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More Souvenirs on the way!


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So what is in the works for the actual geocaching part of this game?




Something in particular that you had in mind, or are you just being a grumpy gus in general?


I thought it was a legitimate question. They put all this effort into something that is not really about geocaching. I was just curious what was coming along that will actually be about finding things that are hidden out in the real world. Remember? Tupperware in the woods? Geocaches?


So what is in the works for the actual geocaching part of this game?




Something in particular that you had in mind, or are you just being a grumpy gus in general?


I thought it was a legitimate question. They put all this effort into something that is not really about geocaching. I was just curious what was coming along that will actually be about finding things that are hidden out in the real world. Remember? Tupperware in the woods? Geocaches?


50 finds and 44 hides, what do you know about geocaching anyway? We already know there isn't much you do like. :blink:


Hi everyone!


People have been wondering about our plans for souvenirs. I'm happy to inform you that starting in early November, we'll be rolling out more souvenirs for everyone to discover!


MissJenn wrote up a Knowledge Book entry for souvenirs, so check in there if you have any questions:





YAY! Can we also have Virtuals and Locationless Caches back too!

50 finds and 44 hides, what do you know about geocaching anyway? We already know there isn't much you do like. :blink:


Here are some things to keep in mind when posting:


1. Forum courtesy: Please treat Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, fellow community members, and guests on these boards with courtesy and respect. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they should be treated fairly.


3. Personal attacks and inflammatory behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad. General attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.

Posted (edited)

So what is in the works for the actual geocaching part of this game?




Something in particular that you had in mind, or are you just being a grumpy gus in general?


I thought it was a legitimate question. They put all this effort into something that is not really about geocaching. I was just curious what was coming along that will actually be about finding things that are hidden out in the real world. Remember? Tupperware in the woods? Geocaches?


50 finds and 44 hides, what do you know about geocaching anyway? We already know there isn't much you do like. :mad:


Most of his found are in note logs, not found it logs. :blink:

Edited by SwineFlew

For those who were having a tough time understanding the concept of souvenirs, my hope is that the image of the treasure chest with stickers all over it from places you've been to gives a graphic explanation.


Remember that beat-up old backpack we all had with patches on it? Patches that showed to the world where I've been? I wish I had kept that backpack ... and kept up the tradition of getting patches.


Well, even if we don't have all the souvenirs yet and though they may only be temporary, we'll always have the memories. :blink:

They may be permanent, too.


For those who were having a tough time understanding the concept of souvenirs, my hope is that the image of the treasure chest with stickers all over it from places you've been to gives a graphic explanation.


Remember that beat-up old backpack we all had with patches on it? Patches that showed to the world where I've been? I wish I had kept that backpack ... and kept up the tradition of getting patches.


Well, even if we don't have all the souvenirs yet and though they may only be temporary, we'll always have the memories. :blink:

They may be permanent, too.


A woman I work with still has hers. I think I've seen a couple of backpacks like that while out geocaching, too.


Then there were the merit badge-like displays people wore of pins and pathtags at GW8.


I feel I really need some kind of physical sig doo-dad to leave in caches, but it would be cool for finders of any of my caches (or perhaps only a couple of the tougher/more interesting ones) to be granted a souvenir. Lots of possibilities I think. :mad:

Remember that beat-up old backpack we all had with patches on it? Patches that showed to the world where I've been?

Thanx MissJenn! I get it now. And yes, I still remember that backpack. (sigh...) :wub:


This actually reminds me of something really funny. When I was in high school, I had an ammo can that I used to keep little keepsakes and souvenirs in, and it was covered with souvenir stickers. Why an ammo can? I was at the surplus store and thought it would be a great way to keep my keepsakes dry.


Ha ha! Foreshadowing I suppose...


BTW, that ammo can is now a cache. :grin:

Remember that beat-up old backpack we all had with patches on it? Patches that showed to the world where I've been?

