, it still has the favorite points.


Its not the "active" top 100 favorited caches, the ape cache would still qualify as a top favorited cache, archived or not.

Posted (edited)

Since the APE cache is archived. Time to refresh the list.


well, even if its archived, it still has the favorite points.


Its not the "active" top 100 favorited caches, the ape cache would still qualify as a top favorited cache, archived or not.


Only that the website provides no mechanism to pull a list of caches that includes archived caches and is sorted by favorite votes. So, there's no way to know, there might be others.

Edited by dfx

Since the APE cache is archived. Time to refresh the list.


well, even if its archived, it still has the favorite points.


Its not the "active" top 100 favorited caches, the ape cache would still qualify as a top favorited cache, archived or not.


The OP said only the active caches make that list. I know a few archived caches didnt make the list because its not active.


Accidently deleted the post while trying to copy it. What's the point of a delete button again?

When you say something, then think, "oops maybe I shouldn't have said that." It sometimes prevents long threads that eventually need to be locked. :)


The top 100 most favorited ACTIVE caches in the US:

Rank / Code / Cache

1 GCGV0P Original Stash Tribute Plaque

2 GCK25B Groundspeak Headquarters


4 GC30 Mingo

5 GCW6EM DR. Who.

6 GCK12J Last stop for a weary traveler

7 GC729A Welcome to Las Vegas

8 GCEB2 The view of an Honest Man

9 GC10FB Magic Kingdom

10 GC92 Un-Original Stash

11 GC28 Beverly

12 GC2J17A 001-Route 66

13 GCJZDR Cloud Gate aka The Bean

14 GC2B034 Necropolis of Britannia Manor III

15 GC79 Iron Horse

16 GCQ596 A Special Memory

17 GC2K6TW 800-Route 66

18 GC3334 Animal Kingdom

19 GC1MDCE Jolly Green Giant

20 GC7ED St. Louis Arch Virtual Cache

21 GCG71X Cadillac Ranch

22 GCP9G9 Totally Tubular III

23 GC4D7F The Empire Strikes Back

24 GC25E1 So We Will Remember Them

25 GC30CB Sounds of the Bay

26 GCB6A8 Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum

27 GC39 The Spot

28 GC64F7 Standin on the corner....

29 GCC859 The Stop and Go,Go,Go Cache

30 GC15RQB A Cool Cache

31 GC10HZW Old Faithful Geyser at Yellowstone National Park


33 GC2657 I can see Lincoln

34 GC2C32 USA, all the way South

35 GCF7A2 Escape From Alcatraz

36 GC3336 EPCOT

37 GCDE1 Capitol View

38 GC6D43 What in the World Cache?

39 GC37 Missouri's First - Watts Mill

40 GC18 Tarryall

41 GCGFHX Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen

42 GCNYKE Totally Tubular II

43 GC3798 Covert Cache

44 GC2E52 Mile Zero

45 GC10ACW Bridal Veil Falls

46 GC4B24 WD's Original

47 GCK08Z Union Square

48 GC7B09 Mall of America Cache III

49 GC8FBF Stone Faced

50 GC11HRQ Trolls Lair

51 GC9D67 Eiffel Tower

52 GCZW2C Excalibur

53 GCBD0A Laughing Sal's

54 GCEC8 Green Thumb

55 GC31DE The Depot

56 GCH657 Don't Drink the Water

57 GC1G3TR Aloha TB Hotel

58 GC12F8M Snug as a Bug in Central Park

59 GC24H25 Double Bubble Toil & Trouble

60 GC17MX1 Bridges & Arches of Central Park

61 GCNDTN Totally Tubular!

62 GCHH18 13 days in 30 seconds

63 GC253ZN Head Alien #01

64 GC1901 Astoria Column

65 GC62 Tombstone

66 GC2D78C Pinky In The Whitehouse

67 GCJ067 The 4 Corners Cache

68 GC3338 Hollywood Studios

69 GCD03B The Summer House

70 GC11C2 FDR Memorial

71 GC27N0W The Sword In The Stone

72 GC1B64 Everything is Relative

73 GC1R2JW spicket

74 GC62C8 Kerry Viewpoint Park

75 GC3710 The Grassy Knoll

76 GC5165 ORD Layover

77 GC2D54 Sheldon Ruins

78 GC57 Geocache

79 GC1KT61 Shelrik's Happy Cache Inn (For TB's & GC's)

80 GC4CE1 MM MM Good

81 GCTGF0 Geo MoJo #6 in the Shadow of the TITANS

82 GCKGRZ Reiff's Gas Station

83 GCFF01 The Presidential Suite

84 GCB0EB Toga Party


86 GC1375B Full of Hot Air!

