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Posted (edited)

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.

Edited by FunnyNose

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


This is suppose to be a family friendly game. This is very tacky but GS will allow it, just like they allow n00bs to place caches without any idea of what they are doing.

Posted (edited)

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


A cache in the parking lot of any store is not appropriate, since everyone knows 99.9% of them are placed without permission. Never mind, Narcissa beat me to that (sort of). :anibad:


Yeah, I'd say not very family friendly, I totally agree. I also recently noticed a "series" of caches in strip joint parking lots in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area. Just noticed them surfing the listings in the area though, didn't see if there was any controversy in the logs. And I wouldn't know they were in strip joint parking lots if I didn't know where all the strip joints in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area are. Long story, don't make me go there. :grin:


Is there any controversy in the logs of the adult book store cache?

Edited by Mr.Yuck

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


This is suppose to be a family friendly game. This is very tacky but GS will allow it, just like they allow n00bs to place caches without any idea of what they are doing.


It's outside the store, not *in* the store. Sheesh.


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


A cache in the parking lot of any store is not appropriate, since everyone knows 99.9% of them are placed without permission. Never mind, Narcissa beat me to that (sort of). :anibad:


Yeah, I'd say not very family friendly, I totally agree. I also recently noticed a "series" of caches in strip joint parking lots in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area. Just noticed them surfing the listings in the area though, didn't see if there was any controversy in the logs. And I wouldn't know they were in strip joint parking lots if I didn't know where all the strip joints in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area are. Long story, don't make me go there. :grin:


Is there any controversy in the logs of the adult book store cache?


Sounds like we don't have to make you go there. Sounds like you did it all on your own.


I would rather a cache in the parking lot of an Adult bookstore than a port-a-potty anyday! Quite honestly, the adult bookstore really doesn't bother me. I am not very uptight about that sort of thing.


better an adult book store than an adult playthings store.


Why? The cache isn't in the store, and stores that sell so-called "adult" materials are not permitted to display them in the windows.


The fact that these sorts of stores are cropping up in strip malls all over the place speaks to how mainstream they've become.

Posted (edited)

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


A cache in the parking lot of any store is not appropriate, since everyone knows 99.9% of them are placed without permission. Never mind, Narcissa beat me to that (sort of). :anibad:


Yeah, I'd say not very family friendly, I totally agree. I also recently noticed a "series" of caches in strip joint parking lots in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area. Just noticed them surfing the listings in the area though, didn't see if there was any controversy in the logs. And I wouldn't know they were in strip joint parking lots if I didn't know where all the strip joints in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area are. Long story, don't make me go there. :grin:


Is there any controversy in the logs of the adult book store cache?


Sounds like we don't have to make you go there. Sounds like you did it all on your own.


Umm, err. I'm as guilty as the guy in my avatar. Sounds like the caches I'm referring to get rave reviews anyways. :sad:


I'm joking around and stuff here, but if the basic question is if caches in the parking lot of adult bookstores or strip joints are appropriate, I'd have to vote no, in a family friendly game. Then again, you can just ignore them. Or if you find yourself driving up to it with the waypoint in the GPS with no clue of where it is until you get there, just drive on by. I'm kind of wishy-washy on this one, to be honest, and am interested in this thread, and all opinions that will be offered.

Edited by Mr.Yuck

I wouldn't say there's anything tacky about this. I'm not a parent, but I have significant experience working with kids--and I can't say I would mind being in the parking lot of an adult bookstore with my kids. As long as they don't go inside, no harm done. As a previous user stated, they can't display anything raunchy in the windows anyway, so what's the big deal?


Just an opinion, don't slaughter me. :anibad:


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


I think we both know of someone who would!!

Caching is for everybody, right?

Meh. Parking lot caches are pretty tacky regardless of what the store is.


Lil Devil and 42 others think this is the best point. :anibad:

+1 or +44... i'm not sure


nearly electricuted myself on a parking lot cache once, magnetic nano placed on the inside of an open electrical faceplate of the lamp in the parking lot... i guess mass amounts of finds wore out the wires insulation, it was a shocking find.


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.


A cache in the parking lot of any store is not appropriate, since everyone knows 99.9% of them are placed without permission. Never mind, Narcissa beat me to that (sort of). :anibad:


Yeah, I'd say not very family friendly, I totally agree. I also recently noticed a "series" of caches in strip joint parking lots in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area. Just noticed them surfing the listings in the area though, didn't see if there was any controversy in the logs. And I wouldn't know they were in strip joint parking lots if I didn't know where all the strip joints in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Pocono Mountains area are. Long story, don't make me go there. :grin:


Is there any controversy in the logs of the adult book store cache?


Sounds like we don't have to make you go there. Sounds like you did it all on your own.


Umm, err. I'm as guilty as the guy in my avatar. Sounds like the caches I'm referring to get rave reviews anyways. :sad:


I'm joking around and stuff here, but if the basic question is if caches in the parking lot of adult bookstores or strip joints are appropriate, I'd have to vote no, in a family friendly game. Then again, you can just ignore them. Or if you find yourself driving up to it with the waypoint in the GPS with no clue of where it is until you get there, just drive on by. I'm kind of wishy-washy on this one, to be honest, and am interested in this thread, and all opinions that will be offered.

