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Posted (edited)

All you gotta do is look for your cache bare necessities...


Rules, post once and only once... Simple: answer some questions, just like me below, one person will randomly be selected to receive one of my Mardi Gras mask artist editions. Cointest runs until noon my time next Monday --- please prod me, if I forget.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?


So for me they would be:

1. found a USA 2003 geocoin in a geocache

2. bought the calgary 2003 and texas 2003 geocoins, thinking they were GC trackable, but they weren't so, threw them into caches and bought USA 2004

3. April\May 2004

4. first trade was with moun10bike for his personal coin

5. I was in the NE forums first, then gravitated to the travel bug forums (before the geocoins split off)... then onto the geocoin forums... and have been squatting ever since.



Edited by Eartha

Rusty O junk...found it in a cache

A gold sand dollar, don't remember the year


Midwest Geobash 2005

Geocoins first then the forums.

Cool cointest can't wait to see the other posts




1) January 1996 - GeoEvent in Bradford, Pa - Kachekat & Kickin's geocoin - first geocoin we saw


2) Kinzua Bridge geocoin - first purshase (ebay)


3) Minted our coin in March 2007 - PaRacers Canoe Place


4) Traded Geonut for Northwest Pa


5) Geocoins first


1. Cache Thermometer coin in a geocache, late 2009

2. Silver dragon spinner, Dec 2009

3. Took a break from caching, but back and the bug has hit so hard im now designing my own. =D

4. Just made my first trade, Team Airik/Arizona for a Coinfusion

5. Pretty new to the forums, so geocoin. =D



1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin?


1) My first week of caching in July '06, in NW New Mexico we found a Zodiac and a World Traveler (I think that was the second coin) in a Travel Bug hotel.

2) My first coins purchased were a pair of Team Sand Dollar 2006 v2.5s. We kept one and sent the other traveling. It lasted for quite a while until it disappeared.

3) Have not made a coin yet. I've not managed to convince Spooky 2 that we can afford it! Maybe this year...

4) My first trade was a Caught Red Handed micro for a Four Corners Benchmark micro. It was at GeoWoodstock 5. I don't know who it was with, but possibly someone here on the forums. Anybody remember making that trade with me?

5) Found the geocoins first, then the forums. Them found a whole lot MORE geocoins!


1. The first geocoin I ever saw was a Micro Geocoin with the Virtual "Ghost" Symbol.

2. None yet, but after an event this weekend, I'm eyeing up 2-3 that I'd like to buy.

3. Haven't made a personal coin yet. Money is very tight right now, since my wife and I are buying our first home at the end of the month.

4. No trades yet, but I look forward to doing trades soon enough.

5. I found the forums first.


1. Indiana Anthony and I found our first geocoin at a new cache in Mills park in Bryant AR. It was a Scout cache and we found a really cool looking Scouting coin. I didn't know anything coin or what we had found, but seeing that it was trackable on geocaching.com we took it to move. Come to find out it was a FTF gift (we were second but hey)

2. First coin to buy was a radiation coin from Rivercacher. I am an xray tech and really liked the look of the coin. This led to a few very nice email exchanges with him, and a great introduction to geocoins.

3. We haven't officially made our first coin, but it is in the works with Jackelgirl and the doubloon project. I am super excited about it!!

4. My first trade was with Rivercacher as well. I had bought a few grab bags off ebay and was wanting something different that would mean more to me. That was about 1 month after we found our first. I then traded with DrNeal how was as always a sweetie and sent a few little extras and I knew this was something I wanted to be part of. Everyone was so nice and willing to help out a newbie!

5. I found the forums after finding our first coin. I was looking for more info on what I had found. I really liked the coin we found and was interested to see what other coins where being made...now I'm addicted! :laughing::blink:

Posted (edited)

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?those canadian coins that were only trackable on their site. first saw them mentioned in the other forums and bought a bunch for swag. in 2002.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?tranquility red passion — late 2007/early 2008 (i think)


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?NA/cost


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? — oh gosh, now i really don't remember what my first trade was. but i remember the first tranquility i traded for. :) back when people actually traded them.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?found geocoin first in the wild.

