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INTERNATIONAL...Kitchin Sink MINIMission


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Box? Have the boxes been sent? Did someone mention a box? Box? What? I was only asleep for a minute.....Dang...I knew I should have taken some No-Doz....


Did Box 24 come witjout me knowing it?? I'll do my best to figure out who was the sender of the missing BOX and see if I need to move forward in some other way. I thought everyone knew that this was going to be a slow mission, waiting for 25 empty boxes to go out, 25 filled boxes to return, and 25 filled boxes to be shipped out again. That's three international trips to come to completion, I thought everyone knew that at the start. I apologize if there was any misunderstanding.

Posted (edited)

Did Box 24 come witjout me knowing it?? I'll do my best to figure out who was the sender of the missing BOX and see if I need to move forward in some other way. I thought everyone knew that this was going to be a slow mission, waiting for 25 empty boxes to go out, 25 filled boxes to return, and 25 filled boxes to be shipped out again. That's three international trips to come to completion, I thought everyone knew that at the start. I apologize if there was any misunderstanding.


No misunderstanding.... I just wish that I would have known to take even more time packing mine :laughing: I just hope that they start getting sent back before we move.... (hopefully October).


No lack of appreciation here WSR. Thank you for setting everything up!


edit to add: Also... do we know that everybody signed up for the mission received their box? You know the USPS.... there tends to be hiccups once a blue moon.

Edited by goosefraba1

Did Box 24 come witjout me knowing it?? I'll do my best to figure out who was the sender of the missing BOX and see if I need to move forward in some other way. I thought everyone knew that this was going to be a slow mission, waiting for 25 empty boxes to go out, 25 filled boxes to return, and 25 filled boxes to be shipped out again. That's three international trips to come to completion, I thought everyone knew that at the start. I apologize if there was any misunderstanding.


No misunderstanding, and no worries :) I'm just a bit lacking in the patience department. The longer it takes the funner and more interesting it is! I enjoy this thread and how often it goes off (but some how very much on) topic.


I think some of us just want to know if all the boxes have been sent, or if we are waiting for a box that won't arrive. That's where I think the feeling of 'impatience' is coming from.


Also, im pretty sure we are waiting for both box24 and25


My impatience for Box #25 is the same as it is each December 25th....so excited....the anticipation is mounting....it's gonna be great!!


So Box #25 could be the Christmas Box, but it has a Rotten Egg in it. Boy that's getting some holidays crossed! Any way we can get the tooth fairy to straighten this out?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


My impatience for Box #25 is the same as it is each December 25th....so excited....the anticipation is mounting....it's gonna be great!!


So Box #25 could be the Christmas Box, but it has a Rotten Egg in it. Boy that's getting some holidays crossed! Any way we can get the tooth fairy to straighten this out?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Only if Santa is there too!! Lmao


Each day, this is the first forum thread I open. I look forward to the jokes, the impatient chiding of cachers showing their inner child side, the progress of our boxes, and the words of new friends. WSR, know that there are at least 25 fellow cachers who love this mission you created. Thank you so much...please don't take our goofy nagging as anything but being silly with each other and enjoying new friends across the miles.



Each day, this is the first forum thread I open. I look forward to the jokes, the impatient chiding of cachers showing their inner child side, the progress of our boxes, and the words of new friends. WSR, know that there are at least 25 fellow cachers who love this mission you created. Thank you so much...please don't take our goofy nagging as anything but being silly with each other and enjoying new friends across the miles.



Agreed- I couldn't have said it better myself, by far!!


Is it too late to sign up for this mission? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Only for you Keewee :)


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


On a side note, all these laughing frogs are making my eyes wonky.


Is it too late to sign up for this mission? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I think you could paddle over the pacific, hand deliver, paddle back.... all before Christmas! Using Reese's Cups as your sole source of power.


Each day, this is the first forum thread I open. I look forward to the jokes, the impatient chiding of cachers showing their inner child side, the progress of our boxes, and the words of new friends. WSR, know that there are at least 25 fellow cachers who love this mission you created. Thank you so much...please don't take our goofy nagging as anything but being silly with each other and enjoying new friends across the miles.