Thanx MissJenn! I get it now. And yes, I still remember that backpack. (sigh...) :grin:


I get the concept, but I'm still unclear on the execution. As far as I can tell, there are two methods for obtaining a souvenir. One involves actually going out and finding a geocache (in an area designated as a souvenir zone) then using the geocaching.com to log a find. I get that. The other way, and how I got mine, were merely turning on my phone, and *attempting* to search for a geocache on 10-10-10. I didn't actually get any results (the app reported a server connection error) but a minute later I was informed I "found" a souvenir. That's the part I don't get. I didn't do anything geocaching related other that use the official application on my iPhone. I happened to be in my living room at the time. I could just have easily been on a train passing through a souvenir zone or even an airplane flying over some place where I may never set foot upon.


I used to do quite a bit of backpacking myself. I think I still have one of those aluminum plates that were commonly used for breakfast/dinner around a campfire. It's been engraved with dozens of places throughout California. Yosemite, Sequoia, Lake Tahoe, and many more. However it also has lots of places I've never actually seen. I bought the plate at a garage sale. That's the way I feel about souvenirs. You can get some of them by actually going out and finding a geocache, while someone else can get the same souvenir from their living room, or while driving their car, riding a bus, or on a train.

Posted (edited)

yo, missjenn! how did you get one for the 2010 geobash? i attended it and i don't have one. :wub:


edit to add that i wouldn't have had to ask this if i had read the info page. :grin:

Edited by uperdooper
The other way, and how I got mine, were merely turning on my phone, and *attempting* to search for a geocache on 10-10-10. I didn't actually get any results (the app reported a server connection error) but a minute later I was informed I "found" a souvenir. That's the part I don't get.

That was a fun little gift from Groundspeak simply to commemorate 10-10-10. Thanks for using the iPhone app!

You are most certainly allowed to disagree with Groundspeak. We already heard you the first few times.


So, back to souvenirs then. B)

I find myself disagreeing with Groundspeak quite regularly lately. I have been quite successful in keeping stuff off my profile that I don't want there (Stats, "Found" Event Icons, Webcam Icons, Virtual Icons). My very first question about Souvenirs is: How do I delete the "gift" Souvenir I never asked for and do not want?

The other way, and how I got mine, were merely turning on my phone, and *attempting* to search for a geocache on 10-10-10. I didn't actually get any results (the app reported a server connection error) but a minute later I was informed I "found" a souvenir. That's the part I don't get.

That was a fun little gift from Groundspeak simply to commemorate 10-10-10. Thanks for using the iPhone app!


<sniff, sniff> I was in Las Vegas on 10/10 and turned on my iphone to see if any souvenirs to be found in the area....I didn't get one! B)

The other way, and how I got mine, were merely turning on my phone, and *attempting* to search for a geocache on 10-10-10. I didn't actually get any results (the app reported a server connection error) but a minute later I was informed I "found" a souvenir. That's the part I don't get.

That was a fun little gift from Groundspeak simply to commemorate 10-10-10. Thanks for using the iPhone app!


Since I attended a 10/10/10 event and posted an attended log I assume I would have received one if I didn't own an iPhone and used the iPhone app.


From your answer, however, I can't tell if this is a one time thing or if all future souvenirs will work this way. I am still not clear on what exactly constitutes a souvenir "find". Let's say, for example, I have never found a cache in Ohio, and all of the U.S. states become active souvenirs. Suppose I am flying west from NY and have a short layover in Cleveland (one of the possible itineraries for me for a trip to Costa Rica next spring). Will get the Ohio souvenir merely by turning on my iPhone and launching the geocaching app even though I've never left the airport?


We've also been told that souvenirs will become retroactive, but we haven't been told when that will happen.


We've been told that we'll be able to submit request for new souvenirs, and it's understandable that until some sort of form handler is developed it would be available but there has been no time frame given.


We've had a list of possible souvenirs leaked, and most of the locations confirmed, but once again we didn't get any sort of concrete answer. I have no idea what "some countries" is supposed to mean.


I think souvenirs will be a fun addition to the game but frankly I think the execution of the launch of this new feature has been a bit of a train wreck.


I agree about launch being a train wreck. With no answers it leads to threads in the forum of speculation and then people seeking answers for this thing that isn't very well explained anywhere.


But some time lines and concrete plans would really probably help some of this issue.


Hi everyone!


People have been wondering about our plans for souvenirs. I'm happy to inform you that starting in early November, we'll be rolling out more souvenirs for everyone to discover!


