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Worst swag?

Rick Bross

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Today i found cigarrettes and anti christian propaganda.


Whats the worst thing you've found?


Un-sign-able soaked logbook, deck of cards (kiddie= "Old Maid") soaked and rotting, all other items starting to rust or corrode...


Christian propaganda and a tampon.


come on, that would come in handy if your canoe leaked




It was one of those itty bitty newer style of tampons. Totally useless for the canoe. lol

Yeah but that could be used as spare nerf gun ammo! :)


Nothing - a cache in Uganda - had not been found for over a year - when I got there - some woodborers or other small bugs had eaten the entire cache contents - leaving an empty palstic container. - A micro with a logbook originally only :P


Log at cache GC27FZ1 :


:) July 25 by ZacKunkalah (1 found)

It was my first find. My friend and I are the ones that put the part of a condom box in there. Not to be perverted, just to leave our mark.




I had a tonne of condoms left over from the sex ed sessions held in my classroom. I thought - hey great swag. But then I thought - if you trust birth control left in a cache, you deserve what you get.


So now what do I do with them?





I had a tonne of condoms left over from the sex ed sessions held in my classroom. I thought - hey great swag. But then I thought - if you trust birth control left in a cache, you deserve what you get.


So now what do I do with them?



I put a bunch of condoms a nice glass vase in my bedroom. They look pretty and I can add to or take from it as desired.




I had a tonne of condoms left over from the sex ed sessions held in my classroom. I thought - hey great swag. But then I thought - if you trust birth control left in a cache, you deserve what you get.


So now what do I do with them?



I put a bunch of condoms a nice glass vase in my bedroom. They look pretty and I can add to or take from it as desired.


Sounds quite decorative. It is always nice to make the place pretty when you are entertaining. :laughing:


Christian propaganda and a tampon.


come on, that would come in handy if your canoe leaked




It was one of those itty bitty newer style of tampons. Totally useless for the canoe. lol



How about for a nose bleed?


So now what do I do with them?



Erm, use them for their original purpose? I dunno :lol:




For teaching sex ed classes?


Back on topic... worse swag was a shell. In a cache on the beach. B)


A wet cigarette, a bandaid and some torn stickers. I'd rather hunt an empty box to be honest. It's treasure hunting, not junk hunting. That's completely lame to put whatever is in your pocket as a trade item. JMO though.


I found a big cockroach. There was a hole in the cache where a bear had bit it. It was a small hole so the roach must have gone in when it was small and then grew up in the cache. A wet log must be good food.


As for condoms in a cache: I went caching with one of the women cachers in my area. She had her son along. He opened the cache and she took it from him because there were condoms inside. She started handing them to me and I put them in my jacket pocket. I forgot about them and my wife found them. What do you say? Another cacher gave them to me? I told enough of the truth to not get in trouble, "I found them in a cache".


Not the -worst- so far, but found rotting food and cigarettes in a cache once. I'm thinking some kids must have found the cache, as it was right next to a high school.


Used chapstick, a broken piece of sidewalk chalk, moldy shoelaces, and body glitter. Have yet to find condoms, truthfully, I'd probably take them, but I certainly wouldn't use them for birth control. It sounds like a fun art project--condoms from geocaches!


#1 A very corroded 410 shotgun shell. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get rid of those?

#2 A bunch of Party Poppers that were in a cache that had been wet for a loooong time. We actually wound up adopting that one, no more wet party poppers there :P


a beer cap :laughing:


I've been finding a lot of beer caps lately in caches. Maybe it's a San Diego thing.


It's a Colorado thing too. I have no idea why. Sometimes small stones are

included with the beer bottle caps.


A black bic lighter, with a hello kitty sticker on it. The sticker was covered in clear packing tape, presumably so it would stay. The lighter was empty. Empty giftcards. Receipts. Lately I've been trying to beef up some of the caches I find- we can do better than this!




I had a tonne of condoms left over from the sex ed sessions held in my classroom. I thought - hey great swag. But then I thought - if you trust birth control left in a cache, you deserve what you get.


So now what do I do with them?


They can turn into really giant water balloons. Not really throwable with how much water we got into one, but dumped out the window of our 5th story apartment, it makes a pretty crazy water-explosion on the concrete below :P


Condom, a pile of bullet casings, pack of ketchup, pack of sugar, pack of McDonald's BBQ sauce, bottle of bubbles that had leaked and ruined everything in the cache, bottle caps, can tabs, a can of Mountain Dew with some soda still left in it, acorns, rocks, pennies, the list goes on....

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