+jpbarr Posted December 5, 2011 Posted December 5, 2011 Ok, so one of the best memories I have as a kid I think I was about 7 or 8 and my brother around 5. Thanks to friends at school the mystery of Santa was no longer a mystery. Of course, to my parents utter annoyance I wanted to pass on my new found disappointment to my younger brother. I was convinced that Santa was my grandfather dressed up. A few days before Christmas a card arrived for my brother and I straight from the North Pole.....but I wasn't fooled. It hadn't come from Santa! An hour or so later the phone rang and my father told us it was for us, it was Santa calling to find out why I didn't believe he was real and again I was convinced it was my grandfather...that was until my grandfather walked through the door while I was on the phone to "Santa" That had me believing again and now Santa comes and brings gifts to my son Quote
+SgtMikal Posted December 5, 2011 Posted December 5, 2011 Nice cointest...I look forward to reading more stories and memories. And Neal...I loved your story! One memory that popped into my head was when I was a teenager. We had already put up and decorated our tree, but we had not put any presents under the tree yet. Then, one day when no one was looking, my dad snuck in and put a single small gift under the tree. It was a very non-descript package, and had no tag on it. No one knew who it was from or for. Well...later that evening, while I was eating my dinner, our dog was walking by, and noticed the small package under the tree. It stopped her in her tracks, because something just wasn't right. She stared at it for a moment, leaning around to observe from different angles, but keeping her feet firmly planted in one spot. Still keeping her feet planted, she leaned forward to smell it. No one knows what happened, but the next thing we knew she got spooked so badly that she just couldn't jump back quickly enough. Her nails dug into the rug as she clawed to get away. We all laughed hysterically, and she noticed that we were looking at her. I wenty over and picked up the package and held it for her to sniff. Seconds later, she compeltely lost interest and left it alone, never giving it a second glance. I am laughing right now as I try to fathom what might have been going through her mind that evening. It was so funny to watch! Thanx for the cointest! Quote
+goosefraba1 Posted December 5, 2011 Posted December 5, 2011 My entry... This happened right before Christmas about five years ago... maybe a week before. My family had a ham leftover from Thanksgiving... still wrapped (and yes it was still good) that we had forgotten. Dad decided that he didn't want another ham for Christmas. Well, at this time we had an English Bulldog.... my favorite pet of all time. He had all kinds of tricks. He would swing on a rope that was leftover from an old tire swing. I mean literally... he would grab it in his mouth (bulldogs have super powerful jaws)... and then you could grab his body and swing him just like a kid. Regardless... that is the goofy type of animal that Butterbean was. If you know anything about English Bulldogs, they never stop eating. He would fight off our Rottweiler from his food. Bean loved food. Dad told me to unwrap the ham and throw it into the yard for Bean. I did so accordingly. Butterbean thought that this ham was a ball and commenced to play with it. After about 20 seconds, he realized that it was an edible ball. He ate and ate on that piece of ham for about 15 minutes... like a little piggy. Eventually, he decided to take a break. This was actually a food high. He ran around the house like 4 times and then continued his dinner. After another 20 minutes, Butterbean had consumed a whole 15 pound ham by himself. He looked like a cartoon character. Like a tick about to pop. He couldn't even walk up the front steps to the house. He went from weighing 105 pounds to 120 in 1 hours time. It still kills me everytime I think about it. Butterbean Quote
+ly2kw Posted December 5, 2011 Posted December 5, 2011 (edited) Ooops Edited December 5, 2011 by ly2kw Quote