87 GCQV5H Hawaii Volcanoes N.P. - Rain Forest & Lava Tube

88 GCE0D5 Camp Nasty

89 GCB57D Dawn of Aviation

90 GCHQMX Bryce Canyon National Park- Inspiration Point

91 GC1D Beaver Cache

92 GC12 GC12 5/12/2000

93 GC128 The Fort Williams Cache

94 GC70 Octopus Garden



97 GCA5B4 Magic of the Music

98 GC9165 I-90, Wild Stallions Ride Again

99 GC908D Solar Sailing

100 GC2018 Tristate Marker

100 GC9E NH #1 - Mines Follies


The top 100 most favorited ACTIVE caches in the US:

Rank / Code / Cache


52 GCZW2C Excalibur

Sadly, the cache above, which is in my area, has been disabled, and it will most likely be archived soon. The property has been sold and the new owners apparently don't want strangers on their property.



Why on Earth are people insistent on making everything a competition?


Human nature.


I do not agree and rather say it's something typical for ho geocaching develops. Note that the stress above is on everything.

Comparing how many caches of the 100 caches in the US with the highest number of favourite points is not a meaningful competition at all.


BTW: Is there a simple and automatic way to produce such lists sorted with respect to the favourite percentage?




Two of the caches u forgot to add...


Trolls Lair GC11HRQ 85 fav


Holy Macro! GC278ME 78 fav



Trolls Lair is disabled. (Though finds are still being logged.)

Holy Macro is archived.


Holy Macro! Whoa! What??I took a little double take on this! I didn't even know that Sonorazark placed another one near Portland when he moved up there. Luckily, his original "Holy Macro!" in Sonora, Ca (Near Yosemite) is still active. But I guess location is everything:


The Archived Holy Macro! GC278ME 78 fav (24% pm) on 384 finds. Placed 4/22/10 - Archived 3/13/11 (only 11 months)


The Original Holy Macro! GC17WY1 17 fav (32% pm) on "only" 80 finds. Placed 12/10/07 - Active 3.5 yrs


Obviously a bunch of fun, but definitely needs the right kind of location! A classic example of why I look at both raw count and percent favorites. PS Thanks Ecylram for doing the footwork on this. It has made for some fun exploring....


According to this favorites system, more people enjoyed going up to the top of the Empire State Building than actually going out and finding a cache. :unsure: 119 favorite points for Empire Strikes Back, more than any other geocache in NY State.

...I'm gonna go find an ammo can.


According to this favorites system, more people enjoyed going up to the top of the Empire State Building than actually going out and finding a cache. :unsure: 119 favorite points for Empire Strikes Back, more than any other geocache in NY State.

...I'm gonna go find an ammo can.


Several year ago my cousins son was invited, along with his school choir, to participate in a school choir concert at Carnegie Hall. My cousin lives in a tiny town on the Olympic peninsula and had never been to NYC. We drove down for the weekend to seen them and watch the young boy perform in Carnegie hall. Of course, they also wanted to take in the sights of Manhattan and going to the top of the Empire State Building was at the top of their list. When we got to the building we were told by several of the people working there, "don't bother going up, it's raining and cloudy up there and you won't see a thing". That didn't matter to my cousin. They still wanted to go up. When we got to the observation floor, we saw that it was, indeed raining and cloudy. We were also in the middle of a thunderstorm. Within a matter of seconds the Chrysler building would come into full few then get obscured by clouds, then clear again. The thunder was incredibly loud and we saw the gigantic lighting rod several hundred feet above us struck by lightning three times. I was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, better than any of the ammo cans I've found. BTW, how many ammo cans are there on Manhattan?

