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Washington State Cities And Towns Challenge

Gan Dalf

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Looks like any cache on Bainbridge Island will count as the whole Island is incorporated into the "City of Bainbridge Island." Silverdale in uncorporated so I guess it is not a city. Lots of good caches there. You as the Challege owner can set it up as you wish.

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Hi Dick,


Yes, I did have a goal for the end of the month, unfortunately another commitment got int he way and I don't think it is doable now. I am back on track and putting the cache back on top of my priority list.


I've completed tracing the cities for the GSAK filter. That was a long process. I changed my strategy for which places I considered for inclusion. At first I was going to do only small towns as someone else suggested but I agreed with another point that someone made about it being too small town centric and not giving a challenger the true flavor of what our state truely is like. Also, I checked each town as I was tracing them and quickly learned that a lot of the really small population towns (<500 people) don't have a cache in them. So I had to pick other towns nearby that did have caches in them. I also didn't want to have a whole bunch of towns concentrated in small areas so I tried to pick places that were a significant distance away from others. I hope you like the results.


Most of the places I was pretty generous with the boundries of the cities but in some cases I cut it as close as possible, especially in places where the city limits of two adjacent towns are on the same street. I almost all of those cases there will be a ton of caches to pick from for your ONE required cache inside that particular town so a cacher just needs to make sure they are well away from the city limits on the cache they use for that town.


All in all there will be 120 cities and towns that one will need to visit and so it should give the challenger a decent flavor of our state. I'm thinking htat even those that have completed the Delorme and/or Counties challenge will need to find a significant number of caches in order to log the final so I'm not going to worry about an armchair requirement.


One rule that I will be implementing is no premptive signing. People will not be allowed to sign the log whenever they want to and then log it after they've completed the challenge. There has been a increasing number of challenge caches that have been finished this way and I don't really like it so I'm not goign to allow it, no matter how hard it is to police.


That's it for now. My family is going on vacation next week and so I won't be able to get out and hide the cache until after that and I still need to find a good place to hide it. I was thinking of possibly putting it in Discovery Park (yes I know the requirments to hide ac ache there) and omitting Seattle from the challenge but I'm not sure I will be able to find a suitable place there using the container I wanted to use. Seems like the cache should be in a city giventhe name, I'm just not sure where or how. Guess I better thinnk quickly about it.



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Thank you for the in-depth update. Hope you and your family will be vacationing where the weather will be better than it is here. I assume you are talking about finding the final before completing the challenge and then changing the date. We had that problem with the Kitsap County Challenge before completing all the maps. We just ignored or gave permission to do that when they were almost finished and completing a map near the final to save them from making an extra trip. I agree with you that it should be completed the proper way.

We finished the Washington Delorme and also the Washington County Challenges in the proper manner. Thanks and enjoy your vacation.Dick

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An excerpt from the description. Ruls and a FAQ as written on the cache page. comments welcome:


The Rules:


1) Find or place a cache in each of the cities and towns included in the list above. Caches can be any size (including unknown or other) but must include a physical container. Wherigo Caches, Location-less Caches, Travelling Caches, Virtual Caches, Earth Caches, Event Caches and any other type of cache that does not have a container with a log book are not allowed. Unknown/Puzzle Caches and Multi Caches qualify for the challenge but the posted coordinates of the cache must be inside the city limits of a qualifying city or town regardless whether the actual container lies inside or outside of the city limits. The inverse is not allowed, i.e. puzzle or multi caches whose posted coordinates lie outside of the city limits of a qualifying city or town but whose actual coordinates lie inside the city limits do not qualify for the challenge.

2) You must make a public, shared bookmark list that includes this cache. Call it what you want but it must be clear to the CO (me) that the bookmark is being kept for the purposes of completing this challenge. The bookmark must include one (and only one) cache for each city in the list above, therefore, when you have completed the challenge, you should have a total of 121 caches in your bookmark list. Each bookmark, in addition to the name and GC number of the cache must be clearly marked in the notes section of the bookmark which city that particular cache bookmark is for.