Edited by RedShoesGirl

1. First geocoin I ever saw was a CITO geocoin called "go west".

2. My first purchased geocoin was a Four Elements geocoin. It's out traveling right now.

3. Working on a mini doubloon personal geocoin right now. I'm really excited about this project!

4. I haven't had the pleasure of a coin trade yet. Hopefully sometime soon.

5. I found a geocoin first.

Posted (edited)

1. September 27, 2009, at the '1712 cache (http://coord.info/GC1F978) - 'Map@Syst Geocoin - Corvallis, Oregon" (TB2F94B)

2. The WSGA 2009 Holiday party -- a Robin Hood quiver coin

3. Still haven't made my personal coin yet, though the design is done (need to work out budget for it). A couple that I've designed with Mekle are done (Voyages of Exploration: Sea & Road's End)

4. My first trades were at the Midnight Geocoin Madness II event -- traded several coins that night. My favorite from the night was for a Cache Owl coin.

5. Found a geocoin first

Edited by NepoKama

1) About a week after i started caching i learned of Geocoins. First one i saw was the Traditional Cache Icon Geocoin on Shop Groundspeak.

2) First coin i purchased was The United States Navy Geocoin back in Late November.

3) Haven't yet mainly do to cost. But i'm working my way up to it and have lots of ideas. Can't wait to produce my first set.

4) My first trade was during the recent Valentines day One Card One Coin Mission. I sent out a 1 Year Cachiversary Geocoin. I received The Sopranos Geocoin from another participant of the mission.

5) First i found the Forums. I'm a regular on allot of tech forums so i know how beneficial they are.


1. The first Geocoin that I saw was a BYOP (Bring your own Pencil) micro Geocoin. I found it in a microcache called 50 States Geocache Series – Utah in September of 2010.

2. The first Geocoin that I bought was the steampunk antique bronze geocoin.

3. I made my first coin before I understood that there were personal coins, so it really wasn’t a personal coin, but I made it in December of 2010. I plan on making a more personalized coin in the future.

4. The first coin I traded was in December of 2010. I traded a home is where the cache is geocoin for a Team ECCS geocoin.

5. Found the Geocoin first. Found the forums later.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?


- 06.09.2008, TP's Fliegenpilz STARGATE Geocoin (cache name: R We there yet? GCPJ27); it was also my first cache found/logged!


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?


- tsunrisebey's Santa's Helper Earth Turtles (one of each) - stayed up until 0200 CST!


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?


- have yet to do so...waiting on the right idea


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?


- I traded my ruby geogem for a "geocaching is the key" (08/08)


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?


- found a geocoin first...took me a while to find the forums...a fellow cacher scolded me into finding the forums


...and yes, I am officially addicted! :D :D :D

Posted (edited)

1. KacheKat & Kickin' 2006 at the 2nd ASP Geobash.


2. KacheKat & Kickin' 2006 at the 2nd ASP Geobash


3. 2008 - the chiro-cache geocoin...got them just before the geocoinfest in Pittsburgh


4. 2008 geocoinfest in Pittsburgh...I think my first trade was either for a tsun dragonfly talisman (GCF version,) or a Yemon Yime (GCF personal version)...don't really remember which was first.) Interesting starts either way, and of course, I still have both!


5. Found and started collecting geocoins first, then the geocoin forum (although I have to confess...I've started seeing other forums :blink: .)


Edited by drneal
Posted (edited)

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

The first geocoin I saw in person I remember is a Groundspeak Lackeys 2010 Geocoin. The Lackeys sent it to my house.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

I never bought a geocoin. The only one I have the lackeys sent it to me.

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

N/A cost

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

I never traded.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

I found the forums first


Thanks for the cointest

Edited by TheCacheSeeker

Thank you for the cointest!!!


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

A: Oh... it was back in the end of 2007! as a coin and banknote collector, I was searching ebay to find if there was a greek coin or token that I didn't have, in good price... my wallet limits were and still are very low... so... and I fell on a strange metal or coin from greece! It was the first greek geocoin 2007! I loved it from the first sight! I tried to find more info about this strage metal, and why it was called a coin! I found other photos too and saw the trackable at geocaching.com.... I entered here I liked the whole game because it was like the treasure hunt game I used to play as a child... and here I am! In case you are asking which coin I first found, it was the Uckermark 2006 geocoin back in 6th of January of 2008 in Archangelos Michael Paralimniotis - Rhodes cache!