BTW, how many ammo cans are there on Manhattan?

One, I believe. GC1GCB2. It's an homage to the first cache placed in New York City in November 2000. There are a number of lock-and-lock type containers sprinkled around the island though. Ammo cans are particularly tricky in a city that is jumpy like no other when it comes to suspicious and potentially dangerous packages, so we've tried to avoid them in favor of small and/or clear containers.


There was once a 5-gallon drum in the North Woods of Central Park, surprisingly and craftily well-hidden, but the Central Park Conservancy eventually stumbled across it and asked it to be removed. The CPC has a sort of "don't ask don't tell" policy regarding geocaching, but if I could accurately describe the tone of the email they sent, it was the equivalent of an arched eyebrow and a facial expression that says: "...seriously?"


The thing about this list, although it is interesting, is that it is based on the most visited caches, not necessarily the best.


There are really great caches that are "miles from nowhere" and so don't get visited much, so can't get many favorite points.


Still, I'm very glad to have this favorite system in place. It is getting some long-needed recognition for some cache owners who have put a lot of work into their caches, and it is giving us all ideas of where to go look for good caches. I suspect it has helped increase the percentage of good caches out there versus crappy hides.

As someone earlier in this thread mentioned, we are competitive people. I'd like to see more people try to create a cache that will make it on this list!!!!


The thing about this list, although it is interesting, is that it is based on the most visited caches, not necessarily the best.


There are really great caches that are "miles from nowhere" and so don't get visited much, so can't get many favorite points.


Still, I'm very glad to have this favorite system in place. It is getting some long-needed recognition for some cache owners who have put a lot of work into their caches, and it is giving us all ideas of where to go look for good caches. I suspect it has helped increase the percentage of good caches out there versus crappy hides.

As someone earlier in this thread mentioned, we are competitive people. I'd like to see more people try to create a cache that will make it on this list!!!!

I'm making one that will blow your mind.


The thing about this list, although it is interesting, is that it is based on the most visited caches, not necessarily the best.


There are really great caches that are "miles from nowhere" and so don't get visited much, so can't get many favorite points.



It's also strongly influenced the general region in which a cache is placed. A cache placed "miles from nowhere", but within 20-30 miles from Seattle, or the Los Angeles area, or San Diego, or any other place which has a high concentration of geocaches and geocachers, is going to get more favorite points than a cache that is sparsely populated with caches and cachers.


As an example, I looked at my most frequently found cache. It's in a very easily accessible spot along one of the main roads into town, located in a very pretty spot along a waterfront, a nice view, and a nice spot on a swinging bench to sit and go through the contents of the caches(a small LnL)and sign the log. It has just over 300 finds since it was placed in 2006 and only 2 favorite points. Looking of the number of finds by those that found it I see a lot of 2 and 3 digit find counts. Then I did a search for caches in the Seattle area and picked one that was placed about the same time. It's also along a waterfront, is a micro, has the same D/T rating and appears to be in a very muggle rich location. It has over 1600 finds with 30 favorite points. Looking over the list of recent finders, I see many 4 digit find counts. Is that cache 15X better than my cache. Probably not. There are 8X as many caches within 10 miles of Seattle as there are within 10 miles of Ithaca, NY and I suspect that the number of local geocachers in the Seattle area is probably just as significantly more than the number living in and visiting my area. Since the number of favorite points that can be awarded is based on the number of finds a geoacher has, those living in cache dense environments can accumulate more favorite points to award than those living in cache sparse environments, thus two caches that may be nearly identical in quality can have significantly different number of favorite points.