3) Upon completion of your bookmark list you must notify me by posting a note on this cache page that you have completed the challenge. I will then review your bookmark and let you know, again by posting a note on the cache page, that you are free to go and find and log the cache. Only after you receive word from me should you go to find the cache, NO PREMPTIVE LOGGING! Signers of the log book MUST include a date along with their signature. If the date in the physical log book does not match that of the online log or signers of the log book that do not include a date run the risk of having their online log deleted at the CO’s discretion.



Washington State Cities and Towns Challenge FAQ


Q. “Can I include any caches that I found prior to the release of the challenge?”


A. Yes, previous finds are allowed however any cache used must fall within the city limits of the cities and towns as laid out in the challenge.


Q. Can I include caches that I have placed myself inside the cities and towns that are in the challenge?”


A. Yes, caches you have placed ARE allowed. This is done to encourage the placement of caches in the smallest cities and towns that are included in the challenge that currently have very few or only one cache within their city limits. Keep in mind that Groundspeak has guidelines with regard to where you can place caches in relation to where you live. Vacation Cache rules apply!


Q. “How do I know where the exact limits of a particular city or town are in order to qualify for this challenge?”


A. To help you with this I have created a filter for you to use with the Geocaching computer program that a great deal of us use to help us in our geocaching adventures known as Geocaching Swiss Army Knife (GSAK). If you do not know how to use the filter tool in the GSAK program, complete instructions and a link to my filter are provided below.


Q. “What if I don’t know how to use GSAK, or what if I don’t want to download the program and/or learn how to use the filter tool?”


A. Fair enough, you know how to use the Google Map feature on Geocaching.com or directly on Google Maps don’t you? Below is an example of a city in the challenge and how it appears when using the map feature on Geocaching.com or on Google Maps. You see that grayish area? Those are the city limits, or at least a close approximation. Those gray areas guided me in drawing the lines around each city in the challenge for my GSAK filter so if you find a cache inside those gray areas then you should be safe. Keep in mind that it is often difficult to tell where one city ends and another begins. The definitive guide that I will use to determine if you have met the qualifications is my filter so it is best to try and find caches well within what appears to be the city limits on the maps.


<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Pe+Ell,+WA&oe=utf8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pe+Ell,+Lewis,+Washington&gl=us&ll=46.571784,-123.29793&spn=0.020651,0.036478&z=14&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Pe+Ell,+WA&oe=utf8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pe+Ell,+Lewis,+Washington&gl=us&ll=46.571784,-123.29793&spn=0.020651,0.036478&z=14&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>


Q. “What if I don’t know how to use Google Maps or the Map Feature on Geocaching.com?”


A. Well, challenge caches are not for everyone. Tell you what, if you drive, let me bring my family (including my dog), pay for gas and food, and compensate me for my lost wages while doing this, I will personally accompany you on your visits to every one of the cities in the challenge and help you find a cache there… Seriously, it’s not that hard. I will help you as much as I can but I can only do so much.

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Will all the public bookmarks be listed on the cache page so we can not only see how we are doing but also see how our fellow particpants are doing? As time goes on it would be helpful in finding caches in towns and planning our trips. Also you would know who is giving it a try.

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I'm not sure I am interpretting your question correctly. Shared and Public means just that. You'll be able to see any bookmark list just like you woul don any other cache page that has a bookmark...


does this answer your questions?

You might want to mention that the Challenge cache should be included in the bookmark list, that's how it'll show on the cache page.


Because of the Bookmark list requirement, I take this will be a PMO cache?

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"Because of the Bookmark list requirement, I take this will be a PMO cache?" Quoted from The Jester.


I wondered how long it would be before someone asked that. With the Kitsap County Challenge, we had a work around for non- PM but it was a lot of work for the cache owner.

Edited by W7WT
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I'm not sure I am interpretting your question correctly. Shared and Public means just that. You'll be able to see any bookmark list just like you woul don any other cache page that has a bookmark...


does this answer your questions?