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

A: Well.. I entered in the greek forum almost at the same time I was registered as a cacher,I got in touch with one of the greek cachers and bought the greek version of the greek geocoin! this version was only for the greek cachers and it is not known to others... I mean... it is not AS, not AG, not the LE AC or the LE BN version but it is polished silver! it is really a very cool coin in LE


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

A: I haven't dome any yet! It is quite expensive, my wallet limits are even lower, I am unemployed and except that.. montly payments here are very low but prices are extremelly high... so... things are difficult...


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

A: hmm.. I do not remember... was it last year? I loved a coin and someone offered me his double one.. it was not a trade but... I send him an other coin I had double and he liked! So... even if this was not an official trade (or was it?) it was an exchange of gifts!:) I gave a summer meltdown geocoin!:)


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?


As I mentioned in question #1... I am here because of a geocoin... so geocoins came in my life first and then the lovely forum that I am addicted too! :lol:


1. December 9, 2009, It was handed to me by Nepokama, and I was told to grab it. TB1KKAD: Red Handed Geocoin (Traveling)-lindsychris

2. February 15, 2010: 3 coins in a single order, a Flip For it, Cros Ceilteach AS, and an Eat, Sleep, Cache - Round in blue.

3. Still haven't made my personal coin yet, though I've got some design ideas that I'm discussing with NepoKama. As Nepokama mentioned, some of the ones we've worked on are done (Voyages of Exploration: Sea & Road's End) with more coming soon. :ph34r:

4. My first trades were at the Midnight Geocoin Madness II event -- traded several coins that night, and still wish I'd had more traders at the time, as I would have loved to trade more. I did get to meet a few familiar names from here that night. (though they may not realize it)

5. Found a geocoin first, and went looking for the forums to find out more.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

Saw a Cache Wars in a cache Nov. 2010

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

Home is Where the Cache Is, Jan. 2011

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

I like to create, but really don't have any talent! <_<

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

I have yet to trade.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

I saw a geocoin first, but it was the picture of a coin in the forums that got me hooked. Wow, so much for my inexpensive geocaching hobby!! :D

Posted (edited)

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

The first geocoin I found was a Canadian Forces #3 geocoin in a travel bug hotel cache at CFB Greenwood, Nova Scotia. This was June of 2007 in the 3rd cache I ever found.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

My first purchase was an All Season Caching Winter 2007 purchased in March 2008 (I still have it). This was the third coin in my collection. The first was a Red Handed micro I found as an FTF prize and the second was an Environment Canada Geocache Your Watershed coin that was given to me.

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

My first personal coin was made in December 2009. However, this was my 4th design. :D

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

My first trade was in March 2008. I traded a Swedish Moose for a Dutch 2007.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

I definitely found geocoins first. I found the forums after receiving my Environment Canada coin so that I could show it off.

Edited by E&Cplus3

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

TBJKX7 in March 2005, a USA Geocoin, and the owner had the .999 silver USA coin too. bling!! hooked !!

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

May 2005 Texas

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

December 2005

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

Alaska for 2bugs and this was amusing... we had just met and he made his friend give him one of his coins back so that he could trade for the Alaska coin... promising to bring a replacement the same day, but nonetheless... so also my first experience with geocoin frenzy...

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin?

geocoin before forums but only slightly...


1. The 2005 Maryland geocoin, seen in Sept. 2005 at a geocaching picnic event


2. The 2005 New York State geocoin, bought in Sept. 2005


3. October 2006


4. November 2006 for a Night Hawk personal geocoin


5. Seeing the Maryland geocoin was the first time I had every heard of geocoins


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? : a USA Geocoin :)


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? ditto the above - a USA Geocoin (actually several of 'em) ;)


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? 2006 (Thank you Mr. Mackey!!! :lol:)


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? I cannot remember... too darn many trades since then :mellow:


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? Geocoin (didn't even know about the forums before...) :P




1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? A travel slug and a 2007 Lackey coin.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? ARK-MO geocacher geocoin, May 2009

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? Not yet, but I've got a friend drawing me some artwork right now...

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? Many of my very first coins were gifted to me by awesome forum denizens, and I guess my first real trade was the 52 card pickup...so long ago, I've completely forgotten what I sent and got for it!

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? Forums first.


