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Every active cache in the UK!


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Posted (edited)

I have completed my database of every cache in the UK, I am not sure how many people maintain this but I, for one am glad I have "caught up" and now can simply at a query a week to keep it up to date.


Just a couple of stats - if you want anymore let me know.


Total Caches - 69614 (Close enough to the figure on Groudspeak +/- a few archived caches.)


Types of Caches:

Earthcache		  432
Letterbox Hybrid   1039
Multicache		 5825
Traditional Cache 56281
Unknown Cache	  5493
Virtual Cache	   200
Webcam Cache		 20
Wherigo Cache		38


Caches per week:




Cache number over time




Cache Difficulty/Terrain




Cache Centroid:




Most Northerly cache: N 60° 50.232, Sexy Muckle Flugga (Herma Ness, Unst, ... GC1QJE6

Most Southerly cache: N 49° 53.325, A-maze-ing View GC2CZ0A

Most Easterly cache: , The Sunrise Coast Cache (Ness Point) - GC1Q1FG

Most Westerly cache: W 13° 41.317, Remote Rockall GC22Q8A


Top Hiders (Of Active caches)


L E G E N D			 623
Flatcoat Walker		 377
perth pathfinders	   372
Team Marzipan		   313
The Allotment Gardener  304
snaik				   301
Team Clova			  277
mikelevett			  275
Lord Of The Cachers	 264
wrighty				 224
Gowenhouse			  209
Scottiedogz			 202
jaceyb99				202
stanthews			   202
martlakes			   179
LostInTheWoods!		 171
RoobyDoo				168
Go Pack Go			  163
Dair Mor				163
kevham1				 160
PopUpPirate			 155
LollyBob				151
cats-eyes			   151
Woking Wonders		  150
frozboz				 148
tjapukai				146
rodz					140
Hillgorilla			 139
Ailec Nor			   137
Mr Truffles			 130
The Webbies			 128
The Cache Hoppers	   127
maxkim				  127
The Magna Defender	  125
signyred				122
The Teddies			 121
The Imp				 120
allieballie			 119
helennbrian			 118
drsolly				 118
angellica			   118
Renegade Rabbit		 117
Schoolfrenz			 116
poohtiggs			   113
grimmerscotting		 112
redirected male		 111
Happy Landins		   110
Grandad John			109
Alibags				 109
BHA LOYAL			   109
Delta68				 108
PhilPamAndRob		   106
FantasyRaider		   105
John NW				 105
darapotter			  105
matt7159				103
Deepdiggingmole		 100

Edited by Pickers
Before anyone starts hiring a rowing boat (yes, I am looking at you SimplyPaul ! ) the Wanstead cache is not out in the North Sea...

Interesting stats though. Thanks for putting them together.



You will have to shout louder he is already rowing <_<

Posted (edited)

I have completed my database of every cache in the UK, I am not sure how many people maintain this but I, for one am glad I have "caught up" and now can simply at a query a week to keep it up to date.



This is something I was thinking of attempting. I can understand how a weekly query will pick up the new caches but how do you keep on top of the inactive/active status and possibly more importantly those that have been archived that week?

Edited by gaugeman
Posted (edited)

No way can Wanstead Park be the most easterly cache <_<

Well given the ? is in the middle of the North Sea, I'd like to see what you think is further East (and attributed to the UK)....!




Looking at the logs it seems the cache is in Wanstead park. If Im wrong then hey ho, but if the coordinates when collected are indeed in Wanstead park then no way is that the most easterly cache. As it's a puzzle, Ive seen the stated coords in the sea before on other caches, as youve got to give some sort of coords when listing. But when you solve the puzzle, the coords turn out to be elsewhere. I got the impression once all the coords were collected from the caches in the park, they would take you to the mystery cache, also located in the park. Maybe Im wrong. But this looks to be a contender http://coord.info/GC14DCG

Edited by 4 and The Dog

I have completed my database of every cache in the UK, I am not sure how many people maintain this but I, for one am glad I have "caught up" and now can simply at a query a week to keep it up to date.



This is something I was thinking of attempting. I can understand how a weekly query will pick up the new caches but how do you keep on top of the inactive/active status and possibly more importantly those that have been archived that week?


The only (and very tedious way to do it) is to create a pocket query for every cache up to 1000 placed in a certain time span, ie you would have one query from 2000 - 2004 as there are very few caches but as you get nearer today the query would only stretch over a week. This requires about 70 queries at the total number of caches today but it is forever increasing. I realise now I should have done this when I first thought about it in 2008 as there less than half the caches there are today.