MissJenn wrote up a Knowledge Book entry for souvenirs, so check in there if you have any questions:





There is this one line that got me (you do need to be patient).

Good luck with that B)


Hi everyone!


People have been wondering about our plans for souvenirs. I'm happy to inform you that starting in early November, we'll be rolling out more souvenirs for everyone to discover!


MissJenn wrote up a Knowledge Book entry for souvenirs, so check in there if you have any questions:





YAY! Can we also have Virtuals and Locationless Caches back too!


Or at least unlock some locationless caches ... B)


I think souvs should have been called patches, like when you go someplace and get a patch for your backpack.


Good news! We have retroactively granted souvenirs to those who are entitled to them!


Can you tell us which souvenirs have been activated because it doesn't look like any of state souvenirs are active. I've found caches in 21 states so I figured if state souvenirs were activated at least one of them would show up.


Good news! We have retroactively granted souvenirs to those who are entitled to them!

Hi James -


I notice that folks who found Project APE caches other than the one in Washington, didn't get the Project APE cache souvenir. Are there plans to roll that out any time soon?





I have: ... and Original Cache Location.


Shouldn't that last one be Original Stash Location?

Based on what I've heard about the OSL cache, I suspect they are anticipating the future by calling it something different.

Good news! We have retroactively granted souvenirs to those who are entitled to them!

I AM NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no really,, Im not. BUT, I may be a grumpy gus. Now I am starting to get why he wont log finds :angry:

The other way, and how I got mine, were merely turning on my phone, and *attempting* to search for a geocache on 10-10-10. I didn't actually get any results (the app reported a server connection error) but a minute later I was informed I "found" a souvenir. That's the part I don't get.

That was a fun little gift from Groundspeak simply to commemorate 10-10-10. Thanks for using the iPhone app!


<sniff, sniff> I was in Las Vegas on 10/10 and turned on my iphone to see if any souvenirs to be found in the area....I didn't get one! :angry:


We got one, finding a cache on our way to Vegas :(



I have: ... and Original Cache Location.


Shouldn't that last one be Original Stash Location?

Based on what I've heard about the OSL cache, I suspect they are anticipating the future by calling it something different.


The relationship with the CO may be a bit rocky, but I think you are wrong about that. Jeff has that location pretty sewn up by permission of the land owner. I don't forsee a change of ownership unless the land is sold out from under the plaque.


Ya gotta hand it to Jeff. He got hold of THE prime geocaching realestate. He has the most popular geocaching destination and NOW groups are paying his way across the pond and expenses just to SEE the Original Can of Beans.


Regardless of how you feel about him, ya gotta hand it to him for thinking ahead.


Yes! I have not gotten my APE souvenir yet! Special vacation trip to Maryland in 2005 for the APE cache. Boo hoo. I'm not entitled to it?!? :angry:

I hope you get one. An Ape cache is an Ape cache, all finders of Ape caches should get a souvenir. Maybe a different souvenir for the different APE caches? (we got ours for the Washington APE cache, but had also found the Illinois one in 2005)



Good news! We have retroactively granted souvenirs to those who are entitled to them!


This is great! The one thing I hope you will consider (or is on the way) is 'tiered' souveniers.


An example of what I mean that you have some of already:


There are souvenirs for all three geotriad locations, it would be great if getting all three of those triggered the granting of a 4th 'geotriad' souvenir.


This would open up some other interesting 'gotta get them all' sort of opportunities in the future, say for instance a "2010 mega maniac" for attending all or most of the 2010 megas.



50 finds and 44 hides, what do you know about geocaching anyway? We already know there isn't much you do like. :angry:


Here are some things to keep in mind when posting:


1. Forum courtesy: Please treat Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, fellow community members, and guests on these boards with courtesy and respect. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they should be treated fairly.


3. Personal attacks and inflammatory behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad. General attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


pulease, I qualified my joke with an emoticon.


To stay on topic, the 2010 Geocoinfest souvenir showed up today.


Good news! We have retroactively granted souvenirs to those who are entitled to them!


This is great! The one thing I hope you will consider (or is on the way) is 'tiered' souveniers.


An example of what I mean that you have some of already:


There are souvenirs for all three geotriad locations, it would be great if getting all three of those triggered the granting of a 4th 'geotriad' souvenir.