+GATOULIS Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 When I was a child... about 3-4 years old, we took the boat to go to Leros island where my mother is from! Her whole family was there... my uncle, my aunt, my grandparents.... many cousins.... it was Christmas eve... and we have a special song that children sing while they are visiting the houses.... they ask if we want to hear them.... and it is a tradition... and like they are bringing the news... that the Christ is born! after the song, people are giving sweets and money to the children! we have a similar song for new year and for the January 6th when we celebrate the baptism of Jesus... (and waters are blesed!) anyway... The voyage was more than 7 hours (back then) and.... it hapent to be the only child in the ship!!! a sailor who was my cousin too... took me and we went to all the passengers and the crue of the ship! I was singing and singing.... and collected many sweets and about 4000 drachmas... when my father was getting 1500 - 2000 drachmas maximum... as a monthly payment!!! it was lots of fun being the singer of the ship (who was I?? Sinatra? ) but it was quite tiring too! hey... I even went to the ships bridge and met the Captain!!! But.... something happent at that day that I will never forget! I was given a treasure and I still have! A woman from Cyprus... was near where my parents were sitting... and she started talking with my mother... She gave me money too but she gave to my mother something for me... when I grow up a little.... what?? 2 Cypriot copper coins of 5 mils! they were nothing serious or high valued coins... these were in circulation back then... but they are my treasures! she gave these 2 coins to my mother and told her to give them to me when I will be a little older... it was something small to remember her! she was from the occupied Cyprus and she has lost almost everything.... in 1974... she was an refugee in her own country...and she was visiting some relatives in Greece... Christmas passed... we never saw this kind lady.... I shared the sweets with my sister... the money helded the whole family for sure.. but my mother still had these 2 coins.... time passed... a became 7-8 years old and my mother decided to remind me the story about that christmas and the lady... we had forgoten her name...we had forgoten her face... but we were still remember her because of these 2 coins.... my mother gave them to me as this was the lady's will... and from that time.. I became a coin collector! I enriched my collection... but these 2 little ones are my treasures... no gold or platinum or whatever else coins can go close to these 2... for me! They are my first ones... the beggining of my collection... their value for me can not be measured!!! they are priceless!! see.... I even became a geocacher because I accidently found a geocoin photo in the net... while I was searching for coins... maybe the whole story is not so Christmas like... but it happent during Christmas! I will always thank that lady for this push and help to become a collector! Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 I have been a life long baseball fan of The Detroit Tigers. Believe me that that has been MANY years. The stadium they played in was called Briggs Stadium when I was young and when they changed the name to Tiger Stadium I swore I would never call it that. That was so long ago that I don't remember how old I was but maybe around 7. It was declared a State of Michigan Historic Site in 1975 and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1989. However, the team moved to Comerica Park for the 2000 season so Tiger Stadium was no longer used. Since there were no prospects for redevelopment of the site it was demolished. Prior to demolition everything that could be removed was sold. When I saw the sale in the newspaper I knew that I could never afford any of it. My oldest son inherited the love of baseball from me but I forgot to tell him about the sale. That Christmas both my sons told me to close my eyes and they carried in a huge box and put it next to the tree. I had no idea what it was. The first thing that came to mind was a toilet. You might think what kind of a gift would a toilet be but I was and am still trying to add a new bathroom to my master bedroom as I can afford it (and yes I have bought a toilet since then!) When I started to open the box I knew immediately what it was. They had bought me two stadium seats from my beloved Tiger Stadium!!!! Since one was an end seat I was even able to pinpoint where the seats actually came from in the stadium. The gift brought tears to my eyes and still does when I think about it. It was the gift of a lifetime and one that could never happen again. When I finish the renovation of my family room those seats will have a place of honor that I have already created for them. I'm not sure what gift could top this one. Quote
