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Posted (edited)

What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?

Edited by NicElliott

I'm tired of Geo-Whining. The caches are out there for you whether or not you read the forum.


And, for the record, Geocaching.com departed from "Dave's Vision" on many counts some time ago. I appreciate that "Dave" more-or-less invented this game, but let's not treat everything the guy does like it's dogma. Many people have contributed great ideas to make the game what it is today.


And healthy debate among geocachers helps ensure that the game stays fresh and current.


I agree with narcissa. Avoid the forums unless you need technical assistance. Don't engage with immature cachers or let them affect your enjoyment. Then get out there and cache your own cache. You find it, sign the log, thankyouverymuch and ~next~ :santa:


missed the issue. dave's vision..... hide something and have some one find it because slick willy said we could.... and as far as geo politics its not even the forums i'm addressing, IT'S THE LOGS I'M POSTING AND READING.... in a nut shell i'm tired of elitists and number crunchers. i was hoping some people would say "yeah i am let's just go grab some caches and HAVE FUN...." and i could meet some cachers i actully would like to go on some of the legendary caches with but i guess thats not possible. i'll just stick to my muggle friend.....


I'm tired of Geo-Whining. The caches are out there for you whether or not you read the forum.


And, for the record, Geocaching.com departed from "Dave's Vision" on many counts some time ago. I appreciate that "Dave" more-or-less invented this game, but let's not treat everything the guy does like it's dogma. Many people have contributed great ideas to make the game what it is today.


And healthy debate among geocachers helps ensure that the game stays fresh and current.


Who decides when it's Geo-Whining and when it's healthy debate. Seems to me many are quick to label a controversial opinion, which often leads to healthy debate at geo-whining.


I was out all day and found one geocache but I suspect it was not the type in "Dave Vision". It was a virtual cache on the Great Wall of China. The 1/2 mile, very steep climb was a challenging as any traditional cache that I've done and the views were spectacular. The "cache" is in a once-in-a-lifetime location.


missed the issue. dave's vision..... hide something and have some one find it because slick willy said we could.... and as far as geo politics its not even the forums i'm addressing, IT'S THE LOGS I'M POSTING AND READING.... in a nut shell i'm tired of elitists and number crunchers. i was hoping some people would say "yeah i am let's just go grab some caches and HAVE FUN...." and i could meet some cachers i actully would like to go on some of the legendary caches with but i guess thats not possible. i'll just stick to my muggle friend.....


I would suggest to just ignore the ones you don't care for and have your own fun.


missed the issue. dave's vision..... hide something and have some one find it because slick willy said we could.... and as far as geo politics its not even the forums i'm addressing, IT'S THE LOGS I'M POSTING AND READING.... in a nut shell i'm tired of elitists and number crunchers. i was hoping some people would say "yeah i am let's just go grab some caches and HAVE FUN...." and i could meet some cachers i actully would like to go on some of the legendary caches with but i guess thats not possible. i'll just stick to my muggle friend.....


What are you talking about? Why are you so focused on other people's logs?


If you want to meet other cachers, posting (perhaps a little more coherently) on a local forum is a better bet.


Politics is an unfortunate result of growth. You will see this in just about any group of people. There will eventually be people who wants everything done their way. Then you will get people who don't like being to do it the way someone else wants. Soon enough the bullies show up along with the people who think they are better than others. Finally the shunning will come along with larger groups breaking down into factions.


I have seen it all over the past seven years.


Politics is an unfortunate result of growth. You will see this in just about any group of people. There will eventually be people who wants everything done their way. Then you will get people who don't like being to do it the way someone else wants. Soon enough the bullies show up along with the people who think they are better than others. Finally the shunning will come along with larger groups breaking down into factions.


I have seen it all over the past seven years.



Geocaching is no different than any other group of people.


