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7th International Math Trade


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is it just me, or is anyone else unable to access the "coins offered" page?




I was just there and had the same problem, so I logged out and back in again and I still can't get to the coin list.

Posted (edited)

looking into it before I go to bed.


Wait for an edit with info.



and here it is.


I don't see anything that would be causing the problems. NOSNOW, I see that you have 37 coins listed. I know all the veterans of these know this, but for everyone new, there is a tab that says 'Coins Offered' at the bottom that if you click on it should take you to the master list of coins to this point.


I'll check tomorrow to see if people are still having problems.



Edited by Ashallond

Try holding down the Ctrl key whilst pressing F5 and release both keys (Ctrl-F5)


This will refresh the page from scratch and not pull any cached elements.


Not sure if this will work/fix it, but is worth a try.


Works fine with me.


Maybe this is impractical for reasons I don't know, but... Would it be possible to avoid sorting the spreadsheet, at least until the deadline for submitting new coins?


I copy the entries to my own spreadsheet, to mark the ones I'd like to try to trade for. When entries are sorted by geocacher nick, new entries that I haven't copied, are mixed with old entries that I have already copied/manipulated. My task would be much easier if I could just copy newly added (bottom) lines, instead of sorting through for duplicates, etc.


I guess other people are doing something similar...?


Another option (for later math trades) would be to add a counter column, where the first entered coin gets number 1, second gets number 2, etc. That way, we can sort them any way we'd like. The time stamp could probably be used that way, except that many participants don't use it, and excel is not very willing to convert it from text to time stamp.


Works fine with me.


Maybe this is impractical for reasons I don't know, but... Would it be possible to avoid sorting the spreadsheet, at least until the deadline for submitting new coins?


I copy the entries to my own spreadsheet, to mark the ones I'd like to try to trade for. When entries are sorted by geocacher nick, new entries that I haven't copied, are mixed with old entries that I have already copied/manipulated. My task would be much easier if I could just copy newly added (bottom) lines, instead of sorting through for duplicates, etc.


I guess other people are doing something similar...?


Another option (for later math trades) would be to add a counter column, where the first entered coin gets number 1, second gets number 2, etc. That way, we can sort them any way we'd like. The time stamp could probably be used that way, except that many participants don't use it, and excel is not very willing to convert it from text to time stamp.


What I don't get is, why do you need to have all the entries in your own spreadsheet now? I wait until the very end, and then download the file when the moderator of the Math Trade says "everything is good". People who take entries out in the middle of the trade pick incorrect numbers, lose descriptions, etc. I suppose if you want to take that chance. I feel like I can make educated picks on what coins I want in the week after submission and regrouping closes. Maybe if you are out of town during that window I can understand needing to pick ahead of time. It's just that every year I see a post where someone who jumped the gun got the wrong coins because their manual sheet blew it. Plus, you're making more work for Mr. Ashallond, who is busting his hump already ;) It's worked beautifully for 6 trades already . . .




I'm definitely not trying to make more work for anyone. I'm just asking if it is necessary to sort the columns before the end.


I'm a newbie, so I don't know most coins. Maybe I shouldn't have joined, but I'm discovering a lot of new coins this way, perhaps I'll get a couple of them - and I think I offer a few nice trades, too.


Because I don't know most of the coins, I'm spending quite some time searching up the names, marking the ones I like, etc. I won't have time for this much research during the final week.


I know I've got to be very careful when selecting coins from the final list. No numbers are written down, I just mark those rows that I like. I think I can match up coin name/date/nick from my list with the final list.


I'm definitely not trying to make more work for anyone. I'm just asking if it is necessary to sort the columns before the end.


I'm a newbie, so I don't know most coins. Maybe I shouldn't have joined, but I'm discovering a lot of new coins this way, perhaps I'll get a couple of them - and I think I offer a few nice trades, too.


Because I don't know most of the coins, I'm spending quite some time searching up the names, marking the ones I like, etc. I won't have time for this much research during the final week.


I know I've got to be very careful when selecting coins from the final list. No numbers are written down, I just mark those rows that I like. I think I can match up coin name/date/nick from my list with the final list.


We're happy you joined ;) My main point was that every year I seem to hear about a huge mistake made when manually downloading the file early. Just pay attention to double check your file against the "all clear" file and you'll be fine.