+yanagi Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Thanks to Team Yanagi who have inspired me to holding a year end cointest. Wow, I'm very proud of that! Thanks for writing this! Since I already have a Kini_Ont coin I’m not entering the cointest but I would like to share a story that always comes to my mind when I think of Christmas: A few years ago when my son was at the age of 2 we thought it would be a good idea that he “helps” with decorating the Christmas tree. I will never forget looking at him trying to hang the chain of lights into the tree. He put with both hands a little piece of the chain onto the tree and then he wanted to grab the next part of the chain which still was lying on the floor. By doing that the piece that he hung onto the tree before fell down again. He did that for at least 10 minutes and of course he had no success at all but a lot of fun. During the whole time he said: “da dum… un da dum… da dum…” which were in correct German language: “da drum… und da drum… da drum…” (in English: around here… and around here… around here…). Thank god I took a video of that but even without this it would be always one of the best memories I have about Christmas. Quote
+yanagi Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 To give this cointest a bump back to page one I would like to repeat a post that I wrote in the great "Christmas Clearing Mission 2010" thread which was hosted by Write Shop Robert (there is one for 2011 if you want to join!). I'm doing that because this comes at first into my mind when I think of Xmas and the forum community. It was so much fun to see my son so much excited about the package he got from the Maine family: Our second package arrived today and what a great one!!!! Unbelievable! But let´s tell the whole story: Today at work my wife called me to let me know that a BIG package arrived for our son Lars. My son was very excited and happy and told me something like this: I got a LEGO “Buzz's Star Command Spaceship” with Buzz and with a bad guy and with a car and you can even open the cockpit and you can open the back and there is a special place to put the car inside and it has got 257 pieces and the car is carrying a big bottle and there was also a firetruck geocoin inside where the wheels can really turn (this is just a rough summary of the things he said). Summarized my son was very delighted. When I got home he was just fixing the last parts and still was very excited. I took a picture of our happy son with the spaceship and he told me to take another one where you can see the ship with all doors open plus the little men plus the car plus the geocoin. Dear Maine family and especially dear grandson of the Maine family: we are speechless about this big package and we (especially Lars) want to say a big THANK YOU! That was really a great surprise! I also would like to thank Write Shop Robert for this great mission. What a fun it was to take part in it and to prepare surprise packages for other people. Thank you so much for this great idea! Quote
+jpbarr Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 When we moved to Estonia, my wife's home country, I had to think how to combine my family Christmas traditions with my wife's. Whereas we have an advent calender they have the Christmas Elves (Päkapikk) that put something in a slipper left on the window sill by the child the night before. Last year my son was just 3 but was understanding about Christmas. So, I took both traditions and created 24 little bags each with a different day on it and they are hung up at the window and each morning one is on the window sill with something in it. The first time we did this last year his face lit up like supernova and it still does when he opens the bag each morning. Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 I was just a little girl; not even going to school yet. I didn't know about poverty, or non payment of child support. I just knew that I had asked Santa for a cradle and dolly. So Christmas Eve Mom puts me to bed; even though my much older sisters got to stay up. A while later; seemed like a long while later I woke up; tip toed to the tree and found a beautiful cradle and bedding. BUT no dolly. As little girls sometimes do; the tears the sobs; the anguish that Santa had not left the dolly. Mom came to see what all the noise was about. She assured me Santa must have forgotten; but would find the dolly at the bottom of his toy sack and would make sure it was there by morning. It took a lot of coaxing to get me back to bed, calmed down and back to sleep. Sure enough come morning there was my beautiful cradle, the awesome bedding and my dolly. I was the happiest little girl ever. Many many years later I came to find out that one of my older sisters had made the bedding in home-EC sewing class. My other sister had made the cradle in wood shop. The dolly was another story. My mom couldn't afford to buy a dolly. She was all prepared to tell me Santa must have forgot. And that my one other stuffy would love the cradle too. But my waking up in the middle of the night spoiled her plans. My mom walked a mile late on Christmas eve to a neighbors house that had five girls. She bartered some free babysitting in order to get one of the girls dollys. Then walked another mile home. I loved the story I had been told for years; but a whole lot more when the WHOLE story came to light about just how much time; effort; and love went into that cradle; bedding and dolly. 