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A few threads back people had a little ruckus over whether coordinates should be displayed if you're not logged in.

What if the accuracy was decreased (by a digit or two) unless you were logged in?


However Geocaching is a celebration to the termination of Selective Availability.

I don't think it should be brought back just because you don't anti-up.


Preperation, the first law to survival.



I agree with Leatherman. The main intent of not displaying coordinates was to discourage "plunderers". However, the dedicated plunderer will still go to the trouble to log in to get the information!


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


[This message was edited by ChazC on July 20, 2002 at 05:31 PM.]


I agree with Leatherman. The main intent of not displaying coordinates was to discourage "plunderers". However, the dedicated plunderer will still go to the trouble to log in to get the information!


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


[This message was edited by ChazC on July 20, 2002 at 05:31 PM.]


Originally posted by ChazC:

However, the dedicated plunderer will still go to the trouble to log in to get the information!


Maybe it will at least stop the undedicated plunderer.


I was thinking that a hidden hint on the cache page for registered users would also work. That way the posted coordinates could be for parking, and the hidden hint could be for actual coordinates. The cache poster would have to make this clear in the cache description.


Anything that interferes with being able to automatically download coordinates gets a big thumbs down from me. Those of us that have written our own scripts to pull down data about caches we have visited or want to visit will be screwed.


Wow!! I always figured that a cache got plundered when it was found by a non-cacher. Never imagined that they would take the time to go to a web site, get the coords, buy a gps, and go plunder a cache. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to cause a little mischief.




Anyhow, of course there are people that will go to expence to satisfy there destructive behavior.

Think of those out there that have $2000 or $3000 computers to make viruses or hack other systems.

They maybe using there friends or families GPSr. You can get a basic GPSr at a pawn shop pretty cheap. I've seen a Garmin GPS III for $40.

You have to reallize jueviniles watch all the tech shows that have promoted GeoCaching.


Preperation, the first law to survival.



Most of the caches I have found required knowing that they were there (or close by). I suppose it is possible that you could stumble on to one, but not likely.


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


Most of the caches I have found required knowing that they were there (or close by). I suppose it is possible that you could stumble on to one, but not likely.


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


Originally posted by leatherman:

of course there are people that will go to expence to satisfy there destructive behavior.


I think that would be the exception rather than the rule. I've found that most vandals strike more opportune targets. Why go hike a mile and a half to wreck something of relatively little value when one could much more easily just throw a rock through a car window. I for one don't believe we have a dedicated order of GeoCrashers out there. But rather inconsiderate or immature people taking advantage of stumbling across a cache that probably wasn't hidden all that well to begin with. The caches I've come across that have been plundered were more or less hidden in high traffic areas and fairly visible. I haven't seen any caches plundered that have a three star or above rating for difficulty or terrain.


As for charging to get the exact coordinates of the cache, I think doing so would damage the credibility of the administration, as they have already ascerted that the following: "Are you going to charge us to go Geocaching?

Never! The traditional Geocaching game will always be free. Subscriptions will be for new enhancements and new games added to Groundspeak."


Although my ramblings may not carry much weight with many of you, as I am not a "registered user", I certainly would encourage everyone to register, and intend on doing so myself, perhaps next week. As for this week, I'll have to use that $30 for gas to go GeoCaching! icon_cool.gif


Happy Caching




"it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" Acts 26:14


Originally posted by leatherman:

of course there are people that will go to expence to satisfy there destructive behavior.


I think that would be the exception rather than the rule. I've found that most vandals strike more opportune targets. Why go hike a mile and a half to wreck something of relatively little value when one could much more easily just throw a rock through a car window. I for one don't believe we have a dedicated order of GeoCrashers out there. But rather inconsiderate or immature people taking advantage of stumbling across a cache that probably wasn't hidden all that well to begin with. The caches I've come across that have been plundered were more or less hidden in high traffic areas and fairly visible. I haven't seen any caches plundered that have a three star or above rating for difficulty or terrain.


As for charging to get the exact coordinates of the cache, I think doing so would damage the credibility of the administration, as they have already ascerted that the following: "Are you going to charge us to go Geocaching?

Never! The traditional Geocaching game will always be free. Subscriptions will be for new enhancements and new games added to Groundspeak."


Although my ramblings may not carry much weight with many of you, as I am not a "registered user", I certainly would encourage everyone to register, and intend on doing so myself, perhaps next week. As for this week, I'll have to use that $30 for gas to go GeoCaching! icon_cool.gif


Happy Caching




"it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" Acts 26:14


Originally posted by Duke_:


As for charging to get the exact coordinates of the cache, I think doing so would damage the credibility of the administration, as they have already ascerted that the following: "Are you going to charge us to go Geocaching?

Never! The traditional Geocaching game will always be free. Subscriptions will be for new enhancements and new games added to Groundspeak."


Who said anything about charging for coordinates? Why are you trying to confuse the issue? How would hiding the coordinates to non-registered users cost you any money at all?


Originally posted by Duke_:

Although my ramblings may not carry much weight with many of you, as I am not a "registered user", I certainly would encourage everyone to register, and intend on doing so myself, perhaps next week.


You would be wasting your time. You already are registered. Just check the bottom of your last post, it says you registered on June 15, 2002.