I;m surprised themcguzeks drove up there. Hes local to about 80 miles towards me.

This is suppose to be a family friendly game.

I don't think the existence of a cache, in an adult bookstore changes the nature of the game. The only people who could conceivably, (to some), suffer some sort of mental anguish over something like this would be children, and I assume folks who cache with children don't take them to spots they find inappropriate. The vast majority of my caches are much less family friendly than a film can in the shrubbery of one of those stores. The locals have even named a particular style after me;

Florida style = under palmetto leaves

Georgia style = under pine needles

Clan Riffster style = nipple deep in an alligator infested swamp.


The critters one would likely encounter in the Wherigo night cache I'm building now include wild hogs, venomous snakes and alligators.

Not exactly family friendly. If you cache with kids, mine are not good caches for you.

I'd think the same logic would apply to caches in adult bookstores. :anibad:

If ground zero makes you uncomfortable, don't stop.


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.

This is suppose to be a family friendly game. This is very tacky but GS will allow it, just like they allow n00bs to place caches without any idea of what they are doing.

How would the reviewer know what type of store it was?



Florida style = under palmetto leaves



There is some controversy on this subject, with even experienced cachers and reviewers getting it wrong, totally wrong,wrong, wrong.


"Florida Style" does NOT mean on the ground under dead fronds, or any other type of forest stickoflage...






Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.

This is suppose to be a family friendly game. This is very tacky but GS will allow it, just like they allow n00bs to place caches without any idea of what they are doing.

How would the reviewer know what type of store it was?


Well, they should, if they weren't rubber stamping caches in store parking lots. :anibad:


Not every business is labelled on Google Maps. In my experience, "adult" locations are less likely to be identified during my review. Typically the cache description is obtuse or at best contains a veiled hint about what is located near the cache.


I found my first cache outside an adult store in 2005, so this is nothing new. I've also published several. Most disappear by attrition or due to negative feedback in the logs. If you don't like being brought to a location like this, describe your reaction in your online log.


There was (may still be, I haven't looked lately) a cache in front of a Love Stuff adult store in a local strip mall (no pun intended). Another was (is?) just down the way at a Victoria's Secret store. Both cater to adult clientele.


Obviously the city which licenses these stores and the mall property management believe the nature of these business to be acceptable under the laws and mores of the local population. Ergo, they are not inappropriate for the general public. By extension then they are perfectly acceptable for geocache locations.


If your personal ethics or morals won't let you get within the vicinity of such a store they are well marked - when you see the store's signage, keep driving!


My take after raising five children is that your kid won't pay one bit of attention to the store and if she does ask then a simple explanation from you that the store is for adults only should allay any fears you have that your child's moral purity and delicate sensibilities will be violated by discovering that such things exist. :anibad:


There are many caches that I don't consider family friendly yet I don't hear people calling for their elimination because they are not family friendly. For example, some T4-T5 caches would be too dangerous for children (or me, for that matter). Just as I would not take my children to seek a physically dangerous cache, I could simply elect not to take my kids to the parking lot of an adult bookstore. If I did not know that the cache was in an adult bookstore until I was pulling up, I might simply say, "I changed my mind" or "This doesn't look safe" or "This isn't an appropriate place for kids". I see it as no different than when we are watching tv or playing video games.

Posted (edited)

Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.

Does not bother me a bit. They might even give me a few more finds. :grin: And does it mean there are cachers that shop in adult book stores?

I would have more problems with caches on church property :anibad:

I wonder if there are any caches in the red light district of Amsterdam.

Edited by JohnnyVegas

There are many caches that I don't consider family friendly yet I don't hear people calling for their elimination because they are not family friendly. For example, some T4-T5 caches would be too dangerous for children (or me, for that matter). Just as I would not take my children to seek a physically dangerous cache, I could simply elect not to take my kids to the parking lot of an adult bookstore. If I did not know that the cache was in an adult bookstore until I was pulling up, I might simply say, "I changed my mind" or "This doesn't look safe" or "This isn't an appropriate place for kids". I see it as no different than when we are watching tv or playing video games.


True. Family friendly is not mentioned in the guidelines other than with regards to cache contents. Geocaching is generally a very family friendly sport but family friendliness is not guaranteed. Families are free to make their own judgment as to whether or not a specific cache is appropriate for their family.

Why? The cache isn't in the store, and stores that sell so-called "adult" materials are not permitted to display them in the windows.

you've never been to amsterdam huh?


There are many caches that I don't consider family friendly yet I don't hear people calling for their elimination because they are not family friendly. For example, some T4-T5 caches would be too dangerous for children (or me, for that matter). Just as I would not take my children to seek a physically dangerous cache, I could simply elect not to take my kids to the parking lot of an adult bookstore. If I did not know that the cache was in an adult bookstore until I was pulling up, I might simply say, "I changed my mind" or "This doesn't look safe" or "This isn't an appropriate place for kids". I see it as no different than when we are watching tv or playing video games.