From the user end it is much easier if the main sheet is sorted regularly. This allows you to see all your coins in a group when editing your list. You don't have to go searching through an unsorted list and wondering if you missed one. It also makes it easier to count up to 50. :)


I suggest you just browse the list of coins for now, but don't make any firm trades lists until after Ashallond says 'GO'. Coin numbers will change a few times between now and the end of the trade as people add more coins, delete them, group them, etc.


I haven't sorted the coins recently, but I AM going to sort them on Wednesday night. I am doing this because I will be on a caching run friday and saturday, so phase two might not start until sunday morning. Just an FYI for everyone.


Also, I will remind everyone to make sure they use the official list. I always made a small word document of the name of the person and the coin name that was my 'list' of coins.


steben6, can you access the page at ALL (the intro page, anything) or is all you can see is just the first page?


If you can't see the page at all, send me a new email to mathtrade7 at gmail and I'll add you in again. Same goes to anyone else who is having access problems.


OK, I'll use my tricks to compare the sorted list to my personal edited list, to make sure I won't miss a single entry. :)


Question: If 3 persons have entered a coin that I'd like to have, but that I don't need 3 of... Is there a way to ensure that I get maximum one of them? (I know, I sound overly optimistic, but it might happen with one of the more common coins...) I read about this during the previous math trade, but I couldn't find the conclusion.


I still don't seem to be able to access the spreadsheet at all ;(

If you want to be part of the math trade then you'll need to send an email to Ashallond. Then you'll be added to the access list and be able to enter your trades in the list.


I still don't seem to be able to access the spreadsheet at all ;(

If you want to be part of the math trade then you'll need to send an email to Ashallond. Then you'll be added to the access list and be able to enter your trades in the list.


I've already done that and received a reply but sadly I'm still not able to access the spreadsheet ;(


So here's a random newb question seeing as this is my first math trade.


Of course there are coins that I would like on the list (obviously!!) but is there a way to just leave mine up there for others to want to trade for and see whats offered? I don't want to end up with no trades at all because the one coin I wanted or something I couldn't get. Especially if a few of my coins were ones that someone wanted but they couldn't get them for some reason or another.


Long story short: Can I make some choices of trades I would like, but make them for any of my coins, not just one specific? And can I not make choices for a few of my coins but still keep them in the trade just in case someone else would like it?


So here's a random newb question seeing as this is my first math trade.


Of course there are coins that I would like on the list (obviously!!) but is there a way to just leave mine up there for others to want to trade for and see whats offered? I don't want to end up with no trades at all because the one coin I wanted or something I couldn't get. Especially if a few of my coins were ones that someone wanted but they couldn't get them for some reason or another.


Long story short: Can I make some choices of trades I would like, but make them for any of my coins, not just one specific? And can I not make choices for a few of my coins but still keep them in the trade just in case someone else would like it?


Yes, when we get to the wish list portion, you can dictate any number of coins you would trade for it, but you can also say "I will only trade this one coin if I get coin X, Y, or Z...and that's it" or "I will trade this coin for anything on the list if they want it"



uktim, I readded you. Try now. If you don't get in to the spreadsheet email my ashallond account and I'll talk with you seperately.



Everyone, I'm currently on the other side of the state on a laptop. I would like to set a deadline for coin entry of Saturday, midnight central daylight time. I may not lock it until Sunday morning due to sheer exhaustion, but if I were you, I'd make sure all coins are done by midnight, or close to. If need a few hours extension email my ashallond email.


I know that Ashallond is offline, but perhaps someone else can advise?


Is it acceptable, at THIS stage, to submit a set of coins as one entry? Or are we supposed to enter all coins individually at this stage, and regroup in the upcoming stage?


I ask because I have a few extras of some coins. I consider offering one set of three coins + individual coins. That would mean two identical coins being entered - once in the set and once individually. Is that acceptable?


I know that Ashallond is offline, but perhaps someone else can advise?


Is it acceptable, at THIS stage, to submit a set of coins as one entry? Or are we supposed to enter all coins individually at this stage, and regroup in the upcoming stage?


I ask because I have a few extras of some coins. I consider offering one set of three coins + individual coins. That would mean two identical coins being entered - once in the set and once individually. Is that acceptable?


Yes it is okay to group now. I have one set of three listed.


I know that Ashallond is offline, but perhaps someone else can advise?


