+GoldBugGirl Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 This is one of my favorites that I don't have, the 2007 Compass Rose LE :
+LadyBee4T Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 One collecting theme I have is that I like to collect personal coins from the people that I "know"
+Fiery Searcher Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 *gasp* That's a new one for me, and I like it! Does it glow? Oh, the thought of it is lovely...
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 Sigh... another favorite that I have yet to get.
+redwingrr Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 *gasp* That's a new one for me, and I like it! Does it glow? Oh, the thought of it is lovely... No glow, but it's very cool and it's big. Did you notice N, S, E, & W are included? Plus the degree signs and decimals. There are some awesome versions. You can see them all here: http://www.ingwer.ch/geo/coins/gotcoords_en.html
+GATOULIS Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 ok... some of my favorite coins and I have some are... not real coins.... they are the oakbucks! But does this count?? I have the 1 oakbuck in silver and in gold colour... they are really cool!
+redwingrr Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 Two more of my favorites here. Ellandel Australia and Chargeman & Nordjas. Absolutely scrumptious art and colors, nature, personal cacher coins - lots and lots to love about these two. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
+GATOULIS Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 an other favorite coin is the huge mapa mundi XXL geocoin!!! WOW!!! That's a beauty!!!
+LewisClan77 Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 I have a friend of mine that has one of these. It instantly became one of my faves. 2010 Compass Rose LE Gracioso
GoodGollyMissMolly Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 (edited) Another theme I like to collect is events. Especially ones I attend as I like to support the event. Other events I like are coin related so I can enjoy them vicariously. Whoops this was supposed to be Mom's post--LadyBee4T. The only ocin I own is GeoDog for obvious reasons Edited March 20, 2011 by GoodGollyMissMolly
+GATOULIS Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 3) I would love to see a geocoin compass... but a real compass! that actually works! But I do not know if this can be done... Can you imagine to have one coin like that as pocket coin? we will have a compass with us all the time!
+TeamEccs21 Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 (edited) Favorite Coin... For some Reason I was completely taken by the beauty and simplicity of the Davey Jones Locker Coins. Thanks goodness they stopped coming out with new and better versions before I was Broke. This one is my Favorite of all the versions. If I learned how to spell & Proofread I'd have a lot less edits Edited March 20, 2011 by TeamEccs21
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 (edited) I wish someone would make a coin dedicated to the etch-a-sketch I love those and still do. If there is one out there I haven't seen it yet! EDIT just googled a different combo of words and found it! I am now listing it as one i definitely want!!! Edited March 20, 2011 by MoonCat & KDT
+LewisClan77 Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 I really like to collect personal coins, but I have caching kids and I think it would be cool to see more personal coins from kid cachers. I have seen a few, and I am sure there are more out there, but you don't see them alot.
+LadyBee4T Posted March 20, 2011 Posted March 20, 2011 I would like to see more coins minted that are distinctly caching related. Most of the coins minted now I consider to be commercial. pretty but most have little to do with caching. I think that kaelia understands Of course I did post a commercial coin as one of my favorites.
+GATOULIS Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 a beautiful coin that I love is the tree of life! the design is amazing that the details excellent! I suppose it is even better from close... right??
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 I love to collect Geocoins with compasses on them or with some sort of navigation theme, but have something different about them. For example the petrified wood compass geocoin
+keewee Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 GeoJellies are so cute! (Will post an additional, supporting photo later)
eseurat Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 Sigh... another favorite that I have yet to get. Like MoonCat I love these and hope to own all four someday.
+goosefraba1 Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 I think it would be neat to get a running tally of "most" voted liked coin/theme when this is over. It would be a cool trend to see.
+redwingrr Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 Elements Compass is one of my favorites too. Here's Sun in Silver and a couple more. I know I'm not the only one with an eye for the sparklies around here... Carion Crow. Two of the WI coins (WGA) are in my favorites also - the 2008 cow and 2010 too.
+GATOULIS Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 (edited) 3) An other favorite coin is... a coin I was gifted... and has my name on it!!! It is a geocaching- all in one 2008 geocoin and has the name GATOULIS on it!!! Probably it is one and only with that name.... and it is the only coin with my codename on it.... so far! Edited March 21, 2011 by GATOULIS
+Kameharem Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 For question #3: I would like to see a coin made like a locket that would open up and have a message or a picture inside; I think that could make a cool coin.
+mamoreb Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 (edited) Someone mentioned counting the votes for various favourite coins. In that case, count me for Scavok's Tree of Life! Particularly the red on silver error edition... I know that the details on the background are less visible without enamel, but the red tree on that sharp silver background brings back memories of lovely frosty autumns. (First image borrowed from Trekearth.) Edited March 21, 2011 by mamoreb
+goosefraba1 Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 Someone mentioned counting the votes for various favourite coins. In that case, count me for Scavok's Tree of Life! Particularly the red on silver error edition... I know that the details on the background are less visible without enamel, but the red tree on that sharp silver background brings back memories of lovely frosty autumns. Wow... I havn't seen that one before. Very nice.... I think that Scavok makes these errors on purpose They always look so non-errorish.
