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photos in cache description

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In addition to the basic image codes that are listed on the resource page cited above, there are some special image tags that control how the graphic is displayed on the web page. I use them a lot to format the size, location, and buffering of an image.


For instance, I commonly post a larger image in the gallery for the web page, but want to use a smaller version of that on the web page itself. The height="x" and width="y" tags allow me to designate the size of the picture -- although you do have to be careful to use the same proportions if you set the graphic to particular dimensions.


The hspace and vspace tags allow me to put a buffer between the image and the text. This is helpful if I have a small graphic that I want to be aligned on one side of the cache page with the text wrapping around it. By creating a small buffer, you can have some space between the two.


Sometimes its nice to use the border tag to add a small border around the picture, particularly if the graphic has a lot of white space.


One of my common tags for a small graphic that wraps text around an image that is put on the left side of the page might look like something like this: <img src="http:.//file location/file name.jpg" align="left" hspace="8" vspace='8" width="155" height="200">


There are many html tutorials that explain the use of these tags. A simple google search should find them. This popped up for me. And if you see a page that you like, look at the source code and find out how they did it.


Don't forget to indicate that you are using html when you use the cache creation form. It would also mean putting in line or paragraph breaks, and using other codes as appropriate. Once you get used to the basic simple codes, the process is rather simple. There are html editors that might help. but I always just do it by hand. In either event, its good to take a look at the tutorials so you can have a better idea about what the options are for your page.

Edited by mulvaney
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