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Kids GPS


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we geocache with out kids and i have 62s. our 5 (soon to be 6y old) loves it. he can't operate mine, but i'm sure would love one for his bday at the end of the month.


i've looked at the Apisphere Geomate.jr GPS and it's about the right price, looks durable, but i do NOT like the idea of having to pay more for new caches etc.


is there a KID FRIENDLY GPS that you can use external memory, usb or internal memory to add caches to it when they come up.


we're in winnipeg mb canada and i'm guessing that when they add them in my community, they don't get added to the data base for future updates, and even if they did, it does us no good if i can just plug my 62s into the CPU and get the info but have to wait 6mos for his to get it in the database, then pay for the info.


any ideas or suggestions?


You only have to pay ONCE for the Geomate upgrade kit, unlike some have stated it IS NOT a $25 fee every time you want to upgrade it. This is no different then having to buy the cable separately from the GPSr unit as you used to for many older units, really the "kit" is just a special USB cable and access to the nightly updates.


As for the time my understanding is that new GeoCaches are added to the Geomate database within 24 hours, and a new database is produced every night. The 6 months requirement was only for the database that comes on the unit, and that was to insure the caches would still exist when you purchase it (longevity).


That said you may want to consider the ExploristGC, your son may not be able to operate all the features now, but it will grow with him.

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