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6th International Math Trade


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We're doing good so far! 31 of 46 have completed regrouping!



















GoldBugGirl (email sent)




Laval K-9

Los Muertos



Mister Gray





Paulo S.

Penny and Kona








The 4 F's

The Moop Along






Posted (edited)

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to send me your grouping instructions. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow night, I'll assume that you want to leave your lists as they stand.









Los Muertos

Paulo S.




The 4 F's



Edited by E&Cplus3

I'm gonna jump the gun here and explain how the Want List Phase is going to work.


Everyone now has a list of coins they are offering -- some grouped, some not. And most likely everyone has had a look through the whole list to see what they would like to get. How do we get there? By creating the Want Lists!


The general idea for a Want List is to define which of your own coins can be traded against which offered coins.


The following syntax is used:


own_coin_ID : wanted_ID_1 wanted_ID_2 .. wanted_ID_n


The colon (':') is used as a separator between the 'own_coin_ID' and the chosen wanted coins. The list of wanted coins is delimited by a space (' ').


As you can see, you have to specify a single 'own_coin_ID' and a list of possible IDs of all coins that you would accept as a trade for this coin. You are free to choose from all other coins when creating your lists. Furthermore, you are not limited to a single coin -- you can append all coins (via their respective coin IDs) that you are accepting as a trade. Theoretically, you could append the IDs of ALL the coins in this trade to your list.


The appearance of the IDs of the wanted coins is of importance, as it represents the order of preference in the list. In the first position is the 'most wanted' trade, and in the last position would be the 'least acceptable' trade.


If there is only one coin that you would trade your coin for, then there will only be one 'wanted_ID' in your list. If there are NO coins that you find acceptable as a trade for your coin, just leave the want list blank.


Okay, enough theory. Let's see it in action!


Looking at the list, I own the coins with the IDs 404 to 446 -- or 43 coins. But, I've grouped some of those coins, so my want list is going to be 41 lines long (each group -- regardless of the number of coins it contains -- will only have one line in the want list)


So, let's say that I consider my Dhobby1 coin (ID 422) to be the primo coin that I have offered. Looking through the list I find a few coins that I would like, but some really stand out: the Tree of Life coins (53, 123, etc), Some 10 Year coins (74, 75, etc) and the Dark Yime (181). Of those, I would favour the 10 Years over the Yime, followed by the Tree of Life. So my entry for the Dhobby1 (theoretically) would look like:


422 : 74 75 181 53 123


My sets, I feel, should also be in high demand and could possibly get some of those other coin sets. I'll even add the '08 Earth Turtle to these want lists, as I feel a set for this single coin is still a good trade. When listing a set, you only have to enter a single ID number and ignore the letters. So, my Maritime Mega set is made up of the IDs 438A and 438B and my Rainbow Bridge set is made up of the IDs 444A and 444B. My want list for the sets would look like:


438 : 493 497 532 541 318

444 : 493 497 532 541 318


Looking through the rest of the coins, there are only 8 that I would like to add to my collection. However, I still have 40 listings left to account for! If I list the IDs for only those 8 coins for each of my remaining coins, this will mean at best that 8 of my coins trade! But, for the sake of this exercise, that is what I'll do. The coins I want have the IDs 734 through 741, and that's the order of priority as well:


404 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
405 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
406 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
446 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741


There! All done! Except for one thing. For some reason, I decide not to trade my Oak Island coin (ID 443). Maybe I can't part with it; maybe I've already traded it for a coin outside of the mathtrade. To show that it is unavailable, I either don't list it, or I list it with an empty line for the wanted coins:


443 : 


NOW my want list is done! For the convenience of my host, I will add my nick in parentheses in front of each line, and the whole list ends up looking like:


