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Comparison of Geocaching Listing Services


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Comparison of Geocaching Services


Schrottie has updated his website that compares the features of the various cache listing services.


Sites included are:

GC - Geocaching.com (basic)

GC - Geocaching.com (premium)

OC - OpenCaching (v 2.0) (de, it, others) (doesn't seem to have ANY features not in 1.0)

OC - OpenCaching (v 1.0) (pl, us, others) (actually seems to contain features NOT in 2.0)

AU - Geocaching.com.AU

OX - Garmin's OpenCaching.COM

TC - TerraCaching (basic)

TC - TerraCaching (premium)


Interestingly, even though I believe he is from Germany, where Navicache seems to be most active, it is not included.


Brief summary of the site:

This comparison is based on the features that the respective platforms offer to the user. Only those functions that serve the purpose of using the data have been evaluated. The quantity and quality of the caches have not been evaluated because they are user-generated content and cannot be influenced by the platform operator.

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