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FTF Hourders


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Sooo... even though I don't have enough time to be an FTF hoarder, or even an FTF hoarder wannabe, can I be y'all's groupie? :)


Junction City, Oregon that isn't all that far from Vancouver, Washington is it.




It's pretty close!! :laughing: We actually haven't done that much caching up your way yet, but we really should. We're going to the event in Lincoln City this next weekend. If you ever get a chance to come down, Ivan's events are a blast!

Posted (edited)

Pssst... here's a little secret....


The FTF on every cache is...


The Cache Owner.


The next one who shows up is actually... "second"




no secret at all that's just wrong, you can't claim to have found something which you know where it is

by that theory do you log your own caches?

Edited by t4e

Pssst... here's a little secret....


The FTF on every cache is...


The Cache Owner.


The next one who shows up is actually... "second"




no secret at all that's just wrong, you can't claim to have found something which you know where it is

by that theory do you log your own caches?


:) As ridiculous as I think this stuff is I do have to say that I understand the reasoning. The CO had to find the location before they could hide the cache. In one sense it is hard for the co. Where a seeker knows the coordinates where the cache is the CO had no idea.

Posted (edited)

So. Everybody should hold back so that zapfrog could get their FTF. :)


Everybody please hold back. I will not be back before Christmas. Please. :laughing:


I think some of you are taking the FTF sub-game way too seriously. Although Zapfrog may be experiencing a little FTF envy they also specifically mentioned families with small children. Would it really kill an FTF slave to refrain from going out at 3:00AM in search of a FTF on a cache if it meant providing a little extra joy to a four year old kid?

I reckon that's one way to raise kids... teach them that they don't have to compete to win, they just have to demand their entitlement.


"Mommy, they won't let me win."


"Don't worry little Johnny, I'll make sure those meanies let you win. I will make them give you the coordinates well before anyone else so you can be a winner."


Probably not a good way, but certainly a way.

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler

I think some of you are taking the FTF sub-game way too seriously. Although Zapfrog may be experiencing a little FTF envy they also specifically mentioned families with small children. Would it really kill an FTF slave to refrain from going out at 3:00AM in search of a FTF on a cache if it meant providing a little extra joy to a four year old kid?


I'm going to guess that a four year old kid cares less about a FTF than an adult thinks they do... unless the parent is pushing them to be just as obsessed with it as some adults.


I hid a few caches and sent them all in to be approved at the same time. I am not against someone getting the FTF on all of them if they put in the effort to be there first and make the finds. In the future I will send them in one at a time and spread them out by a few days or a week.

I have been FTF on 2 caches, one was 4 blocks from my house, and the other was a long hike in hilly terrain 30 miles from home.


I don't think being FTF has any more importance than being the 100th. They both put in the effort to get there, the time searching, and the brain power to find it.


For me it about finding the cache just as the Cache owner had placed it, and meeting othr cachers at GZ that's why I like FTFs.




I am not going to B.S. anyone. When I do go on a FTF run, it has everything to do with being first. Meeting other cachers is a bonus. Using the notion that I want to experience the hide as the owner intended has some merit but a tad little weak in the (read my) debate, in my opinion.

Posted (edited)

Pssst... here's a little secret....


The FTF on every cache is...


The Cache Owner.


The next one who shows up is actually... "second"




no secret at all that's just wrong, you can't claim to have found something which you know where it is

by that theory do you log your own caches?


B) As ridiculous as I think this stuff is I do have to say that I understand the reasoning. The CO had to find the location before they could hide the cache. In one sense it is hard for the co. Where a seeker knows the coordinates where the cache is the CO had no idea.


well i do too but i still think its wrong lol, a "Discover" log/claim would be more appropriate than claiming a "find" as per what a "find" stands for in the geocaching world :lol:


and wth is the site still slow as molasses?

Edited by t4e

@GeoGeeBee I don't know what the difference is between the apps to warrant the price difference but its a one time 9.99 charge then 30 a year for premium membership.


Yes. As soon as I realized it was $9.99 one-time fee, I downloaded it and have been enjoying using it this weekend. It won't replace PQ's and my eTrex for serious geocaching, but for spur of the moment urban caching it's great!