(E&Cplus3) 404 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 405 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 406 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 407 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 408 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 409 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 410 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 411 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 412 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 413 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 414 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 415 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 416 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 417 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 418 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 419 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 420 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 421 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 422 : 74 75 181 53 123
(E&Cplus3) 423 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 424 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 425 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 426 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 427 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 428 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 429 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 430 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 431 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 432 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 433 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 434 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 435 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 436 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 437 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 438 : 493 497 532 541 318
(E&Cplus3) 440 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 441 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 442 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741
(E&Cplus3) 443 :
(E&Cplus3) 444 : 493 497 532 541 318
(E&Cplus3) 446 : 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741


Now I can send this list in an email to:




There is one issue that I haven't discussed yet: How to prevent receiving the same coin more than once.


But I'll leave that for another post. I'll let y'all absorb the info in this post first.


Okay, here's Part II of the Want List tutorial...


Q. What if several people have listed a coin I really want. If I include all the IDs in my want lists, is it possible to get more than one?


A. Using the method I described above, yes this is a posibility.


Say I have listed coinID 406 and coinID 407 up for trade. I would like to get two of the following coins for them:


"Anasazi Spirit Dweller - Mystery Black & Blue" (IDs 478 599)

"Lotus Compass - Bast" (IDs 458 505 985)

"Earth Turtle 2007" (ID 720)

"Pax Dragon - Blue" (IDs 471 910 990)


So I could make the following want list:


406 : 478 599 458 505 985 720 471 910 990
407 : 478 599 458 505 985 720 471 910 990


However, by doing it this way I would 'risk' receiving coin 478 for coin 406 and coin 599 for coin 407. I'd end up with two of the same "Anasazi" coins instead of getting two different coins.


You can avoid this very easily by defining variables.


You define a coin group to make sure you only get at most 1 coin from that group. Pick a name for your group and stick a percent sign ('%') in front of it to indicate that it is a variable. Then add a colon (':') and a space-delimited list of coin IDs. In the example above, my coin variables would look like this:


%AnasaziMystery : 478 599
%Bast : 458 505 985
%PaxBlue : 471 910 990


Now I simply include these names in my want list, instead of the actual coin numbers. My list would then change to look like this:


406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue
407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue


This way, if coin 406 gets traded for one of the coins from the %AnasaziMystery group, this will prevent coin 407 from being traded for another coin from that same group.


Your variables must be defined at the top of the want list that you send to me, and every line must start with your nickname in parentheses.


(E&Cplus3) %AnasaziMystery : 478 599
(E&Cplus3) %Bast : 458 505 985
(E&Cplus3) %PaxBlue : 471 910 990
(E&Cplus3) 406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue
(E&Cplus3) 407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720 %PaxBlue


But wait! There's more! You can nest your variables. This means that you can take a variable that you have already defined and use it within another variable. Why would you do this?


Say you have a coin that you would like to trade for a Pax Blue coin, and only for the Pax Blue. But there are a few of them in the list (IDs 471 910 990). There are some other coins that you would like trade for ANY Pax coin, including the Blue, and there are a LOT of them (IDs 158 472 624 625 640 989 991 992)


Well, you already have the Pax Blues defined, so now you need to create a variable for the whole group:


(E&Cplus3) %AnasaziMystery : 478 599
(E&Cplus3) %Bast : 458 505 985
(E&Cplus3) %PaxBlue : 471 910 990
(E&Cplus3) %PaxAll : %PaxBlue 158 472 624 625 640 989 991 992
(E&Cplus3) 406 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720
(E&Cplus3) 407 : %AnasaziMystery %Bast 720
(E&Cplus3) 408 : %PaxBlue
(E&Cplus3) 409 : %PaxAll


Notice how the fourth variable definition uses the variable defined earlier. In my want lists, coin 408 uses the %PaxBlue variable, and coin 409 uses the variable for all Pax coins.


Just a few notes about precedence: the coins listed within a variable all have equal weight! So, in the %PaxAll variable, coin 992 has the same weight as coin 471. However, when using variables in your want lists, the normal precedence rules apply (ie. %AnasaziMystery trumps %Bast which trumps coin 720).


