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Travel bug with attached log...defeating the purpose?

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I placed two travel bugs this weekend in two different caches (not mine).. and along with each I attached a small memo book that has written inside for whoever finds them to write a little bit about their adventures. Is this bad? Redundant? Is it too much to expect someone to log the travel bug on the website AND log in the little book? icon_biggrin.gificon_confused.gificon_biggrin.gif


Sence you log a cache in the log book in the cache and online why not do the same with a TB.

I have two TBs that are log books see these.


Geocachers Cookbook International


Geocachers Cookbook USA


I did it this way so If anyone finds the bug they can read the recipes and if the book gets lost or stolen I still have a record online.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous


Think I will have to try that. I was just hoping someone wouldn't pick up my travel bug and be annoyed by having to log on the page and on the log book. My first one, Hobo Hound, is a stuffed beanie dog, and I used an old nylon cat collar, put the travel bug tag on the loop you normally put your pet tags on, then used the extra to attach the small log book. He looks a little goofy, but when I put the chain that came with the travel bug on him.. he looked like one of those poor dogs you see chained up outside and lonely! icon_frown.gifnullgps3153.pdf

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