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Yet another test!


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Posted (edited)

About a month ago I had a cache saturation test, where everyone would post how many caches they had within 10 miles from there house. That was a successful thread, almost everyone joined in. As knowschad pointed out, the moral of the test was that people like a good test every once in a while. So here's the sequel. In this test you will post an image of you home area on google maps. This one accomplishes one of two things, one just like the other thread it will allow people to see your saturation, but this time we will have a visual. Secondly, we can see how many caches in your area you have actually found...


I'll start.


Oh and it's best if you use satellite view... Thanks.


Edited by Coldgears

Here's our view right where we are. We live in a pretty rural area; however, even moving the map a bit to the east or south has too many caches for the 2 mile zoom level. We have a VERY active caching community!! :blink:



Posted (edited)
BOOO on you guys!!!

I only have 2!!! 12 counting my hides!!

I'd say that it sucks to be you, except that you live in Montana. Wanna trade? [Edit: Missouri - deal's off!] :blink:


Edited by knowschad

Here's our view right where we are. We live in a pretty rural area; however, even moving the map a bit to the east or south has too many caches for the 2 mile zoom level. We have a VERY active caching community!! :blink:




That looks like a police badge. Series?


If someone could politely post instructions on how to get that image onto this forum, I'll happily comply :blink:

Either you can upload it to a website like Imageshack or Photobucket or you could upload it as an image to an old log. For example, you could go to an old archived cache you found and upload the image.

Posted (edited)



This is all pretty much 10 miles South of me. There are 16 in the same size map North of which I have found 1 thus far.


Edit to add that I have solved most, if not all, of the unfound puzzles on this map. :blink:

Edited by Mental Ellert-ness
Posted (edited)



hmmm, methinks I really must try harder to find a few caches close to home (the thing is, all the good ones are further away, so I tend to go and get those instead...)

Edited by The Chaos Crew



Now. My caching partner has this problem... Manhattan isn't bad to get to from Joisey. But Queens?!? Expensive tolls, and a long drive.



What about MY manhattan... I have a problem too.


If someone could politely post instructions on how to get that image onto this forum, I'll happily comply :blink:

Either you can upload it to a website like Imageshack or Photobucket or you could upload it as an image to an old log. For example, you could go to an old archived cache you found and upload the image.


Or keep an unpublished cache for the same.


If someone could politely post instructions on how to get that image onto this forum, I'll happily comply :blink:

Either you can upload it to a website like Imageshack or Photobucket or you could upload it as an image to an old log. For example, you could go to an old archived cache you found and upload the image.

Or a travel bug that you own. Personally I would not want people uploading random photos to my cache even if it was archived.

Posted (edited)

If someone could politely post instructions on how to get that image onto this forum, I'll happily comply :blink:


Assuming you're a windoze user, pressing print screen whilst holding the control button. Then open up microsoft photo editor, go to the edit menu at the top, and a "paste as new image" option should show up. Personally, I'd then crop out all the b.s. such as the list of caches on the right side of the page, and the menus and ads on the left side. Then up in the file menu you can "save image as". Then you'll have to upload it to an archived cache page (EDIT TO CLARIFY: You own archived cache page, not someone else's) or Flikr or something, and get the url of the image for posting it here.


Hopefully not too complicated, but after a few times, you can whip through a "screen shot" as it's called, in no time. :huh:

Edited by Mr.Yuck

Here is my 10 mile.


I didn't know you'd moved to UW village! :blink:


Seriously, FN has done a great job of cleaning out Seattle caches - and a significant percentage of those are puzzles.


:angry: Can't figure out how to copy my map and save it (Firefox)

If you could see my map, it would show 168 in a 2 mi radius....without and cute arangements (like a shield) However, if you go about 20 miles north, there is a large question mark made out of mystery caches.

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