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My Travel Bug has been Ransomed!!!

X Snoopy

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XSnoopy Jr., a travel bug established by my close friends, the_cache_catchers, has been ransomed by a dog known as “Rocky”.



“If you want your SUV, I want a lot of delicious Beggin’ Strips. Be smart and nobody gets hurt. You have a month.”


Part of me wants to play tough, but I also don’t want any ill harm to come to Xsnoopy Jr! What should I do? X Snoopy misses his little brother...


Your other option is to kill the dog and maybe take out your TB in the process.

But hey, if you dropped a GPS guided bomb then you could just take out the dog in one final swoop. And with that kind of precision then the TB should be just fine.

Good Luck cache warrior.


Team Smoke


You gotta just pay the demands, cut your losses. Next time maybe put one of those On-Star thingies in your SUV if you really want to try to thwart the thieves! Of course then you have to hire a SWAT team to retrieve the TB... And the travel costs could become overwhelming... What has the world come to?!?!?




Definition of diplomacy: The art of saying "nice doggie" while reaching for a big rock.




We really do like doggies, and this one looks like a good one. Use diplomacy only for the truly unruly mongrel junkyard doggies.


I'm considering a few options:


1. Take the ransom up one by threatening (jokingly, of course) to send a GPS guided JDAM bomb to his residence (which was obtained from “Rocky’s” collar vaccination tag). I’ve also got GPS coordinates and satellite photos of the residence.


2. Create a cache where the requirements to log it are to place a bag of Beggin' Strips in the mailbox at “Rocky’s” residence. My concern is that there would be no log at the “cache” so I’m not sure it would fly.


What do you guys/gals think?


I was in your place once when the Grinch was kidnapped. I was able to pin down who did it and during the night a special forces unit went in looking for the Grinch. When it wasn't found the unit removed items such as pictures, lighthouses etc...The person gave in and an exchange was made. In this case take his water bowl!


According to the bug's log, it was found by a new geocacher who inadvertently included the tag number in his cache log entry. He has since gone back and deleted the number.


Have you checked with this finder to see if he still has your TB? My guess is that he does and that "Rocky" has nothing more than your tag number. If so, all he can do is create bogus entries that you can just as easily delete. Whether he's being humorous or a jerk is in how you perceive it, I guess.


Originally posted by worldtraveler:

Have you checked with this finder to see if he still has your TB? My guess is that he does and that "Rocky" has nothing more than your tag number.


I hadn't thought of that...but I do see what seems to look like "XSnoopy Jr." at the bottom of the ransom note.


Originally posted by Team Golden:

I was able to pin down who did it and during the night a special forces unit went in looking for the Grinch.


I like that idea but Austin, TX is a bit of a drive from Pensacola, FL. Maybe I could recruit some adventuresome Geocaching mercenaries from the Austin area?


If you know where the mail box is, have the cachers put in the dog treats and a stamped envelope addressed to you containing their log entry.


How well can you see the dogs tag on that photo BTW?




Better pay it. This dog looks serious. You can tell it by the way his ears are cocked. The smirk on his face. The expression in his eyes. The outstretched finger on his chin. Oh wait, I'm looking at the wrong picture. Sorry Criminal.

Still, I don't think this doggie's making idle threats. If he was just teasing, he'd be asking for ordinary milk bones.


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I've created a temporary Geocache in the hopes that someone in the Austin Texas area will help free XSnoopy Jr.


It's having a bit of trouble getting approval due to the "uncache-like" character of the rescue.


Looks like threelanes screwed you over in terms of getting the bug back. I'd expect the ransom to increase after something like that...if it's not too late already.

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