All good for finding a few caches around town, but if you ever get into the hiking caches, or spend a full day of caching when you are away from a power source you certainly will find your cell phone to be wanting.

Not so! A smart phone will work great as a back country GPSr. Like everything, you just need to prepare appropriatly. See link in my signature for tips!


I agree to a certain extent. Not to change the subject but no matter what settings I use the iPhone's batteries just drain when using the geocaching app. Sure I could get a rechargable back up but in all honesty when out in the woods it loses all accuracy compared to my 60csx. So now i just download all my back country caches into the 60csx and it works like a charm.


All good for finding a few caches around town, but if you ever get into the hiking caches, or spend a full day of caching when you are away from a power source you certainly will find your cell phone to be wanting.

Not so! A smart phone will work great as a back country GPSr. Like everything, you just need to prepare appropriatly. See link in my signature for tips!


I agree to a certain extent. Not to change the subject but no matter what settings I use the iPhone's batteries just drain when using the geocaching app.


A couple of days ago I was walking to the other end of campus for a meeting and fired up the geocaching app and did a search. There was a new cache that I wondered about so I hit the navigate button so I could see where it was. After checking I just put my phone back into my front pocket and went into the meeting. After about 20 minutes I noticed that my front pocket felt warm and pull out my phone and it was very warm. I also got a 20% battery life remaining warning. I charge my phone up every nigth over night and it usuaully still has at least 80% of it's charge left by early evening. It seems the iPhone geocaching app, when in navigation mode, not only sucks the life out the battery but is so compute intensive that it actually increased the temperature (rather significantly) of the device.


A couple of days ago I was walking to the other end of campus for a meeting and fired up the geocaching app and did a search. There was a new cache that I wondered about so I hit the navigate button so I could see where it was. After checking I just put my phone back into my front pocket and went into the meeting. After about 20 minutes I noticed that my front pocket felt warm and pull out my phone and it was very warm. I also got a 20% battery life remaining warning. I charge my phone up every nigth over night and it usuaully still has at least 80% of it's charge left by early evening. It seems the iPhone geocaching app, when in navigation mode, not only sucks the life out the battery but is so compute intensive that it actually increased the temperature (rather significantly) of the device.

It probably leaves the GPS running while in standby - hence the battery drain


Mine does that, but it's not an iPhone, it's an HTC HD2. On a full charge it will give me about 6-7 hours of continuous GPS use with the app I use, which includes quite a bit of 'in pocket, on standby' use.


And I carry a spare fully charged battery for when I am going to be out more than 6 hours.


The device does get warm when in the hand with the screen on, but when in standby with the app running it doesn't. So maybe it is the iPhone app keeping something else running when in standby.


But hey, that's a new use for the iPhone - a hand warmer for those winter caching trips. :blink:

A couple of days ago I was walking to the other end of campus for a meeting and fired up the geocaching app and did a search. There was a new cache that I wondered about so I hit the navigate button so I could see where it was. After checking I just put my phone back into my front pocket and went into the meeting. After about 20 minutes I noticed that my front pocket felt warm and pull out my phone and it was very warm. I also got a 20% battery life remaining warning. I charge my phone up every nigth over night and it usuaully still has at least 80% of it's charge left by early evening. It seems the iPhone geocaching app, when in navigation mode, not only sucks the life out the battery but is so compute intensive that it actually increased the temperature (rather significantly) of the device.

I had that situation once. It was weird how fast it was draining power. While on the car's charger, it was using so much power that the phone was still draining, even when I wasn't actively engaging the GPS. At the time I didn't realize that the application was still powering the GPS even when I wasn't intending to (like when I was just reading descriptions and hints), so once the phone hit zero I was pretty much dead in the water.


@NYpaddlecacher Yes it does! Which is why I went and bought the handheld, now the iPhone I use just for quick lookups, and to put the coords in if they aren't in already. So now I have the handheld gps and soon will have my premium membership, can't wait.