40 some years later I still have the quilt from the bedding. Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 12, 2011 Posted December 12, 2011 My little girl was about five months old her first Christmas. We had bought one of those foam chairs for her. She had just learnt to sit up. So we put her in the chair and tips forward; we nudge her back she giggles, she tips forward we nudge her back; she giggles. Those baby giggles resounded through the house Christmas morning and I can still hear them in my heart today. Baby giggles! Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted December 12, 2011 Posted December 12, 2011 I was just a little girl; not even going to school yet. I didn't know about poverty, or non payment of child support. I just knew that I had asked Santa for a cradle and dolly. So Christmas Eve Mom puts me to bed; even though my much older sisters got to stay up. A while later; seemed like a long while later I woke up; tip toed to the tree and found a beautiful cradle and bedding. BUT no dolly. As little girls sometimes do; the tears the sobs; the anguish that Santa had not left the dolly. Mom came to see what all the noise was about. She assured me Santa must have forgotten; but would find the dolly at the bottom of his toy sack and would make sure it was there by morning. It took a lot of coaxing to get me back to bed, calmed down and back to sleep. Sure enough come morning there was my beautiful cradle, the awesome bedding and my dolly. I was the happiest little girl ever. Many many years later I came to find out that one of my older sisters had made the bedding in home-EC sewing class. My other sister had made the cradle in wood shop. The dolly was another story. My mom couldn't afford to buy a dolly. She was all prepared to tell me Santa must have forgot. And that my one other stuffy would love the cradle too. But my waking up in the middle of the night spoiled her plans. My mom walked a mile late on Christmas eve to a neighbors house that had five girls. She bartered some free babysitting in order to get one of the girls dollys. Then walked another mile home. I loved the story I had been told for years; but a whole lot more when the WHOLE story came to light about just how much time; effort; and love went into that cradle; bedding and dolly. 40 some years later I still have the quilt from the bedding. Awww I just love this story!!! Quote
+GATOULIS Posted December 12, 2011 Posted December 12, 2011 I remember when I was in the kindergarden.... it was Christmas and we had a small theatre play... the Teacher spread the roles... some were the sheeps, some the shepards, othrs the wizards.... some were the angels... and there was a girl who was Mary... and I was Josef! we all had to say a poem... and act... all were coming to see us and Baby Jesus... it was so nice! For a cave we had a painted paper in the shape of a cave! well... we were not a rich school! we were in the old town... I remember my mother prepearing my costume! I still have it!!! it was in gold and red... it looked like the ancient clothes... and it was so nice!!! after this... ceremony... we got the gifts of Santa... even if.... santa is not coming to Greece during Christmas but he is here on the New year's eve... I have a photo from there... but I can nto post it! Sorry! I cann ot scan it or take a photo with my sister's mobile.... the reason is.... well... I will mention why on my next story... which will be the last and I do not know if it will actually count... since it will be a memory of something that will come... and not something that already happen... I just know from now... and it reminds me some other things from the past.... anyway.... back to this story.... what was amazing is that the shcool I was... was an old Turkish school in the old town! even in my days... most of the children were Greek muslims... but of course we were friends, we had no problems and they were respecting and celebrating Christmas! I know that this sound strange but it is true! It was so nice to see that in moments of love and peace....that Christmas represent... we were actually seeing that and living it!!! Time have passed... we grew up... and I haven't seen any of the children... I can not even recognize them on the street... but some old photos will always keep that moment and remind me that christmas... of 1980. Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 13, 2011 Posted December 13, 2011 Back in 1990, we had Christmas, dinner, presents, etc. We waved goodbye to my sister and her husband as they headed home; roads weren't to good so mom made them promise to call when they got home. It was about an hour drive. Well; about an hour and s half later mom was getting pretty worried. Then my sisters husband called. ITS A BOY!!!! My sister was due on new years day. But when they left the house and hit the railway tracks my sister says let's go to hospital. My nephew was born on Chistmas Day totally surprising everyone! Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 One of my fondest memories; is one I imagine others will find weird. I was five and their was this heavy round present under the tree. Mom kept telling me to be careful because it was breakable. Christmas Eve comes and our tradition of opening one gift. Mom wouldn't let me open that one. I was not happy. Christmas morning it was the second gift I opened, the first being Santas. I had my very own jar of PEANUT BUTTER. I told you that you would think it weird. Quote
+Eartha Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Red pyjamas! Not an entry. Title updated as a Christmas present for the OP. Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 One of my fondest memories; is one I imagine others will find weird. I was five and their was this heavy round present under the tree. Mom kept telling me to be careful because it was breakable. Christmas Eve comes and our tradition of opening one gift. Mom wouldn't let me open that one. I was not happy. Christmas morning it was the second gift I opened, the first being Santas. I had my very own jar of PEANUT BUTTER. I told you that you would think it weird. Don't tell him but that is what my mother is giving my son this Christmas!! Really she is!!! But I think it is going to be 2 jars of creamy peanut butter...... Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 One of my fondest memories; is one I imagine others will find weird. I was five and their was this heavy round present under the tree. Mom kept telling me to be careful because it was breakable. Christmas Eve comes and our tradition of opening one gift. Mom wouldn't let me open that one. I was not happy. Christmas morning it was the second gift I opened, the first being Santas. I had my very own jar of PEANUT BUTTER. I told you that you would think it weird. Don't tell him but that is what my mother is giving my son this Christmas!! Really she is!!! But I think it is going to be 2 jars of creamy peanut butter...... That is too funny! Quote
+kini_ont Posted December 22, 2011 Author Posted December 22, 2011 Bump .... Geocoin give away .. It’s the Christmas season and we all have stories, it may be of our traditions or our fondest Christmas memory. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what tale you’d like to tell . The Prize: a KINI Geocoin see post #246 for the details Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 22, 2011 Posted December 22, 2011 As a little girl we used to wander into the woods by our home and find a tree cut it down and drag it home. The wood fireplace heating the tree up always made a fantastic spruce or pine scent. The house would hold that scent for weeks. Now when I go out geocaching and am looking for those pesky MISTs and I have the smell of spruce or pine waft over me I am transported back to those early days of a live tree by the fireplace. It's strange how a smell can trigger such a strong memory. Quote
+mamoreb Posted December 22, 2011 Posted December 22, 2011 One of my dearest Christmas memories is when my mom brings out her antique angel. She winds it up, so that it starts playing a beautiful Christmas tune. Every year, we fear that it will have stopped working - fragile mechanical parts. It usually takes 10-15 minutes from the winding up is done till the music starts, and it starts off very slowly. The mood in the house when those small "pling plongs" start sounding is very special. Calmness of Christmas arrives. Quote
+SgtMikal Posted December 22, 2011 Posted December 22, 2011 I'll make a 2nd entry. One of my favorite Christmas memories is a tradition that my father (now well-into his 70s) still holds. Every Christmas morning, there was a very specific smell in our home when we (as the kids) got up: scrapple! That smell still reminds me of Christmas morning. In fact...I have a pound of it thawing right now, so that I can properly "aromatize" my home this weekend. The trick is to fry it very slowly, or else it will burn on the outside, and be way too mushy on the inside. Thanx again for the cointest! The stories have been entertaining. I meant to ask...will the winner be decided by a random drawing, or by your favorite entry? Just curious. Quote
+kini_ont Posted December 22, 2011 Author Posted December 22, 2011 I meant to ask...will the winner be decided by a random drawing, or by your favorite entry? Just curious. The first coin will be random draw ..... Quote