You might want to mention that the Challenge cache should be included in the bookmark list, that's how it'll show on the cache page.


It does say that:


2) You must make a public, shared bookmark list that includes this cache. Call it what you want but it must be clear to the CO (me) that the bookmark is being kept for the purposes of completing this challenge. The bookmark must include one (and only one) cache for each city in the list above, therefore, when you have completed the challenge, you should have a total of 121 caches in your bookmark list. Each bookmark, in addition to the name and GC number of the cache must be clearly marked in the notes section of the bookmark which city that particular cache bookmark is for.



Because of the Bookmark list requirement, I take this will be a PMO cache?


I hadn't wanted it to be but I guess I will have to since I will need peoples Bookmark lists in order to determine if the caches are within the city limits.

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I notice that many towns and small cities have caches placed at the Welcome Sign. I assume most of these are just inside the city limits and would count for that town. Also I assume the Town's name and population Sign would be on the edge of the city limits. They don't show up on the maps but would give a good indication where the city limits would be as you approach either a town or city. Am I assuming too much?

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I notice that many towns and small cities have caches placed at the Welcome Sign. I assume most of these are just inside the city limits and would count for that town. Also I assume the Town's name and population Sign would be on the edge of the city limits. They don't show up on the maps but would give a good indication where the city limits would be as you approach either a town or city. Am I assuming too much?


Hi Dick,


sorry for the late reply. Been on vacation all week. I am going out to try and find a place to hide the cache tomorrow. Wish me luck. If I find a spot int he place I want to hide it I will have to modify the cities one more time as I would like the cache to be the only required find in this particular city.


As to your question I think you are over thinking it. As soon as I have the cahce hidden and the write up done for the most part I will post the cities in this thread. Sorry for taking so long to put this all together but I want to do it right and I am picky about the places I hide my caches.




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No problem, I am not going anyplace for a while. It will be 5 months on the 15th of this month since I got a new aortic valve and I amd coming along fine. Arlene had a mild stroke that affected her vision but she in taking therapy and is doing better. On the 19th I am going in to have a operation for two or three hernias that need to be repaired. They are old ones that need to be fixed. They are keeping me all night. When I was younger they let me come home the same day. I don't expect the recovery to be too bad. Thanks for all the work you are doing to be sure it is done right. Dick

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sorry once again for the delay in this. Thought I should give you guys an update. The cache has been placed and the listing is all but finished but Groundspeak has had some issues with the design of the challenge and seperately I was required to move the hide from it's original placement. I am hoping to release the cache for publishing this week. Thanks for your patience.

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sorry once again for the delay in this. Thought I should give you guys an update. The cache has been placed and the listing is all but finished but Groundspeak has had some issues with the design of the challenge and seperately I was required to move the hide from it's original placement. I am hoping to release the cache for publishing this week. Thanks for your patience.

Challenge caches can be challenging... :rolleyes:

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Challenge caches can be challenging... :rolleyes:




Unfortunately I am not going to be able to include details on GSAK and how to apply my filter that I spent nearly a month making on the cache page. I will still supply my filter but users are going to have to figure out for themselves how to use it. There is stillthe maps that people willbe able to look at to see if a cache is inside city limits but my fear is now that the requirements will be too hard to figure out to make it doable for the average cacher.

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Challenge caches can be challenging... :rolleyes:




Unfortunately I am not going to be able to include details on GSAK and how to apply my filter that I spent nearly a month making on the cache page. I will still supply my filter but users are going to have to figure out for themselves how to use it. There is stillthe maps that people willbe able to look at to see if a cache is inside city limits but my fear is now that the requirements will be too hard to figure out to make it doable for the average cacher.


You could always post it here and link to it.

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I just released the cache for review. Hopefully, since I've been working with a reviewer for the last two weeks that process will be short but the write up is quite long (sorry, I'm a bit wordy) and so it would not surprise me if this takes longer than a couple of days to publish.


