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CCW and caching

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I'm new to caching and I have been wondering how common it is for cachers to carry concealed weapons while caching, the ones that have a carry permit in their local of course. Am I alone out here?


We go heavy every time. I carry for work, and due to the type of people I deal with at work, I carry all the time. Too many fools have no respect for people who have a job to do and can't separate work personal.


92FS with me at all times.

Arizona has pretty liberal gun laws


That's a serious piece of hardware. I haven't had a chance to fire one yet but they do have one at my local range. Might have to give it a try.


Gun laws in Canada don't allow for the carrying of side arms. Sure would make a guy feel a lot safer though.


I personally don't carry (don't own a firearm) but I have no issue with others doing it as long as they're safe & responsible about it. If I did have a CCW, I probably would carry occasionally. I have a friend who carried for years when we went 4-wheeling and I didn't even know it (that's part of the whole concealed thing).


I live in NJ. We're not allowed to carry guns here.


Anyway, there are many cachers who carry where carrying is legal. There are also many cachers who are abhorred at this idea, so these threads unfortunately tend to quickly morph into a 2nd amendment debate.


How is this a geocaching issue? This is a CCW issue. It isn't as though you are wondering if geocaching is dangerous, and should you get a weapon and a CCW license. You are simply looking to discuss weapons under a thin guise of geocaching, in my opinion.


How is this a geocaching issue? This is a CCW issue. It isn't as though you are wondering if geocaching is dangerous, and should you get a weapon and a CCW license. You are simply looking to discuss weapons under a thin guise of geocaching, in my opinion.

How is it any different from "how many people take their pets geocaching" or "who likes to solve sudoku puzzles to get cache coordinates?" It's asking if people bring other aspects of their lives into their caching activities.


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


Make sure to wear a longer or loose fitting shirt. Probably not a big deal if you're carrying in the boonies, but in urban areas...have someone check your fit and print before leaving. I'm not speaking as the carrier, but as the checker! :)


How is this a geocaching issue? This is a CCW issue. It isn't as though you are wondering if geocaching is dangerous, and should you get a weapon and a CCW license. You are simply looking to discuss weapons under a thin guise of geocaching, in my opinion.

How is it any different from "how many people take their pets geocaching" or "who likes to solve sudoku puzzles to get cache coordinates?" It's asking if people bring other aspects of their lives into their caching activities.

IMO, Ecylram's post just above this one is a perfect example of how to tie a subject like guns into geocaching. He is asking a question about guns that specifically pertains to an aspect that is unique to caching. The OP is only using geocaching as a segue into talking about guns... in my opinion.





Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?

Open carry. :anibad:


I use an in the waistband concealed holster for a S&W SD9, and a friend of mine uses a paddle style "over the belt" holster for a Glock 23. No matter what, though, there's some degree of printing, unless you hide the thing in your underwear. I wouldn't worry about printing so much, and if somebody sees it, then you have a teachable moment.


Oh, and a 92FS is drool-worthy. You can't go wrong with 9x19mm parabellum. Is it a serious piece of hardware? I dunno, if I saw somebody print with a DE Mark XIX... that's some serious hardware, effective against BEARS.


Which, by the way, a good reason to carry is when you're in places where you don't want large, toothy mammals to turn you into geo-hors d'oeuvres.


I suggest the OP search for previous threads, as there have been many. His or her question was answered in each of those threads. Instead of bringing up the great debate...again...


So a nearly year-old thread that turned into a gun debate gets resurrected and locked today and then a new thread pops up asking for little more than "me too" affirmations.


Awesome. Well, here's your gun thread. Let both sides be represented and all that.


I don't carry. I respect your right to carry but frankly I believe that there are more folks that carry for the wrong reasons and with little to no training or respect for the weapon. I'm more concerned that some somebody will fire a weapon for the wrong reasons at me than I am concerned enough to carry a weapon to protect me against bad guys, large mammals or zombie hoards.


I fully expect to be now told how I'm putting my family in danger and be labeled as a left-wing, socialist, pinko, tree hugging, PETA member. I'd point out that there is a shotgun in the house and every member of the family has been instructed in its use and has fired it on occasion at a target.




I have a CCW, but I rarely carry. About the only time I pack is if I'm hiking somewhere in the deep woods and there's a chance of an encounter with certain wildlife that hang out in these parts from time to time. Or I'm heading somewhere for plinking or target practice, as it is required in this state to have one if you're carrying loaded in the vehicle.


But 24/7? Urban park and grabs? Never. I don't live in that much fear of my life, especially in this hick town. :blink:


What do you mean by "print"?

Obviously I am not a gun carrier or I would know.

I think that means that it shows through your clothing.


I kinda guessed that. I wonder why "print"? I would think "fit"

I guess I watch too much "How do I look" and not enough "Sons of Guns" on TLC.



Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?

Seems to me that if there's someone around you need to worry about 'printing' in front of, perhaps you shouldn't be worried about reaching/bending/crawling.


As a cache owner, I wouldn't want you more concerned with hiding your gun from muggles than hiding my cache from them, Thank-You-Very-Much. If you're trying to hide it from the people you're caching with, maybe you need to rethink that, too.


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


In waist band Crossbreed


LOL great question dog!


I was also wondering. Does anyone throw stones up at a cache when they don't want to/ or are unable to climb the tree? If so how do they get it back up there?


Guns are so retro.