I'd rather see souvenirs available to those that live in other parts of the world. So far the only souvenir that I've seen that isn't in the Puget Sound area was the GeoCoin fest in Minneapolis. How many geocachers in Europe, Austrailia, Asia, Africa, South America, and even the east coast of the U.S. do think will ever obtain souvenirs anytime soon other than the 10/10/10 souvenir? Granted, there are a few from far that were able to attend the big bash earlier this year and got the triad (and the special icons) but for probably well over 90% of all geocachers a 2500 miles trip to the pacific northwest to get the current souvenirs would be financially prohibitive.


I'd rather see souvenirs available to those that live in other parts of the world. So far the only souvenir that I've seen that isn't in the Puget Sound area was the GeoCoin fest in Minneapolis. How many geocachers in Europe, Austrailia, Asia, Africa, South America, and even the east coast of the U.S. do think will ever obtain souvenirs anytime soon other than the 10/10/10 souvenir? Granted, there are a few from far that were able to attend the big bash earlier this year and got the triad (and the special icons) but for probably well over 90% of all geocachers a 2500 miles trip to the pacific northwest to get the current souvenirs would be financially prohibitive.


I hear you, and I was assuming that the other comments about more coming in early November would start to address those issues around worldwide availability. My suggestion/wish is really more around making sure that the infrastructure of the souvenirs can be used for some of the bigger challenges/events/milestones that really deserve recognition.


I'd love to see a set of souvenirs that were granted at different numbers of countries and states cached in. I'd love to see many other landmarks get souvenirs, and then 'set' souvenirs created for 'landmarks of <insert country/region here>'. I could go on.




I'd rather see souvenirs available to those that live in other parts of the world. So far the only souvenir that I've seen that isn't in the Puget Sound area was the GeoCoin fest in Minneapolis. How many geocachers in Europe, Austrailia, Asia, Africa, South America, and even the east coast of the U.S. do think will ever obtain souvenirs anytime soon other than the 10/10/10 souvenir? Granted, there are a few from far that were able to attend the big bash earlier this year and got the triad (and the special icons) but for probably well over 90% of all geocachers a 2500 miles trip to the pacific northwest to get the current souvenirs would be financially prohibitive.


I'd love to see a set of souvenirs that were granted at different numbers of countries and states cached in. I'd love to see many other landmarks get souvenirs, and then 'set' souvenirs created for 'landmarks of <insert country/region here>'. I could go on.




So would I, considering I've found caches in 21 states, and 10 countries on three continents and will likely have two more countries and two more continents by April. I also suggested establishing souvenirs in the various provinces in many other countries throughout the world. It's not just a North American game.


I'd rather see souvenirs available to those that live in other parts of the world. So far the only souvenir that I've seen that isn't in the Puget Sound area was the GeoCoin fest in Minneapolis. How many geocachers in Europe, Austrailia, Asia, Africa, South America, and even the east coast of the U.S. do think will ever obtain souvenirs anytime soon other than the 10/10/10 souvenir? Granted, there are a few from far that were able to attend the big bash earlier this year and got the triad (and the special icons) but for probably well over 90% of all geocachers a 2500 miles trip to the pacific northwest to get the current souvenirs would be financially prohibitive.


I'd love to see a set of souvenirs that were granted at different numbers of countries and states cached in. I'd love to see many other landmarks get souvenirs, and then 'set' souvenirs created for 'landmarks of <insert country/region here>'. I could go on.




So would I, considering I've found caches in 21 states, and 10 countries on three continents and will likely have two more countries and two more continents by April. I also suggested establishing souvenirs in the various provinces in many other countries throughout the world. It's not just a North American game.


"I found a cache in Zimbabwe and got back out of the country before Robert Mugabe and his thugs got their paws on me." - you mean that sort of thing?



Hey! I just noticed that by reading a Snoogans topic, I automatically received a Snoogans Souvenir on my GC.com profile!




Actually, you have to respond to a thread that I started..... However, it's limited and NOT retroactive. I have started roughly 750 threads in the Groundspeak forums and it's 1 souvenir per thread. :rolleyes:


So start huntin' those threads down and responding to them. FYI, you cant use the word "bump" in your response. :)

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