1. I saw my first geocoin - a Signal the Frog "Germany" coin - in a cache in the Netherlands - a great cache where you needed to put your hand up the back of a ladies dress to retrieve it (it was a bronze lifesize statue :) )

2. I bought my first coin from a UK based coin shop a few months later - was a British micro and Symbology bronze

3. NA - too expensive offshore - I'd love to still do this

4. Have not traded - but have sent a good few coins as giftys - and recieved a good few too - was actually 3Doxies who gifted me a coin and this was my very first coin - was a wonderful gesture and this coin remains one of my favourties (although sadly my original went missing in the USA - Virginia I think).

5. geocoins.


1. 4th of July, 2006, fished a mtn-man Admin Brick Geocoin out of a cache.

2. Trackable? None. Non-trackable, miniature coin for completing the Upper Sioux Agency State Park History Challenge, July 2008.

3. N/A. Cost.

4. N/A.

5. Definitely forums first. I read the forums before I took the plunge and started geocaching.


1. In October of '09, I saw my first coin in a cache called "Long Live Mono Lake" while my Pop and I were on a fishing trip that wound up getting both of us hooked on caching. It was a 2006 CITO geocoin.

2. First geocoin purchase was a June of '09 Geocoin Club coin that I still have.

3. I've yet to make my first coin, mostly due to bad art skills and money involved in doing it. Someday...

4. Just about two or three months ago I made my first geocoin trade with Eltada on these forums. I got a Lotus Compass geocoin, and I traded away the same coin that I first bought for myself, a June of '09 Geocoin Club coin.

5. I found a geocoin looooong before I found these forums. I'm still pretty new to the forums.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

24 February 2008. Not counting TB's and proxies, it was a Geosquid, blue glitter on antique copper. I bought one later as a reminder!

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

08 May 2008 : Tengwar, turquoise on polished nickel. I just had to, you know :rolleyes:

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

Early 2010, it was the Monster-in-a-Box. Some other designs in planning, but nothing too finished yet!

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

I guess it was during Math Trade #5, roughly the same date, last year. So many coins, I can't remember which one arrived first!

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

Probably the geocoin first but I wouldn't be too sure...



Thanks for the great cointest!


1. Must have been summer 2007, in one of the first caches I found was a Sock Puppet geocoin.


2. Shortly after I bought some Templar coins, including LEs. Shouldn't have done that...


3. not yet, but thinking about it.


4. really can't remember.


5. Geocoin first, then the forum.


1. Summer break 2008, in North Wales, UK, the fantastic Landsharkz Gecko geocoin

2. Just after getting home from summer break ;-) we bought three Landsharkz Gecko coins

3. We made our first coin for Summer break 2009

4. In 2009 we swapped a coin at a caching event in Somerset, UK - the Help for Heroes geocoin

5. We found the geocoins first


1. Thirteen days after finding my first geocache, in January 2008, I moved a July 2006 Geocoin Club GC from my 4th find to another local cache.


2. I didn't purchase my first coin until spring of 2009. The green on gold Celtic Tree of Life was the coin that pushed me over the edge, but I hesitated too long and missed the first sale. So my first purchased coin ended up being a personalized CoinSwag Glass Traveler.


3. N/A. First there is the cost, which is an amount that would be hard to justify to a noncaching husband. Followed by not having an original design idea ready to go. If I ever feel strongly enough about a coin design though, it will get funded.


4. I have never traded coins. Some from my collection have been sent to other cachers as gifts, but I didn't receive anything in return.


5. The forums, although it is possible that I did not read the Geocoin Discussions section until after my first geocoin find.


1. The first geocoin I found was a Blarney Coin (March 2008 GCC) on Feb. 21 2010 in Switzerland - I found it loose in a bin bag that a cache was wrapped up in a few weeks after finding my first cache (a year and 2 days ago :D), which hadn't been found in that cache for a few months.


2. Bought a Tracking Time Geocoin about a month after finding my first geocoin (March 2010).


3. Haven't really made a personal coin yet but am getting some ideas for one - hope to make it this year or early next year.


4. Haven't traded any coins yet.


5. Found Geocoins first - took me a while to find the forums but now I usually check them each day.

Posted (edited)

Hmmm.... having to put the thinking cap on here... Must say I really, really like the Mardi Gras mask geocoins (curses for canceling my Geoswag Geocoin and Pin Club subscription 2 months ago!)


