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Unofficially adopting a cache – etiquette…

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Hi all


I recently found a cache that, despite being local, I had been ruling out of my searches up until that point as the recent logs (going back a few months) all told the same story – cache damaged and wet and urgently needing maintenance – but the owner was not responding.


One of my travel bugs then got logged into the cache on the website (around a month after it had physically been put in there, apparently, which is a pity as we would have mounted the rescue mission sooner otherwise) – and rather than leave it in a waterlogged cache we decided to go and retrieve it ourselves and move it on to a drier environment.


It actually turned out to be a great cache, in terms of location, a fun multi which took you on a great walk in a local beauty spot, with a good sized (but damaged beyond repair) cache at the end in a fab hiding spot.


My travel bug, sadly, was nowhere to be seen, all there was in there were a few dirty wet swaps and a sodden log book. The lid of the cache is broken and there is no way it can be made watertight.


There have been many found logs referencing the state of the cache and a number of “needs maintenance” logs, going back over a number of months. But no response at all from the cache owner, who does not appear to have been active in the sport since Summer 2009.


It would be such a pity to lose the continuity of this cache so I’d hate to see it archived. I have emailed the owner and offered to adopt, but no reply.


Would it be considered OK for me to unofficially adopt the cache – ie replace the container and logbook etc, and put a note on the cache page to say that I have tidied it up and will take on ongoing maintenance duties?


Or do you think this will annoy the cache owner? (he does still seem to log on to geocaching.com occasionally according to his profile page, even though he hasn’t logged any finds for over a year)


I don’t want to break any unwritten rules or step on any toes….I’d just like to give this great cache a little TLC!


Sarah Chaos


PS I’m asking in the UK forum as I’m aware that sometimes etiquette can be a very regional thing! And what goes in this situation in the States might not be seen as “on” over here…


PPS it will be fairly easy I'm sure for the detectives amongst you to figure out which cache I'm talking about, but I'd rather it wasn't referenced on here as I don't want to make this a public slagging off of the owner - who after all did once hide a really excellent cache - and I am sure has extenuating circumstances which have made it difficult to maintain the cache.


Replacing the container and log book is perfectly acceptable as long as the cache owner is informed. The inclusion of a note stating your intention to "unofficially adopt" could be more problematic and seems unnecessary.


Hi all


I recently found a cache that, despite being local, I had been ruling out of my searches up until that point as the recent logs (going back a few months) all told the same story – cache damaged and wet and urgently needing maintenance – but the owner was not responding.


One of my travel bugs then got logged into the cache on the website (around a month after it had physically been put in there, apparently, which is a pity as we would have mounted the rescue mission sooner otherwise) – and rather than leave it in a waterlogged cache we decided to go and retrieve it ourselves and move it on to a drier environment.


It actually turned out to be a great cache, in terms of location, a fun multi which took you on a great walk in a local beauty spot, with a good sized (but damaged beyond repair) cache at the end in a fab hiding spot.


My travel bug, sadly, was nowhere to be seen, all there was in there were a few dirty wet swaps and a sodden log book. The lid of the cache is broken and there is no way it can be made watertight.


There have been many found logs referencing the state of the cache and a number of “needs maintenance” logs, going back over a number of months. But no response at all from the cache owner, who does not appear to have been active in the sport since Summer 2009.


It would be such a pity to lose the continuity of this cache so I’d hate to see it archived. I have emailed the owner and offered to adopt, but no reply.


Would it be considered OK for me to unofficially adopt the cache – ie replace the container and logbook etc, and put a note on the cache page to say that I have tidied it up and will take on ongoing maintenance duties?


Or do you think this will annoy the cache owner? (he does still seem to log on to geocaching.com occasionally according to his profile page, even though he hasn’t logged any finds for over a year)


I don’t want to break any unwritten rules or step on any toes….I’d just like to give this great cache a little TLC!


Sarah Chaos


PS I’m asking in the UK forum as I’m aware that sometimes etiquette can be a very regional thing! And what goes in this situation in the States might not be seen as “on” over here…


PPS it will be fairly easy I'm sure for the detectives amongst you to figure out which cache I'm talking about, but I'd rather it wasn't referenced on here as I don't want to make this a public slagging off of the owner - who after all did once hide a really excellent cache - and I am sure has extenuating circumstances which have made it difficult to maintain the cache.

