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Travel Bug etiquette


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My children each have a TB and are having a race to see whose can travel the furthest in one year. With only two months to go my daughter is getting anxious that hers has been languishing in the same cache for 6 months. Nobody had visited the cache since we dropped it off, until this week when two finds were logged but neither visitor took it - though one discovered it! I just wondered whether it is acceptable to post a note on the cache page asking the next person to pick it up or should she just be patient and accept that she is unlikely to win!


There is nothing wrong at all with your suggestion about posting a note though I suspect it will have little effect. It is also alright for you to contact the cache owner to see whether they are prepared to undertake a mainteance check and move the TB on for you. I am assuming the cache is too far away from you for you to assist by nudging the TB a little distance between caches.


We placed the TB whilst on holiday so we can't rescue it ourselves and we'd already tried contacting the owner but heard nothing back. I've just followed the link to TB rescue and that looks great. I'll wait until she comes in from school because I think she'd like to put out an alert herself. I don't think she'd mind not winning the race if her TB was actually doing something. One of her brother's has a bug that made it to Yorkshire and has then travelled to quite a few different caches within a small area, but he is enjoying following it's progress. Her frustration is that hers isn't doing anything at all. Still, that's part of the game!

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