I also noticed that California and Washington State had the highest number of favorited caches in that list. Does that mean the CA and WA have better caches than other states? ...


Could mean the opposite, that there are so few good caches that a handful stand and get a lot of votes, where a state that has many great caches the favorite votes are spread out.


I'd say a better gauge would be the percentage of caches in the state that have favorites, but that would also be somewhat skewed by the frequency of finds.

Posted (edited)

Bump! I decided to update this. Here its. Alot of changes! Enjoy. If I made any mistakes, let me know.


edit because I missed one state




1 1016 Original Stash Tribute Plaque GCGV0P 9/7/2003 Oregon Traditional Cache

2 842 Groundspeak Headquarters GCK25B 7/22/2004 Washington Groundspeak HQ Cache

3 542 VIEW CARRE ' GCE02C 3/7/2003 Louisiana Multicache

4 459 Mingo GC30 5/11/2000 Kansas Traditional Cache

5 383 DR. Who. GCW6EM 5/22/2006 Oregon Traditional Cache

6 324 Last stop for a weary traveler GCK12J 7/18/2004 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

7 320 Welcome to Las Vegas GC729A 7/16/2002 Nevada Virtual Cache

8 314 Un-Original Stash GC92 10/22/2000 Oregon Traditional Cache

9 294 Magic Kingdom GC10FB 7/3/2001 Florida Virtual Cache

10 288 The view of an "Honest Man" GCEB2 7/1/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

11 263 Cloud Gate aka The Bean GCJZDR 7/20/2004 Illinois Virtual Cache

12 252 Beverly GC28 5/13/2000 Illinois Traditional Cache

13 247 001-Route 66 GC2J17A 1/1/2011 California Traditional Cache

14 245 A Special Memory GCQ596 8/15/2005 Nevada Traditional Cache

15 234 Iron Horse GC79 10/7/2000 Washington Traditional Cache

16 229 0001-E.T. GC2ZK7J 7/6/2011 Nevada Letterbox Hybrid

17 227 800-Route 66 GC2K6TW 1/1/2011 California Traditional Cache

18 211 Animal Kingdom GC3334 1/18/2002 Florida Virtual Cache

19 203 Totally Tubular III GCP9G9 6/12/2005 Washington Traditional Cache

20 201 Necropolis of Britannia Manor III GC2B034 6/1/2010 Texas Unknown Cache

21 200 The Spot GC39 5/26/2000 New York Traditional Cache

22 188 St. Louis Arch Virtual Cache GC7ED 4/26/2001 Missouri Virtual Cache

23 186 Jolly Green Giant GC1MDCE 2/5/2009 Missouri Traditional Cache

24 185 A Cool Cache GC15RQB 9/8/2007 Florida Traditional Cache

25 182 The Empire Strikes Back GC4D7F 4/12/2002 New York Virtual Cache

26 177 LAKE-VEGAS GC4E95 4/16/2002 Nevada Virtual Cache

27 172 So We Will Remember Them GC25E1 11/1/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

28 169 Old Faithful Geyser at Yellowstone National Park GC10HZW 1/24/2007 Wyoming Earthcache

29 168 Bridal Veil Falls GC10ACW 1/11/2007 New York Earthcache

30 165 Cadillac Ranch GCG71X 6/1/2003 Texas Virtual Cache

31 164 Sounds of the Bay GC30CB 1/6/2002 California Traditional Cache

32 158 I can see Lincoln GC2657 11/3/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

33 156 Shelrik's Happy Cache Inn (For TB's & GC's) GC1KT61 1/18/2009 Oregon Traditional Cache

34 154 USA, all the way South GC2C32 12/10/2001 Florida Virtual Cache

35 153 XKD-380 GCF9 12/26/2000 Nevada Traditional Cache

36 153 Double Bubble Toil & Trouble GC24H25 3/9/2010 Washington Traditional Cache