One note on somehting I said earlier. I've decided to wait until the cache is published to post the list of cities and towns here. I didn't think it was fair to those that don't read the forums to allow the people that do get a leg up on where to look for caches.


Once the listing publishes you can look at the cache page here


Thanks to all here for the help and ideas and I hope that you are still interested after more than a month from my intial request for feedback.

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strange you could make mention of GSAK. I was forbidden to use GSAK terminology or usage in my Whidbey Island Blackout Challenge. I guess this is the exception you got.


Yeah, all the Wherigos in this state have physical caches, but not allowing Wherigos is not going to block folks from any cities, but those do have cache containers.


Going to check the back posts, but curious why you chose these particular 120. My guess is you excluded towns that were already near another town in your challenge so your 120 encompass more of the whole state. True?

Edited by lamoracke
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strange you could make mention of GSAK. I was forbidden to use GSAK terminology or usage in my Whidbey Island Blackout Challenge. I guess this is the exception you got.


Yeah, all the Wherigos in this state have physical caches, but not allowing Wherigos is not going to block folks from any cities, but those do have cache containers.


Going to check the back posts, but curious why you chose these particular 120. My guess is you excluded towns that were already near another town in your challenge so your 120 encompass more of the whole state. True?


My page originally contained links to GSAK that I was asked to remove but was allowed to keep references and directions on how to set up the filter.


I understand that Wherigo's have containers, I just don't like them becasue you need a particular piece of equipment in order to find them. I decided to exclude them for this reason.


The places were picked by county. I tried to pick the most populated and least populated city or town from each county so that, yes, challengers would have to trael all over the state in order to log them all. In some cases it was not possible to use the samllest town due to no cache being present in a particular town. After picking the most and least populated place from each county I filled int he rest with an assortment of other places based on arbitrary criteria. I also used my own specific knowledge of towns to help me choose. La Conner is an example of this where I know it is a cute, quaint, small town that people should enjoy visiting.

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Hmmm well I guess I have to go back to Waterville, last time through I just grabbed the Wherigo.


I did think it was odd that you took the time to exclude a type of cache that has a container (I understand why you did it based on your above post) but actually bothered to include the ape cache. Am I missing something? how could that possible even qualify for anything? :) Just an artifact of a previous version?

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Curious how the two active caches that are within the filter for Beaux Arts Village are actually in Bellevue City Parks. dry.gif


There are some places that I was generous with the boundries of thje cities on, that is the exception rather than the rule. I wanted to include Beaux Arts Village in the challenge 1) Because I think it is cool and 2) because the name has an X in it which is rare in our state.


I will point out that the Southern edge of Entai park does appear to be within the city limits of the town on this web site where I found th eonly map I could use for the city limits for that town. I just decided to be a little more generous with the boundries there... :yikes:

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...actually bothered to include the ape cache. Am I missing something? how could that possible even qualify for anything? :) Just an artifact of a previous version?


No, I just thought it would be funny to include. It won't show up in the filter so no harm done... I guess if someone ever does place another Ape Cache in a city in Washington State then it will count for the challnege.

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I am having trouble in finding some old archived caches in Snohomish. One was at a very large log exhibit, another on the north side of the river just east of the bridge and several others scattered around the town. Thanks to Mount10s bookmark I was able to use the one under the bridge in La Conner. I also found one near the lumber yard just across the road from Harvey Field. Thanks Dick

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I am having trouble in finding some old archived caches in Snohomish. One was at a very large log exhibit, another on the north side of the river just east of the bridge and several others scattered around the town. Thanks to Mount10s bookmark I was able to use the one under the bridge in La Conner. I also found one near the lumber yard just across the road from Harvey Field. Thanks Dick


Hi Dick,


You're in luck since I live in Snohomsih and have found all the caches that have been placed there, at least the ones that were available on or after Novemeber of 2007. Anything that was archived prior to that I am not going to know about and chances are small that I will have any info on caches that have been archived in other cities in the challenge. Remember you only need one for each city so if you can do it without using one that is archived you are good and that is actually what I would prefer you use if possible.