Seeing as you only recently mailed him wrt adoption i'd wait a bit. then personally i'd whack an NA on it, and possibly place my own cache there, if it is that good of a location.


I personally don't believe in community maintained caches (not to be mistaken with me doing someone I 'know' a favour on one of his/her caches).


Kryten - the only reason I was going to put a note on was so that people could contact me if the cache needed attention again, as obviously I wouldn't get notifications of "needs maintenance" logs, not being the actual owner ....but yes, you're right, I could dispense with that and just remember to keep an eye on the listing


Team Noodles - I'd be reluctant to suggest the cache is archived as that would then lose all its continuity and also that seems a little unfair on the original hider who put in all the effort and legwork to set up a great cache in the first place. I wouldn't want to change a thing about it other than the broken box - the multi stage and location are great. So if it were archived and then I replaced it with an identical cache, that would seem a bit cheeky, don't you think??? I wouldn't want to in any way take any credit away from the original placer, I just would hate to see the cache die.


And yes, it's only a week since I emailed the owner directly, prompted by the appearance of yet another Needs Maintenance log, but I did make the same offer on my own log back in August, and there were 2 other needs maintenance logs before mine, since when the owner appears to have logged into geocaching.com, according to his profile, but without responding either in words on the listing, or, clearly given the most recent NM log posted October 3rd, in action at the cache site itself.


Gosh that was a long sentence :P


I'll give it a couple more weeks and see if he responds.... in the meantime, please nobody archive it off before I (or the owner!) has had a chance to sort it out :P


It's been Temporarily Disabled, to give the CO a chance to either Physically Maintain it. Or and I've noted this in the log, Adopt it over.


It's now in the hands of the CO to action one way or the other. By either Maintaining it as agreed when the cache was listed or adopting it over. So it will not be instantly Archived.




It's been Temporarily Disabled, to give the CO a chance to either Physically Maintain it. Or and I've noted this in the log, Adopt it over.


It's now in the hands of the CO to action one way or the other. By either Maintaining it as agreed when the cache was listed or adopting it over. So it will not be instantly Archived.




OK Deci - I feel a bit bad now for drawing attention to the cache and forcing your hand to take this kind of action.... I do hope the owner isn't annoyed.... but then again it's not right to leave it out there active in a state either. Let's hope for a happy outcome to this one.


There is another way.

Copy all the info in to a word doc or similar and put the cache on your watch list.

If no action is taken by the cache owner and it is archived, publish a new cache with the same name with the info from the original listing but list the cache owner as the original and you in the title .

that way you will have your cake and eat it. as both the cache will be back for all to find and you can carry on the maintenance, this has been done near me and i have also partially done this to a cache i cycle past each day.

If the original CO does come back on the scene they will be able to contact you and you could adopt it back if necessary.


There's some good advice here.


I have a cache near me that's had several postings on the cache page about needing some serious maintenance (started around Dec 2009). The owner did reply apologizing the for the state of the cache and would try to get to it to conduct a little TLC, but there's been later postings saying the cache needs some maintenance. I have emailed the owner saying I would be happy to do some maintenance if they were still unable to get to the cache. But no reply as of yet. And it looks like they've not logged on since late August.


It actually turned out to be a great cache, in terms of location, a fun multi which took you on a great walk in a local beauty spot, with a good sized (but damaged beyond repair) cache at the end in a fab hiding spot.


There have been many found logs referencing the state of the cache and a number of "needs maintenance" logs, going back over a number of months. But no response at all from the cache owner, who does not appear to have been active in the sport since Summer 2009.

Face it.... the cache is rubbish.

I'm not talking about the "great walk" or the "fab hiding spot", I'm talking about the cache. The owner doesn't seem to care about it so why should you? Why waste time and money on someone else's cache?

Stick it on your watchlist... post a "Should Be Archived" and wait until the reviewers archive it... which they will and then place a new cache of your own at that location if the walk and hiding spot are so good. Remembering, of course to clear up any geolitter that might just be there.

Posted (edited)

I have been involved in something similar: A fine cache in a great location - no need to re-invent the wheel, but don't want a neglected cache on your home turf, so you go and do a bit of samaritan stuff. You have to go by your gut - do the samaratin thing once, twice, three times maybe and then you decide that's enough and then you either let it die by itself or help it die (needs maintenance/needs archived logs) and then do your own thing. Entirely your own choice as long as you play by the rules.

