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Nano caches are hard to find!


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I wonder if anyone is having/has had the same issues we are having right now? We're normally quite good at finding caches (rocks piled in a crevasse become easy to find once you get your eye in) but lately we have been hunting a few nano caches, usually magnetic ones, and been unable to find almost all of them.


Perhaps some are missing but I am sure most are there. In fact one even has a note that it has been checked but we still can't find it. Oh and in all these cases we know where it should be because they're easy caches in that sense. I mean we know within about 50cm where each should be.


So what are we doing wrong?


Yep - just like you develop an eye for caches under a pile of rocks - after a while you will start getting an eye (or feel) for nanos. It is just to get the hang for where other cachers place them.

Perservere - but my personal feelings - bigger cachers are more fun.


And then there are the disguised caches, usually in urban settings. Remember a cache can look like just about anything and some are very ingenious. But as CH has said, its like the ones you are already familiar with, where you can now begin to spot the slightly out off place rock or a likely boulder from 20m away. The same is true for other caches as well. With more experience you will look at a location, see what size the cache is, and immediately have some idea of places to look. Sometimes there may also be subtle (and not so subtle) hints within previous logs. So if you are stuck, try reading back trough some of them. Remember also to keep in mind the difficulty rating. If you are at a 1.5 rated cache, all the previous logs say "quick find" and you have checked all the likely places, then this may indicate that it has gone. I would encourage logging a DNF as this alerts the CO to a potential problem. Conversely, if you are looking for an easy to reach cache with a difficultly of 3 or more, then it is likely to be a tricky one.


If current trends are anything to go by, there will be a lot more out there! For my first techno event I brought in a shipment of nanos and bison tubes for people to buy at the event. The 25 nanos went like hot cakes not to mention the bisons of which I had had to acquired a further batch of over 100 to meet the demand. :ph34r:

This means that I will now have to go and find them in the wild as well! B)


You've gotta admit, nanos & micros are easier to hide.

With the amount of caches in this area, it's hard to find places to hide bigger caches.


I like a variety of hides & types. Keeps you on your toes! You do get a 'feel' for the hides and what to look for. If you're stumped, come back anothr day and try again!


You've gotta admit, nanos & micros are easier to hide.

With the amount of caches in this area, it's hard to find places to hide bigger caches.


I like a variety of hides & types. Keeps you on your toes! You do get a 'feel' for the hides and what to look for. If you're stumped, come back anothr day and try again!


Yeah I know I agree. And hey, if I can't find it and I'm looking I don't think a muggle will find it!


Yeah I know I agree. And hey, if I can't find it and I'm looking I don't think a muggle will find it!


I performed maintenance on one of my nanos over the weekend and it took me nearly 20 minutes to find it!!! :rolleyes: I knew it was there as somebody had found it recently and replaced the log for me. The last person had placed it in a different place to where I originally placed it. Just goes to show that even your OWN cache can have you stumped as well. :P


@GPSJane - Long Drop is only a micro because it was continually being muggled by baboons! Since I made it a micro it has managed to survive. Persevere, it doesn't have its D/T rating for nothing! :unsure::blink:


Nothing to do w2ith this but welcome back GPSJane.... your cache at Windy corner has a full logbook and one of the TB's I put in there two years ago is still listed as been there but has long since disappeared could you move it as a missing item please. Would you like me to replace the logbook on my next pass or will you be able to do it?


Nothing to do w2ith this but welcome back GPSJane.... your cache at Windy corner has a full logbook and one of the TB's I put in there two years ago is still listed as been there but has long since disappeared could you move it as a missing item please. Would you like me to replace the logbook on my next pass or will you be able to do it?


That would be great Wazat. I don't drive that road too much any more. I will move the TB - sorry it went missing!


I'm so going to steal your signature. I agree with the sentiment!


And thanks, we should have come back a while ago!


@GPSJane - Long Drop is only a micro because it was continually being muggled by baboons! Since I made it a micro it has managed to survive. Persevere, it doesn't have its D/T rating for nothing! :unsure::blink:


cincol I think you have a different Long Drop. The one I am referring to is NotBlonde's cache.


Why can't we search by cache name?!


Yeah I know I agree. And hey, if I can't find it and I'm looking I don't think a muggle will find it!


You'll be amazed what muggles manage to unearth, in the urban environment it's often through maintenance or security that caches get muggled. There's a cache in CPT where the cache was placed and ended up being tarred in by the council, so it ain't going anywhere.


As said, one eventually gets an 'eye' in for urban caches. I hit a lot of DNFs before I got some of the hang of it.

I think this would have stumped me forever if it was in my 'hood, but it is a very very cool hide.

(only 13 seconds for those worried about bandwidth)


Why can't we search by cache name?!

I don't understand.

Go to the play tab then hide and seek a cache. The dropdown which follows is the same enquiry as before and you can search on any criteria.

Although not one of my favourites, Long drop is there, exactly in the middle where it says and you have to reach over and under to get it without dropping it. Not ideal. But hey, each to his own...


I don't understand.

Go to the play tab then hide and seek a cache. The dropdown which follows is the same enquiry as before and you can search on any criteria.

Although not one of my favourites, Long drop is there, exactly in the middle where it says and you have to reach over and under to get it without dropping it. Not ideal. But hey, each to his own...


Why can't we search by cache name form the search box on the front page? The one thing that has always gotten me about the website is the difficulty in searching for caches. So many clicks. No graphics... shocking.


Mr Panda video of that cache is way cool. The C/O must have spent a lot of time and thought planning it. The one thing that struck me was that he used a tap. If a thirsty muggle walks by and tries to have a drink of water? Its game over

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