No way can Wanstead Park be the most easterly cache :)

It is not:


This is the most easterly - The Sunrise Coast Cache (Ness Point) - GC1Q1FG


No way can Wanstead Park be the most easterly cache :)

Well given the ? is in the middle of the North Sea, I'd like to see what you think is further East (and attributed to the UK)....!




That Wanstead Park Mystery Bonus cache is an example of how statistics can lie. :laughing:


In Ye Olde Geocaching Dayes the fake "top of the page" co-ords for a mystery cache could be many miles away from the actual cache location, these days they generally have to be within a couple of miles of it.


So, verily, I say 'tis not the most easterly treasure box of our fair isle. It just thinks it is.




I asked a little while back the question "How many caches are there in the UK". 70,000 it is then! It's definitely not beyond the realms of possibility to have all 70,000 caches loaded into a portable GPS / smartphone then.


I don't know how old your Active Placers stats is, but as Team Marzipan are local to me (in fact I was at a event of theirs on Wednesday, and had a lucky escape from a carrot :) ) I know they have passed 300 active caches (again) . As their stats including Archived caches/events is now 391 (that doesn't include the huge number they adopted out)


In fact they had 4(?) go live Wednesday Morning and another 7 Wednesday Evening. off the top of my head I estimate they have 320-330 active caches, with more on the way :laughing:




Full disclosure, Team Marzipan are so local to me that they set a series of 3 Tribute/Thank You caches virtually on my door step :laughing: including under Deci's nose [and before anyone asks, yes I'm in the Gallery :laughing: mind you so are the Poodles :mellow: ]


No way can Wanstead Park be the most easterly cache :)

Well given the ? is in the middle of the North Sea, I'd like to see what you think is further East (and attributed to the UK)....!




That Wanstead Park Mystery Bonus cache is an example of how statistics can lie. :laughing:


In Ye Olde Geocaching Dayes the fake "top of the page" co-ords for a mystery cache could be many miles away from the actual cache location, these days they generally have to be within a couple of miles of it.


So, verily, I say 'tis not the most easterly treasure box of our fair isle. It just thinks it is.




Awwwwwwwwwwww MrsB you've spoilt it all! Why did you have to tell him it wasn't there? I was so looking forwards to the DNF log! :laughing:


No way can Wanstead Park be the most easterly cache :)

Well given the ? is in the middle of the North Sea, I'd like to see what you think is further East (and attributed to the UK)....!




That Wanstead Park Mystery Bonus cache is an example of how statistics can lie. :laughing:


In Ye Olde Geocaching Dayes the fake "top of the page" co-ords for a mystery cache could be many miles away from the actual cache location, these days they generally have to be within a couple of miles of it.


So, verily, I say 'tis not the most easterly treasure box of our fair isle. It just thinks it is.




Awwwwwwwwwwww MrsB you've spoilt it all! Why did you have to tell him it wasn't there? I was so looking forwards to the DNF log! :laughing:


... cos I'm basically kind-hearted. I was just saving him the costs of hiring a pedal boat... SCUBA gear... trawl net...



The only (and very tedious way to do it) is to create a pocket query for every cache up to 1000 placed in a certain time span, ie you would have one query from 2000 - 2004 as there are very few caches but as you get nearer today the query would only stretch over a week. This requires about 70 queries at the total number of caches today but it is forever increasing.
I suspect your numbers may be on the low side. I do this for caches within a 50 mile radius of my home. While the queries are only for 500 caches so they can be delivered by email, this takes 33 PQs. I'm certain that even if I were to use 1000 cache PQs it would take a lot more than 70 to pull down every cache in the country!


Rgds, Andy

The only (and very tedious way to do it) is to create a pocket query for every cache up to 1000 placed in a certain time span, ie you would have one query from 2000 - 2004 as there are very few caches but as you get nearer today the query would only stretch over a week. This requires about 70 queries at the total number of caches today but it is forever increasing.
I suspect your numbers may be on the low side. I do this for caches within a 50 mile radius of my home. While the queries are only for 500 caches so they can be delivered by email, this takes 33 PQs. I'm certain that even if I were to use 1000 cache PQs it would take a lot more than 70 to pull down every cache in the country!