I love getting a FTF just as much as the next cacher I'm still kinda new to the game when we first started I got a little caught up in trying for FTF's but our local Hourder soon broke my spirit LOL :wub: but i tottaly respect his game. only dirty trick is the not logging the find until someone else logs I've been baited into that trap a few times and that does kill the fun of the game but i get it cause i have tried to do it myself :grin: I thought the funniest thing was all the haters in our area when i first started caching i would get E-Mails and friend request routeing us on to go after him. people say he cheats ( i don't even know how that is possible) but now that he is in simi retirement i do think the rest of us here feel the game is a bit more fun :D


I love getting a FTF just as much as the next cacher I'm still kinda new to the game when we first started I got a little caught up in trying for FTF's but our local Hourder soon broke my spirit LOL :wub: but i tottaly respect his game. only dirty trick is the not logging the find until someone else logs I've been baited into that trap a few times and that does kill the fun of the game but i get it cause i have tried to do it myself :grin: I thought the funniest thing was all the haters in our area when i first started caching i would get E-Mails and friend request routeing us on to go after him. people say he cheats ( i don't even know how that is possible) but now that he is in simi retirement i do think the rest of us here feel the game is a bit more fun :D


Cmon Mia I thought you were smarter then that to believe that there is cheating going on, I'm just commited to it.




I love getting a FTF just as much as the next cacher I'm still kinda new to the game when we first started I got a little caught up in trying for FTF's but our local Hourder soon broke my spirit LOL :D but i tottaly respect his game. only dirty trick is the not logging the find until someone else logs I've been baited into that trap a few times and that does kill the fun of the game but i get it cause i have tried to do it myself B) I thought the funniest thing was all the haters in our area when i first started caching i would get E-Mails and friend request routeing us on to go after him. people say he cheats ( i don't even know how that is possible) but now that he is in simi retirement i do think the rest of us here feel the game is a bit more fun :D

Myself and other local FTF hounds have been left comments about not logging the find and causing a cacher to drive out of their way for a potential FTF. I think it's crap. I love how some of these people think you grab an FTF, rush straight home to log it, and then go get the next one.

Myself and other local FTF hounds have been left comments about not logging the find and causing a cacher to drive out of their way for a potential FTF. I think it's crap. I love how some of these people think you grab an FTF, rush straight home to log it, and then go get the next one.

I wouldn't expect folks to rush straight home in those situations, but I do appreciate it when people log it when they get the chance.


Myself and other local FTF hounds have been left comments about not logging the find and causing a cacher to drive out of their way for a potential FTF. I think it's crap. I love how some of these people think you grab an FTF, rush straight home to log it, and then go get the next one.

I agree that this is crap. It implies that there's no value to seeking a geocache unless you get FTF. I fully support FTFers delaying the posting of their find. It is not unusual to go caching during the day and then log your finds in the evening -- totally normal.

I agree that this is crap. It implies that there's no value to seeking a geocache unless you get FTF. I fully support FTFers delaying the posting of their find. It is not unusual to go caching during the day and then log your finds in the evening -- totally normal.

That seems perfectly reasonable if that's how a person typically caches.


Where it gets interesting is if (say) a person who normally logs their finds in the evening, decides that because it's a FTF they'll wait until the following morning or longer.


There's finders here who vary between posting in the evening and post the next day or the day after. I still go out to find a cache, especially if it's new and in the area and interests me.


Never got to be first to find but that didn't dampen my enjoyment at all. I got out when I wanted to. Found the cache I was looking for. Usually see something neat and maybe I rushed out and maybe not... honestly I've rushed faster to a cache knowing there was a pathtag in it than I have for a first to find.

Posted (edited)

FTF is FTF does not matter when you log it. Sure I hate going after a FTF and seeing a dirty log but hey that's the game. Believe me with over 1160+ FTFs in just 2 years and 2 months of caching I know.



Edited by Scubasonic
I agree that this is crap. It implies that there's no value to seeking a geocache unless you get FTF. I fully support FTFers delaying the posting of their find. It is not unusual to go caching during the day and then log your finds in the evening -- totally normal.

That seems perfectly reasonable if that's how a person typically caches.


Where it gets interesting is if (say) a person who normally logs their finds in the evening, decides that because it's a FTF they'll wait until the following morning or longer.


INTERESTING is not what I was thinking




I would be hard pressed to assume they are just delaying logging because they are FTF. No one knows what is going on in those folks lives at that time or the thought process behind not logging right away.