37 151 Totally Tubular II GCNYKE 5/16/2005 Washington Traditional Cache

38 150 Standin on the corner.... GC64F7 6/1/2002 Arizona Virtual Cache

39 150 EPCOT GC3336 1/18/2002 Florida Virtual Cache

40 150 The Sword In The Stone GC27N0W 5/3/2010 Minnesota Traditional Cache

41 150 Aloha TB Hotel GC1G3TR 9/8/2008 Washington Traditional Cache

42 149 Capitol View GCDE1 6/27/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

43 149 The Depot GC31DE 1/12/2002 Massachusetts Letterbox Hybrid

44 148 Missouri's First - Watts Mill GC37 6/20/2000 Missouri Traditional Cache

45 147 Eiffel Tower GC9D67 10/12/2002 Nevada Virtual Cache

46 147 The Stop and Go,Go,Go Cache GCC859 1/27/2003 Washington Traditional Cache

47 146 Thousand Steps Cache GC59AF 5/19/2002 Pennsylvania Traditional Cache

48 146 Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum GCB6A8 12/20/2002 Texas Virtual Cache

49 146 Bloody Fingers, Dirty Diapers... GCJMDK 6/5/2004 Washington Traditional Cache

50 145 What in the World Cache? GC6D43 7/6/2002 Maine Virtual Cache

51 143 Trolls Lair GC11HRQ 3/17/2007 Washington Traditional Cache

52 142 Stone Faced GC8FBF 9/17/2002 Illinois Virtual Cache

53 141 Slider GC2W5V6 5/13/2011 Oregon Traditional Cache

54 139 Tarryall GC18 7/2/2000 Colorado Traditional Cache

55 139 Terrapin Point Horseshoe Falls GC1H8A9 10/15/2008 New York Earthcache

56 136 Escape From Alcatraz GCF7A2 4/13/2003 California Virtual Cache

57 136 Laughing Sal's GCBD0A 1/1/2003 California Virtual Cache

58 134 Green Thumb GCEC8 7/4/2001 California Traditional Cache

59 134 GC12 5/12/2000 GC12 5/12/2000 Oregon Traditional Cache

60 134 Mission 9: Tunnel of Light Reclaimed GC300N0 7/18/2011 Washington Traditional Cache

61 133 Mall of America Cache III GC7B09 4/6/2003 Minnesota Traditional Cache

62 133 Covert Cache GC3798 2/2/2002 Wisconsin Traditional Cache

63 132 WD's Original GC4B24 4/8/2002 California Virtual Cache

64 130 Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen GCGFHX 7/16/2003 Louisiana Virtual Cache

65 130 Snug as a Bug in Central Park GC12F8M 4/27/2007 New York Traditional Cache

66 129 Bridges & Arches of Central Park GC17MX1 5/31/2008 New York Multicache

67 127 Mile Zero GC2E52 12/27/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

68 127 Raiders of the Lost Cache GC2HN2H 11/1/2010 Pennsylvania Traditional Cache

69 125 Union Square GCK08Z 7/15/2004 California Traditional Cache

70 123 Totally Tubular! GCNDTN 4/10/2005 Washington Traditional Cache

71 122 Pinky In The Whitehouse GC2D78C 8/10/2010 Nevada Traditional Cache

72 122 One in Fifty GC1ZKWZ 10/8/2009 Oregon Traditional Cache

73 122 Astoria Column GC1901 8/11/2001 Oregon Virtual Cache

74 119 1500-E.T. GC32B8D 8/15/2011 Nevada Traditional Cache

75 119 Head Alien #01 GC253ZN 6/2/2010 Nevada Traditional Cache

76 119 Geo MoJo #6 in the Shadow of the TITANS GCTGF0 3/15/2006 Tennessee Traditional Cache

