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The geocacing.com maps are wrong!?

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I hid 2 new caches and I don't want to get them aproved because when I look on the maps on the cache pages it shows a location that is not where the cache are :) . Are the geocaching.com maps wrong or is it my GPS? I have a TomTom Xl car GPS by the way. :yikes::D;):D


check the coordinate format. tom tom may tell the coordinates to you in decimal degrees, while you may enter them as degrees + decimal minutes on the website. or something like that.


oh and BTW: there's no "geocaching.com maps". it's all google maps. if you put your coords into google maps, you get the same result. and google has been known to be pretty good at what they're doing.


oh and BTW: there's no "geocaching.com maps". it's all google maps. if you put your coords into google maps, you get the same result. and google has been known to be pretty good at what they're doing.

I'd check your coords. I've found the maps to be pretty accurate. It was good of you to double check and not post them...that would have been some frantic and frustrated FTF seekers.

Posted (edited)

I will always believe google maps over my gps.


i use satellite view pretty religiously while caching, since I can use the local terrain to pinpoint better than my gps accuracy.


I'm pretty sure their gps locations aren't ever skewed by tree cover or nearby buildings, where as my gps device (phone) can be.

Edited by TABjuggler
tom tom may tell the coordinates to you in decimal degrees, while you may enter them as degrees + decimal minutes on the website. or something like that.
I was once FTF thanks to a mistake like that. The published coordinates put the cache on private land. I guessed there was a DMS/DD type error, converted back, and hey presto! Now there's an idea for a puzzle cache ... :yikes:
tom tom may tell the coordinates to you in decimal degrees, while you may enter them as degrees + decimal minutes on the website. or something like that.
I was once FTF thanks to a mistake like that. The published coordinates put the cache on private land. I guessed there was a DMS/DD type error, converted back, and hey presto! Now there's an idea for a puzzle cache ... :yikes:


There is one like that I did here as one of my first caches. The CO includes his phone number in the first stage of the multi and then adds people to the Hall of Shame when he has to tell them to look more carefully at the way the coordinates are written.


At the time, I didn't know how to enter ANY gps units into my phone without going through a computer first, so I was letting the person with the gps put coordinates in. Before that, I didn't bother to learn much about GPS notation.


Then to top it off, the final is missing, so I still don't have a smiley for that one. Currently archived and I am waiting patiently for it to be replaced.


Don't hold your breath-archived usually means it isn't coming back. Temporarily disabled means it's being worked on and should be back soon.


To the OP-chances are you input the digits wrong, or are using a different datum or format.


To the right of your coords on your cache page you will see:

N 35° xx.xxx W 078° yy.yyy Other Conversions

Click that link and see if you are using another format and can adjust it there. Degrees and Minutes MinDec (DD MM.MMM) is the default for geocaching.


I find that Google Maps have an incredible number of mistakes and errors. If I were Google I would be embarassed to have these maps. Many of the street names are wrong. It shows parks that do not exist. It shows large parts of the US Military Arsenal as being part of the county park. It has town names wrong. It's a complete embarassment!

I just saw a nearby cache archived because the CO used Google Maps which showed the area to be a park. They guy who owns the land was annoyed by the cache being on his property.


Back on topic, many of the automotive GPS receivers have an option to make it "snap to road" or something like that. That's good while driving but not so good if you are trying to determine the coordinates for a location that is off the road.


This may or may not apply to your unit.

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