Look at the history of society. Personal politics lead to community government. Government leads to control of the greater society. Always. Look at anarchists who cry for no government... what's the first thing they do when they topple an existing government? They set up their own. :santa:


narc you missed it lol. everyone's posts, minus yours have changed the way i felt last night. and im not focused on other people if you read right before that it states who i was focused on.... nypaddlecacher your post is what i was looking to hear. thank you. i realized there are far more people that want to have fun vs. the elitists. i was feeling over whelmed by elitists and number crunchers.... from what ive seen i'd say its about 5 out of 7 wanna have fun and the other 2 just want to be right up high on their really high horse......


narc you missed it lol. everyone's posts, minus yours have changed the way i felt last night. and im not focused on other people if you read right before that it states who i was focused on.... nypaddlecacher your post is what i was looking to hear. thank you. i realized there are far more people that want to have fun vs. the elitists. i was feeling over whelmed by elitists and number crunchers.... from what ive seen i'd say its about 5 out of 7 wanna have fun and the other 2 just want to be right up high on their really high horse......


Seriously though, don't worry about those other two on their 'high horse.' They don't need to affect your game. Let those who enjoy the heated debates have their debates; they have every right to; they also have the right to feel superior and act like it.


Don't let it bother you. You will probably meet some great people out there. There are so many types of cachers that I'm sure there's someone out there that will be a great friend. Try going to some local caching events.


Forums are for people who like to discuss and discuss and hash out things, split hairs, and whatnot. I enjoy that sort of thing to a certain extent myself, but if you're not into it, don't do it; but don't change your entire opinion of a game based on a few people.

The "cache" is in a once-in-a-lifetime location.


BTW the pics are amazing!!!!


Unfortunately I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. When we got there I pulled out my camera and discovered that I had left the flash card in my laptop after downloading previous days photos from the Summer Palace. Fortunately, I had my iPhone with me and was able to take quite a few pictures. When I got to GZ I snapped a couple of photos then called home to say hello from the great wall. Just after I hung up the battery died.


Those that live in the pacific northwest may have their "Triad" of caches but now I have my own triad. A cache at the Colosseum in Rome, one at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, and now the Great Wall of China.

Posted (edited)

I like attending geocaching events because it helps me remember that geocachers are real people, which can be easy to forget because so much of caching involves a computer and not actually talking to someone.


When I'm at an event, I quickly realize that even though everyone has different ideas, the ultimate goal (I think) of most cachers is to hide caches that they hope others will enjoy finding and that they themselves have fun while finding caches that others have placed.


Wanted to add that at most events, even those who like totally different things (hikes versus numbers, regulars versus micros and so on) usually end up hanging out together and having a great time. Even though they like different things, they know that everyone caches for different reasons, but the main thing is to have fun while doing it. It can be hard to remember this when doing everything "behind the scenes," but when you're face to face with others and sharing in good conversation, everyone seems to have a much different attitude.

Edited by Skippermark

narc you missed it lol. everyone's posts, minus yours have changed the way i felt last night. and im not focused on other people if you read right before that it states who i was focused on.... nypaddlecacher your post is what i was looking to hear. thank you. i realized there are far more people that want to have fun vs. the elitists. i was feeling over whelmed by elitists and number crunchers.... from what ive seen i'd say its about 5 out of 7 wanna have fun and the other 2 just want to be right up high on their really high horse......


I still have no idea what this post is about.


Anyway, the beauty of this game is that you can choose the way you play it, and you can choose with whom you play it. If you don't like certain kinds of hides, or certain people, or whatever, it's easy enough to avoid them.




Is there a log to sign in the pancake? I have found some geocachers are anal(hypercritical) about other peoples hides. Of course their own hides are wonderful life fulfilling epics done perfectly with spot on coordinates in all weather conditions. I am very grateful to everyone who has hidden caches I have found. Some were better than others however I liked them all. Geocaching is fun. I try to ignore negative people as it interferes with having fun.

Posted (edited)

i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!

Edited by NicElliott

i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!

Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.


