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Geocaching license plates for Ontario


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Since I'm living in BC, I can't help. If I was in Ontario it would depend on the cost.


Why not go whole hog and see if Groundspeak would sell a custom block of trackable numbers to match the plates and make them

trackable on the site. Add a TB image on the plate.


Doug 7rxc


Since I'm living in BC, I can't help. If I was in Ontario it would depend on the cost.


Doug 7rxc


if you click on the license plate you get all the details, the cost is what MTO charges



Thanks for getting the word out.. I couldn't see it on the COG or OGA forums!

Who's project is this? One would think all the Ontario sub groups would be interested.


apparently is COG, they need to "spam" it more to get 200 people...they got ONE for sure :D


Since I'm living in BC, I can't help. If I was in Ontario it would depend on the cost.


Doug 7rxc


if you click on the license plate you get all the details, the cost is what MTO charges



Thanks for getting the word out.. I couldn't see it on the COG or OGA forums!

Who's project is this? One would think all the Ontario sub groups would be interested.


apparently is COG, they need to "spam" it more to get 200 people...they got ONE for sure :D


Spam? I know that the OGA, CCC and TAG carried that bit of information without being asked by anyone at COG to do so. It's one of those stories that people don't need to be asked to rebroadcast.

The project is COG, actually to be more specific it's RCA777 who did the legwork to get this started.


Since I'm living in BC, I can't help. If I was in Ontario it would depend on the cost.


Doug 7rxc


if you click on the license plate you get all the details, the cost is what MTO charges



Thanks for getting the word out.. I couldn't see it on the COG or OGA forums!

Who's project is this? One would think all the Ontario sub groups would be interested.


apparently is COG, they need to "spam" it more to get 200 people...they got ONE for sure :D


Spam? I know that the OGA, CCC and TAG carried that bit of information without being asked by anyone at COG to do so. It's one of those stories that people don't need to be asked to rebroadcast.

The project is COG, actually to be more specific it's RCA777 who did the legwork to get this started.


i put it in quotation marks for a good reason..."spam"=advertising :grin:


yes, i know RCA777 deserves all the credit


I was last pulled over about 3 years ago ... and once the paperwork was done, I was told that my rear plate was so bad that I should replace my plates NOW (or risk further noodle lashing).


I have continued to drive with my 25+ year old rusty plates, the sticker tags are a good half-inch thick, and if the OPP are to be believed then I will eventually be fined. I figure that if we stay off those nasty unmaintained roads, maybe the plates will make it to the next vehicle. Well, that's not likely to happen. And the plate still seems good enough to be read by the Hwy 407 toll cameras, at least that was the case when I last drove on that money-sucking-son-of-a-* about 2 years ago.


So, I'll add my name so I can park with pride beside those who have vanity plates with their GC names. And if it doesn't work out I'd consider getting a vanity plate with a favourite cache - GC1234A for example - and sticking a TB sticker beside it -- you can do that in any province or state that offers vanity plates. Bust most likely, I'll just keep plugging along until I get a ticket.


Got my order in too, seems like a cheaper way to get vanity plates and also gets teh word out about geocaching. not too mention I can now see if there is anyone I need to overtake on the way to a FTF.


I had emailed the address on the site a few months ago to express my interest, but had some questions:

1) Will it be possible to select the numbers you would prefer on either side of GC - first come, first served once this is a GO?


I had emailed the address on the site a few months ago to express my interest, but had some questions:

1) Will it be possible to select the numbers you would prefer on either side of GC - first come, first served once this is a GO?


very unlikely, those are not exactly vanity plates where you can pick and choose the writing and which cost at least twice more


Hi there,


The MTO requires us to order 200 plates up front, with sequential numbering.


01GC01 thru 01GC99 and 02GC01 thru 02GC99


We have to "buy" these plates to "Start" the program; the plates are $90 incl. shipping


Once the 200 plate quota has been reached, the graphic plate will be available through the regular Service Ontario/MTO offices.


Today, Ontario charges $250+ for a personalize plate (regular blue/white plate).

In order to have the graphic applied to a personalized plate (AFTER the program has started with the initial 200 plates) it will be... $250 + $90.... which is getting pretty pricey!


Folks who have indicated they'd like a plate with a graphic are essentially first-come/first-served with the number they get (e.g. 01GC33).. but obviously if a special request for a two digit number is made, we'll try to prioritize with no promises!




The MTO requires us to order 200 plates up front, with sequential numbering.


01GC01 thru 01GC99 and 02GC01 thru 02GC99


But that's only 198 :P

Posted (edited)

I did... they are already getting some plates; that's a good idea! perhaps they won't notice.... <Shhhhh>


Lackeys don't read forums, do they?




Edit: Recv'd an e-mail; yeah - they read forums

Edited by RCA777

I had emailed the address on the site a few months ago to express my interest, but had some questions:

1) Will it be possible to select the numbers you would prefer on either side of GC - first come, first served once this is a GO?

