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bugless tags?


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Same thing happened to me. A Mardi Gras bug was started in New Orleans. Nothing attached just a paper note. I passed it along with the full length of chain intact.


It is like most things. I do software support for the company where I work. Many people don't listen to instructions and don't follow best practices.


I see many complaints about lost bugs and I wonder if the total fault is always on the finder.


South Cache

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Originally posted by brad.32:

I understand tagless bugs, but why bother with bugless tags?...

When Jeremy first announced the concept of travel bugs (see this old post), he specifically mentioned sending the tags out alone.

...It's called the Groundspeak Travel Bug. It is a set of dog tags with unique serial numbers on them that you can attach to a hitchiker or pass them on as a simple tag. Whatever you prefer...

Technically, the tag is the travel bug; the things normally attached are hitchhikers.


So enjoy them however you find them! icon_biggrin.gif




Sometimes the people that activte the TB don't really know what to do.


We had a TB come in our direction that didn't have anything attached to it. The owner didn't know to. SO someone was nice enough to attach something for them.


Yeah, ya' see, that's what I thought: I would attach something.


The tag's name is "little friend". Who's your little friend? ... hmmm, that's open to interpretation.


The guy's intention was apparently to just send the tag, so attaching something wouldn't be his idea.


The tag by itself is small. It was buried in the bottom of the cache. Plus, tags that don't have instructions are asking for getting lost.


I'll probably just place it and wait for bthomas to pick it up.


The thing with 'tagless' is that you won't get a dogtag, as you will not need it. Right now the only way to get a tracking number is to by a dogtag (or I guess a USA geo-coin). With 'tagless' you would just get the number, it would be cheaper to biu and easier to get. And then you use the tracking number to do whatever you would usually do, attach it to an item, track yourself, start some sort of "collecting traveler", etc etc...

Originally posted by brad.32:

I understand tagless bugs, but why bother with bugless tags?


I found a bugless tag recently, just the silver tag and chain. It's called "Lille venn #1" (Norwegian for "little friend"): http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=24221


I thought the object/item had been taken and the tag was left behind, so contacted the owner, who said no and made it sound normal. This doesn't sound normal.




I posted a lame picture of it and placed it over the weekend. I thought about taking a picture of it with something like my PDA or a GPS (my little friends), but figured someone might assume that was the hitchhiker with the tag.


I have no TBs in my possession now icon_frown.gif


... need to buy some more tags icon_smile.gif


a "bugless" tag isn't, really. the tag IS the bug in that case. and they're really handy for those smaller caches. and if you want to be spiffy, get geocoins.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


I guess that's kind of my point: if you want to track a thing, get a geocoin, Where's George, etc. The tag isn't the important thing, it's the ability to track the bug. That's why a tagless bug makes sense. A (Groundspeak) tag CAN have a hitchhiker and a story and that gives it more possibilites and interest, and that's why I like them. icon_razz.gif


... of course it's my opinion.

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