There are great people in caching, there are goobers in caching. There are those who play fast and loose with the guidelines and those who are so anal they could produce diamonds. As it was said before it is gonna be that way in any large group of people. Don't sweat it. Basically the game would be the same if you were the only cacher in town. Besides someone stealing a cache what does it matter what others think or do? Have fun, cache your way & enjoy the people you meet along the way.


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!


FTF hounds are people too.


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!

Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I met a guy, who has since dropped out of geocaching, that took me around to some great caches. Since then, I've met some new and interesting people while I was on FTF missions and also when I attended geocaching events.


I'm very happy there are some cool people here.


What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?

Forums are for geo politics. Caches are for fun. Some of us find fun in both. Others, well I'd be happy to find a cache with you and leave you out of the poltics of caching.


Geocachers are generally good people. Sometimes that doesn't come across in writing, but it does when you meet them at events.


Everyone plays the game their own way. As long as they replace the cache in good condition so you can find it, the way others play the game is of no consequence to you.


I'm usually a leisurely cacher, but once in a while I'll join in on a numbers run with other cachers. It's fun just being out with other cachers, even if it's not my usual caching style.

Posted (edited)
QUOTE(NicElliott @ Nov 2 2010, 06:55 PM)


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!


Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.



can someone please translate this post from <inappropriate language removed> to something i can read?

Edited by Motorcycle_Mama
Posted (edited)
QUOTE(NicElliott @ Nov 2 2010, 06:55 PM)


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!


Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.



can someone please translate this post from <inappropriate language removed> to something i can read?


Geo Politics is nearly as bad as Geo Arrogance - what does this post (and the other one in similar vein) contribute to the discussion apart from to highlight that some people are so anal that they'll post a reply just to belittle someone.


I can understand what is written and get the gist of it....


Get a life!!! :huh:




Edit: typo (before someone picks it up!!)

Edited by Motorcycle_Mama

narc you missed it lol. everyone's posts, minus yours have changed the way i felt last night. and im not focused on other people if you read right before that it states who i was focused on.... nypaddlecacher your post is what i was looking to hear. thank you. i realized there are far more people that want to have fun vs. the elitists. i was feeling over whelmed by elitists and number crunchers.... from what ive seen i'd say its about 5 out of 7 wanna have fun and the other 2 just want to be right up high on their really high horse......


I still have no idea what this post is about.


Anyway, the beauty of this game is that you can choose the way you play it, and you can choose with whom you play it. If you don't like certain kinds of hides, or certain people, or whatever, it's easy enough to avoid them.


I don't agree that it's quite that simple. For the most part how one plays the game has no impact whatsoever on others. However, there are certain aspects or how some play that can have a negative impact and while some just ignore those aspects, there are others that feel obligated to point out behaviours which *can* have a significant impact. For example, hiding (and seeking) caches on private property without permission, placing caches in environmentally sensitive areas (especially with bad coordinates), or seeking caches outside of posted opening/closing hours in parks can, and have resulted in land managers prohibiting access to some areas for geocaching. Any type of behavior that has the potential to cause land managers, or anyone else, to perceive geocaching in a bad light can be detrimental the game long term and those that point on cases where that may the case are not whining, elitist (and are generally not numbers hounds). They're just expressing a concern for activities which may negatively impact that game, and frankly, I can't understand why anyone would find fault in that.


There are great people in caching, there are goobers in caching. There are those who play fast and loose with the guidelines and those who are so anal they could produce diamonds...


Just wanted to say that that made me LOL while drinking my mid-morning coffee - Thanks! :huh:


(Ponders whether the above produces the "ring of fire"...)




ring of fire anyone? possibly waiting for ironman?


I'm not sure exactly what this is, and I think it's actually made of copper, but here's a photo I took near a cache I DNF'd on because my GPS batteries ran out when I was about 300' from the cache (and on the other side of a wall) in the Forbidden City in Beijing today




There are great people in caching, there are goobers in caching. There are those who play fast and loose with the guidelines and those who are so anal they could produce diamonds...