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

In the flesh it would have been a 2006 New Zealand Kiwi geocoin minted by Hex-the-kiwi, shown to me by my brother Team Chelmo and it would have been late 2006


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

Again, late 2006 and I think it was the 2006 New Zealand Kiwi geocoin, or the Sylvian Seekers v1 geocoins.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

First vaguely personal geocoins were GeoJellies v1 flavors Kiwi Fruit (glitter), Kiwi Fruit (2-tone) and Radioactive KiwiFruit in 2007. The first geocoin with a unique design was my keewee GeoTag, again in 2007. Not sure which actually came first.


I still really, really, really want to make my own (truely my own) geocoins and have played with designed a couple of times (sketched one entire side of a new idea a couple of days ago...) but the cost is the only thing that holds me back! It would cost a month-and-a-half's pay to do one. (Donations gratefully accepted)


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

Far out.... I have not idea what my first trade was for... I think it may have been in early 2007 with Team Sand Dollar, probably for her v2 Sand Dollar geocoin.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

Forums! And it was all down hill from there... Hello, my name is Craig and I am a recovering geocoin addict.

Edited by keewee
Posted (edited)

Nice cointest!


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

Found a Travel Express geocoin in a cache under a bridge in Oslo, Norway, in August 2010. I was thrilled! I moved that little train half way around the globe, only to see it muggled a couple of weeks later. :( Have just bought my own Travel Express, as a reminder.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

Bought a Mapamundi and a Happy Caching Ladybird in October 2010. I wanted to send my first coins traveling, so I picked coins that were rather inexpensive, pretty and appealing, but not too personal for me to let go of.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

N/A. It costs a lot, so I'd like to learn more and come up with an excellent idea before I eventually take such a big step.


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

I haven't traded yet. The few coins I have are too nice. :) But during the last month I have made some personal deals with members of this forum, buying carousel horses, lions and a Sea of treasures.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

Found a couple of geocoins first, but I didn't buy my own geocoins until after spending some time on this forum.

Edited by mamoreb

Thank you for this nice Coinntest! It was very nice to think about my coin history and I like to read about others!


Here are my answers:


1. 13.06.2007 in our very first cache during our holidays in North Germany we found a "Dutch Geocoin 2005"

2. I bought my first coin (Geocacher's Day) in January 2008 send it into the wild and it was lost 2 years later after 9500km in Florida

3. not yet but I'm sure I will do it someday, just need the money and a good idea!

4. I traded one of my German Tranquility for a Neptunes Compass Deep Sea in April 2010?

5. First the coin, then the forum and the addiction last :lol: ?


1. The first geocoin I saw was 'Swedish Geocoins 2007', on my very first day of caching (May 6th 2010).

2. A 'Birthday Geocoin', bought it in May 2010 to be set free on my birthday (June 4th)

3. Not yet, but hopefully someday!

4. Haven't been a part of any trades yet.

5. Coin first. If I remember correctly I had discovered some GC&P Club coins and thought they were amazing, so I came to the forums to find out how to join the club :laughing:


1. When, where and what geocoin did you see first? There was a USA 2005 geocoin laying on the table when my spouse died. He wasn't able to drop it again. I didn't know what it was and handed it over to a befriended geocacher who dropped it in a cache

2. When and what geocoin did you first buy? The Reintje de Vos Memorial geocoin

3. When did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? Not, I'm not creative enough, nor do I have the money to make coins

4. When and what did you trade your first geocoin? I traded Wilg for his personal VGC 2006 geocoin; Spring 2008.

5. Did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? First the Dutch forums, then geocoins, last but not least the Groundspeak forums.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?The first coin I saw was an Adrenaline Coin in a cache in Ashland, KY. I had been caching for a couple months.... so I knew what it was and I showed all of my friends before placing it in another cache.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?My first purchase was Celtic Tree of Life Red on Silver... Although I should give credit to Gardengorilla for sending me my first coin.

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? N/A... Let's see how to put this... I just don't make enough money... yet. When I am finished with school you better believe it!

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? My first trade I guess would be considered My Davey Jones' Locker Aqua for Dancing Couple's coin... I think.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? I am pretty sure that I found the general forums first (unfortunately)... and then a coin... and then the coin forums.


Thanks for the COINTEST!