If you enter a FTF race and when you get to the finish line you find you were 2nd not 1st then that's part of being involved in a race.


Agreed the FTF shouldn't deliberately wait and wait and wait to log their find with the intention of luring others out.

But at the same time, if you are in a race, you will be beaten into 2nd place quite often.


I've seen caches where once the FTF is declared it's not found again for ages.

We had one near us where the coordinates were wrong. It was obvious from google maps that they were wrong. For 2 days there were 6 people with it on their watch list. Then the error was corrected and we went out the following morning and claimed FTF, logging it straight away. That was on Sept 20th

Despite it being on people's watch list it then sat unvisited until yesterday. Nearly a month.


Sometimes it is the lure of the FTF that generates a bit of interest in a cache and gets things rolling.

People will probably look at that cache now and see it's only ever been found twice in a month and assume it's difficult to get to or has other problems, when that's not the case.

If they see there was a bit of a logging frenzie in the first few days are they more likely to want to add it to their 'to do' list?

I agree that this is crap. It implies that there's no value to seeking a geocache unless you get FTF. I fully support FTFers delaying the posting of their find. It is not unusual to go caching during the day and then log your finds in the evening -- totally normal.

That seems perfectly reasonable if that's how a person typically caches.


Where it gets interesting is if (say) a person who normally logs their finds in the evening, decides that because it's a FTF they'll wait until the following morning or longer.


What's the problem? You just got someone to go caching that wouldn't have otherwise merely by delaying your log!


I would be hard pressed to assume they are just delaying logging because they are FTF. No one knows what is going on in those folks lives at that time or the thought process behind not logging right away.

I've had two different people tell me that they intentionally delay logging FTFs (for various, but usually related, reasons). I don't think every delayed log is intentional, but I'm pretty sure some are.


I agree that this is crap. It implies that there's no value to seeking a geocache unless you get FTF. I fully support FTFers delaying the posting of their find. It is not unusual to go caching during the day and then log your finds in the evening -- totally normal.

That seems perfectly reasonable if that's how a person typically caches.


Where it gets interesting is if (say) a person who normally logs their finds in the evening, decides that because it's a FTF they'll wait until the following morning or longer.

What's the problem? You just got someone to go caching that wouldn't have otherwise merely by delaying your log!

I don't think it's the Crime of the Century, and I acknowledge that it's something I'll likely encounter if I choose to pursue FTFs. I'd just prefer for people to play things straight-up, that's all. I myself wouldn't put effort into tricking people into caching anymore than I'd put effort into tricking people into doing other things I think they ought to do.




There are many "games" within geocaching; this thread is about one of them.

Reminds me of the closing narration of the old Naked City TV show:


There are eight million stories, in the Naked City. This has been one of them.



:angry: OK, that dates me pretty well, doesn't it?


Cache #182 was my FTF a week ago, and I was soooo excited! I drove over to it practically shaking--got it about 40 minutes after it was published, 2 miles from my home. 2 days later one popped up 8 miles away, and I knew I probably didn't have a shot. But no one had logged it within an hour, and I drove out at lunch. I was third--but to see such a nice pristine cache was very nice. I enjoyed the excitement--I'm glad that the FTFers didn't get a chance to log it for a couple of hours. That's all part of the game.


I just happened to see this topic and even though I'm not too concerned with ftf's, we do have a ftf hound in our area. My only complaint is that it's boring to see the same person get all the ftf's. I'd love to see a variety of cachers get one here and there. I've even joked about it to him but it went over his head!


I just happened to see this topic and even though I'm not too concerned with ftf's, we do have a ftf hound in our area. My only complaint is that it's boring to see the same person get all the ftf's. I'd love to see a variety of cachers get one here and there. I've even joked about it to him but it went over his head!

Surely that's something you would have to take up with the other cachers in the area who are obviously not putting enough effort into the FTF race :angry:

It's not the guy's fault if he is always first.


Perhaps everyone else in your area has the same view as you: they are not too concerned with ftf's either.

But they too are probably sat at home being bored by the same person getting all the ftf's.


