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Im getting mad!


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I just started putting out my own caches, filling them up with gift cards, jewelry (I make), Breast Cancer bracelets, etc...great stuff, My first cache had a $30.00 dinner gift card in it and TFTF took everything out of the cache. Anyone else having that problem? :rolleyes:


That's not normal but it's a risk you run. You know, no kind deed goes unpunished. Thankfully being kind is it's own reward.

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Are you referring to the person that posted this in their FTF log?


Oops, we realized that no one was holding our "swag" bag. Freaked out by group arriving as we left. Cachers or pranksters? Ran home, grabbed bag and left filigree key, necklace and bat. Took the card, necklace and pin. Thanks for the adventure!
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Oooh - that's too bad, ...take a deep breath now and count to ten... It has happened to us before, also. It's too bad but nice swag does disappear awfully fast, with dirty golf balls, waterlogged stickers, or dollar store bubble soap being traded "down"!


As another poster mentioned above, it may be that the FTF'r did return to add some good swag back into your cache.


I have to say, you're really generous; the most expensive FTF prize we ever left was a $15 gift certificate to a local restaurant, and that was for a multicache that took an hour or so to complete. We do often leave FTF $5 cards, for Starbucks, Panera Bread, or a local bookstore.


I think in geocaching, as in so much of life, you just do your very best, be proud of your caches, and hopefully somebody else will learn from your example how a first-class cache should be designed!

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