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Lost and Found party icon unfair


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Here in the UK, I attended 3 L&F events, so you can have one of mine if you like. :)



Those events could be set up anywhere in the world. The OP is complaining about the icon that was only available by being at the Groundspeak Headquarters party on July 4th. It has a slightly different icon than the regular "HQ" icon.


Look at my profile page for a complete set of icons. I like having at least one of each, so I bought a plane ticket and went to Seattle this summer. If a unique icon is made available someday in the UK or Germany, I think that would be fair! I would either fly across the pond to score it, or I'd get over it and be happy for those able to do it.

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Here in the UK, I attended 3 L&F events, so you can have one of mine if you like. :)



Those events could be set up anywhere in the world. The OP is complaining about the icon that was only available by being at the Groundspeak Headquarters party on July 4th. It has a slightly different icon than the regular "HQ" icon.


Look at my profile page for a complete set of icons. I like having at least one of each, so I bought a plane ticket and went to Seattle this summer. If a unique icon is made available someday in the UK or Germany, I think that would be fair! I would either fly across the pond to score it, or I'd get over it and be happy for those able to do it.


Aah, I see. Well I got your icon too now!



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As cachers, we have to decide how important something is and how far/how much effort we're willing to put into it.


If someone is working on their Fizzy Challenge and doesn't have a cache nearby that they need for it, they may have to drive/fly far away to get the required combination.


For some, this will be important, and they'll do whatever it takes to make the trip. For others, they'll decide it's not worth the effort.

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As cachers, we have to decide how important something is and how far/how much effort we're willing to put into it.


If someone is working on their Fizzy Challenge and doesn't have a cache nearby that they need for it, they may have to drive/fly far away to get the required combination.


For some, this will be important, and they'll do whatever it takes to make the trip. For others, they'll decide it's not worth the effort.


i'm finding that i'm in with "the others".


i'll do some crazy things on a local level, but i have already worked through any itch that would cause me to plan a trip to the middle of kansas or into the rainy northwest. :)

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I don't think it was very fair to have a cache type which was available for one day in one city. Knocked a lot of people like me that want to have one of every type.
Why people get all excited about "collecting" a bunch of lit pixels is beyond me, but in any case, here you go. Enjoy it:




Come on man, that doesn't solve the OP's problem. Nothing will, until the next 10 year event.

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I don't think it was very fair to have a cache type which was available for one day in one city. Knocked a lot of people like me that want to have one of every type.
Why people get all excited about "collecting" a bunch of lit pixels is beyond me, but in any case, here you go. Enjoy it:



Some people worship icons. Others are iconoclasts.

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Life isnt fair.


I got it, but not without a dent in my pocket. (there is another story of what happen while I was up in Washington that cost me a bunch)


Every time I look at that icon, its a reminder to me how expensive it was to get it! Life isnt fair!!!


It's unfortunate that the OP used the word "unfair" in the initial post.


To me, this is more an issue of whether or not geocaching is equitable. In the case of most icons every geocacher has an equal opportunity to hide or find traditional, multi, unknown, event caches as long as they follow the guidelines. Anyone in the world could have created a 10 year Anniversary event and anyone that would have attended could have obtained the icon. In the case of the icons associated with the last Geowoodstock event, while there are a few that traveled great distances to attend the event and get the icons available, for the vast majority of geocachers the price of obtaining those icons would have been prohibitive. Groundspeak essentially created an award that was only available for those living in Pacific Northwest or with sufficient financial resources to travel to that location. That's hardly equitable for a service for which everyone pays an equal amount.

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I don't think it was very fair to have a cache type which was available for one day in one city. Knocked a lot of people like me that want to have one of every type.


I have all the icons except two: The GPS Exhibit and Locationless. The GPSE icon I might get if it comes close to where I love but the other one, it'll never happen since they are now locked. It's crappy cuz I'd like to have it but I don't think I'd say it's unfair. It's just the nature of the game.

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I guess we probably should not mention that there are actually two icons associated with headquarters. The one day special event and the geocache at the headquarters itself. You have to go there to find the headquarters cache to get the icon. I won't mention it though, but it is available still.



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Yes this whole icon thing is unfair. Not only did I have to *pay* to park my car, ride the ferry across the sound and then *pay* to ride the public limo to the event, but I had to *pay* to ride the ferry back home. I mean, it's suppose to be free!


And for those silly GPSE icons, you will probably think it is unfair I got two of them. Anyone care to trade for a locationless? I t hink it is unfair that I did not get one and can't now.


I probably should go get the ape icon, but man, I got to pay again not to mention the climb up that mountain. That just isn't fair.

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I don't think it was very fair to have a cache type which was available for one day in one city. Knocked a lot of people like me that want to have one of every type.


I don't think it's fair when other geocachers inflict their whining about invented side games on others.


The icons are not prizes. Get over it.

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when I went to the event, I did think it would be a little disappointing that this icon was only for a 3 hour window in one spot of the world. I do think many folks care about the icons after all so figured some folks would be disappointed as I would be if I could not have gone (a whole 10 mile drive me for though). Its possible this event could come again though, I do not know Groundspeak's plans. Only like 150 people in the world who have all the icons and maybe an additional 150 more who could get them all, and thats partly due to the limited availability of that icon as you need that icon to get them all and only 1500-1600 folks went to that event on 7/4/2010.


Personally, I cant get a locationless one, the other main limiter of all icons, but thats because I was not here before 1/3/2006.


Was a nice event, but as one who went there, I wish they would do another one some day, so folks can have a chance again.

Edited by lamoracke
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I don't think it was very fair to have a cache type which was available for one day in one city.

Uh... Did you read the event page? Did it say you, specifically, were not invited?

I'm really trying to empathise with you, but I just ain't feelin' it.

It was advertised for months. Everybody who paid a modicum of attention knew where & when it was.

For whatever reason, you did not attend. How, exactly, is that unfair?

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