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The Great Cow Tag Race has found a home!


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Thanks for the update. :)


One of mine is joining Snoogan's new community project - I see there is at least one other Cow Tag going to be involved also.


As soon as I get mine in the mail, there will be a third (unless that's the other one you're talking about). : )


No - someones is already there... Hey - we should overload it with cow tags!!!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I've received this message from Geocaching:


Greetings, manu luq


A geocache containing the Heifer Int’l Travel Tag Heifer Int’l Travel Tag - Poti I ( http://coord.info/TB476ET ) has been archived. The trackable item's last known location was the Event Cache 5th Annual Sonoma County GeoRally ( http://coord.info/GC2NRD3 ).


You may be able to determine more about the cache and your trackable item's status by reading the most recent logs on the cache page. If you cannot determine the current location of your trackable item, you can mark it 'missing' on its reference page.


...I have to say goodbye to my cow?... :blink:


I've sent out a couple of reminders for folks to retrieve the remaining five cows that are listed in the event. Unfortunately, they haven't yet. Hopefully people will remember to do so soon. Sorry about this...


Wow, one of my two missing cows has reappeared! Someone grabbed her soon after the event was archived and I marked her as meatballs - I mean missing. Seems that she's going to Geowoodstock - that crazy cow sure likes to hang around at events, I hope she doesn't stay as long as GWIX...


I guess this means that there's hope for the other four cows!


I've sent out a couple of reminders for folks to retrieve the remaining five cows that are listed in the event. Unfortunately, they haven't yet. Hopefully people will remember to do so soon. Sorry about this...


Thanks! :)


I guess this means that there's hope for the other four cows!


I hope so... :D

Posted (edited)

I've updated the race standings again (sorry for missing a week there), and I've marked the four cows that are still either in the event or marked as missing as "missing". I'll get with Moozer about sending out (another) APB about those missing four.


In the meantime:


Most Original Tag - Tag with the most original item attached. The actual “bug” attached to the tag should somehow relate to the theme of charity, especially self-sustaining charity. A winner will be announced on July 18th, 2011.

Squee! - The most adorable Tag, as judged by panel of guest judges. A winner will be announced on July 18th, 2011. Make sure you check out Snoogans’ TB Longevity Clinic for hints on how to make your tags less attractive to thieves, as cute tags/bugs are often targets.


I still haven't gotten any entries for this. So I'll change the date for them to July 31st. If you've got an entrant, please let me know soonest. I've got a nice cache o' swag ready to go, and check out the new Good Deeds AE (below). Don't miss out on this cowtest!





Edited to add the Good Deeds AE pic!

Edited by Jackalgirl

So... My cow has only been picked up once since the event. If nothing else I will just resurrect it as a travelbug.


A newbie picked up one of my other cows and hasn't responded to my email to please "grab" it from a cache. Might end as a resurrected also.


I have one cow moving :/

Posted (edited)

Here is my entry for creative Cow.... I give you MooDoo. It might not be that creative.... but I like the name :)


edit: Moodoo is currently on his way to Little Rock, Arkansas (home of Heifer International) via a kind cacher.

Edited by goosefraba1

Howdy! I come up again for air and have managed to update the race standings. Sadly, a few more cows have gone missing. : (


Goosefraba1, I updated the website to list "MooDoo" under "most original". So far, he's the only entry -- if anyone else has an original cow or has a cow I may have missed, please email me!


Mamoreb, that is awesome news (though incredibly old, because I am incredibly slow). It's always good news when the missing are found! : )


The Cows are Coming Home!


The date for the 2012 Sonoma County GeoRally and MEGA Quest has been set: April 28, 2012. Check out the event page for more info!


I've updated The Great Cow Tag Race's Homepage with the information. You may also want to check out the News page for more information, but most importantly to check out "MooDoo", the so-far sole entry to the "Most Original" Cowtest and a very cool cow tag indeed!


Since I only had the one entry (which came in way, way after the August 2011 date), I have extended the end of all of the cowtests to April 28, 2012. So, here's what I'd like to request:


1) Please check on your cows. Now would be a good time to update cow pages with links to the goal event (http://coord.info/GC2YA1F) and to send gently, kindly-worded requests to those cachers who are holding tags, letting them know about the 2012 Rally and asking them to get the cows moving. Please let me know if you run into a situation in which a cacher has stopped caching and so won't go out and drop off your tag.


2) Got pictures of your tag? Do you think they're cool? (I would hope so!) Send me an email (greatcowrace@grafikato.com) with a picture and I'll enter your tag into the cowtest of your choice. Help me populate these cowtests -- and remember, the prizes are Japanese 100 Yen store swag (the most awesomest swag on the planet) and an ultra-rare unactivated and fully trackable Heifer International Artist Edition "Good Deeds" geocoin.


3) Let everyone know about the event!


It's getting exciting -- let's all get to the finish line and watch the cows come out of the woods!


Thanks for the news, Jackalgirl!


Well, my lazy cow has probably run off to graze in calmer fields (read: unknown location), after being taken both to the original stash and to a really high peak. Too hazardious for her?


My crazy cow is still travelling. Well, she has been stuck somewhere with no visitors since January 4th... I hope she won't run off due to too little action! Should have swapped those names, I know I should... :anitongue:


Unfortunately, one of my cows was picked up by a new cacher who seemed to give up the hobby, and hasn't answered my emails, and the other may or may not have disappeared from a cache. Oh well...


I've updated the race standings -- looks like there's been a bit of an upset, with Team kizb's Spot jumping up to take 2nd place, and some mooovers lower down on the list too. Moozer, you're not alone in this; from a rough guess, at least half of the cows are currently "in the hands of..." cachers. Which struck me as interesting; I know that with coins, we often say "well, they're probably in the hands of new cachers who don't know what to do with them", but in this case, most of the stalled cows are in the hands of cachers who obviously know how to log trackables out of caches. I'm sorry to hear that you're not getting a response to your queries. : (


Now for the other question - how many of them will make it back to my event on 4/28? If any of you have ones that approach the San Francisco Bay Area, let me know, and I'll try my best to go get them before the event...


Wow, looks like the first cow is already ready to attend the event!


My lazy cow is still missing, after her fantastic start... My crazy cow is active, but has been sitting patiently in a geocache in Michigan for two weeks. I really doubt that she'll make it to the event. Perhaps in 2013?


I very rarely post on forums, but I wanted to give a big thank you to Moozer, and Jackalgirl. The effort you two put forth to make this happen has not gone unnoticed! Being a very new cacher when this started I just wanted to say how much fun I had watching these cows travel the world! (Drneal's cow put on some serious mileage in a year!)


Okay, the official tally was nine cows that made it home to this year's GeoRally:

- Vivianna del Vaca Valiente (TB476F0)

- Jigs (TB476H8)

- Sillys Cow (TB476FM)

- Udderly fabMOOlous (TB476FE)

- Baby Cow Racer (TB476GQ)

- Stella Heifer. No relation to Hugh (TB476GC)

- Moozilla - Heifer Int’l Travel Tag (TB476G3)

- Heifer Int’l Travel Tag- SORELLA! (TB476EQ)

- Heifer Int’l Travel Tag - Poti II (TB476EK)




Yeeeea!!! :D :D , my cow Poti-II has returned home, thanks to those who have made it possible, with special congrats to Jackalgirl and Moozer, thanks for this fun georally!!


Nine cows made it back!? Wow, that's awesome! I didn't expect it to go that well. Congrats to their owners!

I've been enjoying my cows. Some wonderful folks moved them for me.


Thank you Jackalgirl and Moozer!

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