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My daughter geocaching now


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One of our daughters is now geocaching in England after joining here just at the end of last week , we are up here in Scotland, she only went out on her first hunt with our little granddaughters and hubby and found their first cache on Saturday!!!

My first two I needed a big helping hand and almost a large finger, neon lit pointing down to where the cache was/were.

So i cannot let her beat me :( I have so far only found one without help other than from my hubby and you would have thought I had scooped the lottery when I did find my first one myself, I was so excited lol



Competition with fellow cachers (even perceived* competition!) is bad enough...


Now you have family competition!


* I keep an eye on other cachers in the area, especially new cachers...

When their 'found' count goes higher than mine.. :angry:

Posted (edited)

Caching is a great activity to do with your kids (or grandkids!) May you be blessed with many neon fingers! Happy caching.


thank you all :huh: oh I wish I could go out just now, beautiful day here, as i so need the practise but have the joiner here working so need to be in, but tomorrow hubby will be off so I have said he can wait in and i will try to find a cache, note TRY !! :rolleyes:

Yes looks like a competition between me and granddaughters and I just know they will beat me! :)


Edited by ayrbrain

Yes looks like a competition between me and granddaughters and I just know they will beat me! :huh:

Enjoy the fact it gets you out, and is FUN.

Enjoy the fact others in your family can enjoy it with you, and take part with you.

Enjoy the fact you can talk about the caches you have both/all found, but found when not together.

Enjoy the fact you can talk about the caches one of you has found and the other hasn't!


If they do find more than you, you have the perfect "PAF" for when you can't find the cache! :yikes:


PAF = Phone A Friend.


Yes looks like a competition between me and granddaughters and I just know they will beat me! :P

Enjoy the fact it gets you out, and is FUN.

Enjoy the fact others in your family can enjoy it with you, and take part with you.

Enjoy the fact you can talk about the caches you have both/all found, but found when not together.

Enjoy the fact you can talk about the caches one of you has found and the other hasn't!


If they do find more than you, you have the perfect "PAF" for when you can't find the cache! ;)


PAF = Phone A Friend.


Unfortunately they live in England and I am in Scotland so will not be out geocaching together until we meet up either down there or up here when they visit. But it is such good fun, even though hubby isn't as keen on the sport he will tag along with me for support. :lol:


We have a caching friend who used to be in competition with her Dad. We are all on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of Canada - he is on Prince Edward Island on the east coast. They were pretty even for a long time, but Dad (and Mom) are now ahead by quite a bit. As she says "he is retired, but you'd think only having one leg and one lung would slow him down!" It doesn't at all.

When you get together with daughter and grandchildren, it'll be a three generation caching trip!


My mom and I and my kids are all doing it now. Love it, and it's great to have a common interest that gets us all outdoors. As soon as my mom gets her own GPS, we will be competing to get different caches, etc. :D


My Dad, Sister and I are all Geocachers and live in different States. We have a friendly competition going and like to compare strategies and types of hides. We have had the opportunity to cache together on 3 occasions (vacations in each others State during the holidays) and loved the camaraderie. Enjoy the game the way you play it, share your stories big and small with your caching family, and don't worry too much about the numbers. I rarely go out solo caching, it's just not as fun for me. My kids usually tag along or my husband if he is off work, but I am the only one in my immediate family that really enjoys the hobby.


My Dad, Sister and I are all Geocachers and live in different States. We have a friendly competition going and like to compare strategies and types of hides. We have had the opportunity to cache together on 3 occasions (vacations in each others State during the holidays) and loved the camaraderie. Enjoy the game the way you play it, share your stories big and small with your caching family, and don't worry too much about the numbers. I rarely go out solo caching, it's just not as fun for me. My kids usually tag along or my husband if he is off work, but I am the only one in my immediate family that really enjoys the hobby.



My daughter just text me this morning to say they are out and found another one .

a beautiful morning here so will try one or two today.


This is the second time I've read your post (by accident), but still a delight reading your first paragraph! Love the neon fingers and so happy you felt like you scooped the lottery part. It's so much fun, great for all ages and personalities! Good luck hunting today!

Posted (edited)

My Dad, Sister and I are all Geocachers and live in different States. We have a friendly competition going and like to compare strategies and types of hides. We have had the opportunity to cache together on 3 occasions (vacations in each others State during the holidays) and loved the camaraderie. Enjoy the game the way you play it, share your stories big and small with your caching family, and don't worry too much about the numbers. I rarely go out solo caching, it's just not as fun for me. My kids usually tag along or my husband if he is off work, but I am the only one in my immediate family that really enjoys the hobby.


My daughter just text me this morning to say they are out and found another one .

a beautiful morning here so will try one or two today.

I see by your profile that you have now found 12! Good for you. How is your daughter's caching going?

Edited by knowschad

Neon fingers, huh? We had a wonderful time geocaching with our children, and now I delight in doing it with my friend and HER children. There's nothing quite as fulfilling: a journey, a destination, a (little) competition ... geocaching has it all!


Enjoy ...




Neon fingers, huh? We had a wonderful time geocaching with our children, and now I delight in doing it with my friend and HER children. There's nothing quite as fulfilling: a journey, a destination, a (little) competition ... geocaching has it all!


Enjoy ...




My Dad, Sister and I are all Geocachers and live in different States. We have a friendly competition going and like to compare strategies and types of hides. We have had the opportunity to cache together on 3 occasions (vacations in each others State during the holidays) and loved the camaraderie. Enjoy the game the way you play it, share your stories big and small with your caching family, and don't worry too much about the numbers. I rarely go out solo caching, it's just not as fun for me. My kids usually tag along or my husband if he is off work, but I am the only one in my immediate family that really enjoys the hobby.


My daughter just text me this morning to say they are out and found another one .

a beautiful morning here so will try one or two today.

I see by your profile that you have now found 12! Good for you. How is your daughter's caching going?



thanks all for your replies. Yes I am up to the dizzy heights of i think 11 could even be 12 :D

Deep down my hubby enjoyes going out I think :grin: he is in control of the GPS and we both hunt lol twice he has been asked "What are you doing" by folk walking by. A couple of times a text has come in when we were searching but I had to say "will text later, under fallen tree at the moment!" :D

Our daughter now has a GPS instead of using her phone, her husband bought her one as a surprise so she is happy :grin: I am not sure what number she is up to.

I am so enjoying the sport. :grin:


My Dad, Sister and I are all Geocachers and live in different States. We have a friendly competition going and like to compare strategies and types of hides. We have had the opportunity to cache together on 3 occasions (vacations in each others State during the holidays) and loved the camaraderie. Enjoy the game the way you play it, share your stories big and small with your caching family, and don't worry too much about the numbers. I rarely go out solo caching, it's just not as fun for me. My kids usually tag along or my husband if he is off work, but I am the only one in my immediate family that really enjoys the hobby.


My daughter just text me this morning to say they are out and found another one .

a beautiful morning here so will try one or two today.

I see by your profile that you have now found 12! Good for you. How is your daughter's caching going?



thanks all for your replies. Yes I am up to the dizzy heights of i think 11 could even be 12 :D

Deep down my hubby enjoyes going out I think :grin: he is in control of the GPS and we both hunt lol twice he has been asked "What are you doing" by folk walking by. A couple of times a text has come in when we were searching but I had to say "will text later, under fallen tree at the moment!" :D

Our daughter now has a GPS instead of using her phone, her husband bought her one as a surprise so she is happy :grin: I am not sure what number she is up to.

I am so enjoying the sport. :grin:

Well, I hope you're able to go caching with your daughter soon. I think that will be a lot of fun for all of you!

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