Originally posted by Duke_:

As for charging to get the exact coordinates of the cache, I think doing so would damage the credibility of the administration, as they have already ascerted that the following: "Are you going to charge us to go Geocaching?

Never! The traditional Geocaching game will always be free. Subscriptions will be for new enhancements and new games added to Groundspeak."


"it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" Acts 26:14


The topic is logging or signing in to see the true coodinates.


Preperation, the first law to survival.



Originally posted by Mushu:


A few threads back people had a little ruckus over whether coordinates should be displayed if you're not logged in.

What if the accuracy was decreased (by a digit or two) unless you were logged in?

I wouldn't be happy with this solution (but, as a compromise, I admit it would be better than showing them the FULL coordinates).


Originally posted by ChazC:


The main intent of not displaying coordinates was to discourage "plunderers.


Chaz, I happen to be among those who feel strongly about wanting to have my coordinates hidden from non-registrees (not to be confused with non-charter members). However, in my case at least, the main intent is NOT to discourage plunderers (because I think that most plunderers are incidental finders, not people who've used geocaching.com to seek out the cache)...but rather to reduce the number of caches being sought by those who refuse to sign up for an account.


I believe that, to show appreciation to the cache owner for going to the work and expense of placing a cache for our enjoyment, we owe it to him to sign the logbook and to log our find online.


If a person won't sign up for an account, then obviously he can't log his find online. If that's too much trouble for him, then I'd just as soon that he not look for my caches. There are plenty of others who are willing to display their coordinates to all, so he is welcome to seek out those caches instead of mine.



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg


Logging in (not to be confused with being a charter member) would still be fairly useless to deter intentional plunderers. And yes, even though some have found it hard to believe, there is such a thing. (GeoReplacement Squad springs to mind) There are no checks in place to verify that a users contact info is correct. Someone intent on causing mischief, in the field or the forums, is not likely to post accurate info. Best you could hope for would be a list of IP addresses that viewed a cache page. Big deal, that can be done already without logging in. And what would THAT prove? Nothing. When did the suspected plunderer print out the cache page? 2 hours before he searches for it? Or 2 weeks? When did he even plunder it? It could be a month or more before someone misses it. Besides that, most people still use a dialup internet connection with a dynamic IP address. What if the suspect IP is aol.com? Wow, just narrowed it down to only 12 million suspects! Good work, detective.

Zuck brought up another reason, he seems to think that requiring a geocaching account will make them log online. How? Again, the aluminum foil hat crowd will just create a fictious log in, and continue as they did before, only signing the log book. Besides, last time I checked, signing the book was the only requirement for a standard cache. True, I too would like to see my caches logged online so I know there are no problems. But I do also enjoy reading the log books and finding the "hidden" logs.

Now, lets send this horse off to the glue factory


Illegitimus non carborundum!


[This message was edited by Mopar on July 22, 2002 at 08:22 AM.]


Originally posted by Mopar:

I love this idea! I just wish they would hurry up and implement it so I can feel safer about my cache.

I agree Mopar, thanks for the support.


Originally posted by Mushu:


I agree with you Mopar, thanks for showing me the light.

No problem, Mushu, glad to be of service!


Illegitimus non carborundum!


Originally posted by Mopar:

Zuck brought up another reason, he seems to think that _requiring_ a geocaching account will make them log online.


I thought I couldn't be the only one who read this sentence and thought "who's this 'he' Mopar's going on about?"


But then it occurred to me that I'm one of the privileged few who's gotten the opportunity to meet Zuck in person, and her profile doesn't mention that little detail.




Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

I thought I couldn't be the only one who read this sentence and thought "who's this 'he' Mopar's going on about?"


This, coming from the woman with the extra large hooters.


Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:


But then it occurred to me that I'm one of the privileged few who's gotten the opportunity to meet Zuck in person, and her profile doesn't mention that little detail.

dadgum. No WONDER my dating life has sucked so bad. I guess I need to get my eyes checked. Sorry Zuck, I didnt even notice that your avatar was obviously female icon_frown.gif Please forgive me?


Illegitimus non carborundum!


Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:


But then it occurred to me that I'm one of the privileged few who's gotten the opportunity to meet Zuck in person, and her profile doesn't mention that little detail.

dadgum. No WONDER my dating life has sucked so bad. I guess I need to get my eyes checked. Sorry Zuck, I didnt even notice that your avatar was obviously female icon_frown.gif Please forgive me?


Illegitimus non carborundum!


Originally posted by cachew nut:

Originally posted by Duke_:

Although my ramblings may not carry much weight with many of you, as I am not a "registered user", I certainly would encourage everyone to register, and intend on doing so myself, perhaps next week.


You would be wasting your time. You already are registered. Just check the bottom of your last post, it says you registered on June 15, 2002.


My apologies, I misunderstood. icon_confused.gif


"it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" Acts 26:14


Originally posted by cachew nut:

Originally posted by Duke_:

Although my ramblings may not carry much weight with many of you, as I am not a "registered user", I certainly would encourage everyone to register, and intend on doing so myself, perhaps next week.


You would be wasting your time. You already are registered. Just check the bottom of your last post, it says you registered on June 15, 2002.


My apologies, I misunderstood. icon_confused.gif


"it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" Acts 26:14

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