I think the one you are referring to in the log was moved, not archived. It's called Old Growth (GC15HBB) and originally was placed in the big old growth cross section just east of the antique shops downtown. If you are referring to something else than I don't know what it is.


the one under the east side of the bridge was called Nancy Drew Mystery Cache and was indeed archived due to homeless activity in the area next to where the cache was hid, as was it's replacement.


I've never found one by the lumber yard you are referring to and there is not one there now so it must have been before my time. Below are the caches that I have found near downtown Snohomish that are now archived:










Hope this helps

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I am having trouble in finding some old archived caches in Snohomish. One was at a very large log exhibit, another on the north side of the river just east of the bridge and several others scattered around the town. Thanks to Mount10s bookmark I was able to use the one under the bridge in La Conner. I also found one near the lumber yard just across the road from Harvey Field. Thanks Dick


Hi Dick,


You're in luck since I live in Snohomsih and have found all the caches that have been placed there, at least the ones that were available on or after Novemeber of 2007. Anything that was archived prior to that I am not going to know about and chances are small that I will have any info on caches that have been archived in other cities in the challenge. Remember you only need one for each city so if you can do it without using one that is archived you are good and that is actually what I would prefer you use if possible.


I think the one you are referring to in the log was moved, not archived. It's called Old Growth (GC15HBB) and originally was placed in the big old growth cross section just east of the antique shops downtown. If you are referring to something else than I don't know what it is.


the one under the east side of the bridge was called Nancy Drew Mystery Cache and was indeed archived due to homeless activity in the area next to where the cache was hid, as was it's replacement.


I've never found one by the lumber yard you are referring to and there is not one there now so it must have been before my time. Below are the caches that I have found near downtown Snohomish that are now archived:










Hope this helps


Thanks, I wasn't in the log of any of those. It would have been before 2007. Snohomish has been a favorite town of ours. We had two planes and use to fly into Harvey Field for bkst. Our daughter would drive up from Bothell and then we would walk to town and I would look for geocaches while they visited the Antique stores. Not a real problem as I will be traveling thru to find caches at Gold Bar and Skykomish. Dick

Edited by W7WT
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Things are looking up. The new maps show the city limits very well. We have gone thru all of our past finds that we had listed

on the bookmark. Found two that I have deleted that were out of the city limits. One being Mesa and Esquatzel Coulee that is not in the city limits. I want to be sure what I have is OK and don't have to make any repeat trips. Had my staples removed yesterday from my hernias operation and blood drawn out from a pouch that developed above one of the stitches. So Monday we will drive to Forks to find a cache. I am sure we have found caches there but haven't come up with any. Will just pick up a few caches in Port Angeles if we feel OK. I have all of my caches, found and need to find on a map. Our next trip will be to drive up to Blaine and work our way back down. Arlene had a mild stroke that affected her vision and is still in therapy for that, so we will slowly work our way through the caches we need. Thanks for the challenge. Gives us something to look forward to. Dick and Arlene Checking further. Does "Three Little Pigs "Chops" fall inside the city limits of Rock Island??

Edited by W7WT
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Things are looking up. The new maps show the city limits very well. We have gone thru all of our past finds that we had listed

on the bookmark. Found two that I have deleted that were out of the city limits. One being Mesa and Esquatzel Coulee that is not in the city limits. I want to be sure what I have is OK and don't have to make any repeat trips. Had my staples removed yesterday from my hernias operation and blood drawn out from a pouch that developed above one of the stitches. So Monday we will drive to Forks to find a cache. I am sure we have found caches there but haven't come up with any. Will just pick up a few caches in Port Angeles if we feel OK. I have all of my caches, found and need to find on a map. Our next trip will be to drive up to Blaine and work our way back down. Arlene had a mild stroke that affected her vision and is still in therapy for that, so we will slowly work our way through the caches we need. Thanks for the challenge. Gives us something to look forward to. Dick and Arlene


Hi Dick,


glad to hear that things are looing up and that you and Arlene are going to be able to get out to find some more cache fo rth echallenge over the next couple of weks.