Agreed! And I'm not even technically a part of this mission... lol. I've gotten a great deal of amusement out of reading all the posts and joking with everyone. What a great group of folks to have in a mission!




This forum is a cunning plan by WSR to form the basis of a best selling novel he will write - it's got us all sitting on the edge of our seats already... it's got mystery, intrigue, possible rodent murder, ... :laughing:


Eleven pages on this forum topic and no one has even received their box yet...THAT is truly amazing.


I'm so proud of us. I wonder how many pages we'll get to before everyone starts posting pics of received parcels? This is truly one of my favorite missions :)


I am leaving to attend 8th grade graduation at my school....Have fun and post a funny picture or two before I get back...that is your challenge within this mission for today....I hope that is okay with WSR.

Posted (edited)

Tick, tick, tick ......






:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Edited by yanagi

Just wondering if we actually know that status of the final boxes? I'm not trying to complain as I was late getting my box off too. I am just wondering...this is by far the best mission yet as the anticipation has been great!

Posted (edited)

Just wondering if we actually know that status of the final boxes? I'm not trying to complain as I was late getting my box off too. I am just wondering...this is by far the best mission yet as the anticipation has been great!

One of them was sent last week or so, and I believe it's sitting in my Post Office right now(or that notice could've been for my Twig the Fairy book), as for the other one, I'll have to look into it. That will require taking the while pile of boxes to somewhere that I have internet, and checking off all the names to see which one hasn't arrived, or some other book keeping manuevers. I'll get right on it. Of course, after the Rotten Egg Box really does arrive, I'm just going to hoard them for about a week anyway...remember, after the last one gets here, I'll have to pack up three more, then mix and sort them all, then do all the work to assign and re-send them. All of that will probably take me a week or so.

Posted (edited)

I think I could have joined in from england by now...didn't jump abouard because I thought I'd slow it all down. :(


I guess I could've said outright that this would be a very slow Mission. If you can handle a turtle's pace, take a look at the Tiki Treasure Tag.


I think I could have joined in from England by now...Didn't jump aboard because I thought I'd slow it all down. :(


I guess I could've said outright that this would be a very slow Mission. If you can handle a turtle's pace, take a look at the Tiki Treasure Tag.


I'm #10. :D The coin I ordered has arrived, so has the special packaging...Just wondering what else to include as 'extra', or just keep it simple. Some outer dimensions of the wooden box you decide upon would be useful, if/when that is possible.


I think I could have joined in from England by now...Didn't jump aboard because I thought I'd slow it all down. :(


I guess I could've said outright that this would be a very slow Mission. If you can handle a turtle's pace, take a look at the Tiki Treasure Tag.


I'm #10. :D The coin I ordered has arrived, so has the special packaging...Just wondering what else to include as 'extra', or just keep it simple. Some outer dimensions of the wooden box you decide upon would be useful, if/when that is possible.

How about an estimate on the inner dimensions?? I wanted to include a 4x6 journal as the logbook, but it was Juuuust not small enough...so I searched and searched, and found a 4x5.5 journal...still couldn't quite squeeze it in...a little more shopping around and I found one that said it was 5 and 1/8 inches tall...still too big. I finally got my hands on a little book that claims to be 3.5x5 inches, and it fits!! So...in the end, the space available in the Treasure Chest is about 4x6x1 inches(give or take a little)


:D what's another week anyways hehe :)


Plus, we might even be able to get to page 13 without receiving anything :)

And we could also pad it out by talking about the Tiki Treasure Chest mission... opps - too late :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


:D what's another week anyways hehe :)


Plus, we might even be able to get to page 13 without receiving anything :)

And we could also pad it out by talking about the Tiki Treasure Chest mission... opps - too late :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Or show more pictures of box people......

I think TSUN would particularly like this one.




:D what's another week anyways hehe :)


Plus, we might even be able to get to page 13 without receiving anything :)

And we could also pad it out by talking about the Tiki Treasure Chest mission... opps - too late :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Or show more pictures of box people......

I think TSUN would particularly like this one.




Umm...Talking about TSUN is a little off topic...let's keep it on the rails here.


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