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Mr. Gray Project


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Yesterday I went out to check my mailbox and I looked up and saw lights in the sky <_< The next thing I knew I had coin #005 and it's mystery device in my hands! Thank you Mr. Gray and yes, I do believe! B)




how beautifully unique. fabulous! i can hardly wait. ;)

A blinking LED light that sends a message back to the mothership!


I believe this is the winning post. Congrats Moozer!


And, wow! they are arriving already! Great coin Mister Gray <_<


Cool, a led light up alien head.........Congrats Moozer.


Did a move a couple months ago and noticed I was waiting on a couple things, so I called up my old post office asked ifthey had anything. They did! One, a letter from Mr. Gray! Hope I'm not too late' sending money now!


Yippee!! I've been "delightfully" invaded by Mr. Gray and received a surprise in my mailbox today! Thanks to Mr. Gray for all the hard work and extra effort to make such a FUN (and sometimes suspenseful) mystery coin event! :rolleyes:

Here's my pic post, and showing a snippet of the letter.



Yippee!! I've been "delightfully" invaded by Mr. Gray and received a surprise in my mailbox today! Thanks to Mr. Gray for all the hard work and extra effort to make such a FUN (and sometimes suspenseful) mystery coin event! :rolleyes:

Here's my pic post, and showing a snippet of the letter.



really amazing, i can hardly wait. nice shot suzyfishn!


Can't wait to get this coin!!! :rolleyes:

Can someone post a pic of the back side of the coin? I was looking at the teaser pics that where posted on page 5 of the thread and comparing them and it made me even more curious about the back.


Can't wait to get this coin!!! :laughing:

Can someone post a pic of the back side of the coin? I was looking at the teaser pics that where posted on page 5 of the thread and comparing them and it made me even more curious about the back.


It might be one of the terms to not show the back side of the coin.


Can't wait to get this coin!!! :laughing:

Can someone post a pic of the back side of the coin? I was looking at the teaser pics that where posted on page 5 of the thread and comparing them and it made me even more curious about the back.


It might be one of the terms to not show the back side of the coin.


Picture of the back side is allowed.


Mr. Gray Geocoin Icon has been sent to Groundspeak. Waiting for them to load it.


Mr. Gray is pleased that the coins are arriving safely his believers.


Can't wait to get this coin!!! :laughing:

Can someone post a pic of the back side of the coin? I was looking at the teaser pics that where posted on page 5 of the thread and comparing them and it made me even more curious about the back.


It might be one of the terms to not show the back side of the coin.


Picture of the back side is allowed.


Mr. Gray Geocoin Icon has been sent to Groundspeak. Waiting for them to load it.


Mr. Gray is pleased that the coins are arriving safely his believers.


Here is a picture of the back side.



Yippee!! I've been "delightfully" invaded by Mr. Gray and received a surprise in my mailbox today! Thanks to Mr. Gray for all the hard work and extra effort to make such a FUN (and sometimes suspenseful) mystery coin event! :laughing:

Here's my pic post, and showing a snippet of the letter.



sweet coin!!! Congrats....


Can't wait to get this coin!!! :laughing:

Can someone post a pic of the back side of the coin? I was looking at the teaser pics that where posted on page 5 of the thread and comparing them and it made me even more curious about the back.


It might be one of the terms to not show the back side of the coin.


Picture of the back side is allowed.


Mr. Gray Geocoin Icon has been sent to Groundspeak. Waiting for them to load it.


Mr. Gray is pleased that the coins are arriving safely his believers.


Here is a picture of the back side.



Glow in the dark?


Wow, I am impressed! These are really nice :( Congrats to all who believe....

BTW, last night I could not get to sleep. It may be because it was 36C yesterday and the house was an oven or it may be that the slight breeze blowing through the window was causing the blinds to make strange noises but I had a really strange electric feeling for quite a while and I've had it before..once I even felt as though I had been levitating above my bed. Odd lights outside shining though the cracks in the blinds and more sounds than just the small gusts of wind that made the hairs on my neck stand up.

An odd night that's for sure.


Yep! Mr. Gray visited and deposited a high tech transportation device :( in my mail box over the weekend!! YAY!!! #010 sits glowingly on my desk (thanks to the charging device :P Mr. Gray thoughtfully included inside the high tech transportation device :( ) No pictures yet. The weather is not cooperating and the daylight is too dim. But I'll post something ASAP. Thank you, Mr. Gray, for this awesome coin!! It will be treasured!! ;)




Mr. Gray, your coins looks realy special to me.

This is a realy great design and a very great coin.

I thinke the icon would be great like the coin.


So congrates to all receivers to hold this beauty in your hands.


I hope sometime i also could say, many thanks mr.gray for let me be a part of your space ;-)


Best regards René


Dear Mr Gray, Your Mystery Geocoin came to us in the mail over the weekend and we just got it last evening. We are Forever Thankful of you being so kind and generous of you to think of us and for thinking we would be good candidates to join your alien nation. We Do Believe and Will Never Stop Believing. What a Awesome Geocoin and must of costs lots of money to have each coin with certain serial numbers. The light is a nice added bonus. Thank You. This geocoin will be closer to our hearts as we are facing something terrible in our lives right now and hope the forces will be strong enough to help us face the challenges ahead.

Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

Barry and Valarie of sweetlife


wauwieeeeeeeeeee mr gray is really on earth now hù :laughing::sad:


it`s so so cool that you all even dare to make pic`zzzzzzzzzzz of him............

Lorca and me would run run run .....................


but congratzzzzzzzz for the one`zzzzz who meet him it`s not a dayly thing to meet a man out of space hù B)


Mr. Gray has not forgotten about his believers. The remaining mystery items have not yet arrived from a far away land. Mr. Gray has contacted the trader as to why it has taken almost a month to deliver the items.


Mr. Gray Thanks you for your patience.


Mr. Gray has not forgotten about his believers. The remaining mystery items have not yet arrived from a far away land. Mr. Gray has contacted the trader as to why it has taken almost a month to deliver the items.


Mr. Gray Thanks you for your patience.


Well, considering that these are coming from a far-away Galaxy, I'm sure they are going to take a little while to get here!!


I missed getting my letter by 5 days, Maybe someone will find mine in a cache?


Oh that is sad, a deployment? Maybe Mr. Gray will understand and find someone to help get your mission to you?


Have been away from the forums for a while do to some medical issues with hubby. Happy to read up on this one. I was a bit late in replying but did and hope Mr. Gray understands.


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year to all!

Posted (edited)

:D Aliens love me! ;)


Actually... I won the icon cointest! :mad:

This baby has only one brother like him and Mr Gray has it! :lol:

Yes! only 2 exist in gold! ;)

I was socked when I saw that this is the 001!!! This is a huge honor!!


the devise is lovely! there is a tiny button to keep the light open without pressing...


I loved the paper message too! The paper is silver that thick, and I really loved that the name-signature of Mr Gray is like it is typed by an old typewriter! Lovely detail!!! Really good job and expensive!!


With all that there was an other companion for me... the 30th anniversary of the close encounters of the third kind movie! it is a very special version!!!


Thank you my mystery friend Mr Gray soooo much!!!

Edited by GATOULIS

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