+farrtom Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 3. What coin you wish someone would make?: I would like to see a series of coins based on great architectural buildings / sites. Either modern or ancient. I think I might just have to start working on that!
eseurat Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 I love National Park geocoins, especially from places that I have been. One of the first NP coins I got was for Zion. The design depicts one of the craziest hikes I've ever done. Last Summer I went to Zion to hike Angel's Landing. The last little stretch warns you before you begin that several people have died while climbing it. The sad thing was that I wasn't into geocaching until several months after my trip, so, when browsing I discovered that there was an Earth Cache at the top of the landing that I could've got...*sign* Oh well, guess that means I should take the pilgrimage again:) Wiki Article Angel's Landing I couldn't get this particular photo to load, but here's the link:) Zion Geocoin
+GATOULIS Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 WOW! time passed and i forgot to post! I would love to see a coin.... for the geocoin forum!!! Yes! why not???A coin about friendship between coiners from other countries! as a design?? well... we can make a global sphere... that actually is rotating... and we can write geocoin forum 2 hands that shaking... as a symbol of friendship, and... the icon of the geocoin... that is showing... when there is no icon yet.... But of course that is just a thought!
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 Hmmm Well, I'm running out of favorite coins etc! Anyways!! I think I've gotta say this one is a favorite of mine as well!!
+redwingrr Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 Love the pics that are getting posted. Here are a couple more favorites. A Tribute to All Caching Dogs - that looks a lot like one of our caching dogs, Maggie! On the back of Nature Sunburst is a quote from John Muir: In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
eseurat Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 I love the one that redwingrr just posted! I'll have to keep my eye out for that one:) I have a thing for armadillos, so this was a guaranteed favorite.
+GATOULIS Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 an other favorite coin is a coin I was gifted when my small parot (parakeet)named Frixos died...! He died in my hands... he was ok but suddently he fell down in the cage and he couldn't breat well! I took him out to see what was wrong but he died... I felt so sad! like I was responsible for his death! now I have a couple again... the female I had Eli, and the new one has the same colours with frixos..... hmm... I haven't named him yet... a long time passed but.. huh...it is not fair... I have to give him a name! he is a lovely and very clever male parot! anyway... the coin is the rainbow bridge geocoin... for all our pets that we lost... lovely coin with amazing words on it!
+EyeD10T Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 Found one of these while caching once...it was a neat looking, fun coin.
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 One more favorite before bed! I just discovered this one and fell drop-dead in love. I've been collecting Pez since i was 6 years old, so to find a pez geocoin is incredible!!! I am determined to own it.
+keewee Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 What was he question again? Oh yeah - Tsun's original Earth Turtles. They were a geocoin of great, great beauty!
+LewisClan77 Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 I was kinda thinking of a theme that I collect. Well a sub-theme amongst my collection. I have always bought event coins at events where they are available. Kinda like another way to remember it, other than a smilie.
+goosefraba1 Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 I'm kinda partial to the first geocoin that I came into contact with. Adrenaline Geocoin.
+GATOULIS Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 Ok.... really... even if it will be difficult to buy all... etc.... I would love to see the signal series again! they stoped some years ago (2006 or 2007), but they were so nice....
+keewee Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 (edited) Fluttershy's Teal and Pink geocoins... these might well have been the very first geocoins I bought!!! They are as beautiful today as the day I bought them! I never see anyone even mentioning them these days. Edited March 22, 2011 by keewee
+MoonCatKDT & Peanut Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 I'm thinking I'm going to begin collecting suncatchers as well, I find them gorgeous! I do have one out travelling now, the OGA Geocoin 2010
+goosefraba1 Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 (edited) Coin idea... Lava Lamp. That would be Groovy! edit to add pic. Edited March 22, 2011 by goosefraba1
+LewisClan77 Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 Coin idea... Lava Lamp. That would be Groovy! I,ve seen it. I'll try to find a pic. If someone doesn't beat me to it.
+GATOULIS Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 (edited) here is an idea I would love to see..... Ok... what is in my mind... is not 100% coins.... but... here is my idea.... (since I do not have the money to make them....... I can post my ideas...) make a series of coins for a board game! the board can be... from pagamon until chess! Yes... chess, but instead of soldiers, bishops, towers, knights... to have.... soldiers = cachers with GPS kinghts = biker cachers towers = ammo cans! Bishops = hicker with stick... Queen = Earth as lady King = Signal!!!! In black and white... ***edit to say..... maybe instead od a biker for the knight...we can put the Travel Bug!!! At the end of the collection, there can be a thick cardboard or wooden... board to play.... the board can be in geocaching coulors... and can be chess in one side and pagamon in the other... since these can not be real coins but more like trackable tiny statues.... here is an other idea.... Let's create a board game... and the coins will represent the gamers... it will be the caching board game... With ladders, with traps, you are trying to take the FTF in a cache... you will have problems to solve.... you know... a game with a path... and according to what the dice shows when we throw it... we move.. there can also be cards to tell us what to do... the coins will have a nice geocaching design... like a gps, a cacher, signal.... in different colours... We can even make the dice trackable!!! again... the cardboard or light wooden board.. can be given or sold too... hmm... this is probably off of what you want for your 3rd question anne... right?? Edited March 23, 2011 by GATOULIS
+redwingrr Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 This is a great cointest. Interesting ideas and beautiful coins. I wish more people would enter! Fluttershy makes my heart go pit-a-pat! I was going to post some more favorites and even took new pics for you all but I had packages from an angel yesterday and have to go with a text answer right now. Others have said this in various ways but it's so true. A coin can be my favorite purely due to the emotions, memories, or lessons I associate with it. Those are really the most beautiful of all.
+redwingrr Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 I go to the dermatologist annually so she can burn pre-cancerous stuff off of me. Last time she asked about some raw spots on my face. I told her they weren't a problem, just some wounds from crawling around in the bushes. "Why were you crawling around in the bushes?"
+farrtom Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 (edited) This is one that I will be getting soon. Edited March 22, 2011 by farrtom
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