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Having problems with the forums ...


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I'm having all kinds of problems in the last couple days with the forums ... going from one string to another ... and I can't pinpoint what trips it ... but all the bulbs go white. Also I get error messages (in English and Spanish) sometimes telling me that the forum is down ... going backwards and then forward ... it comes back. Am I going crazy or has anyone else had similiar experiences? icon_confused.gif



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Thanks ... I was begining to worry ... here's the English part of the error message:

System Notice:


The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it.


Thank you for your understanding.




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Originally posted by Hawk-eye:

Well so far this morning ... no "White Screens of Death" ..


Hawk-eye, the gremlins must have moved on to better pickins 'cuz I've been plagued with them all morning. Just about every other time I click to a thread I get the white screen of death!!! It's definitely annoying. Guess it's going to be a while before the bugs are finally worked out of the new forums. icon_confused.gif


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===

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System Notice:


The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it.


Thank you for your understanding.



I get this error occasionally, but I finally figured out that it happens if I try to submit a reply to topic at the same time or just after somone else has. That's the only time I have received that message.


Food for thought.



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I was logged on to geocaching.com. This is part of the message I received while trying to logon to the forums.


404 Not Found

The requested URL /0/OCClient?ACTION=LOGIN&SITE_OID=1750973553&NON_OT_USER_ID=...

was not found on this server.


What's up with this? I'll forward the entire message to Infopop. Sure hope this is resolved shortly.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it. icon_smile.gif

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