There's only one way to deal with that situation and relieve your boredom - go get 'em. Try it, you'll have great fun :(


I love getting a FTF just as much as the next cacher I'm still kinda new to the game when we first started I got a little caught up in trying for FTF's but our local Hourder soon broke my spirit LOL :D but i tottaly respect his game. only dirty trick is the not logging the find until someone else logs I've been baited into that trap a few times and that does kill the fun of the game but i get it cause i have tried to do it myself :angry: I thought the funniest thing was all the haters in our area when i first started caching i would get E-Mails and friend request routeing us on to go after him. people say he cheats ( i don't even know how that is possible) but now that he is in simi retirement i do think the rest of us here feel the game is a bit more fun :unsure:

Myself and other local FTF hounds have been left comments about not logging the find and causing a cacher to drive out of their way for a potential FTF. I think it's crap. I love how some of these people think you grab an FTF, rush straight home to log it, and then go get the next one.


This only bothers the FTF Hoarder Wannabes. TRUE FTF Hoarders don't let late logging bother them for we know more new caches are just around the corner and afterall, it is juts a game. :(


I just happened to see this topic and even though I'm not too concerned with ftf's, we do have a ftf hound in our area. My only complaint is that it's boring to see the same person get all the ftf's. I'd love to see a variety of cachers get one here and there. I've even joked about it to him but it went over his head!

Surely that's something you would have to take up with the other cachers in the area who are obviously not putting enough effort into the FTF race :angry:

It's not the guy's fault if he is always first.


Perhaps everyone else in your area has the same view as you: they are not too concerned with ftf's either.

But they too are probably sat at home being bored by the same person getting all the ftf's.


There's only one way to deal with that situation and relieve your boredom - go get 'em. Try it, you'll have great fun :(


I got a notification this morning of a new cache that's not more than a mile from my office, and with a terrain rating of 1. My first thought was to leave for work a bit early and grab the FTF.


Then I read the cache page more closely, and decided that this place deserved more than a hurried visit. It's in a historic location, with a great story. And there are two multis nearby. So rather than rush over for a quick grab, I'm saving this for a leisurely Sunday afternoon when I can spend a few hours (for three smileys).


So there are lots of reasons for FTF, and for choosing NOT to be FTF. Play the game the way that gives you the most pleasure!


I got a notification this morning of a new cache that's not more than a mile from my office, and with a terrain rating of 1. My first thought was to leave for work a bit early and grab the FTF.


Then I read the cache page more closely, and decided that this place deserved more than a hurried visit. It's in a historic location, with a great story. And there are two multis nearby. So rather than rush over for a quick grab, I'm saving this for a leisurely Sunday afternoon when I can spend a few hours (for three smileys).


So there are lots of reasons for FTF, and for choosing NOT to be FTF. Play the game the way that gives you the most pleasure!

Oh I do. (And I don't consider myself a FTF 'hound' as I don't go after them all by any means, only when all the circumstances come right to make it a possibility and I am in the mood for it).


Trouble is, and this is the whole point of this thread, by playing the way that gives people the most pleasure, other people are getting all upset.


By the way, in the situation you describe, I think I would have left for work early, tried for the FTF, then returned another day for the leisurely multis, and by not having to do the trad on the same day as the multis I would have enjoyed the multis a little bit more by taking my time. :angry:


I love getting a FTF just as much as the next cacher I'm still kinda new to the game when we first started I got a little caught up in trying for FTF's but our local Hourder soon broke my spirit LOL :anitongue: but i tottaly respect his game. only dirty trick is the not logging the find until someone else logs I've been baited into that trap a few times and that does kill the fun of the game but i get it cause i have tried to do it myself :rolleyes: I thought the funniest thing was all the haters in our area when i first started caching i would get E-Mails and friend request routeing us on to go after him. people say he cheats ( i don't even know how that is possible) but now that he is in simi retirement i do think the rest of us here feel the game is a bit more fun :anitongue:


Cmon Mia I thought you were smarter then that to believe that there is cheating going on, I'm just commited to it.



scuba I know you don't cheat what i said was people accuse you of cheating and that i don't even know how it would be possible that you could

Would it really kill an FTF slave to refrain from going out at 3:00AM in search of a FTF on a cache if it meant providing a little extra joy to a four year old kid?