I carry a 1000mW (1 watt) Class IV laser pointer. It will cause blindness at 100 yards, brain cancer at 250 yards, and melt icebergs also. Although mostly illegal in the US, the distributors will ship anywhere and the local police have no clue what it is. :ph34r:




So cool!! Have you ever lased a cache out of a tree? And if so, how did you put it back?


LOL great question dog!


I was also wondering. Does anyone throw stones up at a cache when they don't want to/ or are unable to climb the tree? If so how do they get it back up there?

Well, I know of one cacher that did that, then brought the cache home for her husband to sign, then delivered the container to the cache owner at a dinner party, who had to go back and climb the tree to rehide his own cache. I'm not kidding. Good thing the cache owner was not carrying a weapon! :lol:

Posted (edited)

Guns are so retro.


I carry a 1000mW (1 watt) Class IV laser pointer. It will cause blindness at 100 yards, brain cancer at 250 yards, and melt icebergs also. Although mostly illegal in the US, the distributors will ship anywhere and the local police have no clue what it is. :ph34r:




So cool!! Have you ever lased a cache out of a tree? And if so, how did you put it back?


I would not use it for such a trivial purpose. Besides melting a few icicles, and starting a minor avalanche, its mostly been unused. However, I'm planning a trip to Antartica, where it will come in handy to help speed up the global warming.


All you need is one of those plus a cell phone and GPS jammer for protection. :rolleyes:

Edited by 4wheelin_fool

Guns are so retro.


I carry a 1000mW (1 watt) Class IV laser pointer. It will cause blindness at 100 yards, brain cancer at 250 yards, and melt icebergs also. Although mostly illegal in the US, the distributors will ship anywhere and the local police have no clue what it is. :ph34r:




I find it very odd that such a device is called a "laser pointer," even though it is in a part of the spectrum that humans can't see. Wouldn't be much good for "pointing," would it?


Guns are so retro.


I carry a 1000mW (1 watt) Class IV laser pointer. It will cause blindness at 100 yards, brain cancer at 250 yards, and melt icebergs also. Although mostly illegal in the US, the distributors will ship anywhere and the local police have no clue what it is. :ph34r:




So cool!! Have you ever lased a cache out of a tree? And if so, how did you put it back?


You could just "laser" the tree branch and cut it down. Or easier, cut the whole tree down, that way you don't have to worry about climbing up to replace it, it would still be attached to the branch.


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.



I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

That's classy, right there. I couldn't afford a real Walther PPK, so I got a made-in-Poland P-64. It takes the 9x18mm Makarov ammo. They claim it was an original design, and it even has a Polish patent number, but yet the parts are interchangeable with the Walther. What a remarkable coincidence!


Like the Walther, the P-64 goes perfectly in a shoulder holster under a tuxedo jacket. Not that I would go geocaching in a tuxedo. Although it could happen, I guess... I do frequently go geocaching in a business suit.




Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

The extra magazines in your caching bag are for what? What on earth are you preparing for?


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

The extra magazines in your caching bag are for what? What on earth are you preparing for?

wants to make sure he gets the FTF


When not in New Jersey I carry a S&W M&P45 in a lv2 retention holster. CCW in the winter, Open carry in the summer.

Most people are more curious about me wandering around in circles with what looks like a cell phone in my hand. Very seldom do they notice the sidearm. I've never had a problem with police, they ask what I'm doing, I tell them "geocaching" and they shake their head and usually say something like "Oh, your one of them" and drive away.


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

The extra magazines in your caching bag are for what? What on earth are you preparing for?

wants to make sure he gets the FTF



Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

The extra magazines in your caching bag are for what? What on earth are you preparing for?


Do you really want to know, Chad, or are you just trolling? I'll assume you really want to know. Ammunition magazines are a common design weakness in semi-automatic handguns. Carring an extra magazine is more than having extra ammunition, it's also about having an extra part that fails. It's like having a spare tire for your car.


Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.


I have been using a Blackhawk fannypack to carry my Glock G26, one extra magazine, Surefire Executive Defender flashlight, and folding knife. But lately I have been putting the fannypack in my backpack when not in rual areas.


I have been thinking about buying a Maxpadition pack that has a pocket for handguns and the pack is carried at your side instead of your back so that you can get to the weapon while wearing the pack.

Posted (edited)

For everyone that is getting their underwear in a bunch over this topic........DON'T CLICK ON THE THREAD!

Why would you say that? Did some of the comments cause you to get your underwear in a bunch? :anibad:


I am one that has a problem with this thread. My issue, as I have already stated, is that you guys want to talk about guns, not geocaching. There are forums for talking about guns. I don't go there to talk about geocaching.

Edited by knowschad

Before this thread degenerates...


For those who carry while caching, what method of carry do you use to keep your weapon secure and not 'print'? As cachers we're reaching, bending over and even crawling under things. It's somewhat easier to conceal in the colder climes during winter, but summer is fast approaching.


What works for you?


I carry a Walther PPK .380 in a inside the pants holster and a Springfield XD .45 in my cache bag with extra magazines.

The extra magazines in your caching bag are for what? What on earth are you preparing for?


Do you really want to know, Chad, or are you just trolling? I'll assume you really want to know. Ammunition magazines are a common design weakness in semi-automatic handguns. Carring an extra magazine is more than having extra ammunition, it's also about having an extra part that fails. It's like having a spare tire for your car.

I'm not Chad. I know Chad.

OK, one extra magazine should cover any situation that you might come upon as a geocacher, even with equipment failure, right?

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