Just wanted to say that that made me LOL while drinking my mid-morning coffee - Thanks! :huh:


(Ponders whether the above produces the "ring of fire"...)




Glad to help you have a bit of humor in your day. Happy caching!


ring of fire anyone? possibly waiting for ironman?

This thread's subject is "Geo Politics." If you want to get together with others for a cache hunt, start a thread in the appropriate regional Groundspeak forum, or on your local area's independent forum.


narc you missed it lol. everyone's posts, minus yours have changed the way i felt last night. and im not focused on other people if you read right before that it states who i was focused on.... nypaddlecacher your post is what i was looking to hear. thank you. i realized there are far more people that want to have fun vs. the elitists. i was feeling over whelmed by elitists and number crunchers.... from what ive seen i'd say its about 5 out of 7 wanna have fun and the other 2 just want to be right up high on their really high horse......


I still have no idea what this post is about.


Anyway, the beauty of this game is that you can choose the way you play it, and you can choose with whom you play it. If you don't like certain kinds of hides, or certain people, or whatever, it's easy enough to avoid them.


I don't agree that it's quite that simple. For the most part how one plays the game has no impact whatsoever on others. However, there are certain aspects or how some play that can have a negative impact and while some just ignore those aspects, there are others that feel obligated to point out behaviours which *can* have a significant impact. For example, hiding (and seeking) caches on private property without permission, placing caches in environmentally sensitive areas (especially with bad coordinates), or seeking caches outside of posted opening/closing hours in parks can, and have resulted in land managers prohibiting access to some areas for geocaching. Any type of behavior that has the potential to cause land managers, or anyone else, to perceive geocaching in a bad light can be detrimental the game long term and those that point on cases where that may the case are not whining, elitist (and are generally not numbers hounds). They're just expressing a concern for activities which may negatively impact that game, and frankly, I can't understand why anyone would find fault in that.


Yes, yes, but this guy seemed to be complaining about what people's apparent motivations are, based on their logs. I was addressing the post, not the game as a whole. I wouldn't refer to legitimate concerns about actual destructive behaviour as whining. In tears because other people are in it for the numbers? A bit whiny.


What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?


Are you saying I'm not allowed to do both?


Listen, it's just a big circle. Hang around long enough and you'll see the same stuff come around again and again. Sometimes the players change, sometimes they don't.


It ain't no big deal, unless you want it to be.


And Dave ain't here, man.


What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?


I totally agree. But what's a what-not?


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!

Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I met a guy, who has since dropped out of geocaching, that took me around to some great caches. Since then, I've met some new and interesting people while I was on FTF missions and also when I attended geocaching events.


I'm very happy there are some cool people here.

Thank you!

Posted (edited)
QUOTE(NicElliott @ Nov 2 2010, 06:55 PM)


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!


Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.



can someone please translate this post from <inappropriate language removed> to something i can read?

Sorry if my post offended you. I honestly had no idea what you were saying or trying to say.

Edited by Motorcycle_Mama
Posted (edited)
QUOTE(NicElliott @ Nov 2 2010, 06:55 PM)


i met a guy awhile ago, but he went mia, he asked me to go to a few good caches around me like iron man and some others but since then i've met new cachers but but they are people i run into ftf hunting or big wigs that are cool and talk to the little people at events.


forgot to say, what has two thumbs and likes bunnys with pancakes on their heads....THIS GUY!!!!


Can someone please translate this post into comprehensible English for me? Thank you in advance for your assistance.



can someone please translate this post from <inappropriate language removed> to something i can read?

When I read this I was laughing so hard tears were coming from my eyes. <inappropriate language removed> . Too funny. Don't worry about others play the game you want to. There are few <inappropriate language removed> out there you will see. Especially in these forums. Have fun and Cache on.

Edited by Motorcycle_Mama

..........i was hoping some people would say "yeah i am let's just go grab some caches and HAVE FUN...." ..........

