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COINTEST: Dogs vs Cats


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Another dog vote!


This is me and James (Ch Felicity's Diamond Jim) who won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show in 2007. That is the penultimate dog show! He was 7 years old at the time and then was "retired" to stud. I saw him here in Michigan at a dog show the week after I lost my springer Abbey.



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Phew, the tally is DONE!


It was tied for a long time, but finally due to DOGGED determination, dogs have taken the lead!! However, given that the results were so close, and there's room for me messing up and standard deviation, and all that, I think it's fair to call it a tie. :(


The final tallies are:

Dogs: 101 (I didn't make that up! How awesome is that?)

Cats: 92


Thank you everyone for your vote!! And to weigh in myself, I have one dog (big enough for two) and two cats, so I am in love with both! :blink:

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Because it was a tie (or close enough to one) I've decided to draw two winners, one for the cats, and one for the dogs! According to random.org....


Winner #1:

Post #52 - Droo for the cats!!


Winner #2:

Post #188 - redwingrr for the dogs!!


Thanks so much everyone for voting and for sharing your wonderful pictures!! It really brightened my week. :blink:


Droo and redwingrr, please email me your addresses. :(

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:D I was almost sure that dogs will win.... after all they are great caching companions! :D ...but we were close.... we will make a better campain next time and we will surelly watch for hidden dog messages in our campain coins! :blink::(


Congratulations to the winners!!! you won an amazing coin!!! I know because I was honored by one!!! do not forget to see the message glowing.... :)


My dear anne!!! thank you so much for the cointest! It was an excellent one and so funny!!! :D

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Because it was a tie (or close enough to one) I've decided to draw two winners, one for the cats, and one for the dogs! According to random.org....


Winner #1:

Post #52 - Droo for the cats!!


Winner #2:

Post #188 - redwingrr for the dogs!!


Thanks so much everyone for voting and for sharing your wonderful pictures!! It really brightened my week. :blink:


Droo and redwingrr, please email me your addresses. :(


Cool! YAY DOGS!!!!

thanks for the fun cointest Anne...only about 4 more months until I see my furbabies again :)

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Fun Cointest! Thanks!


Just out of curiosity I was wondering if this was a "coolest/best/funniest/etc Picture of Dogs and Cats" contest and not a random draw...which photo would Y'all vote for?


Personally I liked that cool one of the cat that looked like it was made of fire...can't seem to find it right at the moment...T.

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Woohooo..... both cats and dogs won - if you can call 101-92 a tie. I'm certainly honoured to have the winning post and vote for the felines among us. Thanks for the fun contest and opportunity to admire all the great pics.


I can't help it. In research these results would be "not statistically significant" which means that due to sampling, etc, there's enough room for error that it might as well be a tie. B) (If I'd let it go a bit longer, and the next few voters were cat people...etc etc)


Besides, cats and dogs both rock! :(



As for which were my favorite pictures. Holy cow. That'd be hard. The two that stand out are the picture of the boxer puppy (OMG CUTE CUTE CUTE) and the picture of Mouse running (love the action shot!) but then there were all the adorable pictures of Riley, and the picture of Wyatt in Christmas lights, and the picture of Mocha under the tree (yah I like Christmas pictures too apparently :)) and the two pics of cats in the snow - one loving it and the other clearly not! and the cat with the scared child under it! etc etc etc


Seriously, I loved them all. I started the cointest because I wanted some cheering up and that's exactly what I got, thank you all!!

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Thanks Anne for a wonderful cointest. Our kitty arrived safely and climbed right in the pile, as you can see. She's beautiful and her message is FUN. We put her under the light for a bit and then went into the closet for the full effect, LOL!


Happy Holidays to you all - and to your dear pets too!

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