Rgds, Andy


No he's right including events there are 69645 active caches in the UK as of 10:09 10-9-10 :mellow: the last time I looked we were around the 64,000 which was not long ago :laughing:


Unless you've logged a Archive cache and can pull it down in your finds PQ, you can't get Archived caches in PQ's, I can't give a accurate figure for the total published caches in the UK, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's around the high 80,000's low 90'000's :laughing:


Deci :)


Active means Published and not Archived and includes Disabled caches


Unless you've logged a Archive cache and can pull it down in your finds PQ, you can't get Archived caches in PQ's, I can't give a accurate figure for the total published caches in the UK, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's around the high 80,000's low 90'000's :)

I make it 91230 give or take a few


No he's right including events there are 69645 active caches in the UK as of 10:09 10-9-10 :mellow: the last time I looked we were around the 64,000 which was not long ago :laughing:


Unless you've logged a Archive cache and can pull it down in your finds PQ, you can't get Archived caches in PQ's, I can't give a accurate figure for the total published caches in the UK, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's around the high 80,000's low 90'000's :laughing:


Deci :)


Active means Published and not Archived and includes Disabled caches

My database, updated this morning shows 69649, but what's 4 between friends :laughing:

I also maintain an Archived database, currently containing 21528 caches

As for the number of PQs needed to download all current active (same definition as Deci) caches I've run a simple macro, using 499 and 999 as the top limit. For 500 cache PQs you'll need 151 and for 1000 cache PQs you'll need 72.

See the date ranges here:-

500 cache date ranges

1000 cache date ranges


This is fascinating information and answers questions I have often wondered about but been too afraid to ask :mellow:


Only 20 webcam caches? I thought there would be loads more than that. Makes the lowly 1 I have done a bit more significant in the great scheme of things.


Thanks ever so much for posting the numbers, and of course all the work that went into getting them.


Makes my 100 mile radius database of 7,000 caches look a bit feeble.


Just a couple of questions: How do you get 72 PQs? Presumably you have to run them over several weeks to get over the 35/week limit? Is that how it is done?


And how do you deal with the archived ones and strip them out of the database?

I use the "Find Archived" macro which I run each week after my meagre 10 PQ's have been downloaded and imported into GSAK.

There are normally about 15-20 archived caches which I check online and delete from the database once confirmed that the macro has correctly identified them as being archived. Takes about 20 minutes a week.

But how do you guys do that on a database of 70,000 caches on a regular basis?


If there is a quicker and easier way I would love to know :)


Thanks again for posting the numbers.


Interesting stats i remember similar being available from GUK then ICACHE which Groundspeak sent a set of weekly PQ's to with all the data. :)


I use a large database that i no longer keep up to date, when running a set to go out with i just filter by last gpx update date (<7days) which saves the hassle of determining archived caches etc


I used a very crude method to find archived caches, I found the date of the first query I made and then any caches without a GPX after that I marked as archived. I am VERY VERY envious of the database of archived caches Pharisee has. The data here is a little bit old (up to date from Sunday).


I used a very crude method to find archived caches, I found the date of the first query I made and then any caches without a GPX after that I marked as archived. I am VERY VERY envious of the database of archived caches Pharisee has. The data here is a little bit old (up to date from Sunday).

I think that's pretty much what the macro does, just sets a filter so only caches not included on a GPX import since your last update are shown. I guess it's just the lazy way of sorting them all out :)

Posted (edited)

The active hider stats were all done by Placed By rather than the more accurate UserID which I am using now.


Also, I was short of 1 virtual cache somehow which is now included.

Edited by Pickers

I don't know how old your Active Placers stats is, but as Team Marzipan are local to me (in fact I was at a event of theirs on Wednesday, and had a lucky escape from a carrot :) ) I know they have passed 300 active caches (again) . As their stats including Archived caches/events is now 391 (that doesn't include the huge number they adopted out)


In fact they had 4(?) go live Wednesday Morning and another 7 Wednesday Evening. off the top of my head I estimate they have 320-330 active caches, with more on the way :laughing:




Full disclosure, Team Marzipan are so local to me that they set a series of 3 Tribute/Thank You caches virtually on my door step :laughing: including under Deci's nose [and before anyone asks, yes I'm in the Gallery :laughing: mind you so are the Poodles :mellow: ]

AND........ I would like to mention that i have at least 5 more now making me joint 55th! :laughing:


ooops .... make that another 4 placed today! sorry Deci! :laughing::laughing:


I don't know how old your Active Placers stats is.....