My attitude exactly. Now, if my dispatcher would just get me a load that way before the snow flies, you supply the ride, I buy gas and meal while we find caches.


What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?


I totally agree. But what's a what-not?


It's a little shelf that usually fits in the corner, popular in victorian times. For you to put your knick-knacks on. 54395gg_27.jpeg


^^ HAHAHAHA EXACTLY!!!!!! waiting for ironman and ring of fire are 2 caches in washington that are really legendary and should not be attempted alone i guess. wrastro im sorry too. im just tired of all the fun nazi's really. i just wanted to get some good people talking and i did. all i had been running into was fights and stuff. i'm just trying to have fun and was looking for a group of people that are down to earth and just cache for fun. i'm finding more and more people i think are in that catagory as this "debate" goes on lol. nypaddlecacher im really jealous, i've been out of my state like 3 times, if you ever come to washington and want to hit all the major cache i'll tag along!


You seem really young. You'll realize in time that it takes 2 to debate, 2 to fight. You don't *have to be drawn into things like that if you don't allow yourself to be. You can choose to keep company with positive people or others that suit your fancy and tune out the rest. Takes some practice but it can be done tactfully and without being mean spirit. Good luck in your adventures!


I think that on the internet people feel shielded from the judgement of the people that they are talking to, and can seem a lot more uptight and argumentative than they would be if you met them in real life. Tact often goes out of the window, and things are easily misunderstood due to the distinct lack of tone and body language.


I had a bit of reputation on another game's forum for being a bit hot headed and willing to debate about almost anything, but after a group meet-up in real life everyone went away thinking that I was like a timid little pussy cat who couldn't hurt a fly.


I often think I should just avoid forums because it only gets frustrating, but somehow I just can't help myself.


What happened to just going and finding some random container with little coins and what-nots in it and logging happy things? Is anyone else tired of all the "Geo-Politics"? It seems like everyone just argues over logs and has formed hatfields and mccoy situations. I wonder if this was part of dave's vision?


If I am unable to log a happy log for a cache I just politely say thank you for the cache and adventure. I have one agenda. Have fun at a hobby(obsession?) I truly enjoy. It is a rare cache indeed I don't like. Matter of fact it hasn't happened yet. I even liked a swampy DNF once! Happy caching and logging!


^^ HAHAHAHA EXACTLY!!!!!! waiting for ironman and ring of fire are 2 caches in washington that are really legendary and should not be attempted alone i guess. wrastro im sorry too. im just tired of all the fun nazi's really. i just wanted to get some good people talking and i did. all i had been running into was fights and stuff. i'm just trying to have fun and was looking for a group of people that are down to earth and just cache for fun. i'm finding more and more people i think are in that catagory as this "debate" goes on lol. nypaddlecacher im really jealous, i've been out of my state like 3 times, if you ever come to washington and want to hit all the major cache i'll tag along!


No, Ring of Fire should not be attempted alone. But it *is* highly recommended. We loved it and we didn't even find the cache. We will be back!!!


^^ HAHAHAHA EXACTLY!!!!!! waiting for ironman and ring of fire are 2 caches in washington that are really legendary and should not be attempted alone i guess. wrastro im sorry too. im just tired of all the fun nazi's really. i just wanted to get some good people talking and i did. all i had been running into was fights and stuff. i'm just trying to have fun and was looking for a group of people that are down to earth and just cache for fun. i'm finding more and more people i think are in that catagory as this "debate" goes on lol. nypaddlecacher im really jealous, i've been out of my state like 3 times, if you ever come to washington and want to hit all the major cache i'll tag along!


No, Ring of Fire should not be attempted alone. But it *is* highly recommended. We loved it and we didn't even find the cache. We will be back!!!

I've been there! But I wasn't a cacher (heck Geocaching didn't exist then).

Next time I'm in the area I'll be going for that cache.

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