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New Cache Timeframe

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I'm sorry but many clearly put no effort into their caches.



And we live in an age when to dare to say so in here or on a cache log gets you attacked from every corner!

Long live bland, uninformative logs <_<



It looks like despite the pill being hard to take, we're well on the way to curing the patient:



Well done peblicus.


It looks like despite the pill being hard to take, we're well on the way to curing the patient:



Well done peblicus.

Yes, well done, that does look like a nice place to be taken to. I also see that the cache has already been given a favourite vote and on it's first day as well. :D


Yes, this cache took a LOT of consideration, and I've posted some interesting facts on the area.

Also the co ordinates were a blooming nightmare as GPS was scatty, so took 4 attempts at getting them just right!

And yes it's been found several times already :)


Yes, this cache took a LOT of consideration, and I've posted some interesting facts on the area.

Also the co ordinates were a blooming nightmare as GPS was scatty, so took 4 attempts at getting them just right!

And yes it's been found several times already :)

What GPS do you use? It's a good idea to check the satellite display screen to see how good a 'lock' it has on the visible satellites. If you've just switched it on it may not have picked up enough data to give a good position fix. Once it has settled down try walking to the cache site from several different directions - about 50 feet away each time. Then mark the waypoint each time you get to the cache site. This is particularly important if you are under tree cover. You take all the coordinate readings and average them out. Your GPS may be able to do this for you but you can do it yourself quite easily. For example, if you take 4 readings as follows:

N 51° 12.345 W 002° 34.567

N 51° 12.347 W 002° 34.569

N 51° 12.342 W 002° 34.562

N 51° 12.341 W 002° 34.562


Add up the 4 N readings of 345+347+342+341 and divide by 4 to give the average of 344. Do the same with the W readings to give you 565. So the coords would N 51° 12.344 W 002° 34.565




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