I was going to send you a personal not ebut though tposting here might be better since in studying your Bookmark List I have discovered some problems. first let me say thanks for labelling all of your towns in the title, it makes my job much easier.


I've got a couple of tools now to help me determine if all of the cities in a bookmark list qualify for the challenge. I used the one provided by TeamIDFC to analyze your bookmark list and then checked discrepancies on my maps using Mapsource. In doing so I discovered that three of the caches on your list are outside of the city limits for the towns you have submitted them for and that two caches although apparently inside the city limits are outside of the maps I had drawn. In all cases except one, the caches in question are very close to the border. I will addres the caches you have submittd that are outside the city limits first:


GCQ2KM-Woodinville: This cache is close but outside of the city limits of Woodinveille. Lots of other choices in Woodinville so hopefully you will just be able to pick another one.


GCZQXF-Rock Island: This one is even closer than Woodinville but again outside of the limits


GCHMWV- Yakima: This one has been archived and although that is OK it was outside of the city limits. This cache was in the Yakima Sportsman State Park on the East side of the Yakima River. The River itself is the border of the Yakima City limits and the city lies on the west bank of the river at that point. You'll have to choose another cache for Yakima.


Two other places on your list did not show up when I ran the TeamIDFC Macro. They were caches inside of Coupville and Stevenson. When I examined this I discovered that they too are very close to the edges of the city limits.


In the case of Coupville, the cache is apparently at the end of a dock that sticks out into the Water. It looks to me using MapSource that I purposely tried to include this dock but apparently did not go out far enough.


For Stevenson, the cache in question is close but also clearly inside the city limits on several maps. Looks like I cut the corner a little tight on that one and clipped off a piece of land that sticks out into the river.


I will adjust the maps for these two places and update text file and ask Moun10Bike to update his files as well.


One thing to keep in mind is that if you have several choices for a particualr place, try to pick ones that are close to the center of that city or town. I wnat the maps to include as much as possible but caches that are clearly outside of city limits willnot qualify.


I am sure that in the beginning things like this will come up and so I will make adjustments to borders as much as I can if I have missed something as was the case for Coupville and Stevenson. Please check the cache page for updates and I will try to remember to post any update notices here as well.

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Thanks, I have deleted Rock Island and will pick one sometime for it. Woodinville I changed to "Woodinville Find Me #1" GCKKT2 found June 2, 2009. Yakima I changed to "A Lighter view" GCB8F8 Found May 22, 2004 http://maps.huge.info/places.htm my daughter sent me this map info. It will give boundries for towns and citys.


After looking at the boundry lines for Woodinville I don't think that "Woodinville Find Me #1" is in Woodinville. I can find the cache page but can't bring it up in a map. When you have time please check. Not a big problem as I can always find another one as our daughter lives in Bothell. If Yakima's A lighter View is too close I have The Millennim Arts Plaza GCJADG I can use.

Edited by W7WT
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Is anyone else having problems with the GSAK filter not returning results for Beaux Arts Village?


I have three qualifying caches there and when I run the file none of them show up. I have filtered for the appropriate type, (ones in Bellevue show up fine) and the arc poly tab is a direct import from the downloaded file.


I have also tried just cutting and pasting the BAV portion and running a seperate filter on it. When I do this it returns the three caches. Could there be a problem with overlap or because BAV is inside Bellevue?


Just wondering if anyone else is having/noticed this, or if it is just me.


The three caches in question are

GCYY96 up up and away

GC1BXKF Ha take that

GCRN3A Chesterfield beach.

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Is anyone else having problems with the GSAK filter not returning results for Beaux Arts Village?


I have three qualifying caches there and when I run the file none of them show up. I have filtered for the appropriate type, (ones in Bellevue show up fine) and the arc poly tab is a direct import from the downloaded file.