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?The first geocoin that I saw was actually the first one that I bought as well in March 2009. I had been searching around in the local caches but geocoins were few and far between so I had decided to buy one. I purchased a few cheap geocoins off of the eplace including a "Always Searching 99" which became my first traveller.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? see above. :)

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? I have been involved in several projects where I was able to choose coloration of the coins (ie. 10 years of geocaching - Emerald Coast, 10-10-10 Emerald Coast, Mini Doubloon 2010, Geojellies 4, Mini Doubloon 2011) but as yet I have not truly designed a coin from the ground up. I do have a personal coin in mind and have started designing the artwork but I still am learning the ins and outs. I hope to produces my personal sometime next year (with my tax refund). In the mean time, I am working on some other coins to hopefully be produced in the next couple of months.

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? My first specific coin that I searched out for (can't remember if it was a trade or not) was the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (round)SE". I had first seen the coin in one of my area's puzzle caches (CacheHiker’s Guide to… Life GC1QCN3). I contacted you(Avroair) and within a couple of days had a copy of the coin in hand.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? Found the geocoins first then tracked down the forums.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? A Mtn10bike V2 or a USA Geocoin, I'm not sure. At the first event I went to in 2005.

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? One of the first Colorado state coins, which I think was the first State Geocoin, This must have been around 2006.

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? I made a GeoTag, when Mike started those, I was in the first test batch. Since then I made my Man vs. Cache firestarter coins, and I have a super-sekrit new coin in the works, ;)

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? I was in The great Geocoin Project, I recieved several free coins from other members, bought coins from Grounspeak and donated and released many more as a result.

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? Mmm forums I am fairly sure


I had to look back for this info and was surprised to see the coins I first discovered, etc. were not what I remembered...interesting! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? Apparently it was a New Beginnings coin in August of 2007 around the time I started geocaching.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? My husband bought me three Canada 2007 geocoins for Christmas in 2007 and a couple of months later I purchased Fate Favours the Bold myself.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? My Out on the Water, Caching by Boat personal was released in March of 2009...though I had started working on it's design during the summer of 2008.


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? My first trade was with bluecherry for a Four Musketeers Imperial Creed coin in June 2008...still love it!


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? I found the geocoin first and then explored further and stumbled across the forums


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

That would have been in 2005, while evacuated from Katrina being in South Texas. First coin I found in a cache was a "World Traveler" coin


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

In 2006, the 2006 release of the Mississippi Sate coin


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

In 2007, my OshnDoc - Antarctica coins.


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

In 2006 I traded for a CoinsandPins glow in the dark coin from AAron at the Katrina 1 year later event.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

I think, the forums, if I remember correctly, (it just has been quite a few years)


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? 1/5/2008 we retrieved a 2006 Silver Ellis Island Geocoin from a cache called Kiss Nancy which is in front of a local cafe where we live. Beautiful coin.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? Earth Turtle 2007, antique silver & gold versions. We love turtles and this coin couldn't get any better!! Purchased in 2008 off the "e"-place and now a Tsun collector for life!!


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? Haven't made one yet. We really do want to make one. It is a little intimidating though and we would have to freshen up on our drawing skills or pay someone to design it!


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? We have not had the opportunity to trade coins yet, even though we hope to soon.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? Geocoin first. The forums later added to the addiction! :blink:


Thanks for the Cointest!!!! :D


1. When, where and what geocoin did you see first?

The first geocoin that I found was towards the end of 2010 and it was a 2006 Geocache Ohio that I found in a local cache.


2. When and what geocoin did you first buy?

The first one I bought was a Lucky Leprechaun sometime afterwards when I first found the Ohio coin.


3. When did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

I haven't yet, still mocking-up designs and learning about enamels. I am, fortunately doing a doubloon with Cap'n Jakalgirl and ye other mateys' and can't wait until they're done.


4. When and what did you trade your first geocoin?

My first trade was with ELTADA for a Lotus Compass-Bast Version. It's still one of my favorites and it sent me into a downward spiral of collecting.


5. Did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

I found a geocoin first. I didn't actually find the forums until awhile later when I had a TB issue and was trying to find some information on how to resolve it.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

The first geocoin I saw was one week after finding my first cache (July 29, 2010) and it was this coin which if I remember correctly was a map of a European country. I found it in a local cache, my 9th find.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

I have yet to buy a geocoin.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

I have yet to make a geocoin. I'm still pretty new to the geocoin phenomenon but maybe winning this cointest will start the addiction :anibad: I do have some ideas and am always interested to see what others come up with. But need to learn a lot more before I would try it out.