Flying Spaghetti Monster Posted December 23, 2011 Posted December 23, 2011 Title updated for the OP. Quote
+SgtMikal Posted December 24, 2011 Posted December 24, 2011 I have another story that I would like to share. This one makes me laugh every time I think of it. One year, my little brother (who is now an officer in the US Navy, BTW - and is a cacher named deltahotel), must have been running a little behind. I say this because he did ALL of his Christmas shopping one afternoon in a Thrift Drugs store (just a typical drug store, like CVS or Walgreens). As if that weren't funny enough, he couldn't think of something good for our dad, so he decided to give him a corn and callous removal kit. Our dad, to the best of our knowledge, has never had an issue with his feet, but my brother, who was 14 or so at the time, saw that corn and callous removal kit on the shelf, and thought to himself, "Yes. Now Dad is done." LOL!! Thanx again for the cointest, and Merry Christmas to ALL of my caching/coining friends. Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 Merry Christmas Everyone. Can I share some not so fond Christmas memories: Dec 20, 2011 my 92 yo mother in law fell and broke her hip, day after hallowed by a long and dangerous surgery Dec 23, 2011 I come down with this insane sore throat and cough that makes my forehead want to explode and my ears ring constantly Dec 25, 2011 at 3:22 am I am woken by youngest member of Team Pixos throwing up. Rug got it twice on way to bathroom. This stands to be a memorable Christmas for all the wrong reasons. Quote
+SgtMikal Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 Merry Christmas Everyone. Can I share some not so fond Christmas memories: Dec 20, 2011 my 92 yo mother in law fell and broke her hip, day after hallowed by a long and dangerous surgery Dec 23, 2011 I come down with this insane sore throat and cough that makes my forehead want to explode and my ears ring constantly Dec 25, 2011 at 3:22 am I am woken by youngest member of Team Pixos throwing up. Rug got it twice on way to bathroom. This stands to be a memorable Christmas for all the wrong reasons. Here's hoping things look up soon for Team Pixos! Quote
+Team Pixos Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 So I am sitting at home with the other younger sicker one and DH and DD are off to my families to have a hot turkey dinner. Quote
+yanagi Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 All the best to Team Pixos!!!!! Here is a story about our Christmas music: when I was very young my father bought a record from James Last with his big band interpretation of Christmas songs. Every Christmas my father played this record. When my brother, my sister and myself got teenagers we didn't like that record at all but made fun to each other by playing it again, again and again. Then CD's came up and that old record was not played anymore - but somehow I missed it. After several years I was able to buy the record as a CD version and all of my family (including my brother and my sister) wanted to have it too. Guess what I'm playing at Christmas in my family now? It reminds me sooooo much at the wonders of Christmas when I was young. Let's see when my kids starts to hate that record.... Quote
+GATOULIS Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Well.... in case of christmas memories... I will surelly never forget these Christmas... of 2011! Surelly on the top in the list of the worst, sad, lonely Christmas...of my and my family's life... but after all... 2011 was probably the worst year so far... even if there were years that we were going back to the army.. because we were close to go on war with Turkey! imagine... 2011 was worse! and... I the crisis in greece... takes only a small part of it... 2 more days so this #%$@$%#$%@ year will leave! I am wondering if 2012 will be worse.. but... in case you are wondering.... I am jobless.. ok.. the crisis is global so... my brother in law was left without a job too... my sister got a letter from the company she works that she will get fired as all the other stuff because things are way too bad... so... things are very bad... the market in greece is dead... shops, stores, companies are closing and we probably reached the 1 million unempoyed people... this is the 1/10th of the population in greece... and we are still in the beggining! taxes are so huge that we can not stand it anymore! the goverment cut 112 euyros from the pension of my father.. and now he is taking a little more than 700 euros... when the taxes and the bills he had to pay during christmas... were about... 600! the tourist season started badly for me.. because Ifound out that becasue of a stupid mistake of the organization of unemployment... they didn't take me in the job as a guard... because I was missing 21 days of unemployment (the organization made a mistake and... cancelled... 