I have also tried just cutting and pasting the BAV portion and running a seperate filter on it. When I do this it returns the three caches. Could there be a problem with overlap or because BAV is inside Bellevue?


Just wondering if anyone else is having/noticed this, or if it is just me.


The three caches in question are

GCYY96 up up and away

GC1BXKF Ha take that

GCRN3A Chesterfield beach.


Hi Andrew!


Don't know what to tell you about the problems that you are having but rest assured that all of those caches qualify so go ahead and include them. It must be working for others because Kiersolvd noted in this same thread that several caches might actually be in Bellevue and I know for certain that one cacher went to log a cache in BAV because they knew it qualified so the filter must be working for them.


Thanks for pointing out that BAV is enclosed completely within Bellevue, that was not my intent. I have a couple of other cities that need adjusting as pointed out by a couple of other challengers and so I will fix that in my next update.


Hope you are having fun!

Keep Caching!


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Are you saying that these three qualify for

beaux Arts Village?


The three caches in question are

GCYY96 up up and away

GC1BXKF Ha take that

GCRN3A Chesterfield beach.





Yes, all 3 fall inside the boundries I have drawn for Beaux Arts Village

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Thursday and Friday were forcast for great wx so we tried our first overnight trip. We were able to pickup valid caches in Blaine, Everson, Concrete and Darrington. Then stayed Thursday night in Arlington. Went down HW 9 to Snohomish and found a few nice caches. On to Goldbar where were concerned as there is only one valid cache there but we lucked out. As far as I can tell there is only one valid cache in Skykomish. Looks like the park for the Ball Park is in the city limits but the cache is not. Very nice cache "On the Sky at the Sky"is an easy find. Next stop was in Duvall. We DNF the BookCache cache. They have been cleaning out some blackberry vines and it may be missing. We did find 98019 at the Post Office. We then drove to Bothell and took our daughter to Lunch. Next trip will be to take the ferry and go to Bothell and let our daughter drive us around to find caches in Woodinville, Belleview and Beau Arts Village. Dick and Arlene

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Dick that sounds like a great road trip. Was the cache you looked for in Duvall GC2BBP2 Book Cache 1: Bridge to Terabithia?


Yes, our GPSs never did settle down. I would have guessed it would be near the bridge. Any way we only needed one and we found it at the Post Office. dick

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That does sound like an Awesome trip! Your dedication to the Challenge is very much appriciated. I saw that you logged my cache at the senior cneter in Snohomish and it made me smile when I saw your name on the log.


I am going to be updating some of the maps, including Bellevue and Beaux Arts Village because of the overlap issues that some have reported and I will look into the one you mention is Skykomish as well.

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Dick that sounds like a great road trip. Was the cache you looked for in Duvall GC2BBP2 Book Cache 1: Bridge to Terabithia?


Yes, our GPSs never did settle down. I would have guessed it would be near the bridge. Any way we only needed one and we found it at the Post Office. dick


so yo found hte caches, did you get the chance to expereince the places that you found them in?

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That does sound like an Awesome trip! Your dedication to the Challenge is very much appriciated. I saw that you logged my cache at the senior cneter in Snohomish and it made me smile when I saw your name on the log.


I am going to be updating some of the maps, including Bellevue and Beaux Arts Village because of the overlap issues that some have reported and I will look into the one you mention is Skykomish as well.


First we had a great trip to places we have never been in before. Most were about the size of the little town (Bible Grove, Illinois) where I was born 86 years ago.


I have been using open street maps that show the boundries for each town. Woodinville sure is a messed up boundry.

according to the boundries shown for Beaux Arts Village "Up UP and Away" is the only valid cache showing. However, I will be also looking for "HA take that" as you said it would count. As the Cache Owner you can judge the placement of the cache as you see it. dick

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Doing a little route planning and noticed that Bucoda has only one cache. It has a lot of DNF's lately. The last one is an experienced geocaching team (Tobias & Pelroneile) who look like they are one of your participants. They looked for over an hour. You may want to keep an eye on this one. dick

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