IF that's the case and IF I lived in Ontario, I would request 02GC24. :lol:

The Reviewers are avoiding 01GC13 and 02GC13... so don't ask.


Actually if I was ordering a set I would want one of these, but an 09GC13 would be better, 09 the month I got married and 13 the day I got married. And yes some years it does fall on a friday!


Nova Scotia only needs back plate so I had a local maker do a custom plate with my screen name and emblem. Front only but it has drawn attention from a few Muggles. :P


The Reviewers are avoiding 01GC13 and 02GC13... so don't ask.


Actually if I was ordering a set I would want one of these, but an 09GC13 would be better, 09 the month I got married and 13 the day I got married. And yes some years it does fall on a friday!


If I was ordering one I would definitely want one with the 13 on it. I am not superstitious at all! I was born on the 13th as was my brother!

My preference would be 08 13 :D


Newfoundland and Labrador don't have vanity plates but Ham Radio operators can have plates with their call sign. Mine is VO2WW as is my Geocaching name


Me too...


I'm not so interested in ##GC## but more to get a fully personalized plate with the GC Icon on it. I wonder if "Archive" is taken yet {pondering} :anibad:


:cool: CD


i heard that one is reserved for CacheShadow :P


I received an email during the summer, claiming that they still did not have the numbers. They were asking everyone to spread the word. It is still in the works as far as I know. The email said that they would try to reserve some numbers on a first come first server basis. Keeping spreading the word and we should get the numbers :unsure: :unsure:


We are currently at 150 to 160 people - a few folks were not sure if they would be buying one set of plates or two.

The magic number is 200. The plates would be between 01GC01 and 01GC99, 02GC01 and 02GC99.

---> After <--- the 200 are sold, the MTO allows the logo to be applied to any plate in Ontario.

That would then allow anyone to add the logo to their existing plate, or to purchase a vanity plate with the logo.

Adding the logo to your existing plate would be $80 ish.

Getting a vanity plate is something in the range of $275... and then you'd have to pay the extra $80 for the logo.... which isn't cheap.

To get a set of boring everyday licence plates is somewhere around $60.

So why not replace those old rusty plates with a nice 01GCxx or 02GCxx plate, with the logo for only $30 more?


I have tapped on the shoulders of a few friends to help spread the word. Groundspeak have helped out too and provided some good resources.

An update email will be sent shortly -- I was waiting for the 175 firm number to be hit.




Here is the latest update ( email I received today). If you are a member of a geocaching group or club please spread the word. How about leaving a note in some of the larger caches? A lot of us spend hundred of dollars on a GPS, a one time cost of $90.00 is not unreasonable. :)


Hello Everyone!


An update was sent at the start of September... but it appears there was a mail system "oops".. and therefore we're resending the info!




At the present time we have 160 plates "spoken for"... and that means we still need another 40 firm requests before the program kicks to the next stage.


If you know any fellow cachers who may have been "on-the-fence" regarding their participation in the project.... now would be the time to perhaps give them a positive nudge!


In the meantime.....


As you know, the cost per set of plates will be $90CAN (incl. tax)


Would your preference be to make this payment:


a) With a personal cheque, which can be mailed to the Project Administrator

B) Via PayPal

c) Via Interac E-mail transfer


** No Payment Needs To Be Made At This Time! **


I'd like to get an idea of what payment methods work for people, so I can create a "What You Should Do Next" webpage in anticipation of us getting the last 40 requests!


Please be sure to keep this project top of mind -- feel free to mention the website http://www.driventogeocache.ca in to your friends, in person and online!


If you have any questions please feel free to send them along!


Every effort has been made to accommodate the specific number combinations (between 01GC01 thru 01GC99 and 02GC01 thru 02GC99) that have been requested... but of course... there are only one of each... so we've done our best!

(Twelve people requested 02GC20.... we've obviously gone with a first-come-first-served reservation system! Even if first and second choices aren't available... participation in the project is a milestone in itself!)


Thanks again for your ongoing support!


Driven To Geocache



Hey everyone should put the website in their logs for their caches. Especially if you are from Ontariario.


Or is this breaking some rule? :unsure:


borderline SPAM, its been tried before and didn't go down very well


your log should be about your experience "hunting" for the cache not an advertising vehicle


Hey everyone should put the website in their logs for their caches. Especially if you are from Ontariario.


Or is this breaking some rule? :unsure:


borderline SPAM, its been tried before and didn't go down very well


your log should be about your experience "hunting" for the cache not an advertising vehicle




:cool: CD


Hey everyone should put the website in their logs for their caches. Especially if you are from Ontariario.


Or is this breaking some rule? :unsure:


borderline SPAM, its been tried before and didn't go down very well


your log should be about your experience "hunting" for the cache not an advertising vehicle




:cool: CD


But what if it is a mystery cache? How could that be bad. B)


Hey everyone should put the website in their logs for their caches. Especially if you are from Ontariario.