Edited by the pooks

It seems to me that caches that aren't maintained and end up either missing or drenched simply detract from the enjoyment of the game.


If someone has found a great location and put a cache there that's great. If they then don't maintain the cache the location stays great but, as Pharisee said, the cache ends up as trash. Ultimately all that does is blocks people who care to look after their caches from using the location, and gives those seeking the cache a bad experience. Worse still, it can give the impression that maintenance isn't a problem because you can just leave a cache even if it is drenched because the lid has come off, so other newer cachers may end up doing just that.


If the CO isn't responding to NM logs I'd hit it with an NA log and then feel free to use the spot if it does get archived.


I agree with Pharisee. Be patient as it will be archived soon. Then go in and do as you have stated you want to do. Then ignore any other caches belonging to the previous owner.


I agree with Pharisee. Be patient as it will be archived soon. Then go in and do as you have stated you want to do. Then ignore any other caches belonging to the previous owner.


I just feel a bit bad as I don't know the owner's circumstances, and I don't like stepping on other peoples' toes. I'm too darned nice, me :)


If it does get archived, then my plan is to replace it with something pretty much identical, and credit the original owner on the listing.


I'd just feel a lot more comfortable if I knew I had his blessing, if you see what I mean....

I just feel a bit bad as I don't know the owner's circumstances, and I don't like stepping on other peoples' toes. I'm too darned nice, me :)........

The trouble is it results in you being 'too darned nice' to the wrong person. Why not be nice to the general geocaching community who may also fall foul of visiting a badly maintained cache rather than to someone who seems to have lost interest in his/her own cache?


It actually turned out to be a great cache, in terms of location, a fun multi which took you on a great walk in a local beauty spot, with a good sized (but damaged beyond repair) cache at the end in a fab hiding spot.


There have been many found logs referencing the state of the cache and a number of "needs maintenance" logs, going back over a number of months. But no response at all from the cache owner, who does not appear to have been active in the sport since Summer 2009.

Face it.... the cache is rubbish.

I'm not talking about the "great walk" or the "fab hiding spot", I'm talking about the cache. The owner doesn't seem to care about it so why should you? Why waste time and money on someone else's cache?

Stick it on your watchlist... post a "Should Be Archived" and wait until the reviewers archive it... which they will and then place a new cache of your own at that location if the walk and hiding spot are so good. Remembering, of course to clear up any geolitter that might just be there.


i totally agree with the above

I just feel a bit bad as I don't know the owner's circumstances, and I don't like stepping on other peoples' toes. I'm too darned nice, me :)........

The trouble is it results in you being 'too darned nice' to the wrong person. Why not be nice to the general geocaching community who may also fall foul of visiting a badly maintained cache rather than to someone who seems to have lost interest in his/her own cache?


good point well made B)


well it's out of my hands now anyway, Deci has temporarily disabled it waiting on the owner's response. I strongly suspect there won't be one, so presumably after a certain time limit the cache will be archived?


the problem with maintaining someone else's cache is that while you can maintain the cache, you can't maintain the cache listing. you can't move the coords, you can't change ratings and description if necessary, and you can't edit the attributes. most importantly you can't clear the NM attribute, which eventually WILL get the cache listing archived, even if the cache itself may be fine.


Just bumping this in case there have been any further developments - Mr Deceangi, did the cache owner ever respond to your temp disabling of the cache?


Being the nosey sort, I notice from his profile that he last logged on to the site on 21st October, so that was after you disabled the cache on 12th October. Did he contact you then at all?



Just bumping this in case there have been any further developments - Mr Deceangi, did the cache owner ever respond to your temp disabling of the cache?


Being the nosey sort, I notice from his profile that he last logged on to the site on 21st October, so that was after you disabled the cache on 12th October. Did he contact you then at all?




Sorry I've had no contact off the CO :blink: and I'm guessing you haven't either. So I intend giving the Owner 7 more days grace before Archiving it.



Just bumping this in case there have been any further developments - Mr Deceangi, did the cache owner ever respond to your temp disabling of the cache?


Being the nosey sort, I notice from his profile that he last logged on to the site on 21st October, so that was after you disabled the cache on 12th October. Did he contact you then at all?




Sorry I've had no contact off the CO :blink: and I'm guessing you haven't either. So I intend giving the Owner 7 more days grace before Archiving it.




Not heard a dickie bird here either, nope

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