77 118 Auto Art GCJ8M8 5/16/2004 Pennsylvania Virtual Cache

78 117 Octopus Garden GC70 9/30/2000 North Carolina Unknown Cache

79 117 The Devil's Den GC14YRW 8/6/2007 Pennsylvania Earthcache

80 116 Hollywood Studios GC3338 1/18/2002 Florida Virtual Cache

81 116 MM MM Good GC4CE1 4/11/2002 Nevada Virtual Cache

82 116 Geocache 7/21/00 GC17 7/21/2000 Oregon Traditional Cache

83 115 Kerry Viewpoint Park GC62C8 6/9/2002 Washington Virtual Cache

84 113 49 AND HOLDING THE CACHE A GOLD MINER'S DELIGHT GC202RG 10/19/2009 Iowa Traditional Cache

85 113 Tombstone GC62 9/26/2000 Texas Multicache

86 113 TT III X 3 GC2P8XW 2/23/2011 Washington Traditional Cache

87 111 State Game Lands #109 GC184 9/21/2000 Pennsylvania Traditional Cache

88 110 Beaver Cache (the beavers have moved on) GC1D 6/3/2000 Georgia Traditional Cache

89 110 Toga Party GCB0EB 12/1/2002 Nevada Virtual Cache

90 109 The Summer House GCD03B 2/4/2003 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

91 109 Everything is Relative GC1B64 8/29/2001 District of Columbia Virtual Cache

92 109 ORD Layover GC5165 4/25/2002 Illinois Virtual Cache

93 107 Geocache GC57 9/9/2000 Arizona Traditional Cache

94 106 The Fort Williams Cache GC128 1/2/2001 Maine Traditional Cache

95 106 "The Presidential Suite" GCFF01 4/21/2003 Nevada Virtual Cache

96 105 Tristate Marker GC2018 10/1/2001 Michigan Virtual Cache

97 105 Top of The Smokies Virtual Picture Cache GC84C0 8/25/2002 Tennessee Virtual Cache

98 105 The Grassy Knoll GC3710 2/2/2002 Texas Virtual Cache

99 104 Bryce Canyon National Park- Inspiration Point GCHQMX 2/21/2004 Utah Virtual Cache

100 103 First Mass GC74 10/1/2000 Massachusetts Traditional Cache

Edited by SwineFlew

The Container types for the Top 100:


Container Count

Virtual 43

Regular 22

Micro 11

Not chosen 9

Large 8

Other 6

Small 4


I think this is pretty much proof they need to bring back real virtual caches.


Not any more, thats old data. Its now 39 virtuals in the top 100 fav caches in USA.


Cache types:


Traditional: 49

Virtual: 39

Earth Cache: 4

Multi: 3

LetterBox: 2

Unknown: 2

Groundspeak HQ: 1


and last a big fat zero for WebCam. (I was surprised here)


and Wherigo got another zero but not surprised there.


States with a Top 100 cache:



State Count Summary

Washington 13

Nevada 12

Oregon 9

District of Columbia 8

California 8

Florida 6

New York 6

Texas 5

Pennsylvania 5

Illinois 4

Missouri 3

Louisiana 2

Maine 2

Massachusetts 2

Tennessee 2

Arizona 2

Minnesota 2

Michigan 1

North Carolina 1

Utah 1

Wisconsin 1

Wyoming 1

Iowa 1

Kansas 1

Colorado 1

Georgia 1

Country Count Summary

United States 100


as more people find Super Pages located in Bremerton Washington, it will move to the top of the list as it is probably the best cache in the world. check it out and look at the log entrys.


Mission 9: Tunnel of Light has 764


>I think this is pretty much proof they need to bring back real virtual caches.


Flawed thinking. Virtuals are visited more. They have a wider base to gather favorite points. When the GPX component for Favorites comes out, I hope that it also has a favorite potential percentage. Better yet, I'd like that to be a criteria on the PQ selection. Then we can really see what are the most favorited caches.


Whether or not that means anything is up to you.

Posted (edited)

as more people find Super Pages located in Bremerton Washington, it will move to the top of the list as it is probably the best cache in the world. check it out and look at the log entrys.


And this one too..


TT III X 3 GC2P8XW Washington

Edited by SwineFlew

as more people find Super Pages located in Bremerton Washington, it will move to the top of the list as it is probably the best cache in the world. check it out and look at the log entrys.


