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I just copied the bit below from the bottom of the main Forum page. How come CoronaKid is on bold and no one else is?


Just curious.


Online Now: 141

There are currently 50 members and 91 guests on the boards.

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(Note that I had to manually bold it with UBB on this post.....)



You must be present to win.

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Originally posted by Markwell:

I believe this was just answered, but I'm not sure how accurately. The answer that someone else just gave is that they are moderators.

That someone else was me. I must admit, I don't know for a fact that this is the right answer - it's based on observation. Anyone I know to be a moderator always comes up in bold, so I always assumed that was the reason. I can't see what forum CoronaKid moderates though.


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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I thought Simon and Markwell were correct, but then I just noticed a few people listed in bold who I have not known to be moderators, admins, approvers, or employees of Groundspeak. One of them has only belonged to the site for a few weeks. Maybe a forum bug?


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Maybe the people who have most recently logged a cache are the ones listed in bold?


Or, perhaps those who have most recently showered? That one makes it more fun to wonder when more than one name is in bold.


The real answer is probably less interesting than just making up a few other ones!


Originally posted by Markwell:

I believe this was just answered, but I'm not sure how accurately.

Sorry for the redundant post. I usually try to do a search before posting a new thread, but I simply missed that one.



You must be present to win.

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Is there a there a thread in the forums where the following have NOT posted: Mopar, Clayjar, Markwell, Web-Ling, etc.... (you know who you are).

The ones you pointed out are the ones that knows what’s going on! They have been here way longer then you or I have and that gives them the right to post when they want and how many times they want. They know what's going on in these forums and they are here to help the geocaching community out, if you notice they have helped many out, just one instance is by markwelling. If you don't know what that is then you don't need to post.


...and they don't stutter icon_biggrin.gif


The early bird gets the worm, but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese.

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Not sure, but it is possible that they are new users to the forums. The forum count, for example, is the number of logged in users at Geocaching.com who have participated in the forums. They could be old hat at Geocaching.com and new here.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

Not sure, but it is possible that they are new users to the forums. The forum count, for example, is the number of logged in users at Geocaching.com who have participated in the forums. They could be old hat at Geocaching.com and new here.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

Nope, cause I noticed a little while ago that a forum regular that I know for a fact is not a moderator was listed in bold. It USED to be only forum moderators were listed in bold, now thats obviously not true.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Originally posted by 9Key:


Is there a there a thread in the forums where the following have NOT posted: Mopar, Clayjar, Markwell, Web-Ling, etc.... (you know who you are).


Take a break guys! Let someone else have a voice.




Where and how does their posting clamp shut the mouths of others? Clay Jar puts in hours and hours to bring us Watcher, a wonderful program for geocachers. Markwell shows us the way. Mopar adds humor and experience. Web Ling isn't bothering anyone and if you're talking about me, well I will not be silenced! I can't be. Ask anyone. And if the regulars (we know who we are) were to keep our opinions to ourselves, why, the forums just might not be as much fun. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, because whatever you were smoking when you said that is bad for your brain. icon_rolleyes.gif


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


[This message was edited by Planet on March 22, 2003 at 12:20 PM.]

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Originally posted by 9Key:

Is there a there a thread in the forums where the following have NOT posted: Mopar, Clayjar, Markwell, Web-Ling, etc.... (you know who you are).

Actually, I post on a very few threads these days, but when I post, it's because I have something to contribute to the discussion, as is the case (now) in this thread.


I ran a few things through the reality-o-meter, and unfortunately, none of them matched up very well. I'm not sure if this is due to a bug in the OpenTopic code or the possibility that they're making the bold/non-bold distinction based on some complex formula.

  • Last Post: georgeandmary, ClayJar (not bold); MityDave, Unfurl, Horatio (bold) (Also, I replied to a thread from Horatio to de-last-post-ify him in that thread and forum, and it had no effect.)

  • Moderator: Elias, Jeremy Irish (bold); Team Paradise, MityDave, and Unfurl (bold, not mods)

  • Number of posts: Team Paradise (0 posts), MityDave (1 post), Unfurl (20 posts), Elias (172 matches), sevron2 (0 posts, non-bold)

  • Freshly Logged In: Horatio (bold); worldtraveler, gloom, millforce (not bold)
(Looking at this, I'm leaning toward the bug answer... I'll have to look some more later, or not.)


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No apology necessary at all. icon_smile.gif I just didn't want to let this thread get off track, that's all.



My question came up before the changeover to the new forums. I think they have fixed it now and only admins or moderators show up in bold. Hmmm.... are you a moderator and you don't even know it?

(I wish moderator ryhmed with poet!)


You must be present to win.

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Where and how does their posting clamp shut the mouths of others? Clay Jar puts in hours and hours to bring us Watcher, a wonderful program for geocachers. Markwell shows us the way. Mopar adds humor and experience. Web Ling isn't bothering anyone and if you're talking about me, well I will not be silenced! I can't be. Ask anyone. And if the regulars (we know who we are) were to keep our opinions to ourselves, why, the forums just might not be as much fun. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, because whatever you were smoking when you said that is bad for your brain.


Cache you later,



So what am I?


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That torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I....was never here.

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