In my experience with 4 year olds, they don't care whether they are FTF or 32TF. They're happy to be out and about with Daddy and finding Geocaches! :D


If you want FTF then set yourself up to get the FTF. Have your stuff ready to go so all you have to do is walk out the door, and keep yourself informed about what is going on. I have a pocket query for caches 'that have not been found'. The link to 'Preview this Query' is on my links bar at the top of the page so I only have to use one click to see the results. Do I run out for the FTF? Sometimes. Right now, for instance, there is a FTF opportunity about 20 minutes from home. I noticed it around 8:00 this evening, (7 hours ago) but I just don't feel like heading out for it.


I do get a little irked when someone has found the cache but waits to log until someone else does. It's frustrating to head out only to find that someone else found it the day before and decided to wait to log. If I have a bunch of logs to do and don't think I'll get to the FTF log until later, I always post a 'Found it' placeholder log as a courtesy to my fellow FTF hounds until I can get around to writing something more worthwhile.


I couldn't afford a premium membership and would stumble on caches that hadn't been found before but just lacked the ambition to be the beta tester.


The person who is typically getting the first to find in your area is like the one in this area. Someone with the time, ambition and a premium membership. End of story. The person in my area who does it zips out anytime there is a new cache because they have basically cleaned out the area of caches so a new one, I would imagine, is entertaining to them. I wouldn't fathom of asking the person in my area to cache differently because I want a first to find instead of them. I've been second and third to find on plenty of caches and honest to goodness aside from a name or two on the log I see no difference. I go out for the cache.


If you're not going out for the cache and you feel this passionate about FTF then you will have to be as competitive as the other first to find hound in the area. It's as simple as that. They shouldn't have to adjust how they play for you. If it's that important to you you need to make it a priority in your life. You need to get the membership. And you need to be able to drop everything and go look for it.



I don't look at it as them easing up or slowing down to let someone else get there first (letting someone else win the race, as a few of you have put it)


Well what else would you call it but letting you get the FTF if the FTFers didn't do what they normally do....., and to me I would not want it that way, wouldn't it mean more if you earned it knowing that know one held back just so you could get it.




In our case, we can't afford a premium membership, therefore don't receive notifications of new caches. Those who do have a distinct advantage over us. Is it unfair? Not at all, but disappointing all the same.


Am I not right in thinking you can buy PM on a quarterly basis?

Then cancel it just before your 2nd payment is due?

So for $10 (£5) you can give yourself a 3 month shot at getting a FTF in the same way everyone else does.

I think it works like that.


If something 'meant the world' to me, I think that I would forego one day's caching and put the petrol (gas) money towards 3 months worth of membership.


If even that sum is beyond your means then you might have to accept that there are some things in life we can't have because we can't afford it.


Owning an Aston Martin DB9 would mean the world to me, but at the grand old age of 46 I just have to accept that it aint never going to happen, and it's no good me asking others who do own one to let me have theirs for a weekend.


(But if anyone does have one they would be prepared to lend me .... ? B) )


ok so ive only gotten two FTF and am still new but love the race. the first one was no race at all as it had sat there for over a month and was one of the easiest ive done to date. the second i saw posted that evening and got it an hour after i knew about it cause i could. I did need to race my girlfriend for the FTF which made it even more fun. Now lets say i waited till morning... whats to say my waiting would give you a chance to get the FTF. you ( who ever feels I should not have rushed to get the FTF) may not even check your account today and even know there is a new cache. the kids would need to go to school and since im laid off and temporarily handicapped i would have still gotten it in the morning before the kids got out of school. there is no possible way for me or anyone to know when you might get to it so why would we wait. I have a FTF PQ that shows a bunch that have just been sitting without any one gettin them cause there a little harder, a long walk or some other reason. take you kid on the weekend get one of these or shoot for a hard one like GC20V22. its been there for over a year. I want it but have a bad leg so now im at a disadvantage. go get it...i cant.



would it kill you to stop trying to get a FTF on every single new caches placed in your area?


Let me think about this question..... B):anibad:




You left out this part:


It's just a kind & considerate gesture from one cacher to another. Share the love.


A FTF is totally empty if you have to ask someone to let you get it first. Either you get it or you don't. I'm not sure how this discussion is even going on more. FTF= FIRST TO FIND not First to whine about not getting there first.