That's it! Please don't hesitate to ask for clarification if I haven't explained things well enough.


The variables thing has always confused the heck out of me. It's always been easier just to accept more than one of the same coin if the trades should work out that way. Out of the several math trades I have participated in, I've only ever received a duplicate coin once.


Just to clarify, the coin IDs that have letters after them are grouped together? For example, 129A Canada Micro 2009 and 129B USA Flag Micro will trade together as a set?


Thanks! :unsure:


Just to clarify, the coin IDs that have letters after them are grouped together? For example, 129A Canada Micro 2009 and 129B USA Flag Micro will trade together as a set?


Thanks! :unsure:

Yes, that's correct.


Just spent 2+ hours going through the list and ranking coins. My string has 195 possible coins I'd trade for, ugh. Now time to rest before I slap it all together in an email to Chuck.


I'm waiting until Chuck posts that he got to all the regrouping work, so I don't have to do it twice. Once I see him post that the file is all ready to tackle, then I'll go look.




Just spent 2+ hours going through the list and ranking coins. My string has 195 possible coins I'd trade for, ugh. Now time to rest before I slap it all together in an email to Chuck.


I'm waiting until Chuck posts that he got to all the regrouping work, so I don't have to do it twice. Once I see him post that the file is all ready to tackle, then I'll go look.




Regrouping work is all done!


You can get to work on that Wish List now.


And don't forget:




Just spent 2+ hours going through the list and ranking coins. My string has 195 possible coins I'd trade for, ugh. Now time to rest before I slap it all together in an email to Chuck.


I'm waiting until Chuck posts that he got to all the regrouping work, so I don't have to do it twice. Once I see him post that the file is all ready to tackle, then I'll go look.




Regrouping work is all done!


You can get to work on that Wish List now.


And don't forget:




Were you done last night? Meaning is my time stamp for my post okay for how the database is? The red numbered column was already present.


Wantlist sent.


With that many coins it is really hard work to go through it.


Now let's hope for some nice trades and thank Chuck for the organisation!




Or alternatively that I would trade any of my coins for a specific group of coins. Rather than listing each of my coins: the few coins I'm interested in. 'Cause, in all honesty, there are probably less than 10 coins I'd like to trade for... :mellow:




Or alternatively that I would trade any of my coins for a specific group of coins. Rather than listing each of my coins: the few coins I'm interested in. 'Cause, in all honesty, there are probably less than 10 coins I'd like to trade for... :mellow:




If there's only 10, rank them and then cut & paste the short string after each of your coin numbers that you'd part with. Pretty straight forward and easy.


Or alternatively that I would trade any of my coins for a specific group of coins. Rather than listing each of my coins: the few coins I'm interested in. 'Cause, in all honesty, there are probably less than 10 coins I'd like to trade for... :mellow:




If there's only 10, rank them and then cut & paste the short string after each of your coin numbers that you'd part with. Pretty straight forward and easy.


and the cut and paste method will be a big time saver for coins that I just want traded for the sake of trading...thanks atlantagal



is ther any way to indicate you'll take any and all trades for a coin?




Sorry doc, I think the only way to do that is to make a horrendously long want list including all the coin IDs. But I'll double check the software.


I have a silly question. I have already finish my wish list and as I was looking back I see in the directions that we need to leave a space between coin numbers. I had looked at last years list (yea I know I keep everything) and we used a comma between numbers. Does it make a difference or do I need to go in and redo my list? Just checking.


I have a silly question. I have already finish my wish list and as I was looking back I see in the directions that we need to leave a space between coin numbers. I had looked at last years list (yea I know I keep everything) and we used a comma between numbers. Does it make a difference or do I need to go in and redo my list? Just checking.


It was a space last year too. I probably did a find and replace on your list last year. :)

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