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

I have not had the opportunity to trade a coin yet.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

Definitely found a geocoin first, just one week into geocaching. I was still too much of a newbie to even know forums existed.

Posted (edited)

Great responses! I think it fun to go back and look at your own personal geocoin history, as well as looking at others...


(1) for those of you who haven't minted your own coin yet, there are NO excuses!

* Not an artist... professionals are standing by! And can work with you on a design

* Can't afford one... many vendors will help out by selling some of your coins in their webstore, then you have a version to trade, sell or put into caches and a version sold... If you made 150 coins total at $4.00 each ($600) and had the store sell 50 of them ... it can cut the price in half... there are many ways to finance a coin

* I'm too lazy... I can't help you there... But judge yourself by your potential rather than your limitations...


Edit to add:


The cointest isn't over, keep em coming!

Edited by avroair
Posted (edited)

Great responses! I think it fun to go back and look at your own personal geocoin history, as well as looking at others...


(1) for those of you who haven't minted your own coin yet, there are NO excuses!

* Not an artist... professionals are standing by! And can work with you on a design

* Can't afford one... many vendors will help out by selling some of your coins in their webstore, then you have a version to trade, sell or put into caches and a version sold... If you made 150 coins total at $4.00 each ($600) and had the store sell 50 of them ... it can cut the price in half... there are many ways to finance a coin

* I'm too lazy... I can't help you there... But judge yourself by your potential rather than your limitations...


Edit to add:


The cointest isn't over, keep em coming!


Thanks for the cointent. :)


I want to have total control over my coin when it is made. I've read enough stories about people doing it through the stores to know that the only way to get the coin you truly want and to have complete control and say over numbers, versions and how it comes out is to do it yourself (but maybe with minting assistance from one of the stores).


ETA - and also, if my coin is a runaway success, I would prefer to be the one benefiting from it. :rolleyes:

Edited by keewee
Posted (edited)

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?

2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?

3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?

4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?

5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?


1. It was either a 2003 USA or a Moun10bike V2.


2. I bought a few 2004 USA geocoins shortly after I began caching.


3. May/June 2005


4. March/April 2005; Georgia 2005. It was traded with Mauison, Kealia or Nurse Dave. I made trades with all of them around the same time.


5. Found geocoins before I came in the forums.

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

So here goes,


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? In person, Last August 2010, the Trapper Trails Council Office (Boy Scouts of America) in Ogden UT, 100 Years of Scouting Trapper Trails Council Geocoin. The first coin I found in a cache was AJAYHAWKFAN Geocoin #307 (Fagans Waterfall, KS)


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? Last August, bought the 100 Years of Scouting Trapper Trails Council Geocoin


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not? Have not yet made a coin. I haven't because of the cost, but I am talking with the scout group I help with about making one for a fundraiser.


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? Have not traded a geocoin, but I have moved some around from cache to cache.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? geocoin first.

Edited by farrtom

1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first?


Oct 2009, on vacation near Asheville, NC. We found a Kansas Micro coin. I liked it a lot. Dropped it in a cache I chose carefully and then worried for 6 months until someone moved it.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy?


WGA 2010 in fall 2010. Once I gave in to buying that first one, I was a goner. I'm still hopeful that I might recover at some point.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?


N/A I've thought about it. If/when I get the right idea or inspiration...


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin?


My first exchanges weren't really trades.. more like back and forth gifting. So I'd say my first real trade was in Jan - a Thuru for a Small Things.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first?

Geocoins first.


Thanks for the cointest! That AE mask is sooo pretty.


1. when, where and what geocoin did you see first? It's been this coin http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?guid=45b680d6-fc52-4c69-af8b-b11d79af9d2f that I found in a Cache in December 2009.


2. when and what geocoin did you first buy? I think I bought this coin: https://www.mygeocoin.de/product_info.php?info=p79_Mittelhessen---Region-Marburg---Geocoin.html&XTCsid=414d7eeafd26506552785eb170a366d1 which I really like till today.


3. when did you make your first personal coin? N/A if you haven't yet, why not?


4. when and what did you trade your first geocoin? Last December just before christmas.


5. did you find the forums first or a geocoin first? The Geocoins

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