8 months of uneployment I had...!!!) then... just before summer started... my mother was diagnosed with cancer in her... gennetic area but in the outside part... she had to go to Athens and had 3 operations in one.... 80 stiches total! she had to go 4 other times in athens... and of course the expenses were huge! only the hotel for their last trip costed... the money to make 2 geocoins! and these are only a part of the expenses! of course what counted was the health of my mother! and I am glad she is ok and clean from cancer now! money is nothing if you lose a member of your family or if he /she is in pain! and if that person is your father or mother..... just before one of her visits in the hospital.. we phoned the doctors to ask them when they can look at her.. to see the progress.. and we took the answer that they are unhappy with us becasue we didn't gave them... a present (it is illegal!!) of 1500 euros at least!!!! so... he actually didn't want to see her.... huh!!! then he change it... when we started speaking "french"!!! when my mother had the operation... and just because doctors want that presents even if they are illegal.. we went ot give 300 euros.... that is half of a monthy payment!!! but the doctor didn't take them because as he said... he was not a plumber! we had offended him by giving him only 300 and he wanted at least 1500!!! the funny is that these 300 were the money so my sister, my brother in law and my mother would give for the return tickets!!! anyway... my mother is in an other hospital now... an excellent one.. for Ray therapy! all 3 of them went again in athens and I am here with my father... (he was heart problems..) that was because of the area the canser was.... and my brother in law is the driver... of course.. all these times.. my sister is not getting payment... so... they left at the end of November...and they will be back in 11th of January! so.. these Christmas, and new year's eve and the Baptizm of Christ (january 6th) we will be seperate for the first time! No a good feeling... both me and my brother in law's name are Nikos... and we had our name days celebration (we have these in greece too...), seperate... my father had his name day in Christmas... again one of the same... and my mother had her birthday on December 18th... and..... Just imagine... in Christmas we ate steaks... just because we do not know how to cook many things.. but the bad thing is that we do not have all these laughs, the amazing trips to see mangers in villages... etc.. what can I say... well... at least my mother is going great...and when they all come back... we will have christmas... again! yesterday... a man knocked our door! he was asking for money... this is usual but most of them (99.9%) they are fakes.. even the reasons they say are fake... he wanted money because her wife was with canser in athens! ha! tell us about it! he was the only one who entered in the block of flats our apartment is.. after some hours we went to the recycle machine to drop our cans bottles etc... and in the return I looked up and saw some cardboead boxes we had near the roof of the building (just before you go outside on the roof... there is a small flat area like a balcony... just like how it is on the other floors to go to the main doors of the appartments..), and they were moved! strange! we went up and saw everything upside down and... someone stole my bicycle!!! it was brand new!! I had never ride it and it was the first thing and only thing so far (I am not counting coins etc.. ) I won in a contest! it was a contest of a supermarket.. for all Rhodians and people from Leros! (the super market is local and has one in Leros island too...). I was so sad!!! I am sure he was the guy because the bicycle was there for some years! I had it coverend with bags etc to protect it.. I know.. some may say.. you had it for years and you didn;t even ride it? Well.. I was too fat to ride it... the tires were saying until 90 kilos and I was 100! I managed to put all parts together with my brother in law.. and we were planing to go for a ride in the near future... huh.... I was so ungry that I didn't sleep at night! of course.. we didn't go to the police! go for a bike? huh! we fixed the boxes and put them back... and I started saying words and other.... for him that.... were not ok for the days we have... **** since this is not a good memory.. and except from Christmas... I said many things for the whole year...Please do not count this post in the cointest! Edited December 29, 2011 by GATOULIS Quote
+SgtMikal Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 Nikos...I am saying a prayer for you and your family. Quote
