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Is there a way to view all of my or someone else's logs/notes?

Mark 42

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Originally posted by MarcusArelius:

I don't know of one, but that would be cool if you could.


Of course you can get a list of all the caches a user has found but you would have to slog through all the logs to find a specific user's comments.




You can see FINDS, but not NOTES or DNF's. Dan's Stat site was useful for that.



Eamus Catuli!

ChiTown Cachers * Keenpeople.com Stats

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Originally posted by Mark 42:

I would like to be able to peruse all of my log entries


You can view your own, just not someone else's. On your "My cache page" there is a list that shows the last 10 logs, or logs in the last 10 days, whatever is greater. To the right of the heading, there is a link to "show all logs". You are not currently able to do this for anyone else (unless they share their password with you, and you log into their account).



N 39 54.705'

W 77 33.137'

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I meant to continue that satement with

also have the ability to peruse other users' logs...


Some people seem to always have interesting &/or humorous log entries.


But it didn't dawn on me that I already can see my own log entries.


Though it'd be nice if I could actually see the text of them on one page, like looking at log entries on a cache page.


I also wish I could invert the order of the display of log entries when I look at a cache's log so I could read them chronologically.


I also wish I could save preferences so that all log entries are displayed and all encrypted text decrypted right away when I look at a cache page.


I know, I'm asking for a lot, but I'd imagine others would like some of these features as well.

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