Also a good reason for the "go find the cache before you take the kids" method of family caching...


It saves on the disappointment factor... whether it's can't find it, muggled, missing, dangerous or inappropriate in location etc. YOU know in advance and quietly avoid the problem.


Everyone else can decide for themselves on the fly. One can also add a note to the cache page describing the concern in your Find / DNF log.


Doug 7rxc


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?


I can't see the problem.

If it was INSIDE the book store it would be another situation ;-)

Posted (edited)

Meh. As long as it's an American adult book/video/toy store, there's nothing to see from the parking lot, is there?


- The first cache we ever looked for, in Wiesbaden, Germany, was one door down from a sex shop (beat uhse), and I'm sure that many of our other urban finds in Germany were near sex shops. German sex shops have clear windows with very prominent, uncensored displays of magazines, videos, toys, etc., and they are just another storefront downtown. Heck, there are thre or four beat uhse stores in the Frankfurt airport.


- I once found a cache at a park and ride area outside Nuremberg. The parking area was also being used by prostitutes, who had decked out their work vans with neon lights and were actively soliciting customers. (I politely declined.)


- We weren't yet caching when we went to Amsterdam, but there is at least one cache in the red light district, a multi that takes you on a tour. So, not only on-duty prostitutes, but "coffee"shops as well.

Edited by hzoi

I don't see a problem with it. The stores are legal businesses and, if you stop and think about it, it is an activity that virtually everyone enthusiastically partakes of a few times in their life. Think about where you came from... :)


It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone shares the same flavour of morality. Personally, I'm more offended by gun shops than adult stores, but I accept that many folks (especially our neighbours to the south) don't share my opinion. :)


I say, live and let live. Live by your own personal moral and ethical code without trying to impose it on others who live by a different code. :D


I don't see a problem with it. The stores are legal businesses and, if you stop and think about it, it is an activity that virtually everyone enthusiastically partakes of a few times in their life. Think about where you came from... :)


It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone shares the same flavour of morality. Personally, I'm more offended by gun shops than adult stores, but I accept that many folks (especially our neighbours to the south) don't share my opinion. :)


I say, live and let live. Live by your own personal moral and ethical code without trying to impose it on others who live by a different code. :D


Agreed on all points! Nicely stated.


I don't see a problem with it. The stores are legal businesses and, if you stop and think about it, it is an activity that virtually everyone enthusiastically partakes of a few times in their life. Think about where you came from... :)

Looking at porn is to where babies come from as souvenirs are to geocaching. :)


Who thinks a cache in the parking lot of an adult book store is appropriate ?

I think that it is a bit tacky.

I wonder if there are any caches in the red light district of Amsterdam.


Most probably have damp logs in them.


I don't see a problem with it. The stores are legal businesses and, if you stop and think about it, it is an activity that virtually everyone enthusiastically partakes of a few times in their life. Think about where you came from... :)


It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone shares the same flavour of morality. Personally, I'm more offended by gun shops than adult stores, but I accept that many folks (especially our neighbours to the south) don't share my opinion. :)


I say, live and let live. Live by your own personal moral and ethical code without trying to impose it on others who live by a different code. :D




Victoria's Secret store.

I hope your joking? It's just a clothes store. Nothing "Adult" about it.


Yeah, the ghost holding a film canister has a point here. My daugther has been shopping at Victoria's Secret since she was like 13. Mostly for sweatpants and hoodies. Very expensive sweatpants and hoodies, I might add. :)


I don't see a problem with it. The stores are legal businesses and, if you stop and think about it, it is an activity that virtually everyone enthusiastically partakes of a few times in their life. Think about where you came from... :)


It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone shares the same flavour of morality. Personally, I'm more offended by gun shops than adult stores, but I accept that many folks (especially our neighbours to the south) don't share my opinion. :)


I say, live and let live. Live by your own personal moral and ethical code without trying to impose it on others who live by a different code. :D

Give that man/woman/alien thing......whatever it is, a cigar.

Why? The cache isn't in the store, and stores that sell so-called "adult" materials are not permitted to display them in the windows.

you've never been to amsterdam huh?


The poster is American, and it's pretty obvious that we're talking about a cache in an American parking lot.


If you plan to take your child geocaching in the racy parts of Amsterdam, a sex toy in a window is among the milder things they might see.


But we're not talking about Amsterdam. We're talking about good ol' American parking lot geocaches.



Yeah, the ghost holding a film canister has a point here. My daugther has been shopping at Victoria's Secret since she was like 13. Mostly for sweatpants and hoodies. Very expensive sweatpants and hoodies, I might add. :)


I never really understood why the Victoria's Secret catalogue has this reputation for being ultra sexy. All the models are like 15, and wearing aforementioned sweatpants and hoodies.



I never really understood why the Victoria's Secret catalogue has this reputation for being ultra sexy. All the models are like 15, and wearing aforementioned sweatpants and hoodies.


I think it's because they sell lingerie, and put a heavy emphasis on it. Their advertising doesn't exactly fight the reputation either.


The lingerie is only like, the last 3 pages of the catalogue. Srsly.

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