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COINTEST: 7 Coin Set to 1 lucky winner


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Hmm.... today it shows that it ended in place 3! But are all the votes counted?


The first photo has the inscription: Unoficial winner!


It will be good to see the official results and I hope they will show the number of votes of each one in the first 5 places!


BTW.... do you win something withthe 3rd place? you've got the bronze medal!!

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Well it looks like he placed 3rd. Bummer, but I am still happy to see him up there no matter what. It was weird that they stopped updating the votes until the end. I'm guessing the unofficial winner is really the official winner since I looked weeks back and all the first places still say unofficial. Oh well, try again another time. Thank you to all who voted. I appreciate the help and all the wonderful comments!


When I get home tonight I am going to have my son "pull a number out of the hat" related to the posts on here and I will post the winner up at that time! Good luck and again thanks for the votes and comments!

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