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River Cacher Silent Auction Geocoin Sale


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Hi all,


I am starting another thread in order to help out our friend River Cacher's family. His mother recently gave me these remaning geocoins of his to sell for her to help out further with funeral expenses and cemetery expenses. These are all she has to do anything with, as his daughters have the rest of them.


I am going to do a silent auction on these to end the same time as the ebay coins I am selling for them. I have posted those today and they end in 10 days, so at the end of 10 days, I will let the highest bidder here know they have won and will send them a paypal invoice at that time. If you are not contacted it means you did not win the auction. Please do not be offended if you do not win.


Thank you all again for your help in helping the family out. The memorial coin (see Toojin's thread) we have made has also helped alot...but as you all know funerals and all its expenses can be expensive, especially to a mother who doesn't have a paying job and volunteers at school instead. She is very grateful for all the help with the funds from the sale of the memorial coin that is being given to her and mike's daughters and she is very excited that these geocoins are being sold to help out too as well as the ones on ebay.


Here is a list of the silent auctions:


** Non Activated**

2 Ape Cachekinz Tags

I came, I saw, I cached Sacramento micro geocoin, black nickel

Team Misguided antique silver geocoin

Mailbox Forum geocoin, silver (has dardevle on it) version ?

Avroair was here geocoin, antique silver finish

All in One geocoin, antique silver

Geo Jelly version 3, black nickel "Butter"

Geo Jelly version 3, black nickel "Habanero Honey"

Cached and Confused silver puzzle geocoin (has scratches on the back)


Non Activated Coins Mike made:

Firetruck, Silver geocoin

Football geocoin mike made (red and green glitter Christmas version) gold finish

Football geocoin mike made (blue and yellow hard enamel version) gold finish

(3) River Cacher Geocoinfest 2010 micro

2009 Black Canyon Beach Luau, antique gold

Idaho 2009 geocoin, gold

Idaho 2009 geocoin, antique silver

Idaho 2009 geocoin, black nickel

Idaho 2009 geocoin, antique copper

River Cacher 2010 Personal geocoin, black nickel



Texas Blue Bonnet Geocoin, silver finish


I can provide pictures if needed, and am available (except next weekend) to answer questions.


I also have some geocoins (some mystery geocoins and some not on ebay) such as this rare geocoin:



Thank you all for your interest and help at this time :) YOU ROCK!!!


I just went to look at the auctions again and sadly for me but luckily for Mike's family the bids are more than I can handle


Same here. I placed some decent bids on a few, but alas, my wallet said no more :(


I placed a few bids, and haven't gotten any email or invoice...which leads me to believe that I have not won...sooo...someone must have placed higher bids than me...which means this auction might have done very well!! Anyone want to lay claim to their winnings?? Not asking any amounts, just interested to see who won some of these.


Hello Wonderful People !! These silent auctions and the eBay auctions made another $834.74 !!


I need a jumping up and down clapping and whooping frog !!!!


Hello Wonderful People !! These silent auctions and the eBay auctions made another $834.74 !!


I need a jumping up and down clapping and whooping frog !!!!




They didn't have a frog.


Thank you all for your different types of support. I was able to write Mike's mother a check for $834 and some odd cents this week. She and his brother Tom were both there when I gave it to her and they are both very very appreciative of the help of all the geocoining/geocaching friends Mike had. Mae purchased the headstone last night with the money. She is most grateful :) So thank you Writeshoprobert who helped out in these forums BIG TIME and thank you to all the people who bid on the ebay coins and thank you also to all the mystery coin owners too, that contributed to our cause :) hip hip hooray we couldnt have raised as much money without you! and hip hip hooray to lenny too (aka Toojin)...she gave up her jedi mickey to help out even more (I'm hoping she'll get another for her good deeds lol)


BTW - It appears that Mike might be getting a 'specially' engraved headstone that he will be sharing with his mother. I will take pictures when they have the memorial service. I think you'll all like it.


Again, many many thanks from River Cachers whole family....


ps, Mrs. Davis found three more trackable coins for me to ebay lol....stay tuned :)



Your post got me all choked up.

This is a great community.



:D I am mailing you something tomorrow... in keeping with our lil tradition... 'when i find them, I return them."

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