A FTF is totally empty if you have to ask someone to let you get it first. Either you get it or you don't. I'm not sure how this discussion is even going on more. FTF= FIRST TO FIND not First to whine about not getting there first.




BTW (to the collective that don't have premium membership), the $30/year premium membership equates to about 8 cents a day. I know we all have different budgets and income levels but come on. You managed to own a PC with Internet connection. What's $30 more a year. And if you use the employer's PC, you should have even more funds available.

Posted (edited)

Wow, you guys are ruthless. Seems like it's not fair for us to feel differently about FTF collectors and we're practically called scum for it. Earlier in the thread someone told the original poster that just because you don't feel the same as he does doesn't mean you don't understand what he was saying. Well it goes both ways, I think I'm being misinterpreted.


Most of you disagree with a few of us, I'm not faulting you for that. It's just unfortunate that you have to degrade others simply for disagreeing. I'm being accused of asking a FTF'er to stop so I can go get it instead. I'm being told that I'm not playing the game for the right reasons. I'm being called a whiner. None of you know what I can & can't afford, I don't care how much you break down the cost of PM. Just because the guy on TV says for the cost of a cup of coffee, I can feed a hungry child in a third world country, doesn't mean I jump up & do it. It's my decision as to what I choose to buy & not buy. If I view PM as a luxury that I can't justify financially, so be it. That shouldn't have even been an issue because yes, I said it was an advantage, but I made it clear it was not an unfair advantage. And I never once said it was unfair that they get there first. I surely didn't need a condescending life lesson about not getting what I want.


Saying it would "mean the world to us" is an expression, try not to take it so literally.


I do this for the fun, not for the FTF. All I said was it would be nice to get one once in a while. Not having one yet hasn't ruined the experience. It's funny that some of you preach to me that I should enjoy the hunt & not worry about FTF, when in fact many of the FTF collectors are more worried about being first than the hunt itself. But you have nothing to say about them, you'd rather insult us just because we have a differing opinion.


I'd never ask a cacher to let me get it first. Let me put it a different way, if I were the one collecting FTF's & had plenty under my belt, I'd take a step back & say to myself, I don't need to be the first on this one. Let someone else enjoy it. That's just me. The OP asked for opinions and I gave him one.


Sorry, but I can see it was a mistake participating in this discussion. Around here, Geocachers aren't a dime a dozen so I view it as being a part of a unique group of people. For that reason, I had assumed it would be a little more inviting.

Edited by TL&MinBHIL
Posted (edited)


would it kill you to stop trying to get a FTF on every single new caches placed in your area?


Let me think about this question..... :laughing::D




You left out this part:


It's just a kind & considerate gesture from one cacher to another. Share the love.


Doesn't have anything to do with being kind........ IMO if you want it "EARN IT" just like everyone else has to do to get them rather then just have it handed to you on a silver platter.




Edited by Scubasonic


would it kill you to stop trying to get a FTF on every single new caches placed in your area?


Let me think about this question..... :laughing::D




You left out this part:


It's just a kind & considerate gesture from one cacher to another. Share the love.


No no no. I personally know Scuba, he's in my area. He is a super kind and considerate cacher, and has taken me to an event, since I don't have a license. I have been able to get a few (4) FTF's with him in the area. It's all chance. I wouldn't want the darn FTF if I knew that he didn't even try. If he's sitting on the couch and is thinking someone else will get it, it takes away from that amazing feeling, especially when I found my first FTF!


Him playing the game the way he does makes it harder to get a FTF, but much more rewarding when you beat the big teddy bear to the log book!

Let me put it a different way, if I were the one collecting FTF's & had plenty under my belt, I'd take a step back & say to myself, I don't need to be the first on this one. Let someone else enjoy it.
Sure. But who decides that an FTF hound has "plenty under his belt"? The only one who can make that decision is the FTF hound himself.


And yes, it happens. One of our local FTF hounds got tired of the FTF race. He still finds caches, but he doesn't get dozens of FTFs from one end of the bay to the other any longer. But you know what? There are still plenty of FTF hounds racing towards newly published caches, and getting an FTF still requires work or luck.

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