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Groundspeak break silence


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Nice to see this in the UserVoice feedback, but I don't think it's a major change in policy. Groundspeak has never suggested that Wherigo might be on the way out.


On the face of it it doesn't seem major news perhaps, but speaking as someone very much on the outside of this topic the silence from Groundspeak was ambiguous enough to suggest they might well walk away from it. In that respect I see this brief acknowledgement as a very positive assertion that rumours of Wherigos death are very much exaggerated. ;o)


I repeat, Hurrah! 8D

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Nice to see this in the UserVoice feedback, but I don't think it's a major change in policy. Groundspeak has never suggested that Wherigo might be on the way out.


while this is true, they have also never suggested that they want to keep it alive. getting any statement from them at all is already a big achievement. :anibad:

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Have you seen the comment from Jeremy?


"Our plan is to continue to support Wherigo, but unfortunately other projects have taken priority - especially the features for geocaching. We do not have plans to retire Wherigo and believe there is a future in the project."

Bland handwaving.


Compare it against what Ranger Fox reported back to us almost a year and a half ago:


Where Are the/When Will We See Updates?

Wherigo is now "on the table" and more is being said about it. They want to get back to the project. Bryan agrees too much time has gone by. However, both of us agree it's best not to discuss time frames because there's a tendency for people to mistake them for commitments.


Wherigo is still in the R&D phase. Conceptually speaking, the next step, now that Wherigo is a reality, is where to take it from here. This is in addition to new features: marketing, business processes, spec, etc.

Back then, grοundspeak was thinking about maybe looking into starting to talk about making plans to do something with Wherigo. Now they "believe there is a future in the project". I'd call that a step backwards.

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Having a little more contact with the Groundspeak crowd than most, this "news" is what has always been said to me when I poke anyone concerning Wherigo. They say it's not dead, they don't have time or resources to get back to it, they've always been intending to get back to it, it's just around the corner, they'd love to get back to it: choose any of the above. I've also had the same with a web service for the Statbar Modifier. Thus, I'm inclined to sit back, wait a period of time, poke the frog, and repeat. Patience and a little persistence is good. Occasionally, I learn some good stuff and I openly share everything I haven't asked to keep quiet about.

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