Is it acceptable, at THIS stage, to submit a set of coins as one entry? Or are we supposed to enter all coins individually at this stage, and regroup in the upcoming stage?


I ask because I have a few extras of some coins. I consider offering one set of three coins + individual coins. That would mean two identical coins being entered - once in the set and once individually. Is that acceptable?


Yes it is okay to group now. I have one set of three listed.

I think the question is really whether you can enter two identical coins, whether individually or in a set. The rules say only one coin of any kind, and Ashallond has previously answered that only one coin can be offered. So I'm thinking the answer to that part is "no." :huh:

Posted (edited)

All mine are now in and good to go :) I have had way too many problems with my internet today and was worried i'd have to drive to the nearest starbucks with my laptop just to double check my list!! :laughing:


Edited to add: We are currently at 1065 coins!

Edited by MoonCat & KDT
Posted (edited)

Actually, this may take a few minutes. I was double checking my list and HALF of my coins have been deleted!


I'm not amused. I'm going to have to go back and see what all was deleted, and how. Give me at least an hour.



Found out why in revisions. Someone was copy and pasting lines to sort their own coins and OVERWROTE my coins.


This was why I said to not sort anything. Added instructions will be added to the regrouping instructions to double check this.

Edited by Ashallond
Posted (edited)

That's it!


The coin submission phase is closed!


We ended up with 44 participants and 1092 coins for trade! Not the all time record, but pretty good!


(Again, stealing from E&C because he explains it so well)


Now the Regroup Phase begins. If you are interested in regrouping coins to make an extra special package in the hopes of landing that one must-have coin, then follow the instructions below. When you are satisfied with the way your coins stand, please let me know via email or a post to this thread. Remember, regrouping is optional. If you simply want to trade your coins off one by one as they are now listed, all you need to do is send an email to the address below saying that you are done regrouping. If everyone finishes with the regrouping early, we can move on to the Want List Phase early.


Please contact me if you have any questions. The Regroup Phase will be open until June 18th, 9:00 PM EST (next Saturday).


Regrouping Instructions:


The Regroup Phase gives all participants the chance to create sets of two or more of their coins. You can do this to make an offer more attractive to others (and therefore to have a potentially higher chance to get a specifically wanted coin). Remember -- if you decided to group two or more coins together, these will only be traded as a complete set (or not at all).


To regroup your offers, please send an email to:


mathtrade7@gmail.com with the heading "(Your geocaching name) Regrouping (example: Ashallond Regrouping)


containing the line numbers and the coin descriptions of all coins for each coin set you want to create. Also mention your geocaching.com nickname -- just as an extra measure of insurance to keep me from making mistakes.





Let's say I have seen some must-have coins that I, well, must have. Unfortunately, I feel that the coins I am offering -- on their own -- won't seal the deal. So I decide to combine some of my coins into sets. I'll fire off an email with the required info:


Regrouping for Ashallond:



ID 53 Canada Micro 2009

ID 65 USA Flag Micro BN





Please use the ID's as listed on the COINS OFFERED worksheet in the Mathtrade7 document.

Make sure you only use the numbers in the column titled "Reference this Number Only!"


Second, because some people did not follow instructions while entering coins, and it IS possible that you might be missing a coin (I was missing 9), there is a second step to this phase.


You need to verify that your coin list is correct. If you are missing a coin, You need to give me the information that you would have typed in for the coin. I will add it to the bottom of the list, but I WILL NOT SORT THEM until this phase is over.



So an example email for this phase would be as follows:


Subject: Ashallond Regrouping



ID 53 Canada Micro 2009

ID 65 USA Flag Micro BN


All coins verified.





Subject John Doe Regrouping


No Regrouping


Missing one coin : Finland Flag Micro, BN, USA



Both issues must be addressed. If you have no regrouping or fixes to the database, then that needs to be said as such. If everyone gets their regroup/database check in sooner, then we can start phase three sooner. While you can state your info here in the thread, Please send mathtrade7@gmail.com an email.




Also, for those of you who are starting your wish lists. Plesae be aware the Reference Numbers will change slightly after this phase due to grouping and possible fixes to the database. Basically Don't make your lists of numbers alone. Know the trades name and the coin name


Please let me know if you have any questions about this process. You can post your questions here, or email them.

Edited by Ashallond

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