+kini_ont Posted December 30, 2011 Author Posted December 30, 2011 (edited) Well.... in case of christmas memories... I will surelly never forget these Christmas... of 2011! Surelly on the top in the list of the worst, sad, lonely Christmas...of my and my family's life... but after all... 2011 was probably the worst year so far... even if there were years that we were going back to the army.. because we were close to go on war with Turkey! imagine... 2011 was worse! and... I the crisis in greece... takes only a small part of it... **** since this is not a good memory.. and except from Christmas... I said many things for the whole year...Please do not count this post in the cointest! This year has not been kind to you my friend in fact it has not been kind to many and I'm not sure that the next year will be any better. But with the kindness of others, good things happen like getting a small coin during Christmas it is those times we must remember and hold to our hearts my friend for they will be what we will remember in the end (I hope). So here is to you my friend, lift a glass and cheers to all HAPPT NEW TEAR to all coiners Edited December 30, 2011 by kini_ont Quote
+kini_ont Posted January 1, 2012 Author Posted January 1, 2012 Well what a party last night.... next door Our company made it to 11:50 at which point we woke up and hugs and kisses and a good night then they left but here is a few shots of what was in store for last night’s soirée, nothing better than a sit-down dinner with a BBQ, candles along the fence line (must check to see if any of it caught on fire) and a roaring fire (that was next door). So when I woke up this morning I was thinking of all the changes and challenges this New Year will bring and I got to thinking of events we would be attending and what cointests I’d run (later on that). And then it hit me, I’ve got a cointest I have to wrap up from Last Year (feels funny to say that). So without further adieu and by a very scientific method of random number selection (no fingers injured here drneal) here are the winners. Posts: #261 – Team Pixos, #247 LadyBee4T and #252 SgtMikal Congratulations to all and Happy New Year Quote
+jpbarr Posted January 1, 2012 Posted January 1, 2012 congrates to all the winners and thanks for the cointest Quote
+SgtMikal Posted January 1, 2012 Posted January 1, 2012 Well what a party last night.... next door Our company made it to 11:50 at which point we woke up and hugs and kisses and a good night then they left but here is a few shots of what was in store for last night’s soirée, nothing better than a sit-down dinner with a BBQ, candles along the fence line (must check to see if any of it caught on fire) and a roaring fire (that was next door). So when I woke up this morning I was thinking of all the changes and challenges this New Year will bring and I got to thinking of events we would be attending and what cointests I’d run (later on that). And then it hit me, I’ve got a cointest I have to wrap up from Last Year (feels funny to say that). So without further adieu and by a very scientific method of random number selection (no fingers injured here drneal) here are the winners. Posts: #261 – Team Pixos, #247 LadyBee4T and #252 SgtMikal Congratulations to all and Happy New Year YAHOO!!! What a great way to start the new year! Thank you so much for picking my number! I have loved and wanted this coin ever since I first saw it! Thanx so much!! Do you need for us to send you a message through your profile with our addresses? Thanx again, and Happy New Year!!! Quote
+Team Pixos Posted January 1, 2012 Posted January 1, 2012 That is awesome. Thanks for holding the contest. Quote
+GATOULIS Posted January 1, 2012 Posted January 1, 2012 Happy new year and.. congratulations to the winners!!! thank you ted for the lovely cointest! Quote
+Team Pixos Posted January 11, 2012 Posted January 11, 2012 I received the coin today and it's fantastic. Thank you! Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted January 11, 2012 Posted January 11, 2012 I received one also. Awesome coin!! Thanks Quote
+SgtMikal Posted January 11, 2012 Posted January 11, 2012 Nothing in my mailbox yet, but I'll keep you all posted (no pun intended.) Quote
+SgtMikal Posted January 11, 2012 Posted January 11, 2012 Ah yes...I guess maybe I am a bit farther south than the others, as my mailbox was stuffed when I got home from work today. Thank you so much for the package, and for your generosity in holding this cointest, and (most of all?) for drawing my name (er...picking #252 *wink*). Thanx again! Quote
+kini_ont Posted January 11, 2012 Author Posted January 11, 2012 You're all very welcome had a great time reading your posts. Quote
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