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Making Profiles Public

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Is there a way to make one's profile "public" (i.e. don't need to be logged into the GC site to view it)?


I understand that this would not be a desirable feature for many GC users, but I don't know if it's even possible (in a toggle in the settings or something) to do if one would want to.





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I knew I had to proceed with caution on this topic which is why I have the second paragraph of my initial post.


If the answer is, "no", that's fine. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. I would prefer it if this were available as an option, but if not no big deal.






P.S. Although it's neither here nor there, the reason I was asking is so I could add a link to it on our family's landing page here: http://www.vandykfamily.com/ The following comment is exactly right, and while I believe the site can easily serve both types of users, I'm not trying to start that debate here:


Just as there are those who want every tiny bit of their information locked down tight so only they can see it, there are some who want this information to be completely public.


P.P.S. If anyone honestly believes that giving users the ability to make their profiles public will somehow cripple the performance of the site, please shoot me an email. I have a bridge for sale.


Note to Mods: I'm honestly not trying to start a big debate here. Just wanted an answer to the question. As far as I'm concerned, the question has been answered and this thread can (and probably should) be closed. Thanks!

Edited by mattvandyk
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I really don't see the need to make it "public". Its already fairly public. It cost nothing to register on the site so if someone wanted to see my profile they could. I can see the benefit of having it more easily accessible to promote the sport and your activity in it. I'm only mildly familiar with web site data bases and link backs to pages. So i don't really know the impact of making it more public.

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