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7th International Math Trade


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Again stolen from E&C's explanation of mathtrade6, so these numbers do not match for this version:


Okay, here's Part II of the Want List tutorial...


Q. What if several people have listed a coin I really want. If I include all the IDs in my want lists, is it possible to get more than one?


A. Using the method I described above, yes this is a posibility.


Say I have listed coinID 406 and coinID 407 up for trade. I would like to get two of the following coins for them:


"Anasazi Spirit Dweller - Mystery Black & Blue" (IDs 478 599)

"Lotus Compass - Bast" (IDs 458 505 985)

"Earth Turtle 2007" (ID 720)

"Pax Dragon - Blue" (IDs 471 910 990)


So I could make the following want list:


406 : 478 599 458 505 985 720 471 910 990
407 : 478 599 458 505 985 720 471 910 990


However, by doing it this way I would 'risk' receiving coin 478 for coin 406 and coin 599 for coin 407. I'd end up with two of the same "Anasazi" coins instead of getting two different coins.


You can avoid this very easily by defining variables.


You define a coin group to make sure you only get at most 1 coin from that group. Pick a name for your group and stick a percent sign ('%') in front of it to indicate that it is a variable. Then add a colon (':') and a space-delimited list of coin IDs. In the example above, my coin variables would look like this:


%AnasaziMystery : 478 599
%Bast : 458 505 985
%PaxBlue : 471 910 990


Now I simply include these names in my want list, instead of the actual coin numbers. My list would then change to look like this:


406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue
407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue


This way, if coin 406 gets traded for one of the coins from the %AnasaziMystery group, this will prevent coin 407 from being traded for another coin from that same group.


Your variables must be defined at the top of the want list that you send to me, and every line must start with your nickname in parentheses.


(E&Cplus3) %AnasaziMystery : 478 599
(E&Cplus3) %Bast : 458 505 985
(E&Cplus3) %PaxBlue : 471 910 990
(E&Cplus3) 406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue
(E&Cplus3) 407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue


But wait! There's more! You can nest your variables. This means that you can take a variable that you have already defined and use it within another variable. Why would you do this?


Say you have a coin that you would like to trade for a Pax Blue coin, and only for the Pax Blue. But there are a few of them in the list (IDs 471 910 990). There are some other coins that you would like trade for ANY Pax coin, including the Blue, and there are a LOT of them (IDs 158 472 624 625 640 989 991 992)


Well, you already have the Pax Blues defined, so now you need to create a variable for the whole group:


(E&Cplus3) %AnasaziMystery : 478 599
(E&Cplus3) %Bast : 458 505 985
(E&Cplus3) %PaxBlue : 471 910 990
(E&Cplus3) %PaxAll : %PaxBlue 158 472 624 625 640 989 991 992
(E&Cplus3) 406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720
(E&Cplus3) 407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720
(E&Cplus3) 408 : %PaxBlue
(E&Cplus3) 409 : %PaxAll


Notice how the fourth variable definition uses the variable defined earlier. In my want lists, coin 408 uses the %PaxBlue variable, and coin 409 uses the variable for all Pax coins.


Just a few notes about precedence: the coins listed within a variable all have equal weight! So, in the %PaxAll variable, coin 992 has the same weight as coin 471. However, when using variables in your want lists, the normal precedence rules apply (ie. %AnasaziMystery trumps %Bast which trumps coin 720).


That's it! Please don't hesitate to ask for clarification if I haven't explained things well enough.


All the lists look good so far, except for one minor tweak on a couple of people. Please remember to put your name in parenthesis before each coin, and NO COMMAS after the colon for the list of numbers.



Also, make sure you add the numbers 51-64 inclusive onto your wish list.


:laughing: :laughing:


All the lists look good so far, except for one minor tweak on a couple of people. Please remember to put your name in parenthesis before each coin


I don't ever remember doing that before. So of course I didn't.


All the lists look good so far, except for one minor tweak on a couple of people. Please remember to put your name in parenthesis before each coin


I don't ever remember doing that before. So of course I didn't.


I got yelled at for not doing that last time! Making my list today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed! :D


Want list sent. It's great having over 1000 coins offered, but MAN that's a lot to look through!

Fingers crossed that I did it all correctly and THANKS Josh, for doing this. :wub:

Posted (edited)

Yeah I'm commuting back and forth an hour to go to an AP Stat workshop, so my want list may be the absolutely last one done on Friday afternoon...


Wish Lists I current have not received:












Los Muertos







Six Little Spookies

The Moop Along





The rest of you are insanely fast.

Edited by Ashallond

This is tough. I got it started, but I am having trouble following what I am doing. I hope it works. There is really only 2 or 3 coins that I REALLY want, so if I get 1 or 2 or 3 of those I will be happy.


I have no idea when I am going to find time before the 25th to get this done! Sigh...


I will get some time somewhere, but need to get my head around the process again.


Just sent my list. I'll remind my wife she has until the 25th to actually make a list. :rolleyes:




I think Ashallond should be suspicious if her list ends up looking exactly like yours. ;)


Just sent my list. I'll remind my wife she has until the 25th to actually make a list. :rolleyes:




I think Ashallond should be suspicious if her list ends up looking exactly like yours. ;)


Well, she does have access to my want list ;) If you ever met her an event, you can bet your $$$ she doesn't give me any coins she gets. Just ask Mark, or Marianne, etc. No matter who's list she uses, you can bet those coins are going into her drawers . . . Never to seen again.




want lists coming in ok, and the few issues that i see in formatting I can fix easily.


Only 13 people left to get their lists in (I'm one of them)


be patient with me after the list runs...I may screw it up, or screw up the addresses or lord knows what I'll mess up.


Current list of people without want lists:











Los Muertos



Six Little Spookies





Current list of people without want lists:











Los Muertos



Six Little Spookies




In that case, we'll take all their trades :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Want List Submission - ends June 25th, 9pm EST


Gotta make my list!! Still have a couple days It'll be a close one! haha


Yeah I know! Hoping I have internet where I am going to be tonight!!!!!!!!!!! (Otherwise I might be a bit stuffed)


well you'll notice I have a couple of days before phase 4 gets released. If you are en route to GW, please let me know and I'll work with you. Besides something popped up today that if it gets worse than it is with some family, then phase 4 may get delayed a few days.....


besides we are ALL aware that some trades are going to take a bit of time to complete because of Geowoodstock, right? I know at lesat one person was in my neck of the woods a few days ago on their way over.


(If you are on I-40 going west/east through Arkansas, and are near Fort Smith and want some easy/great made caches, let me know, I'll hook you up with a list of GC #'s.


We are, in fact, on our way to GeoWoodstock, caching all along the way! :grin:

It shouldn't have any impact on my being able to mail out my coin trades...I brought them all with me along with envelopes and bubble wrap. So, mailing will not be a problem.

The issue will be, for me, in confirming receipt of coins I get in trade (and I expect ALL of them on my want list :lol:). We have someone staying at our house and getting the mail, but not a cacher. A couple of weeks after the mailing happens, I have someone I trust who knows about coins coming to open all the envelopes, so I won't be able to confirm receipt until that happens.


btw, thanks VERY much to Ashallond for the heads up on some great caches when we were going through Fort Smith on our way. Wish we could have spent more time, but we have places to be :P

Thanks again for organizing the math trade and for the nice emails along our way. :grin:

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