Or is this breaking some rule? :unsure:


borderline SPAM, its been tried before and didn't go down very well


your log should be about your experience "hunting" for the cache not an advertising vehicle


:cool: CD


But what if it is a mystery cache? How could that be bad. B)


huh? :blink:


I'm surprised not to have my Fathers day present by now. I this a sign of the extra curricular involvement of Ontarians? I thought it would be easy to find 200 people in the province to get behind this.


I would imagine that someone has reached out to the many Ontario geocaching groups, and associations???


I agree, that it seems odd to be taking this long to get up to 200 people interested. However, I think more people are interested (as am I ultimately), in a custom license plate using the Groudspeak logo, but know that this has to be the way to get to this as a first step. In addition, the cost is a lot less to go with this opportunity. Christmas is just around the corner...maybe time to present this to Ontario geocachers as a great gift for another geocacher, or to tell them to let others know it is on their list!!!


Looking forward to hearing ANY update soon! However, I worried that when organizers get to 200, it will be difficult to get those 200 to ultimately provide the funds to move ahead!


Just to add to that, I think if it takes too long, some of the 200 will have had their interest wane....

I think there is a function of length of "hang time" vs interest level :)


I would imagine that someone has reached out to the many Ontario geocaching groups, and associations???


I agree, that it seems odd to be taking this long to get up to 200 people interested. However, I think more people are interested (as am I ultimately), in a custom license plate using the Groudspeak logo, but know that this has to be the way to get to this as a first step. In addition, the cost is a lot less to go with this opportunity. Christmas is just around the corner...maybe time to present this to Ontario geocachers as a great gift for another geocacher, or to tell them to let others know it is on their list!!!


Looking forward to hearing ANY update soon! However, I worried that when organizers get to 200, it will be difficult to get those 200 to ultimately provide the funds to move ahead!


I have been following this topic for awhile, do not give up hope. Maybe we can get some Geo-Stores to place a free add on their website or the OGA or even try and get geocaching.com to send an email to all Ontario members...the plates would be a good PR for them or start a facebook group for those who have facebook accounts....there has to be some other methods to spread the word... even set up a virtual cache or a virtual caching event for ntario cachers who are interested. Any thought or comments or suggestions


Hello Everyone,


The program is still "On Track"... however we are still 25 or so "commitments" away from being able to move to the next step.


If we reach 200 commitments and find during the "fund gathering" stage that a few folks have dropped out, I don't mind 'fronting' the project a few dollars to keep it on track.


'A few dollars' is the equivalent to three of four missed commitments; not 25. :ph34r:


We've circulated the project info via Facebook (thanks to Groundspeak) as well as via forums; please feel free to "bump" (or create!) posts on your local forums for www.driventogeocache.ca




Hello everyone!


Well... it's November and regrettably we still have not yet hit the "200 order" plateau for the Geocaching.com® Graphic Ontario License Plate.


As the plates are $90 a piece, and we still need 30+ orders... that is a $2700 shortfall.

The issue is simple; the Ministry of Transportation requires that 200 plates be ordered, in bulk, *at once* to start the program.

They also require a certified cheque for the funds paid in full, up front....


As this is a non-profit endeavour, we have no negotiation or wiggle room.

Oh -- and it's a government program, essentially.... :)

It would be a lot easier if they'd let us "buy" the plates up front and THEN let us "sell them as people wanted them"....!


We are working on re-marketing and "getting the word out" in some new ways, as we *know* that once people see the plate actually "on a car", it will essentially promote itself.

Your patience is appreciated -- all existing "requests" are still queued -- due to the fact that there has been no quorum reached to date, we appreciate that some folks may have decided not to participate.

This is a large program to coordinate and even if you ultimately decide not to participate, your support thus far has been appreciated.







Hello everyone!


Well... it's November and regrettably we still have not yet hit the "200 order" plateau for the Geocaching.com® Graphic Ontario License Plate.


As the plates are $90 a piece, and we still need 30+ orders... that is a $2700 shortfall.

The issue is simple; the Ministry of Transportation requires that 200 plates be ordered, in bulk, *at once* to start the program.

They also require a certified cheque for the funds paid in full, up front....


As this is a non-profit endeavour, we have no negotiation or wiggle room.

Oh -- and it's a government program, essentially.... :)

It would be a lot easier if they'd let us "buy" the plates up front and THEN let us "sell them as people wanted them"....!


We are working on re-marketing and "getting the word out" in some new ways, as we *know* that once people see the plate actually "on a car", it will essentially promote itself.

Your patience is appreciated -- all existing "requests" are still queued -- due to the fact that there has been no quorum reached to date, we appreciate that some folks may have decided not to participate.

This is a large program to coordinate and even if you ultimately decide not to participate, your support thus far has been appreciated.







Thanks for your update and keeping this project going. I am still interested and in this for the long run.


This would be a great Xmas gift for anyone looking to get something for a cacher.


I just got personalized plates for my birthday earlier this year (the same as my GC ID), so I wouldn't buy them to use them on my vehicle. I suppose MTO won't let you buy them just to put them up on your wall, eh?


Because if so, you could certainly put me down as "interested" and "willing to pay the $90" :ph34r:



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