And this one too..


TT III X 3 GC2P8XW Washington

TT III is a great cache but compared to super pages it would would lose out in a hurry. Super pages is worth your ferry trip to bremerton to find but be sure to check the hours it is available.


as more people find Super Pages located in Bremerton Washington, it will move to the top of the list as it is probably the best cache in the world. check it out and look at the log entrys.


One of the things I regret not doing when I visited Seattle last August/September was finding more goblindust caches. I've only found his Full of Hot Air cache and that was more than enough to whet my appetite.


The Container types for the Top 100:


Container Count

Virtual 43

Regular 22

Micro 11

Not chosen 9

Large 8

Other 6

Small 4


I think this is pretty much proof they need to bring back real virtual caches.


Agree with Markwell, flawed thinking.

Older caches are also heavily represented on the list especially the oldest in the state. Many traveling cachers seek out older and different caches when they are on the road. That doesn't necessarily make them better, just more visited. Caches at the beginning and end of power trails and geoart are represented on this list. Are they better caches too?

Still, it's a fun list to view, and I would like to get the remaining 65 or so that I haven't already found.

Posted (edited)

You have to pay admission to get Epcot. I would never do this and pay the overpriced cost of this theme park.


And the list needs to be updated. The Sword In the Stone has 150 favorite points, the same number as Epcot. A great cache and no charge to find it. And it's a REAL cache.

Edited by rustynails.

This whole idea is a bit skewed.


The real comparison for the 'Favorite' cache would the % of PMs who gave it a point.

A 5/5 in some remote area may only have 10 points but also have only been visited by only 10 PMs. At the same time an older cache in a highly visited area may have a thousand PMs finders and only 100 points.


Now which one was enjoyed more often by the cachers that found it?


The top 100 most favorited caches in the US:

Rank / Code / Cache

1 GC1169 Mission 9: Tunnel of Light

2 GCGV0P Original Stash Tribute Plaque

3 GCK25B Groundspeak Headquarters


5 GC30 Mingo

6 GCW6EM DR. Who.

11 GC92 Un-Original Stash

15 GC2B034 Necropolis of Britannia Manor III

17 GC79 Iron Horse

22 GCG71X Cadillac Ranch

26 GC30CB Sounds of the Bay

28 GC64F7 Standin on the corner....

64 GCB6A8 Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum

66 GC62 Tombstone


Off the top of my head, those are the one's I have done.


WHAT?! No Stingray City!?


In my not so humble opinion #11 doesn't even belong on the list. It's a tag along. 66 was not that memorable either.


I think folks are favoriting the lost catagory since the bulk are virts. I would take notice of that if I worked for the frog.


#'s 4, 6, 15, 26, 64, and Stingray City are some of my most favorite caching experiences.


as more people find Super Pages located in Bremerton Washington, it will move to the top of the list as it is probably the best cache in the world. check it out and look at the log entrys.


One of the things I regret not doing when I visited Seattle last August/September was finding more goblindust caches. I've only found his Full of Hot Air cache and that was more than enough to whet my appetite.

He is the CO that own Dr. Who. Yep...its high up on the list. :D Its location in Portland Oregon.



Off the top of my head, those are the one's I have done.


WHAT?! No Stingray City!?


In my not so humble opinion #11 doesn't even belong on the list. It's a tag along. 66 was not that memorable either.


I think folks are favoriting the lost catagory since the bulk are virts. I would take notice of that if I worked for the frog.


#'s 4, 6, 15, 26, 64, and Stingray City are some of my most favorite caching experiences.


Its Cayman Islands cache. Listing is for US caches.


If we had a list of the top 100 caches in the world, Stingray City wont make the list.


You have to pay admission to get Epcot. I would never do this and pay the overpriced cost of this theme park.


And the list needs to be updated. The Sword In the Stone has 150 favorite points, the same number as Epcot. A great cache and no charge to find it. And it's a REAL cache.


Its updated...Go check my post.



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