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Gulliver Bear is alive and well and living ...

Tim & June

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To all those who have e-maild us asking and anyone else who is interested, Gulliver Bear has turned up.


He has apparently spent the last two months 'meditating' face down on the floor of a bar in Los Angeles. icon_biggrin.gif


Meanwhile his Brother Christopher has gone searching for him and got arrested in New Zealand.


The update is on his website www.gulliverbear.co.uk


Tim & June (Winchester)


To cache, or not to cache. That is the question !

Oh to hell with the work. icon_smile.gif


Looks like GB was picked up here in Barbados back in June by Spanishlime13. They've only 4 found caches. Anyone attempt to email them to see if they have GB? They seem to know what to do with him, but he's been mia for nearly 2 months....again! icon_smile.gif



wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!



Anyone attempt to email them to see if they have GB?




Yes we did try but we didn't get a reply.


Very dissapointing after 22,000 miles and we thank everyone who has helped so far.


When he originally went missing we sent his brother Christopher out to find him, it seems Christopher is in Washington DC and Gulliver is in the next state, we were hoping they would meet up some time soon.


Tim & June (Winchester)


To cache, or not to cache. That is the question !

Oh to hell with the work. icon_smile.gif

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