A certain queen is not on there either it seems :)


I presume you mean me Ant89? .... you may arise now (how is your back by the way? :mellow:


I am there but much higher now than then .... yes i'm growing!


P.S (Did I ask you how your back is Ant?)


The Most Southerly Cache in the UK by NoPuffin (GCN966) is a multi which finishes very close to the south tip of St Agnes, some way south of A-maze-ing View by turtleyfantastic (GC2CZ0A).


East does look to be The Sunrise Coast Cache (Ness Point) by The Trekbuddies at the moment (just added it to my 'geographical extremes' bokmark list so thanks for that!)


The most westerly physical is The Islands at the Edge of the World (St Kilda)


Britain's (rather than the UK's) most southerly cache: Capt'n Simply's Pirate Booty (GC18X8Y) - Also the only cache in Britain to start N48°... :mellow:


All good stats though. Interesting to see we're knocking on the door of 70k caches. I remember when we hit 5k. There were street parties. Aye, those were the days... :)



All good stats though. Interesting to see we're knocking on the door of 70k caches. I remember when we hit 5k. There were street parties. Aye, those were the days... :)


I remember when it hit 100 in the UK! :mellow:

No he's right including events there are 69645 active caches in the UK as of 10:09 10-9-10
There are only just shy of 14,000 caches within a 50 mile radius of where I live, just south of Heathrow. That does include OpenCaches, TerraCaches and NaviCaches, but the number of these is tiny compared to the number of Groundspeak caches.


I find it remarkable that relatively small area seems to contain a fifth of all the caches in the UK!


Rgds, Andy

No he's right including events there are 69645 active caches in the UK as of 10:09 10-9-10
There are only just shy of 14,000 caches within a 50 mile radius of where I live, just south of Heathrow. That does include OpenCaches, TerraCaches and NaviCaches, but the number of these is tiny compared to the number of Groundspeak caches.


I find it remarkable that relatively small area seems to contain a fifth of all the caches in the UK!


Rgds, Andy


In fairness it probably also includes a fifth of the population of the UK as well.


I don't know how old your Active Placers stats is.....


A certain queen is not on there either it seems :yikes:


I presume you mean me Ant89? .... you may arise now (how is your back by the way? :sad:


I am there but much higher now than then .... yes i'm growing!


P.S (Did I ask you how your back is Ant?)


My back is fine thank you. It was a pleasure giving you a "lift" shame there was so much "traffic"


I'm on the list with 155, Mandy, but have actually hidden 236 (and that's what my profile shows). However, the list here shows just ACTIVE caches, which makes sense I guess :yikes:


Ah OK thanks for that Mark :huh:


I have hidden 174 caches over 3 names, but I only have about 60 odd "live" caches :ph34r:


What a slacker I am, I really must try harder ;):):D


Mandy :D


But the UK's most southerly cache must surely be R e f l e c t i o n s


Thanks for that. I'd have never known about that one if you'd not posted that. Solved it in a few moments (I think?)


I thought the same. :) No wonder there have been only two finds! :D


Have made a note of it for next time we're in that general area.



Posted (edited)

How do people do these so quickly? Have you seen something like this before or did you just figure out what you had to do?


There's hardly anything on this page to go on so I know it should be easy. Grrr. This is the one aspect of geocaching that gets me irritated. I don't like getting help from others, I want to be able to do it myself!!


Mind you, from looking around the forums I guess it's good that this is the only thing that winds me up, some people get worked up over lots more than just puzzle caches!


EDIT: Sorry, gone Off Topic

Edited by Hawkins2

But the UK's most southerly cache must surely be R e f l e c t i o n s


Thanks for that. I'd have never known about that one if you'd not posted that. Solved it in a few moments (I think?)


I thought the same. :) No wonder there have been only two finds! :D


Have made a note of it for next time we're in that general area.




Me too - solved and added to my 'puzzles solved - awaiting a visit' bookmark.


How do people do these so quickly? Have you seen something like this before or did you just figure out what you had to do?


There's hardly anything on this page to go on so I know it should be easy. Grrr. This is the one aspect of geocaching that gets me irritated. I don't like getting help from others, I want to be able to do it myself!!


Mind you, from looking around the forums I guess it's good that this is the only thing that winds me up, some people get worked up over lots more than just puzzle caches!


I initially looked deeper into it, but once I looked at the D rating and decided it should be a lot easier than the puzzles I am used to doing ..... I solved it more or less straight away (assuming I am correct!) by thinking about the cache name.

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